Wait for page to load after click() on download button - testing

It is possible to somehow skip waiting for page to load, after Cypress test click() on download button which start download but does not redirect to other page?
it('name of the test', () =>{
.url().should('contain', "/Closed"); //url is same as before than button for download was clicked

This is a known Cypress problem. A lot of related issues have been opened on Cypress github, however you can follow the main discussion in this one.
Right now you cannot skip the Cypress waiting for load after clicking the anchor, but there is a workaround - you can force your page to reload after the file has been downloaded, to make the test not fail. There is a 5 seconds timeout that you can adjust to make sure the file gets to download before the page reloads.
cy.window().document().then(function (doc) {
doc.addEventListener('click', () => {
// this adds a listener that reloads your page
// after 5 seconds from clicking the download button
setTimeout(function () { doc.location.reload() }, 5000)
This issue has been around for a long time. Hopefully Cypress team will resolve it soon.


(uncaught exception)TypeError: $(...).datepicker is not a function

it('Access URL', () => {
URL is working but login click is not working.
(uncaught exception)TypeError: $(...).datepicker is not a function --- is displayed
Trying to access url and trying to click the Login link in the website.
If it takes the page more then 5 seconds to load cypress would never find the button in your code. If you can give the button an id it would be able to find it, but if you can't you can try to add a long timeout to the button and when the button appear on the page it will click it, for example.
`cy.get('.login-btn', { timeout: 30000 }).click()`
By the looks of your comment, you have an uncaught exception in your application. That’s an indication you or a dev needs to fix something in the app. Cypress is just trying to tell you.
If you want to ignore the error, you can add this to your test
it('Access URL', () => {
cy.once('uncaught:exception', () => false);
If you want to ignore uncaught exceptions in ALL tests you can add this to your support file. (I do NOT recommend this, I recommend fixing your application to find out why it’s throwing an exception in the first place)
// support/index.js
Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', () => false);

cy.origin redirects user to a blank page

I am clicking a login button from my application served on localhost.
It redirects me to azure sso login through cy.origin
Authentication is performed fine.
User logs in successfully to the app.
But it redirects me to a blank page and hence rest of the IT blocks get failed.
The code attached below works fine but as soon as first IT block passes, upon the execution of second IT block page is set to about:blank so the test cases fail.
Question: What should be the workaround so that I can continue testing on application under test?
Second describe gets failed
Cypress.Commands.add('authenticate', () =>{
cy.origin(`https://login.microsoftonline.com/`, () => {
cy.url().should('contain', 'Welcome')
According to the documentation, that behavior is by design
Take a look at cy.origin()
The cy.origin() command is currently experimental and can be enabled by setting the experimentalSessionAndOrigin flag to true in the Cypress config.
Enabling this flag does the following:
It adds the following new behaviors (that will be the default in a future major version release of Cypress) at the beginning of each test:
The page is cleared (by setting it to about:blank).
If by "Second describe gets failed" you mean the second test is not visiting the Welcome page, then just explicitly visit cy.visit('http://localhost:8080/') at the beginning of the second test.
This is the recommended approach when using cy.origin.
By the way, you should set http://localhost:8080/ as baseUrl in configuration, and use cy.visit('/') instead - from Cypress best practices.
Cypress.Commands.add("session_thing", (email, password) => {
cy.session([email, password], () => {
cy.get('input[value="Log In With Office 365"]').click();
{ args: [email, password] },
([email, password]) => {
cy.url().should('contain', 'Welcome')
The desired behavior was achieved with above code. It restores the session in beforeEach hook. I am simply calling the cy.visit('/') in every IT block and perform the required actions which is kind of very fast with session feature.

Get list of Chrome Windows (OS-Level)

I thought initially that I could retrieve Chrome Windows by using:
Problem with that is that it doesn't actually get Chrome "Window" but Tabs. Is there anyway in Selenium to have a concept of real "visual" Chrome window? I want to know if a Tab is from a specific Window and how many tabs in a Window specifically. The doc is misleading especially with getAllWindowHandles which implies that it's about Window.
I'm basically looking for a solution to get "OS Window" and their tabs. I've switched from Selenium to WebdriverIO maybe thinking it's possible but I can't find in the docs.
Thanks guys for the help!
Windows and Tabs are similar , it depends on the browser setting whether the new link should be open in a tab or window.
if you open a new window or tab both will be detected in selenium/wdio . Note that the tab or window count is for the window that was opened by the selenium session and not the entire windows opened in your system
it('should login with valid credentials', async () => {
await LoginPage.open();
// opens new tab
await browser.execute((a) => { window.open(a) }, 'http://the-internet.herokuapp.com/login')
await expect((await browser.getWindowHandles()).length).toBe(2);
//opens new window
await browser.execute((a) => { window.open(a, 'target', 'features') }, 'http://the-internet.herokuapp.com/login')
await expect((await browser.getWindowHandles()).length).toBe(3);
await browser.pause(5000);

How do I deal with a page loading in a secondary browser tab when I run Protractor tests headless (Chrome)?

When this code clicks a “Print”-icon, a PDF-file will be generated and displayed in a new browser-tab. I want to switch to this tab, wait until the PDF has finished loading there, check a part of the URL and then close that secondary tab.
it( "should open document as PDF-file in new browser-tab", async () => {
const mUrl = "TherapyReportForm/Export";
await mTherapyReportView.btnPrintform.click();
await browser.getAllWindowHandles().then(async (handles) => {
//if there is a secondary browser-tab open...
if (handles.length > 1) {
//...click on it
await browser.driver.switchTo().window(handles[1]);
//confirm that the url of the secondary tab matches the print-url pattern
await browser.sleep( 18000 );
expect( await browser.getCurrentUrl() ).toContain( mUrl );
await browser.getAllWindowHandles().then( async (handles) => {
//if there are multiple browser-tabs open
if (handles.length > 1) {
//close the secondary and move back to first
await browser.driver.close();
await browser.driver.switchTo().window( handles[0] );
} );
} );
The test above works reliably, unless I run it in chromes headless-mode, then the test-run breaks at line
expect(await browser.getCurrentUrl()).toContain(mUrl);
console output
The console output proves that it switches to the secondary tab, but apparently never tries to load the url. Since it fails to close this secondary tab the entire suite will break at that point.
What am I doing wrong?
Here is a thing... downloading functionality is not available in headless chrome. That's for sure. What I'm going to talk about below, I'm a little bit uncertain if that's the case
There is no such thing as 'open' pdf file in browser. The reason is that behind scene the browser actually downloads it (maybe temporarily). This is why you'll never be able to do that in headless
But that's rather a shot in the dark

Electron notifications don't bring app up to front again on click on the notification

I have an electron app that will just wrap a remote page while adding some extra features. With the following code the page loads and works. When the remote page fires some notifications using the notification API those notifications show up when the electron app is minimized. My problem is that when clicking on those notifications the app does not get put to front like it does when opening the remote page on any other browser directly. I could test this only for Ubuntu 19.10 Linux (Gnome 3).
Any idea if I need to configure something for that or if this is a bug with Electron/Ubuntu/Gnome?
const {app, shell, BrowserWindow} = require('electron');
let mainWindow;
function createWindow () {
// Create the browser window.
mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
width: 1024,
height: 786,
mainWindow.setTitle('My app – Connecting…');
// Emitted when the window is closed.
mainWindow.on('closed', () => {
mainWindow = null
app.on('ready', createWindow);
First of it is NOT a good idea to wrap a remote page unless you really know what you are doing as if you were redirected to a malicious page the page would have access to run code in the operating system. I would suggest giving this a read to make sure you're being safe.
Secondly the notification HTML5 API (runs in renderer) and notification module (runs in main) both do not have default behaviour to bring the page to the front when the notification is clicked you must add this behaviour yourself.
Because your loading a remote page you're probably using the notification module therefore it would be accomplished like follows:
notification = new Notification({title: "Message from: "+result[i].messageFrom,body: messagebody,icon: path.join(__dirname, 'assets','images','icon.png')})
notification.on('click', (event, arg)=>{