How to calculate mAP0.5:0.95 in YOLOv4 using darknet? - object-detection

I am using YOLOv4 with darknet in Google Colab. Everything works fine. Unfortunally, I can only get the mAP evaluation for IoU=0.5 using
!./darknet detector map $_path_to_objdata_file $_path_to_configuration_file $_path_to_weights
How can I calculate mAP for another IoU? Or mAP#IoU0.5:0.95?
Thank you very much in advance

okay, i managed to find a way using the flag -iou_thresh XXX:
!./darknet detector map $_path_to_objdata_file $_path_to_configuration_file $_path_to_weights -iou_thresh 0.95


How to set only some detected classes in FasterRCNN+InceptionResNet V2 Model? (tensorflow hub)

In tensor-hub (FasterRCNN + openimages_v4)
I am trying to set only some classes that are related in 'fashion'
Because I think
If I except detected classes(ex. airplain, human, etc.. not related 'fashion'),
I will have faster RCNN Model than original FasterRCNN model..
I have seen the Scheme example given on Google Tensorflow, but unfortunately it did not help.
PLZ give me the way "set only some class in tensor_hub FasterRCNN"

Error: in the file data/coco.names number of names 80 that isn't equal to classes=13

I was using Google Colab to train Yolo-v3 to detect custom objects. I'm new to Colab, and darknet.
I used the following command for training:
!./darknet detector train "/content/gdrive/My Drive/darknet/" "/content/gdrive/My Drive/darknet/cfg/yolov3-PID.cfg" "/content/gdrive/My Drive/darknet/backup/yolov3-PID_final.weights" -dont_show
The training finished as follows, and it didn't display any details of the epochs (I don't know how many epochs actually run). Actually, it took very short time until it displayed Done!, and saved the weights as shown in the above image
Then, I tried to detect a test image with the following command:
!./darknet detect "/content/gdrive/My Drive/darknet/cfg/yolov3-PID.cfg" "/content/gdrive/My Drive/darknet/backup/yolov3-PID_final.weights" "/content/gdrive/My Drive/darknet/img/MN 111-0-515 (45).jpg" -dont-show
However, I got the following error:
Error: in the file data/coco.names number of names 80 that isn't equal to classes=13 in the file /content/gdrive/My Drive/darknet/cfg/yolov3-PID.cfg
Even, the resulting image didn't contain any bounding boxes, so I don't know if the training worked or not.
Could you pls advise what might be wrong with the training, and why the error is referring to coco.names, while I'm using other files for names, and configuration?
You did not share the yolov3-PID.cfg, and coco.names. I am assuming coco.names contain 80 classes as in the repo.
The error likely is in, where it seems your goal here is to detect 13 custom objects. If this is the case, then set classes=13, also replace names=data/coco.names with names=data/obj.names. Here, obj.names file should contain 13 lines for the custom class names. Also modify yolov3-PID.cfg to contain same amount of classes.
I suggest using this repo below if you are not already using this. It contains google colab training and inference script for yolov3, yolov4.
Here are the instructions for custom object detection training.
Nice work!!! coming this far. Well, everything is fine, you just need to edit the data folder of the darknet. By default it's using coco label, go to darknet folder --> find data folder --> coco.names file --> edit the file by removing 80 classes(in colab just double click to edit and ctrl+s to save) --> Put down your desired class and it's done!!!
i was having the same problem when i was training custom model in colab.
i just cloned darknet again in another folder and edited and moved it to my training folder. and it worked!!

Trying to custom train MobilenetV2 with 40x40px images - wrong results after training

I need to classify small images in 4 different categories, +1 "background" for false detection.
While training the loss quickly drop to 0.7, but stay there even after 800k steps. In the end, the frozen graph seems to classify most images with the background label.
I'm probably missing something, I'll detail the steps I used below, and any feedback is welcomed.
I'm new to tf-slim, so it can be an obvious mistake, maybe too little samples ? I'm not looking for top accuracy, just something working for prototyping.
Source materials can be found there :
I used tensorflow-gpu 1.15.3 on windows 10.
I created the dataset using :
python ./ --tfrecord_filename=tilesV2_40 --dataset_dir=.\tilesV2\Tiles_40
I added a dataset provider in models-master\research\slim\datasets based on the flowers provider.
I modified the in models-master\research\slim\nets\mobilenet, changed num_classes=5 and mobilenet.default_image_size = 40
I trained the net with : python ./models-master/research/slim/ --model_name "mobilenet_v2" --learning_rate 0.045 --preprocessing_name "inception_v2" --label_smoothing 0.1 --moving_average_decay 0.9999 --batch_size 96 --learning_rate_decay_factor 0.98 --num_epochs_per_decay 2.5 --train_dir ./weight --dataset_name Tiles_40 --dataset_dir .\tilesV2\Tiles_40
When I try this python .\models-master\research\slim\ --alsologtostderr --checkpoint_path ./weight/model.ckpt-XXX --dataset_dir ./tilesV2/Tiles_40 --dataset_name Tiles_40 --dataset_split_name validation --model_name mobilenet_v2 I get eval/Recall_5[1]eval/Accuracy[1]
I then export the graph with python .\models-master\research\slim\ --alsologtostderr --model_name mobilenet_v2 --image_size 40 --output_file .\export\output.pb --dataset_name Tiles_40
And freeze it with freeze_graph --input_graph .\export\output.pb --input_checkpoint .\weight\model.ckpt-XXX --input_binary true --output_graph .\export\frozen.pb --output_node_names MobilenetV2/Predictions/Reshape_1
I then try the net with images from the dataset with python .\ --graph .\export\frozen.pb --labels .\tilesV2\Tiles_40\labels.txt --image .\tilesV2\Tiles_40\photos\lac\1_1.png --input_layer input --output_layer MobilenetV2/Predictions/Reshape_1. This is where I get wrong classifications.,
like 0:background 0.92839915 2:lac 0.020171663 1:house 0.019106707 3:road 0.01677236 4:start 0.0155500565 for a "lac" image of the dataset
I tried changing the depth_multiplier, the learning rate, learning on a cpu, removing --preprocessing_name "inception_v2" from the learning command. I don't have any idea left...
Change your learning rate, maybe start from the usual choice of 3e-5.

Darkflow accurate on demo but not on code

I trained my own model with darkflow yolov2 for just one class, and the results are pretty good when running this on the terminal with a threshold configuration of 0.55
python3 flow --model cfg/yolov2-tiny-voc-1c.cfg --load 5250 --demo BARCELONA_WALK.mp4
but then I convert the checkpoint on pb and meta files to use on code
and when I specify the threshold on the code like this
options = {"model": "cfg/yolov2-tiny-voc-1c.cfg",
"pbload": "built_graph/yolov2-tiny-voc-1c.pb",
"metaload": "built_graph/yolov2-tiny-voc-1c.meta",
"threshold": 0.55,
"gpu": 0.9}
it detects nothing from my image samples, but when the threshold is 0.5 or lower it detects like 280 objects and the ones with confidence greater than 0.5 are like 190, so, why is the neural network not working the same way when using the code and when running demo from terminal if I'm using the same weights and the same threshold?
SOLVED!!! On my options I had to put "pbLoad" and "metaLoad" instead of "pbload" and "metaload" too bad that it didn't throw any errors but anyways, I realized it may be the Uppercases when reading this post. I hope it helps someone in the future!!

Tensorflow Lite export looks like it do not add weigths and add unsupported operations

I want to reload some of my model variables with the saved weight in the chheckpoint and then export it to the tflite file.
The question is a bit tricky without see code, so I made this Colab jupyter notebook with the complete code to explain it better (All code is working, you can actually copy in a new collab and change if you want):
I got it working but with two issues:
The exported .tflite file is like 3Ks, so I do not believe it is the entire model with the weights in it. Only the input is an image of 128x128x3, one weight for each is more than 3K.
When I finally import the model in Android, I have this error: "Didn't find custom op for name 'VariableV2' /n Didn't find custom op for name 'ReorderAxes' /n Registration failed."
Maybe the last error is cause the save/restore operations? They look like are there when I save the graph definition.
Thanks in advance.
I realize my problem.. I'm trying to convert to TFLITE a model without previously freezing it, TFLITE do not allow "VariableV2" nodes cause they should not be there..
All the problem is corrected freezing the model like this:
output_graph_def = graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants(sess, sess.graph.as_graph_def(), ["output"])
I lost some time looking for that, hope it helps.