Snowflake column with triple double-quotes is always flagged as "Invalid identifier" - sql

Multiple snowflake columns are like this """SOME TEXT WITH SPACES"""
No issue when I'm doing a SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE
But I can't figure out how to query the columns with double-quotes...
If I do :
I receive
SQL compilation error: error line 1 at position 7 invalid identifier '""SOME TEXT WITH SPACES""'
I've tried adding other double-quotes but I can't find the right combination...

If you have a table when selected from:
select * from names;
looks likes this:
You need to understand how it was created, which is also how it need to be accessed :
There is the first layer of double quotes to turn off the case insensitivity.
Then for each extra layer of wanted double quotes in the output you have to use two double quotes on both sides.
Thus tripple quotes was made and accessed by 7 double quotes:
create or replace table names (no_quote int,
"also_no_quote" int,
"""single_quotes""" int,
"""""""triple_quotes""""""" int);
insert into names values (0,0,1,3);
and thus can be accessed by:
select no_quote, "also_no_quote", """single_quotes""", """""""triple_quotes""""""" from names;

You need to select the column name using quotes because column names are case sensitive if they are created in double quotes.
create or replace table doublequotes (
seq int,
"""last_name""" string,
first_name string
insert into doublequotes values (10, 'abcd', 'efgh');
select """last_name""" from doublequotes;
o/p: abcd
Please try.


How to SELECT COL_"NAME" in Snowflake ? (COLUMN name containing double quote)

I know this is very bad naming practice, but I am not the owner of the table...
I need to run :
where COL_"NAME" is the name of the column, containing double quotes.
I tried :
But nothing works
Identifier Requirements:
To use the double quote character inside a quoted identifier, use two quotes.
To access column: COL_"NAME"

LIKE operator and % wildcard when string contains underscore

I have a table in SQL Server that stores codes. Depending on the nomenclature, some begin with 'DB_' and others with 'DBL_'. I need a way to filter the ones that start with 'DB_', since when I try to do it, it returns all the results.
CREATE TABLE CODES(Id integer PRIMARY KEY, Name Varchar(20));
SELECT * FROM CODES where Name like 'DB_%';
The result that returns:
Expected result:
_ is a wildcard for a single character in a LIKE expression. Thus both 'DB_' and 'DBL' are LIKE 'DB_'. If you want a literal underscore you need to put it in brackets ([]):
WHERE [Name] LIKE 'DB[_]%';
The underscore is a wildcard in SQL Server. You can escape it:
where name like 'DB$_%' escape '$'
You could also use left():
where left(name, 3) = 'DB_'
However, this is not index- and optimizer friendly.

What's wrong with my sql in oracle?

What's wrong with my sql in oracle? There are some data in my table,I select all of them and I can get them.but I can not search them if I add a condition.When did I add single or double quotation marks in my sql?Now I find that when I write some search statement,I must add single quotation marks.And when I write some insert statement,I must add double quotation marks.Or my sql will run bad.How to judge when should I use the different quotation in my sql?
select * from T_STUDENT
and the result is:
sex(varchar2) phone(varchar2) birthtime(timestamp)
1 13553812147 2016-06-03 16:02:00.799 **
When I add a search condition,but the result is null.
select * from T_STUDENT where phone='13553812147'
select * from T_STUDENT where PHONE='13553812147'
//run well but result is null
select * from T_STUDENT where 'phone'='13553812147'
And the same question I meet in the insert statement.
insert into T_STUDENT (sex,phone,birthtime) values('1','12345645454','2016-06-04 16:02:00.799')
//error:ORA-000928 missing select keyword
insert into T_STUDENT ('sex','phone','birthtime') values('1','12345645454','2016-06-04 16:02:00.799')
//run well but must add double quotation marks
insert into T_STUDENT ("sex","phone","birthtime") values('1','12345645454','2016-06-04 16:02:00.799')
This is because your table was defined using double quotes around the column names:
create table t_student
( "sex" varchar2(1)
, "phone" varchar2(30)
, "birthtime" timestamp
Using double quotes makes the names case-sensitive and so for ever after they must be referenced in double quotes, since by default Oracle is nicely case-insensitive. For this reason you should never use double quotes when creating tables, views etc.
I've had the chance to look at this and Tony Andrews' answer is correct, you actually get invalid identifier as error message when you type an invalid column, which includes a case mismatch, though the error message will mention the exact identifier:
SQL> select * from T_STUDENT where phone='13553812147';
select * from T_STUDENT where phone='13553812147'
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00904: "PHONE": invalid identifier
SQL> select * from T_STUDENT where funny_bunny='13553812147';
select * from T_STUDENT where funny_bunny='13553812147'
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00904: "FUNNY_BUNNY": invalid identifier
The only thing missing from his answer is that Oracle will always make an internal cast to uppercase for any unquoted identifier, as the full error message illustrates. That's why phone='13553812147' won't match a column defined as "phone" (but "phone"='13553812147' will do).
Last but not least, single quotes define plain strings rather than object names so when you do this:
select * from T_STUDENT where 'phone'='13553812147'
... you aren't filtering by phone column at all. Instead, you have a constant condition that's always false (text "phone" equals text "13553812147").

A CREATE statement with quoted fields in Oracle

I have created a table in Oracle 10g using the following CREATE statement.
CREATE TABLE test ("id" NUMBER(35, 0) primary key, "description" VARCHAR2(250) not null);
The basic table structure looks like as follows.
Column Name Data Type Nullable Default Primary Key
id NUMBER(35, 0) No - 1
description VARCHAR2(250) No - -
It should precisely be noted that the column names in this CREATE statement are enclosed within double quotes just for having a fun :)
After issuing this DDL statement, I issued three DML statements to add this many rows as follows.
INSERT INTO test VALUES (1, 'aaa');
INSERT INTO test VALUES (2, 'bbb');
INSERT INTO test VALUES (3, 'ccc');
And finally, the following SELECT statement was executed to verify, if those rows were inserted.
Oracle indeed displays three rows exactly as inserted on executing this query.
But when I issue the following SELECT query,
SELECT id, description FROM test;
Oracle complains,
ORA-00904: "DESCRIPTION": invalid identifier
The following (same) query also,
SELECT id FROM test;
fails with the error,
ORA-00904: "ID": invalid identifier
The same is true for the query,
SELECT description FROM test;
The only SELECT query with the meta character * works. Listing fields in the SELECT clause doesn't work. Capitalizing the column names in the SELECT clause also doesn't work.
What is the reason behind it?
Please don't just say, Don't do this. I'm interested in knowing the reason behind it.
OK, I won't say it, I'll just think it loudly.
The documentation clearly says that if you have quoted identifiers, you have to quote them everywhere (my italics for emphasis):
Every database object has a name. In a SQL statement, you represent the name of an object with a quoted identifier or a nonquoted identifier.
A quoted identifier begins and ends with double quotation marks ("). If you name a schema object using a quoted identifier, then you must use the double quotation marks whenever you refer to that object.
A nonquoted identifier is not surrounded by any punctuation.
So you always have to do:
SELECT "id", "description" FROM test;
Which is a pain. But obviously I'm just thinking that too, not really saying it.

PostgreSQL column 'foo' does not exist

I have a table that has 20 integer columns and 1 text column named 'foo'
If I run query:
SELECT * from table_name where foo is NULL
I get error:
ERROR: column "foo" does not exist
I have checked myself that his column indeed exists. If I do something like:
SELECT * from table_name where count is NULL
The resulting output shows 'foo' as one of the columns....
I am guessing I have to do something special in the query because foo is a text column...
Thanks for the help (POSTGRESQL 8.3)
You accidentally created the column name with a trailing space and presumably phpPGadmin created the column name with double quotes around it:
create table your_table (
"foo " -- ...
That would give you a column that looked like it was called foo everywhere but you'd have to double quote it and include the space whenever you use it:
select ... from your_table where "foo " is not null
The best practice is to use lower case unquoted column names with PostgreSQL. There should be a setting in phpPGadmin somewhere that will tell it to not quote identifiers (such as table and column names) but alas, I don't use phpPGadmin so I don't where that setting is (or even if it exists).
If for some reason you have created a mixed-case or upper-case column name, you need to quote it, or get this error:
test=> create table moo("FOO" int);
test=> select * from moo;
(0 rows)
test=> select "foo" from moo;
ERROR: column "foo" does not exist
LINE 1: select "foo" from moo;
test=> _
Note how the error message gives the case in quotes.
PostreSQL apparently converts column names to lower case in a sql query - I've seen issues where mixed case column names will give that error. You can fix it by putting the column name in quotation marks:
SELECT * FROM table_name where "Foo" IS NULL
I fixed it by changing the quotation mark (") with apostrophe (') inside Values. For instance:
insert into trucks ("id","datetime") VALUES (862,"10-09-2002 09:15:59");
Becomes this:
insert into trucks ("id","datetime") VALUES (862,'10-09-2002 09:15:59');
Assuming datetime column is VarChar.
As others suggested in comments, this is probably a matter of upper-case versus lower-case, or some whitespace in the column name. (I'm using an answer so I can format some code samples.) To see what the column names really are, try running this query:
SELECT '"' || attname || '"', char_length(attname)
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid = 'table_name'::regclass AND attnum > 0
ORDER BY attnum;
You should probably also check your PostgreSQL server log if you can, to see what it reports for the statement.
If you quote an identifier, everything in quotes is part of the identifier, including upper-case characters, line endings, spaces, and special characters. The only exception is that two adjacent quote characters are taken as an escape sequence for one quote character. When an identifier is not in quotes, all letters are folded to lower-case. Here's an example of normal behavior:
test=# create table t (alpha text, Bravo text, "Charlie" text, "delta " text);
test=# select * from t where Alpha is null;
alpha | bravo | Charlie | delta
(0 rows)
test=# select * from t where bravo is null;
alpha | bravo | Charlie | delta
(0 rows)
test=# select * from t where Charlie is null;
ERROR: column "charlie" does not exist
LINE 1: select * from t where Charlie is null;
test=# select * from t where delta is null;
ERROR: column "delta" does not exist
LINE 1: select * from t where delta is null;
The query I showed at the top yields this:
?column? | char_length
"alpha" | 5
"bravo" | 5
"Charlie" | 7
"delta " | 6
(4 rows)
In my case when i run select query it works and gives desired data. But when i run query like
select * from users where email = ""
It shows this error
ERROR: column "" does not exist
LINE 2: select * from users where email = "
SQL state: 42703
Character: 106
Then i use single quotes instead of double quotes for match condition, it works. for ex.
select * from users where email = ''
It could be quotes themselves that are the entire problem. I had a similar problem and it was due to quotes around the column name in the CREATE TABLE statement. Note there were no whitespace issues, just quotes causing problems.
The column looked like it was called anID but was really called "anID". The quotes don't appear in typical queries so it was hard to detect (for this postgres rookie). This is on postgres 9.4.1
Some more detail:
Doing postgres=# SELECT * FROM test; gave:
anID | value
1 | hello
2 | baz
3 | foo (3 rows)
but trying to select just the first column SELECT anID FROM test; resulted in an error:
ERROR: column "anid" does not exist
Just looking at the column names didn't help:
postgres=# \d test;
Table "public.test"
Column | Type | Modifiers
anID | integer | not null
value | character varying |
"PK on ID" PRIMARY KEY, btree ("anID")
but in pgAdmin if you click on the column name and look in the SQL pane it populated with:
ALTER TABLE test ADD COLUMN "anID" integer;
and lo and behold there are the quoutes around the column name. So then ultimately postgres=# select "anID" FROM test; works fine:
(3 rows)
Same moral, don't use quotes.
the problem occurs because of the name of column is in camel case
internally it wraps it in " "(double quotes)
to solve this, at the time of inserting values in table use single quotes ('')
insert into schema_name.table_name values(' ',' ',' ');
We ran into this issue when we created the table using phppgadmin client. With phppgadmin we did not specify any double quotes in column name and still we ran into same issue.
It we create column with caMel case then phpPGAdmin implicitly adds double quotes around the column name. If you create column with all lower case then you will not run into this issue.
You can alter the column in phppgadmin and change the column name to all lower case this issue will go away.
I fixed similar issues by qutating column name
SELECT * from table_name where "foo" is NULL;
In my case it was just
SELECT id, "foo" from table_name;
without quotes i'v got same error.
I also ran into this error when I was using Dapper and forgot to input a parameterized value.
To fix I had to ensure that the object passed in as a parameter had properties matching the parameterised values in the SQL string.
I am working with address data and used pandas to load the data to Postgres. The pandas_usaddress library did a great job parsing my address, but put the new columns InSpeCific case. crazy. But now I have to use double quotes with each column name. select "ZipCode" from har_addresses; And I get my data.