How to add image into v-text-field? - vue.js

I have been trying to add image inside v-text-field, but it is causing an issue when I add it moves label to a bit of right side?
<template #prepend-inner>
<v-img style="margin: auto 0" max-height="25" max-width="30" src="/images/KW.png"> </v-img>
as you can see label PHONE moves to right side it isn't staying on its place, I tried to add margin-top but didn't fix it.

This looks like an undocumented feature, which explains why the behaviour may be unexpected.
The cause of the seems to me is that the input calculates the width of the slot content at the time of rendering, which due to a race condition may resolve before or after the image is rendered. That's why if you render multiple times, you may not always see it behaving this way.
To get around it, I thing you should be able to wrap the image with another element of fixed width. (<div style="width:30px">)
label="My Label"
<template #prepend-inner>
<div style="width:30px">
<v-img style="margin: auto 0" max-height="25" max-width="30" src="/images/KW.png"/>


Vue + Vuetify - Change v-col size depending on content

In order to keep it simple i'm going to post a simplified version of what i need to do.
Assuming I've the following component
<div style="width: 50vw; height: 40vh;">
<v-container fluid>
<v-row style="background-color: #222222" class="fill-height">
<v-col cols="12" lg="8" xl="8" style="background-color: #ff0000"><h1>Breakpoint: {{$}}</h1></v-col>
<v-col cols="12" lg="4" xl="4" style="background-color: #00FF00"><v-img src="" min-height="256px" min-width="256px" max-height="256px" max-width="256px"/></v-col>
export default {
Here is how it looks like on the browser:
Here is where it starts to break.
I need to have a responsive column that have a inside component with a fixed width and height.
Is there any thing that i can do to solve it?
If you don't specify a number of col widths for the first column it'll automatically try and use all the remaining space. cols="auto" can be used on the second column which will provide enough space for whatever content is inside. Together I believe they will accomplish your desired responsiveness. See this codesandbox as an example. Note the example also uses overflow-wrap: anywhere; on the h1 text to further prevent wrapping columns until absolutely necessary

Drag a v-img to another application

I'm trying to make my image draggable in another application like google or another site would do. For example if I drop an image from google to a Word document, it will copy the link of it and some web applications would show the image instead; the behavior depends on the app.
But the problem is my v-img doesn't even print the link, it just does nothing.
Here is my code:
<v-card v-if="chunk.length >= i">
<template v-if="activeTab === 'Comments'">
<v-card-title class="justify-center">{{ chunk[i-1] }}</v-card-title>
<template v-else-if="activeTab === 'Images'">
As you can see I already tried the "draggable" option but it doesn't help.
Is there something I'm missing ?
The problem with v-img is that it renders the image as background (using the CSS style background-image) rather than as an IMG tag. Apparently, CSS backgrounds do not support dragging.

Vuetify app bar overflow hidden not working

Overflow hidden not working. It creates another scroll bar like in the image
I copied the code directly from Vuetify and tried it in code pen and the results were the same.
<v-card class="overflow-hidden">
<template v-slot:img="{ props }">
gradient="to top right, rgba(19,84,122,.5), rgba(128,208,199,.8)"
<v-btn icon>
</v-btn>`enter code here`
<v-container style="height: 1000px;"></v-container>
You need to remove the overflow-hidden class from the v-card that wraps the v-app-bar and v-sheet. (You might just remove the v-card altogether)
I would guess the vuetify docs have this so the examples work on their own site.
This is happening for two reasons-
Outer Scrollbar comes from html.
bcz your contents like- v-sheet, v-container exceed your screen height
Inner Scrollbar is for v-sheet
bcz v-sheet's max-height is 600px & It's content container's height is 1000px which overflows v-sheet's height.
There is no fixed height of v-card, it's flexible to it's content. So,
don't add overflow-hidden class to it. You should hidden in any of
html or v-sheet

Using V-flex within a V-Card not working as expected

So i have been attempting to create a V-Card in vuetify with a specific layout. The top part of the card will vary in size and therefore I need to be able to align the bottom part of the card to the bottom.
So i've tried to do the following code here which should allow the first part to "grow" to fill the height and then the second part to "shrink" and stay at the bottom...
However, no success.. I probably just have done something sligthly wrong here but I'm pulling out my hair...
Here is my code:
<v-card shaped color="white" height="100%" width="100%">
<v-container fluid>
<v-layout column>
<v-flex grow>
{{ skinName }}
<v-img :src="skinImage" />
<v-flex shrink>
<img height="10px" src="~static/logo-icon.png"> {{ priceInCoins | decimalPlace }}
As you can see from my image, the blue "coins" should all align at the bottom in the same place no matter how big the text is above it!
Let me know if you need any more information.
Your container is not filling the height of the card, so there is no 'empty space' for the flexbox to redistribute. You can use the fill-height attribute on both the layout and the container element to make sure it stretches.

Vue.js - Vuetify how to get rounded corners on cards?

I am trying to get rounded corners on a v-card as I can get on a btn, but it does not seems to be possible ?
I used
<v-card round class="elevation-0">
Here is my template
<section id="section2">
<v-parallax :src="require('../../assets/images/members.jpeg')" height="380">
<v-layout column align-center justify-center>
<v-flex xs12 sm12 md8>
<v-card round class="elevation-0">
<v-card-title primary-title class="layout justify-center">
<h3 v-html="$t('lang.views.home.section4.thank_you')" ></h3>
v-card has rounded corners by default. It does not provide a prop named round to make it have more rounded corners.
If you want to have more rounded corners as compared to the default then add a custom css class to v-card
<v-card class="rounded-card">
Here is a codepen
I would like to update Vamsi Krishna's answer. Vuetify now provides since v2.3 border utilities to quickly style the border-radius of any element.
To minimize custom CSS and make your Vue app more consitent, you may now use .rounded-xs, .rounded, .rounded-lg or .rounded-xl classes as specified in the docs:
<v-card class="rounded-lg">
You can use:
<v-card class="rounded-xl">
For round card in Vue.js:
Other Class{
Reference Link:
v-card has a prop called shaped which applies border radius to top left and bottom right, but we can add our own border radius like this
<v-card shaped class="rounded-corner"></v-card>
You can use the border radius to style border-radiuses of any element. In Vuetify's official documentation they show its use in divs.
For instance, the below code gives you a rounded circle.
<div class="pa-7 secondary rounded-circle d-inline-block"></div>
Here's the documentation link: