date time stamp of a named graph in GraphDB - sparql

Would it be possible to see the last updated date timestamp of a named graph in GraphDB workbench?


Set automatic date and time in json using kql or anything

I have a json object and in that I have date and time and want that date and time to be set automatically meaning it should read computer's date and time automatically every day when the application is in run? Can anyone help how to do that?
I don't have any solution for this.

Why BigQuery table last modified date does not match to the last insert date?

BigQuery table last modified date does not match at the last insert date. I set up a Cloud Schedulers to stream data every day into BigQuery. All records have a creation date, initialized at the time data is inserted. However, the "last modified" date of the table is not the same. Nothing else manipulate the table excepted read operations.
Why the dates are not the same?
When using the streaming method to insert to BigQuery, the data is kept into a streaming buffer, and later will be fully flushed to the BigQuery storage layer. The later date could be this effect as well, or you've done some other mods on the table like label, description etc...

Odoo sequence reset insist using UTC

I am using Odoo sequence for a form number. This sequence is set to reset every month. But I have noticed an issue in the sequence reset time.
The sequence turns out resetting every UTC not at server timezone which is UTC +8. So when a transaction happened at 1 July 7 AM (UTC + 8) the sequence is still not being reset. The reset happened on 1 July at 8 AM (UTC).
How can I make the sequence reset based on my timezone? The server timezone is already UTC + 8.
Two Options:
Check the timezone of your database. Do this in your postgres db terminal with the command:
show timezone;
You should expect your local timezone or UTC
If you check the model behind the feature, in the postgress console:
\d ir_sequence_date_range
You may notice that the fields related to the range of the dates (date_from, date_to) were created as "date" and not "datetime" so it gonna miss the hours.
Also, in the form view, the is not possible to set the time:
So an alternative is change the data type of the column from date to datetime. To do this you must extend the model and over write the field something like this:
class IrSequenceDateRangeExtended(models.Model):
_inherit = 'ir.sequence.date_range'
date_from = fields.Datetime(string='From', required=True)
date_to = fields.Datetime(string='To', required=True)
Then, after update you should be able to set the time to the date.
I hope it helps you.

How do you get the ticket created date in trac?

I want to play with some really simple queries for a report, but I want to group everything by the creation date. The problem I am having is that time exists in the database, but not the date. From searching around in trac-related resources, it looks like I need to install trac.util.datefmt to be able to extract this information from datetime(time). I can find the API documentation for trac.util.datefmt, but not a download link to get the .egg.
Am I going in the right direction? If I can do what I need (i.e. get the creation month/day/year) without a plugin, what column do I use? I don't see anything else in the schema that is reasonable. If I do need trac.util.datefmt, where do I download it from? And if I really need a different plugin, which one should I be using?
I'll assume Trac >= 1.0. The time column is unix epoch time: the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1st 1970. You can divide the value by 1e6 and put the value in a converter to see an example of extracting the datetime from the time column. trac.util.datefmt is part of the egg that ships with Trac, but since you are working with reports it doesn't sound like you need to know more about that function to accomplish your aim.
In a Trac report the time column will be automatically formatted as a date. You can look at the default report {1} as an example. I'm not sure how you intend to group by creation date. Do you wish to group tickets created in a certain datetime range?

Local Time & UTC Confusion C#, SQL Server

I am storing all dates to SQL Server as a UTC date time. I have Time Zone Id for each user stored in user profile as well.
Now when user requests data back, I want to display local time of user for each record using the Time Zone I have stored in profile for the particular user.
What is an easiest and optimized way (as I am processing heaps of records at the same time) to convert all dates and time to particular time zone on the fly while returning data? Either in SQL or in C# would be fine...
Very important question is, let's say there is a record created from Sydney when there was Day Light Saving "ON" and now Day Light Saving is "OFF". As the record was created when Day Light Saving was "ON", will it still convert the same time or will it return conversion as per current time zone status (which is Day Light Saving is "OFF")???
People only see those records which they had created from the particular
let's say there is a record created from Sydney when there was Day Light Saving "ON" and now Day Light Saving is "OFF". As the record was created when Day Light Saving was "ON", will it still convert the same time or will it return conversion as per current time zone status (which is Day Light Saving is "OFF")
The record contains an UTC date and time. This is going to fall into a DST ON or DST OFF period, deterministic. Is irrelevant whether the DST is in effect now. The opposite (storing local time, trying to extract UTC) is undetermined because of the overlap times when the DST changes (a small range of local times cannot be deterministically converted to UTC if they fall into the 60 mins that occurs twice when DST come into effect, assuming a 60 min DST).
As for the question: transform the date in your presentation layer. Use TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc.