How can I get more accurate results with Street View Image Metadata? - api

I'm using the Street View Image Metadata API to find out if a Street View image is available for land I'm looking to purchase, but I'm finding the results aren't always accurate. For example, I use the latitude/longitude coordinates of the center of the property for the queries. Since this point is in the middle of the property, it can sometimes be hundreds of feet away from the street, but still visible by Street View. When I search the coordinates in Google Maps, it provides a street view image, but when I use the API, it says "zero results." See below for examples.
Location: 37.640141,-120.347427 Google Maps View
Location: 37.637823,-120.340287 Google Maps View
As you can see in each of the examples, Street View provides an image of the location, but the API says "zero results." Any ideas for how to get better results for these types of searches?

To use the API you should use the following format:[*SIZE X*]x[SIZE Y]&location=[LATITUDE],[LONGITUDE]&fov=80&heading=90&pitch=-20&key=[API KEY]
It returns the metadata you wanted including the following information:
location (lat, long), and
panorama ID


How to get Windows.Point from Lat/Long

I am using the Bing Map Control for wpf on Windows 10. Given a Lat/Long location I need to get the Windows.Point value for that location. It should be relative to the map itself, namely, the upperleft corner (0,0). I use the Map.ViewportPointToLocation to go from a mouse location to the corresponding Lat/Long. Now I need the inverse function; I have not been able to find anything via web searches.
Try the maps TryLocationToViewportPoint or LocationToViewportPoint methods.

How do I get a list of wikicommon images around a given gps location?

How do I get a list of wikicommon images around a given gps location?
Here there is the wikipedia API:
But I don't see how to specify a coordinates of an image.

Google Street View Image API parameter "location"

In the Google Street View Image API i can set a parameter that is called "location". In the api is a description that says "...The Street View Image API will snap to the panorama photographed closest to this location..."
Well my question is if there is a way to get other locations to the given lon&lat? Sometimes if i get a picture to a lon&lat there is a building and a big bus stands in front of it and one step previously you can see the hole building. Maybe someone knows the "steps (lon&lat +,- X" between the photography or a way to get a range of picture for a given lon&lat
the problem in pictures:
good "place"
bad "place"
There is a google.maps.StreetViewPanaorama.getLinks() method that returns the adjacent StreetView locations.

Using d3.js to display a gps route on OpenStreetMap?

I'm thinking of using d3.js to display a gps route using OpenStreetMap as map.
I would like to be able to click anywhere along the route and get the corresponding location and timestamp. The gps locations can be anywhere around the world.
I'm new to the geo thing and not sure how to start or if this is a good approach.

Color the postal code area in google maps api?

I want to show each postal code differently by having border around it and color inside its area.
I am using google maps api service in js.
Google API does not provide a feature to directly have a boundary around any kind of locality be it postal code or city. So you will have to manually get the lat lng array denoting the region boundary from some third party and plot the polyline.
The below links might be helpful.
Google map divided in regions with color and in subregions
google maps v3 - highlight states or regions of states
how to add or show zip code boundary Google maps v3