Images not loading properly after Next.js building and yarn start - amazon-s3

I'm using amazon s3 as CDN, everything is working fine when I run the application using 'yarn dev'(domain added to next config). If I check inspect I can see the following value in the src attribute of the img element:
When I'm running 'yarn build & yarn start' the src attribute set as the following:
which causing the issue loading the images, what am I missing here?

I was able to find the root cause for that issue(also reproduced with static images).
I added an unnecessary config variable inside the component which disabled the React client-side and causing the loading issue.
export const config = {
unstable_runtimeJS: false,

though this is probably not the issue, I had a similar problem, just make sure that if you are using ReactJS to have className instead of class


Vue 2 Cli CSP Build Issue - Eval & new Function Problem

Due to CSP Requirements I have had to convert a static vue application within the Vue 2 CLI environment.
After reading a lot of online documentation I am aware that for CSP compliant vue you need to use Render functions and a runtime version of Vue.js
My problem is that after converting my old static vue application to the Vue CLI build process I am still getting a 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed message. I am not sure why this is the case, due to Vue 2's cli build process apparently using the CSP compliant runtime vue version, unless otherwise specified in the config file for webpack.
The specific code causing the CSP error (there is only one instance of it) is found in the built/output vendor.js file. The code causing the issue is:
function Ts(t, e) {
try {
return new Function(t)
} catch (n) {
return e.push({
err: n,
code: t
}), D
I have looked far and wide to figure out why this non CSP compliant code is appearing in Vue's built vendor.js file. Any advice would be great. I have read all of Vue's main documentation on CSP, and should re-iterate that I used Vue 2 CLI for the build and conversion of the static app.
For any other poor soul who have gone down the rabbit hole of Vue.js static to non-compiled CSP conversion, these 2 steps solved my issue:
Manually change csp\build\webpack.base.conf.js '$vue' property to the following:
Click to see image
In your main.js file change vue instantiation to the following pattern, this is needed so the component will mount correctly with the runtime build Click to see image

ERROR Cannot start nuxt: Context is not availablet

I'm trying to run the Nuxt3 app but when I'm trying to run npm run dev then this error showing in my console: ERROR Cannot start nuxt: Context is not available
Anyone have face the same type of issue and how to fix that.
I had this same issue but the problem was that I was trying to use Nuxt/Vue specific functionality in a .ts file.
I was abstracting some of the lengthier functions and computed objects into a composition file, specifically import { useNuxtApp } from '#imports' and const { $store } = useNuxtApp(). The .ts file has no Nuxt context so these imports and functions just won't work there!
Might you be experiencing something similar?
I had same issue, when i try generated app for production "npm run generate".
Most likely its a version issue, update nuxt to "3.0.0-rc.8"

Can't find static assets from express/npm module

My project is an NPM module that is used by an ExpressJS server. The server needs to specify an endpoint and my module will do the rest. How do I get my module to load the correct html page and grab the correct js/css files from the correct path?
The Problem
I'm running into a problem where I can see the directory structure of the site, using the serveIndex library, and all the files are in their correct directories but for some reason when I try to load any of the files, whether from the serveIndex view or from the actual endpoint where it should load, I get nothing but 404 errors.
Here's an example if someone wanted to use this NPM module from their project.
app.js (their server)
const express = require('express')
const { adminAreaConfig } = require('express-admin-area')
const app = express()
const adminArea = adminAreaConfig(express) // my module being passed the "express" library
app.use('/admin', adminArea) // specify a URL to use my module
app.listen(3000, () => console.log('\n\nServer Online\n\n'))
Here's an image of my projects dir structure after it's been built.
Going off of a console.log(__dirname), which returns <long path string>/express-admin-area/build/src, I then tell my module, using the express reference passed by the actual server in the code above, to look in the views directory with
... import libraries etc ...
const adminAreaConfig = express => {
const adminArea = express.Router()
adminArea.use('/', express.static(__dirname + '/views') // sets my modules views to the "http://localhost:3000/admin" path
adminArea.use('/dirs', serveIndex(__dirname)) // will get into this later
... some other stuff like exports etc ...
This then attempts to load the index.html file in the express-admin-area/build/src/views directory but fails because it can't locate the CSS and JS files inside express-admin-area/build/src/views/static/css or .../js.
First, I know it fails because instead of looking for http://localhost:3000/admin/static/css/styles.css it looks for http://localhost:3000/static/css/styles.css, so that's another problem I need to solve entirely.
Second, looking back at the small code sample above, adminArea.use('/dirs', serveIndex(__dirname)), I'm using the serveIndex library in an attempt to view the directory structure. If I go to http://localhost:3000/admin/dirs I get the correct directories and files in the browser
But now, if I try to view an actual file I'm met with the error Cannot GET /admin/dir/main.js for example if I were to go to http://localhost:3000/admin/dir/main.js, but I can continue going deeper in the directories if I wanted such as the controllers or routes directories from the image.
What I want
I need a way to get these static assets to load. If I point my module to a basic html page with a simple <h1>Hello, World!</h1> then that's what Ill get but trying to load any outside scripts/stylesheets is when I get the 404 errors and nothing loads.
I'll be answering my own question.
The solution is actually pretty simple. The view layer of this module is handled by React, CRA to be specific. CRA will look for some specific environment variables, one of them being PUBLIC_URL. All I had to do was
Create a .env file in the root directory of my CRA
add PUBLIC_URL="/admin"
Afterward, it's just rebuilding the project, yarn build, and reset the server. CRA will then look at http://localhost:3000/admin/static/... instead of http://localhost:3000/static/... for static assets.

After bundling my aurelia app I get a: No PLATFORM.Loader error

After bundling a simple aurelia application with jspm bundle-sfx I get the following error:
No PLATFORM.Loader is defined and there is neither a System API (ES6) or a Require API (AMD) globally available to load your app.
An example application:
You can use: npm run setup:dev in a non windows env to switch back to the dev settings (which is just a comment/uncomment in the ./src/client/index.html) and you can use npm run setup:prod to switch back to the production environment, bundling will automatically be triggered. all other scripts can be found in the package.json.
I can't link to other questions because I haven't found any questions which relate to this problem. I "think" (which means absolutely nothing) that this might be related to the fact that aurelia needs a full loader even when bundling with bundle-sfx but I haven't found any ways to solve the error.
EDIT (25/01/2017 17:16): I've found out that the error is because I import the aurelia-bootstrapper.
As soon as I add: import * as bootstrapper from 'aurelia-bootstrapper'; I get the error
Please add the code how do you bootstrap your aurelia app.
There is nothing actually to import from bootstrapper apart from bootstrap function.
Which you would use in case of custom manual bootstrapping.
like in
import { bootstrap } from 'aurelia-bootstrapper'
const configure: (au: Aurelia) => {} = async function (au: Aurelia) {
await au.start()
au.setRoot() // or au.enchance()
in a happy path scenario with jspm - you System.import('aurelia-bootstrapper')
and it takes over finding the root node of your app and the script to configure Aurelia (main by default)
Have a look at Bootstrapping Aurelia in the docs
Oh.. and bundle-sfx is not supported there are other means to bundle aurelia apps using jspm

BigCommerce Stencil - TypeError: window.stencilBootstrap is not a function

Since around 10:30am EST today, I have been unable to apply stencil custom themes successfully. Any theme bundled before 10:30am EST today works fine when applied to a storefront. The themes work fine locally, and there are no errors when bundling, but once the theme is applied, the page loads HTML without images or any styling applied. The error in the console reads "TypeError: window.stencilBootstrap is not a function".
I have verified the issue on multiple accounts, and even occurs when trying to bundle and apply a fresh Cornerstone clone.
There are no reported issues on
Is anyone else having similar issues today?
Do I need to update my CLI?
At the time of giving command stencil bundle, it will clear 'assets/dist' files. So that throws error theme-bundle.main.js file missing and window-stencilBootstrap is not a function.To avoid Clearing 'assets/dist' follow below steps.
Comment this below line in webpack.conf.js which is in root folder
/new CleanWebpackPlugin(['assets/dist'], {
verbose: false,
watch: false,
After this, run stencil bundle 'asset/dist' folder will not clear by doing so. Check u have 'assets/dist' folder then upload. After uploading your theme, front end will works fine.
This is a bug at stencil-cli.
There is an open issue for it:
I have just submitted a pull request with a possible fix:
In the issue, I suggest a workaround which can be done in the theme, without having to modify stencil-cli.
At stencil.conf.js, remove these two lines from the top of the file:
var webpack = require('webpack');
var webpackConfig = require('./webpack.conf.js');
Copy them as the initial lines of development and production functions, where these variables are actually used.
This change usually fixes the issue.