.Net Maui Shell Navigation - Is it possible to pass a Query Parameter and Auto Populate a Page? - xaml

I need to auto populate a Page by passing a Shell Navigation Parameter to a ViewModel/Method and call a Service to return a single record from a Web Service. Essentially a drill-through page. My issue is that I need to call the data retrieveal command, "GetFieldPerformanceAsync" (note [ICommand] converts this to "GetFieldPerformanceCommand") from the "To" Page's code-behind from within OnNavigatedTo. This is required since the Shell Navigation Parameter is not set in the ViewModel until the Page is loaded. I'm currently unable to make the Command call from OnNavigatedTo and need advice on how to accomplish this.
Code behind the Page:
public partial class FieldPerformancePage : ContentPage
public FieldPerformancePage(FieldPerformanceViewModel viewModel)
BindingContext = viewModel;
//works with parameter hard-coded in ViewModel
FieldPerformanceViewModel viewModel;
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigatedToEventArgs args)
//this does not work
namespace TrackMate.ViewModels;
[QueryProperty(nameof(FieldAssignedWbs), nameof(FieldAssignedWbs))]
public partial class FieldPerformanceViewModel : BaseViewModel
FieldAssignedWbs fieldAssignedWbs;
FieldPerformance fieldPerformance;
FieldPerformanceService fieldPerformanceService;
public FieldPerformanceViewModel(FieldPerformanceService fieldStatusService)
Title = "Status";
this.fieldPerformanceService = fieldStatusService;
async Task GetFieldPerformanceAsync()
if (IsBusy)
IsBusy = true;
int wbsId = fieldAssignedWbs.WbsId;
var fieldPerformanceList = await fieldPerformanceService.GetFieldPerformanceList(wbsId);
if (fieldPerformanceList.Count != 0)
FieldPerformance = fieldPerformanceList.First();
catch (Exception ex)
await Shell.Current.DisplayAlert("Error!",
$"Undable to return records: {ex.Message}", "OK");
IsBusy = false;

I believe I figured it out...
By adding ViewModel Binding within the OnNavigatedTo method in the "DetailsPage" Code Behind, a Command Call can be made to the Page's ViewModel to execute data retrieval method after the Shell Navigation Parameter (object in this scenario) passed from the "Main" Page has been set. Note a null is passed since the Query Parameter is sourced from the ViewModel. If you are new to .Net Maui, as I am, I recommend James Montemagno's video on .Net Maui Shell Navigation.
namespace TrackMate.Views;
public partial class FieldPerformancePage : ContentPage
public FieldPerformancePage(FieldPerformanceViewModel viewModel)
BindingContext = viewModel;
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigatedToEventArgs args)
FieldPerformanceViewModel viewModel = (FieldPerformanceViewModel)BindingContext;

For me it only worked when the BindingContext assignment is before the component initialization and the method call after the base call in OnNavigatedTo
public partial class OccurrencePage : ContentPage
public OccurrencePage(OccurrenceViewModel model)
BindingContext = model;
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigatedToEventArgs args)
OccurrenceViewModel viewModel = (OccurrenceViewModel)BindingContext;

While overriding OnNavigatedTo works fine, there is one more simple technique to run something once your query param is set, given you do not need to run anything asynchronous inside the method: implementing partial method OnFieldAssignedWbsChanged, auto-generated for your convenience by mvvm toolkit
partial void OnFieldAssignedWbsChanged(FieldAssignedWbs value)
// run synchronous post query param set actions here
Less amount of code and less code-behind and viewModel dependencies, but works fine for non-async operations only.


.Net Maui MVVM - What is the best approach to populating a CollectionView upon a Page/View opening?

I'm new to .Net Maui but have completed James Montemagno's 4 hour Workshop. Included in the Workshop was:
Creating a Page with a CollectionView
Creating a ViewModel
Creating an async method which calls a data service to retrieve data
Configuring the async method as a ICommand
Binding the data model list to the CollectionView
Binding the Command to a Button
Clicking the button works and populates the CollectionView. How would I go about removing the button and performing this action when the page opens? Note I tried modifying the method by removing the "[ICommand]" which did not work. Also, should this action be done in the Code Behind or in the ViewModel?
Thanks in advance for assistance!
public partial class FieldAssignedWbsViewModel : BaseViewModel
FieldAssignedWbsService fieldAssignedWbsService;
public ObservableCollection<FieldAssignedWbs> WbsList { get; set; } = new();
public FieldAssignedWbsViewModel(FieldAssignedWbsService fieldAssignedWbsService)
Title = "Wbs Assigned";
this.fieldAssignedWbsService = fieldAssignedWbsService;
async Task GetFieldAssignedWbsListAsync()
if (IsBusy)
IsBusy = true;
var wbsList = await fieldAssignedWbsService.GetFieldAssignedWbsList();
if (WbsList.Count != 0)
foreach (var wbs in wbsList)
catch (Exception ex)
await Shell.Current.DisplayAlert("Error!",
$"Undable to get monkeys: {ex.Message}", "OK");
IsBusy = false;
(CollectionView Binding)
<CollectionView BackgroundColor="Transparent"
ItemsSource="{Binding WbsList}"
(Code behind page with incorrect call to Command Method)
public partial class FieldAssignedWbsPage : ContentPage
public FieldAssignedWbsPage(FieldAssignedWbsViewModel viewModel)
BindingContext = viewModel;
//The following call does not work
//Hover message: Non-invocable member... cannot be called like a method
await viewModel.GetFieldAssignedWbsListCommand();
Although the original answer is very valid, I'd recommend installing the CommunityToolkit.Maui (by Microsoft), then using its EventToCommand features.
After installing, add builder.UseMauiCommunityToolkit() to CreateMauiApp() method in MauiProgram.cs.
Then, in relevant XAML page, add this namespace xmlns:toolkit="http://schemas.microsoft.com/dotnet/2022/maui/toolkit" and then you should be able to use this block of code to do what you want:
Command="{Binding GetFieldAssignedWbsListCommand}" />
Sorry that this is a bit late, I just believe that it is a slightly cleaner solution as it avoids populating the code-behind with any code and keeps UI handling purely between the viewmodel and the view.
use OnAppearing. You may also need to make the GetFieldAssignedWbsList public
protected override async void OnAppearing()
await viewModel.GetFieldAssignedWbsListCommand.Execute(null);

NotifyPropertyChange fired but UI field not updated in Xamarin.Forms

I'm currently refactoring a few abstraction layers into a Xamarin app in order to break the "monolithic" structure left by the previous dev, but something has gone awry. In my ViewModel, I have a few properties that call NotifyPropertyChange in order to update the UI whenever a value is picked from a list. Like so:
public Notifier : BindableObject, INotifyPropertyChanged
protected void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "")
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
Had to create a middle layer due to my specific needs
public interface ISomeArea
DefinicaoServicoMobile TipoPasseio { get; set; }
public class SomeAreaImpl : Notifier, ISomeArea
protected DefinicaoServicoMobile _tipoPasseio;
public DefinicaoServicoMobile TipoPasseio
get => _tipoPasseio;
if (_tipoPasseio != value)
_tipoPasseio = value;
The actual bound view model:
public MyViewModel : BaseViewModel, ISomeArea
private SomeAreaImpl someArea;
public MyViewModel()
// This is meant to provide interchangable areas across view models with minimal code replication
someArea = new SomeAreaImpl();
public DefinicaoServicoMobile TipoPasseio
get => someArea.TipoPasseio;
set => someArea.TipoPasseio = value;
And the .xaml snippet:
Text="{Binding TipoPasseio.DsPadrao}"
The renderer opens a list allowing the user to choose whichever "TipoPasseio" they want, and supposedly fill the textbox with a DsPadrao (standard description). Everything works, even the reference to TipoPasseio is held after being selected (I know this because should I bring up the list a second time, it will only display the selected DsPadrao, giving the user the option to clean it. If he does, a third tap will show all the options again.
I might have screwed up in the abstraction, as I don't see the setter for myViewModel.TipoPasseio being called, tbh
Any ideas?
Let's reason through what Xamarin knows (as best as we can, since you didn't include all of the relevant code):
You have a data context having the type MyViewModel
That view model object has a property named TipoPasseio, having type DefinicaoServicoMobile
The type DefinicaoServicoMobile has a property named DsPadrao
It is that last property that is bound to the Entry.Text property.
In a binding, any observable changes to values forming the source or path for the binding will cause the runtime to update the target property for the binding (Entry.Text) and thus result in a change in the visual appearance (i.e. new text being displayed).
Note the key word observable. Here are the things I see which are observable by Xamarin:
The data context. But this doesn't change.
That's it.
With respect to the value of the MyViewModel.TipoPasseio property, there's nothing in the code you posted showing this property changing. But if it did, it doesn't look like MyViewModel implements INotifyPropertyChanged, so Xamarin wouldn't have a way to observe such a change.
On that second point, you do implement INotifyPropertyChanged in the SomeAreaImpl type. But Xamarin doesn't know anything about that object. It has no reference to it, and so has no way to subscribe to its PropertyChanged event.
Based on your statement:
I don't see the setter for myViewModel.TipoPasseio being called
That suggests that the TipoPasseio property isn't being changed. I.e. while you wouldn't be providing notification to Xamarin even if it did change, it's not changing anyway.
One property that does seem to be changing is the DsPadrao property (after all, it's the property that's actually providing the value for the binding). And while you don't provide enough details for us to know for sure, it seems like a reasonable guess that the DefinicaoServicoMobile doesn't implement INotifyPropertyChanged, and so there's no way for Xamarin to ever find out the value of that property might have changed either.
In other words, of all the things that Xamarin can see, the only one that it would be notified about of a change is the data context. And that doesn't seem to be what's changing in your scenario. None of the other values are held by properties backed by INotifyPropertyChanged.
Without a complete code example, it's impossible to know for sure what the right fix is. Depending on what's changing and how though, you need to implement INotifyPropertyChanged for one or more of your types that don't currently do so.
As it turns out, I wasn't firing the NotifyPropertyChanged of the correct object. Both MyViewModel and SomeAreaImpl implemented INotifyPropertyChanged per the Notifier class as BaseViewModel also extends from Notifier but that ended up ommited in my question. Having figured that out, here's an working (and complete) example:
public Notifier : BindableObject, INotifyPropertyChanged
protected void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "")
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
Specifics about DefinicaoServicoMobile are negligible to this issue
public interface ISomeArea
DefinicaoServicoMobile TipoPasseio { get; set; }
Task SetServico(ServicoMobile servicoAtual;
For the sake of clarification
public abstract class BaseViewModel : Notifier
protected abstract Task SetServico(ServicoMobile servicoAtual);
public async Task SetServico()
await SetServico(servicoAtual);
Changed a couple of things here. It no longer extends from Notifier, which was kinda weird to begin with. Also this is where I assign TipoPasseio
public class SomeAreaImpl : ISomeArea
protected DefinicaoServicoMobile _tipoPasseio;
// I need to call the viewModel's Notifier, as this is the bound object
private BaseViewModel viewModel;
public AreaServicosDependentesImpl(BaseViewModel viewModel)
this.viewModel = viewModel;
public DefinicaoServicoMobile TipoPasseio
get => _tipoPasseio;
if (_tipoPasseio != value)
_tipoPasseio = value;
//Assigning to the property
public async Task SetServico(ServicoMobile servicoAtual, List<DefinicaoServicoMobile> listDefinicaoServico)
TipoPasseio = listDefinicaoServico
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CdServico == servicoAtual.TpPasseio.Value);
Changes to the view model:
public MyViewModel : BaseViewModel, ISomeArea
private SomeAreaImpl someArea;
public MyViewModel()
someArea = new SomeAreaImpl(this);
public DefinicaoServicoMobile TipoPasseio
get => someArea.TipoPasseio;
set => someArea.TipoPasseio = value;
protected override async Task SetServico(ServicoMobile servicoAtual)
someArea.SetServico(servicoAtual, ListDefinicaoServico.ToList());
View model binding
public abstract class BaseEncerrarPontoRotaPage : BasePage
private Type viewModelRuntimeType;
public BaseEncerrarPontoRotaPage(Type viewModelRuntimeType)
this.viewModelRuntimeType = viewModelRuntimeType;
private async Task BindContext(PontoRotaMobile pontoRota, ServicoMovelMobile servicoMovel, bool finalizar)
_viewModel = (BaseViewModel)Activator.CreateInstance(viewModelRuntimeType, new object[] { pontoRota, UserDialogs.Instance });
await _viewModel.SetServico();
BindingContext = _viewModel;
public static BaseEncerrarPontoRotaPage Create(EnumAcaoServicoType enumType)
Type pageType = enumType.GetCustomAttribute<EnumAcaoServicoType, PageRuntimeTypeAttribute>();
Type viewModelType = enumType.GetCustomAttribute<EnumAcaoServicoType, ViewModelRuntimeTypeAttribute>();
return (BaseEncerrarPontoRotaPage)Activator.CreateInstance(pageType, new object[] { viewModelType });
Page instantiation is performed in some other view model, not related to the structure presented here
private async Task ShowEdit(bool finalizar)
await Task.Run(async () =>
var idAcaoServico = ServicoMobileAtual.DefinicaoServicoMobile.IdAcaoServico;
var page = BaseEncerrarPontoRotaPage.Create((EnumAcaoServicoType)idAcaoServico);
await page.BindContext(PontoRotaAtual, ServicoMovelMobileAtual, finalizar);
BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
await App.Navigation.PushAsync(page);
public partial class MyPage : BaseEncerrarPontoRotaPage
public NormalUnidadePage() { }
public MyPage(Type viewModelType) : base(viewModelType)
//Subscription to show the list
TxtTipoPasseio.Focused += TxtTipoPasseio_OnFocused;
<views:BaseEncerrarPontoRotaPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
Text="{Binding TipoPasseio.DsPadrao}"/>
I know could propagate an event from the AreaImpl classes in order to fire the Notify event in the view model, but right now I'm satisfied with this solution.

OnAppearing event firing twice .with tabbed page

I am facing issue being a beginner for Xamarin forms and MVVM . I have tabbedpage and 2 pages are under tag . Here is code.
Issue is local:ActiveOrderViewPage page OnAppearing() event is firing twice when tabbedPage is loading and execute twice code under OnAppearing() event .
Please help me to find this why this is happening ?
Here Is code Tabbed Page
<local:ActiveOrderViewPage />
<local:SavedOrderViewPage />
public partial class OrderTabViewPage : TabbedPage
public OrderViewModel ViewModel { get { return BindingContext as OrderViewModel; } }
public OrderTabViewPage()
this.BindingContext = ViewModelLocator.OrderVModel;
public OrderTabViewPage(params object[] arg) : this()
if (arg != null)
ViewModel.AccountID = Convert.ToInt32(arg[0]);
Here is active order .cs
public partial class ActiveOrderViewPage : ContentPage
public OrderViewModel ViewModel { get { return BindingContext as OrderViewModel; } }
public ActiveOrderViewPage()
this.BindingContext = ViewModelLocator.OrderVModel;
//public OrderViewPage() : this()
// ViewModel.AccountID = accuntId;
protected override void OnAppearing()
if (ViewModelLocator.OrderVModel.ActiveOrderItems == null || ViewModelLocator.OrderVModel.ActiveOrderItems.List.Count == 0)
Thanks in advance ...
Having had this problem for a long long time, before realising, I know how frustrating this is. The event OnAppearing() fires twice because of the way that the tabbed page renders all of the individual pages. It initially renders the page, then in your case will render the other page, which causes the OnDisappearing() to fire. The first page then gets focus, causing the OnAppearing() to fire again.
If you only want the code to fire once, after adding the child pages, set the currentpage property to null, which should stop the OnAppearing() from firing again
In my case OnAppearing called twice while i had in app.xaml the follow code:
MainPage = new NavigationPage(new MainPage());
after i change the code to:
MainPage =new MainPage();
The OnAppearing is no more calling twice.

Pass data from android service to ContentPage in Xamarin Form based application

I am having one Application based on XamarinForms.
One background service I have created in Android project and that service would like to send data to ContentPage(which is in PCL) which is displayed to user.
How could I pass data to ContentPage(From xx.Droid project to PCL)?
One solution is:
To Create class in PCL with static variable(e.g. var TEMP_VAR), which will be accessed from xxx.Droid project.
Update value of that static variable(TEMP_VAR) from the service class from the xxx.Droid project.
Need to create Notifier on that static variable(TEMP_VAR)
Update the content page using MessageCenter Mechanism if require.
If there is any better solution, could you please provide me?
This can be achieved using the concept of C#
Dependency service
Need to have 4 classes for such an implementation:
Interface in PCL(e.g. CurrentLocationService.cs) with event handlers defined in it.
namespace NAMESPACE
public interface CurrentLocationService
void start();
event EventHandler<PositionEventArgs> positionChanged;
Implementation of interface of PCL in xxx.Droid project (e.g. CurrentLocationService_Android.cs) using Dependency service
class CurrentLocationService_Android : CurrentLocationService
public static CurrentLocationService_Android mySelf;
public event EventHandler<PositionEventArgs> positionChanged;
public void start()
mySelf = this;
Forms.Context.StartService(new Intent(Forms.Context, typeof(MyService)));
public void receivedNewPosition(CustomPosition pos)
positionChanged(this, new PositionEventArgs(pos));
ContentPage in PCL - which will have object of implementation of interface.
Object can be obtained by
public CurrentLocationService LocationService
if(currentLocationService == null)
currentLocationService = DependencyService.Get<CurrentLocationService>();
currentLocationService.positionChanged += OnPositionChange;
return currentLocationService;
private void OnPositionChange(object sender, PositionEventArgs e)
Debug.WriteLine("Got the update in ContentPage from service ");
Background service in xxx.Droid project. This service will have reference of implementation of dependency service CurrentLocationService.cs
public class MyService : Service
public string TAG = "MyService";
public override IBinder OnBind(Intent intent)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override StartCommandResult OnStartCommand(Android.Content.Intent intent, StartCommandFlags flags, int startId)
Log.Debug(TAG, TAG + " started");
return StartCommandResult.Sticky;
public void doWork()
var t = new Thread(
() =>
Log.Debug(TAG, "Doing work");
Log.Debug(TAG, "Work completed");
if(CurrentLocationService_Android.mySelf != null)
CustomPosition pos = new CustomPosition();
pos.update = "Finally value is updated";
Note : PositionEventArgs class need to be created as per usage to pass on data between service and ContentPage.
This works for me like charm.
Hope so this would be helpful to you.

RIA, Silverlight 4, EntityStates and Complex Types

I've got a RIA silverlight 4 app with a complex data type as a model. As a familiar example let's call it aspnet_User which has a member object called aspnet_Membership; aspnet_User has a member called "UserName" and aspnet_Membership has a member called "Email". Now using the aspnet_User as a datacontext I want to bind to any changes in aspnet_User or an attached aspnet_Membership - i.e. I want to show if an aspnet_User is 'dirty'. The dirty flag should show if I change either aspnet_User.UserName or aspnet_Membership.Email. Now previously I have implemented a Converter and bound to the EntityState on an object, and this is fine for showing whether simple properties are dirty but EntityState is not altered when aspects of aspnet_Membership member are edited.
I have tried to implement a property called BubbledEntityState which reflects a modified EntityState on either aspnet_User or aspnet_membership. It is defined in a partial class in the Silverlight project. This needs to react to EntityState PropertyChanged events on aspnet_User or it's member aspnet_Membership. So I've tried to handle these events in the partial OnCreated method. Strangely however this isn't getting called at all. Here is the method:
public partial class aspnet_User
partial void OnCreated()
this.aspnet_Membership.PropertyChanged += new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(aspnet_Membership_PropertyChanged);
this.PropertyChanged += new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(aspnet_User_PropertyChanged);
I'm presuming aspnet_User objects are constructed on the server and are not 'reconstructed' when they are reconstituted on the client after RIA has done it's WCF call. This strikes me as peculiar. Am I doing something cranky? Anyone got a better way of dealing with this?
OK I've got this working. It still seems a bit convoluted, but rather than using the OnCreated partial method I've overloaded the OnLoaded method:
protected override void OnLoaded(bool isInitialLoad)
this.PropertyChanged += new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(aspnet_User_PropertyChanged);
partial void OnCreated()
void aspnet_User_PropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.PropertyName == "aspnet_Membership")
if (this.aspnet_Membership != null)
this.aspnet_Membership.PropertyChanged+=new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(aspnet_Membership_PropertyChanged);
if (e.PropertyName == "EntityState")
this.OnPropertyChanged(new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs("BubbledEntityState"));
void aspnet_Membership_PropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.PropertyName == "EntityState")
this.OnPropertyChanged(new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs("BubbledEntityState"));
public EntityState BubbledEntityState
if (this.EntityState== System.Windows.Ria.EntityState.Unmodified)
if (this.aspnet_Membership==null)
return System.Windows.Ria.EntityState.Unmodified;
if (this.aspnet_Membership.EntityState== System.Windows.Ria.EntityState.Modified)
return System.Windows.Ria.EntityState.Modified;
return System.Windows.Ria.EntityState.Unmodified;
return this.EntityState;