why i don't have plugins.sbt file into my project? - intellij-idea

i wonder to know why i don't have plugsing.sbt file into my project. The question is: How can i add the plugins.sbt file to my project?.
Here is what i have
and here it's what i should have


Activating extension ' failed: Cannot find module 'file.js' when keeping /out in .gitignore

while vs code extension development, there is /out folder which keep generated js files for respective typescript file but committing these files in remote repo seems not useful so adding the entry in .gitignore but now when I run the extension it say module not found
Activating extension 'xkeshav.<extension-name>' failed: Cannot find module 'd:\Developer\extension-folder\out\extension.js'
Require stack:
- c:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\loader.js
- c:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\bootstrap-amd.js
- c:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\bootstrap-fork.js
- .
so my question is
when not keeping /out entry in .gitignore, it works file so whether we need to commit these files in remote or not ?
Make sure you have a .vscodeignore file in your repo. VS Code only uses .gitignore if there's no .vscodeignore. The .vscodeignore file is then used to exclude files/folders from the extension bundle instead of .gitignore. A typical .vscodeignore looks like this:
As you see out/ itself is not excluded, just the tests which end up there.

How to prevent MSBuild creating the .lib file when all the .obj files are already uptodate and the .lib file already exists?

When I run MSBuild from commandline the lib file always get created even when it is already uptodate.
It prints something like this.
*.vcxproj -> *.lib
Can I make it not do this as well?

How to Create .cmake File

I was working on a project which requires me to add a user.cmake file in the root directory. Can anyone help me out hot to create the .cmake file...
Link to Project Directory
According to the link you provided user.cmake just needs to point where so-called eego sdk is located in your file system:
set(EEGO_SDK_ZIP /path/to/download/eego-sdk-
There is nothing fancy actually here, just make a plain text file, put this one line (don't forget to replace the EEGO_SDK_ZIP variable content) and save it with the name user.cmake

Reading File to Frameworks of Xcode

I removed a file from the Framework section of my Xcode application and now I want to add the file back. However when I try to add the file back I get the following alert.
Could not copy /Users/brian/Downloads/iphone-exif-0-9.1(1)/Release-simulator-iphonesimulator/libiphone-exif.a to /Developer/CS193/GraffitiMap/libiphone-exif.a.
What is going on here?
When you add a file in you project, you can either copy it in you project or just reference the file somewhere else on your hard drive.
When you removed the file from you project, you didn't remove it from you project folder. Xcode can't write at that path since there's already a file, and gives you an error.
Just remove the file that's already in your project folder from the Finder.

Build VC++ project with additional cpp file using MSBuild

I need to build VC++ project (made in VS2008) from command line using MSBuild with additional .cpp file which isn't part of this project (doesn't listed in section of .vcproj file.
Is there are any way to do this? (e.g. just by passing filename to command line input).
Editing .vcproj file by my script is also is a option but I save it for a worst scenario when there are no way to do it just with MSBuild.
I don't think you can point MSBuild at a project file and tell it to build this project and add another file at the same time. I'd either update the .vcproj file to include the file you're trying to add or go for the script-driven editing approach. Actually, I'd probably just change the .vcproj file as I'd think this is the safer approach and less likely to break something.
You can add the file to the project if it's in the same directory.
If it's shared / in another directory you can try adding as a link.
In the Add / Existing Dialog notice the Arrow on the edge of the add button. Try clicking it.