nuget push command line request was forbidden - msbuild

I have a jfrog artifactory repo which is created, and I can upload nuget packages just fine using the website UI if I login with my username / password.
But If I try to push a .nupkg file from the command line using this command:
nuget push 3D9-3v.2.1.1.nupkg -Source
it asks me to provide credentials:
WARNING: No API Key was provided and no API Key could be found for ''. To save an API
Key for a source use the 'setApiKey' command.
Pushing 3D9-3v.2.1.1.nupkg to ''...
MSBuild auto-detection: using msbuild version '' from 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\MSBuild\Current\bin'.
Please provide credentials for:
If I enter the same username / password I use to log in online via web browser, I get a response saying the request was forbidden?
The remote server indicated that the previous request was forbidden. Please provide credentials for:
If i try to use my username and the jfrog artifactory api key instead I get a slightly different error
Please provide credentials for:
is my username / password auth combo valid, and understood, but rejected due to some reason?Is there a setting I need to enable for pushing nuget packages to my repo via the command line? Im confused because I can drag and drop upload via web browser perfectly fine


Gitlab CI/CD How to use PAT

I am currently trying to build my first pipeline. The goal is to download the git repo to a server. In doing so, I ran into the problem that I have 2FA enabled on my account. When I run the pipeline I get the following error message:
remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied. The provided password or token is incorrect or your account has 2FA enabled and you must use a personal access token instead of a password.
echo "Hallo"
As far as I understand I have to use a PAT because I have 2FA enabled. But unfortunately I have not found any info on how to use the PAT.
To access one of your GitLab repository from your pipeline, you should create a deploy token (as described in token overview).
As noted here:
You get Deploy token username and password when you create deploy token on the repository you want to clone.
You can also use Job token. Job token inherits permissions of the user triggering the pipeline.
If your users have access to the repository you need to clone you can use git clone https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}<namespace>/<project>.
More details on Job token is here.
The OP Assassinee adds in the comments:
The problem was that the agent could not access the repository.
I added the following item in the agent configuration:
clone_url = "https://<USER>:<PAT>"
This makes it possible for the agent to access the repository.

how to set a github token for github pages deploy

Until a few days ago I was deploying my html on Github pages with:
ng deploy --base-href=/documentation/
Today I get this error: "remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access token instead.
remote: Please see for more information.
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403"
I have set a token on my github settings, but I don't understand how to use it to deploy my pages. How should this be done?
I discovered 2 ways:
use the token when the IDE prompt asks for the password. I have tested this end it works.
set keys. (I have not tested this).

How to overcome the git bash error occur when enable the two factor authentication in GitHub

Very recently I have activated the two-factor authentication on GitHub. Then after I tried to push my work (using git bash)to a new repository and it displays a error as the username or password is incorrect. How can I overcome this issue?
It's likely that you're still using your username and password stored in a credential manager for pushing to GitHub, and that won't work when you're using two-factor authentication. The Git FAQ explains how to empty your credentials (replace your-username):
$ echo url= | git credential reject
Then, the next time you push, Git will prompt your for your credentials. Go to and create a personal access token with the repo and workflow scopes, and then give Git your username when it asks and the personal access token for your password. Don't specify your actual password, since that won't work.
On Windows, you may see a graphical prompt to sign into GitHub; you can just close that window and follow the steps above.

Azure Artifacts Private npm Feed Authentication Failed

A few months ago I created a private npm feed in Azure Artifacts. Authentication with this feed worked fine.
Recently others have started using this feed and authentication is not working for them using the tokens they have generated from Azure Artifacts. When npm installing they get the following error
npm ERR! Unable to authenticate, your authentication token seems to be
invalid. npm ERR! To correct this please trying logging in again with:
npm ERR! npm login
In the npm debug log there is this error
verbose stack Error: Unable to authenticate, need: Bearer, Basic realm="{{redacted url}}", NTLM
It appears that the structure of the authentication token which we put in the global .npmrc file has changed in Azure Artifacts
; Treat this auth token like a password. Do not share it with anyone, including Microsoft support. This token expires on or before 27/02/2020.
; begin auth token
//{{redacted URL}}/_packaging/{{redacted user name}}/npm/registry/:_authToken={{redacted token string}}
//{redacted URL}}/_packaging/{{redacted user name}}/npm/:_authToken={{redacted token string}}
; end auth token
; Treat this auth token like a password. Do not share it with anyone, including Microsoft support. This token expires on or before 14/04/2020.
; begin auth token
//{{redacted url}}/npm/registry/:username={{redacted username}}
//{{redacted url}}/npm/registry/:_password={{redacted password}}
//{{redacted url}}/npm/registry/:email=npm requires email to be set but doesn't use the value
//{{redacted url}}/_packaging/{{redacted username}}/npm/:username={{redacted user name}}
//{{redacted url}}/_packaging/{{redacted username}}/npm/:_password={{redacted password}}
//{{redacted url}}/_packaging/{{redacted username}}/npm/:email=npm requires email to be set but doesn't use the value
; end auth token
When the second token is used (or indeed any of the tokens I now generate from Azure Artifacts), we cannot npm install, we get the error shown above. If other people use the same token (in the old format) as I have, this works fine. But this token will expire soon.
I have tried providing an email address instead of the strings "npm requires email to be set but doesn't use the value" but this also did not work.
This may be unrelated but we recently upgraded from tfs version 16.131.28507.4 to Azure Devops Server version Dev17.M153.3.
Does anyone know why the authentication token format has changed? And/Or how I can make the new tokens work with my private feed?
npm version: 6.13.0
node version: 10.12.0
Azure Devops Server version: Dev17.M153.3
After further investigation and a conversation with Microsoft Azure support we determined what was causing the issue for us.
The new format of tokens which have been rolled out for Azure Artifacts no longer work if your instance of TFS (Azure Devops) is hosted on a machine which is running IIS Basic Authentication. This probably then only applies to people hosting their TFS instance themselves on premises.
The only workaround available is to modify this new token and put a TFS user’s username and base 64 encoded password into the token string after the registry/:username= and registry/:_password= strings in the two places that these appear. This is not ideal as you effectively have to store a password in almost plain text on your build server.
But it seems that is now your only choice if you do need IIS Basic Authentication enabled. Disabling this and using a different authentication scheme does fix the token authencation and you can avoid having to do the above.
I'm not sure if this causes your problem - on our azure devops instance, we recently had conditional access enabled, which can disable a lot of the PAT/token based authentication streams without a clear error message - e.g. if you are using the token outside of your normal machine/access route (we were passing a token to a build service that we couldn't use 2FA to authenticate from, and it just stopped working overnight)

How to Fix 401 Authentication Error when Publishing to Self-Hosted NuGet Server

I followed these instructions to host a NuGet Server (version 2.2.2) on our Intranet. It works great as far as listing the packages and retrieving them in VS 2012. But when I create a package using the Nuget Package Explorer and try to publish it I am prompted with a Windows Security dialog prompting for credentials. No matter what credentials I enter it keeps re-prompting me for a user name and password and returns a 401 authentication error. Why is the NuGet server prompting me for Windows credentials and how can I get rid of it? It only does this for publishing and nothing else.
There are one more thing apart from permissions configuration for Packages folder. In my case I have to use URL like
for pushing. It was the only solution in my case.
When you use NuGet push you need to put /api/v2/package after the NuGet server URL (example http://myhost/myNuGetServer/api/v2/package)
If you use the NuGet user interface (NuGet Package Explorer) you need to put just the server url than URL (example http://myhost/myNuGetServer/)
Take care also of apikey configuration in Web.config and use it in NuGet push!
I think a found a solution (at least to my problems):
I gave up to the Nuget problem, and I focused in the ISS 401 error. Then I gave permissions to the user "IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool" to the app's root (or your AppPool that use the app, in my case "ASP.NET v4.0"). Then it work like charm!.
More info (and good explanation about the problem): ApplicationPoolIdentity in IIS7 401 errors
You may find this SO answer helpful, as it covers how to configure credentials on a publishing workstation (or build server, but in either case it's accurate info.)