Could someone take a look at this error with rMVP? - error-handling

I'm wanting to use the function but constantly running into problems. This is what the code looks like:
Here is what the error is:
Error in 1:(ncol(Pmap) - 3) : argument of length 0
If anyone is familiar with rMVP and it's functions let me know if you can help with this!


Syntax error: Expected end of input but got "-" at [5:17] error in BigQuery exercise

I`m working with an exercise from the Google Data Analysis Course, that asks me to write and execute the following query:
ridership_2014-ridership_2013 AS change_2014_raw
but every time I try to run it, I get the same error:
Syntax error: Expected end of input but got "-" at [5:17]
I think that the error is the dash from the subtraction between ridership_2014-ridership_2013, but I'm not sure if it`s something from my keyboard or something else,
I'll appreciate some of your help on this,
Thank you!!

vba selenium waitDisplay method not working

Who can tell me why the method of Selenium WebDriver.WaitDisplayed is not working in my code below?
I can share other code if needed?
Set a = webdriber.FindElementsByClass("search-global-typeahead__collapsed-search-button")
a.Item(1).WaitDisplayed(True).Click ' operation timed out after -1ms. Run-time err'21'
a.Item(1).Click ' gives an error
I added code below; without successful result
a.Item(1).WaitDisplayed(True, 100).Until(a.Item(1).IsDisplayed,10)
I guess to start with the most obvious, does it still cause an error after fixing the typo in the 'webdriber' identifier? I'm guessing your declaration is spelled 'webdriver'.

NodeJS + Express "Error: -2006,\, Can not bind parameter(s)"

My company is working on converting from ColdFusion to NodeJS with Express, I'm running into an error trying to update some data in SQLAnywhere.
I have one update function working with 5 pieces of data. I'm working on my second, with 23 data points, but I'm running into an error stating:
"Error: Code: -2006 Msg: Can not bind parameter(s)."
I can't find any information about this online, not even using the error code. Any help, or pointing me in the right direction, would be appreciated.
Turns out it was trying to save integers into "char" fields on the database. Odd that we never had this issue with ColdFusion, but using "String(…)" around the values seemed to solve the issue.

DAG provider returns refresh error code 517

Our team can't use the DAG right now.
When trying to add an item with the provider DagBankSeCUrityQA - Bank (14748) I get a refresh error code 517.
Example itemID: 15466424
Please assist.
If you are still getting this error let us know, it seems like you might be getting this error due to some temporary issue during that time.

Getting Type Expected Error in VB

Please see attached code
topThird = RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(NewLateBinding.LateGet(Nothing, GetType((System.Math), "Round", New Object() {Operators.DivideObject(totalTitles, CType(3, Integer))}, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing))
I am getting an error in VS 2008 that says "Type Expected". I am at a loss and cannot figure out what I need to add. I can see from the error something is not correct but I am not sure what. BTW option strict is ON
I can post the whole function if it is needed, please post a comment if this will help
I think there is an error with brakets: you have 8 opening brakets and only 7 closing... maybe there is a superfluous one near GetType.