I have run the keras-tuner with hundreds of configurations, my model (Regression) always seems to produce results close to the target value mean (0 in this case as i'm predicting price percent change)
I have validated and checked the inputs, outputs and scaling of inputs many times.
Dataset is around 3000 rows
Keras-Tuner optimized using following configs
Epochs tested (50,250,500,1000).
Batch Sizes tested: 64,128,256,512
SEQ LEN tested (12,24,60)
lstm_layers_count = hp.Int(name = "lstm_layers_count",min_value= 1, max_value = 4, step = 1)
layers_lstm_units = []
layers_dropout = []
for i in range(lstm_layers_count):
layers_lstm_units.append(hp.Int(name = f"lstm_layer_{i}_units", min_value=32, max_value=288, step=64))
layers_dropout.append(hp.Float(name = f"layer_{i}_dropout",min_value = 0.0, max_value = 0.3, step = 0.1))
final_dense = hp.Boolean(name = "final_dense")
final_dense_units = hp.Int(name = "final_dense_units",min_value = 20,max_value = 150, step = 30)
learning_rate = hp.Float(name = "learning_rate", min_value=1e-4, max_value=1e-2, sampling="log")
relu_enabled = hp.Boolean(name = "relu_enabled")
The LSTM takes as input:
Price (As percent change)
Volume (As percent change)
EMA signal
RSI signal
All inputs are standardised using the MinMaxScaler(feature_range = (-1,1)), also tried StandardScaler()
Pct change from index date price to next day price
LSTM Simplified for readability:
#All configs and layers count have been hyper-optimized as mentioned above,
#this is using a sample of one of the best config result.
model = tf.keras.Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(92,input_shape = (SEQ_LEN, feature_number), return_sequences= True))
model.add(LSTM(92, return_sequences= True))
model.add(LSTM(32, return_sequences= False))
optimization = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate= learning_rate )
# Compile model
loss= custom_loss_function,
optimizer= optimization,
metrics = [custom_loss_function],
#Also tried using MSE loss function
def custom_loss_function(y_pred,y_true):
alpha = 2.0
loss = (y_pred - y_true) ** 2.0
adj = tf.math.multiply(y_pred,y_true)
adj = tf.where(tf.greater(adj, 0.0), tf.constant(1/alpha), adj)
adj = tf.where(tf.less(adj, 0.0), tf.constant(alpha), adj)
loss = loss * adj
return tf.reduce_mean(loss)
I also check the predictions even if very close to 0 if they match the correct direction of the target (Positive pct change or negative) and results are near random
I have created a transformer model for multivariate time series predictions (many-to-one classification model).
Details about the Dataset
I have the hourly varying data i.e., 8 different features (hour, month, temperature, humidity, windspeed, solar radiations concentration etc.) and with them I am trying to predict the time sequence (energy consumption of a building. So my input has the shape X.shape = (8783, 168, 8) i.e., 8783 time sequences, each sequence contains 168 hourly entries/vectors and each vector contains 8 features. My output has the shape Y.shape = (8783,1) i.e., 8783 sequences each containing 1 output value (i.e., building energy consumption value after every hour).
Model Details
I took as a model an example from the official keras site. It is created for classification problems, I modified it for my regression problem by changing the activation of last output layer from sigmoid to relu.
Input shape (train_f) = (8783, 168, 8)
Output shape (train_P) = (8783,1)
When I train the model for 100 no. of epochs it converges very well for less number of epochs as compared to my reference models (i.e., LSTMs and LSTMS with self attention). After training, when the model is asked to make prediction by feeding in the test data, the prediction performance is worse as compare to the reference models.
I would be grateful if you please have a look at the code and let me know of the potential steps to improve the prediction/test accuracy.
Here is the code;
df_weather = pd.read_excel(r"Downloads\WeatherData.xlsx")
df_energy = pd.read_excel(r"Downloads\Building_energy_consumption_record.xlsx")
visa = pd.concat([df_weather, df_energy], axis = 1)
df_data = visa.loc[:, ~visa.columns.isin(["Time1", "TD", "U", "DR", "FX"])
plt.figure(figsize = (16,6))
sb.heatmap(df_data.corr(), annot = True, linewidths=1, fmt = ".2g", cmap= 'coolwarm')
plt.xticks(rotation = 'horizontal') # how the titles will look likemeans their orientation
extract_for_normalization = list(df_data)[1:9]
df_data_float = df_data[extract_for_normalization].astype(float)
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
train_X, test_X = train_test_split(df_data_float, train_size = 0.7, shuffle = False)
scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1))
**Converting train_X into required shape (inputs,sequences, features)**
train_f = [] #features input from training data
train_p = [] # prediction values
#test_q = []
#test_r = []
n_future = 1 #number of days we want to predict into the future
n_past = 168 # no. of time series input features to be considered for training
for val in range(n_past, len(scaled_train_X) - n_future+1):
train_f.append(scaled_train_X[val - n_past:val, 0:scaled_train_X.shape[1]])
train_p.append(scaled_train_X[val + n_future - 1:val + n_future, -1])
train_f, train_p = np.array(train_f), np.array(train_p)
**Transformer Model**
def transformer_encoder(inputs, head_size, num_heads, ff_dim, dropout=0):
# Normalization and Attention
x = layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=1e-6)(inputs)
x = layers.MultiHeadAttention(
key_dim=head_size, num_heads=num_heads, dropout=dropout
)(x, x)
x = layers.Dropout(dropout)(x)
res = x + inputs
# Feed Forward Part
x = layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=1e-6)(res)
x = layers.Conv1D(filters=ff_dim, kernel_size=1, activation="relu")(x)
x = layers.Dropout(dropout)(x)
x = layers.Conv1D(filters=inputs.shape[-1], kernel_size=1)(x)
return x + res
def build_model(
inputs = keras.Input(shape=input_shape)
x = inputs
for _ in range(num_transformer_blocks):
x = transformer_encoder(x, head_size, num_heads, ff_dim, dropout)
x = layers.GlobalAveragePooling1D(data_format="channels_first")(x)
for dim in mlp_units:
x = layers.Dense(dim, activation="relu")(x)
x = layers.Dropout(mlp_dropout)(x)
outputs = layers.Dense(train_p.shape[1])(x)
return keras.Model(inputs, outputs)
input_shape = (train_f.shape[1], train_f.shape[2])
model = build_model(
history = model.fit(train_f, train_p, epochs=100, batch_size = 32, validation_split = 0.15, verbose = 1)
trainYPredict = model.predict(train_f)
**Inverse transform the prediction and keep the last value(output)**
trainYPredict1 = np.repeat(trainYPredict, scaled_train_X.shape[1], axis = -1)
trainYPredict_actual = scaler.inverse_transform(trainYPredict1)[:, -1]
train_p_actual = np.repeat(train_p, scaled_train_X.shape[1], axis = -1)
train_p_actual1 = scaler.inverse_transform(train_p_actual)[:, -1]
Prediction_mse=mean_squared_error(train_p_actual1 ,trainYPredict_actual)
print("Mean Squared Error of prediction is:", str(Prediction_mse))
Prediction_rmse =sqrt(Prediction_mse)
print("Root Mean Squared Error of prediction is:", str(Prediction_rmse))
prediction_r2=r2_score(train_p_actual1 ,trainYPredict_actual)
print("R2 score of predictions is:", str(prediction_r2))
prediction_mae=mean_absolute_error(train_p_actual1 ,trainYPredict_actual)
print("Mean absolute error of prediction is:", prediction_mae)
**Testing of model**
scaled_test_X = scaler.transform(test_X)
test_q = []
test_r = []
for val in range(n_past, len(scaled_test_X) - n_future+1):
test_q.append(scaled_test_X[val - n_past:val, 0:scaled_test_X.shape[1]])
test_r.append(scaled_test_X[val + n_future - 1:val + n_future, -1])
test_q, test_r = np.array(test_q), np.array(test_r)
testPredict = model.predict(test_q )
Validation and training loss image is also attached Training and validation Loss
I am trying to convert a Tensorflow object localization code into Pytorch. In the original code, the author use model.compile / model.fit to train the model so I don't understand how the losses of classification of the MNIST digits and box regressions work. Still, I'm trying to implement my own training loop in Pytorch.
The goal here is, after some preprocessing, past the MNIST digits randomly into a black square image and then, classify and localize (bounding boxes) the digit.
I set two losses : nn.CrossEntropyLoss and nn.MSELoss and I do (loss_1+loss_2).backward() to compute the gradients. I know it's the right way to compute gradients with two losses from here and here.
But still, my loss doesn't decrease whereas it collapses quasi-imediately with the Tensorflow code. I checked the model with torchinfo.summary and it seems behaving as well as the Tensorflow implementation.
I looked for the predicted labels of my model and it doesn't seem to change at all.
This line of code label_preds, bbox_coords_preds = model(digits) always returns the same values
label_preds[0] = tensor([[0.0156, 0.0156, 0.0156, 0.0156, 0.0156, 0.0156, 0.0156, 0.0156, 0.0156, 0.0156]], device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<SliceBackward0>)
Here are my questions :
Is my custom network set correctly ?
Are my losses set correctly ?
Why my label predictions don't change ?
Do my training loop work as well as the .compile and .fit Tensorflow methods ?
Thanks a lot !
class ConvNetwork(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(ConvNetwork, self).__init__()
self.conv2d_1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=16, kernel_size=3)
self.conv2d_2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=16, out_channels=32, kernel_size=3)
self.conv2d_3 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=64, kernel_size=3)
self.avgPooling2D = nn.AvgPool2d((2,2))
self.dense_1 = nn.Linear(in_features=3136, out_features=128)
self.dense_classifier = nn.Linear(in_features=128, out_features=10)
self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=0)
self.dense_regression = nn.Linear(in_features=128, out_features=4)
def forward(self, input):
x = self.avgPooling2D(F.relu(self.conv2d_1(input)))
x = self.avgPooling2D(F.relu(self.conv2d_2(x)))
x = self.avgPooling2D(F.relu(self.conv2d_3(x)))
x = nn.Flatten()(x)
x = F.relu(self.dense_1(x))
output_classifier = self.softmax(self.dense_classifier(x))
output_regression = self.dense_regression(x)
return [output_classifier, output_regression]
learning_rate = 0.1
model = ConvNetwork()
model = model.to(device)
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params=model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
classification_loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
regression_loss = nn.MSELoss()
begin_time = time.time()
for epoch in range(EPOCHS) :
tot_loss = 0
train_start = time.time()
training_losses = []
print(" "*5 + f"EPOCH {epoch+1}/{EPOCHS}")
for batch, (digits, labels, bbox_coords) in enumerate(training_dataset):
digits, labels, bbox_coords = digits.to(device), labels.to(device), bbox_coords.to(device)
[label_preds, bbox_coords_preds] = model(digits)
class_loss = classification_loss(label_preds, labels)
box_loss = regression_loss(bbox_coords_preds, bbox_coords)
training_loss = class_loss + box_loss
######### print part #######################
if batch+1 <= len_training_ds//BATCH_SIZE:
current_training_sample = (batch+1)*BATCH_SIZE
current_training_sample = (batch)*BATCH_SIZE + len_training_ds%BATCH_SIZE
if (batch+1) == 1 or (batch+1)%100 == 0 or (batch+1) == len_training_ds//BATCH_SIZE +1:
print(f"Elapsed time : {(time.time()-train_start)/60:.3f}",\
f" --- Digit : {current_training_sample}/{len_training_ds}",\
f" : loss = {training_loss:.5f}")
if batch+1 == (len_training_ds//BATCH_SIZE)+1:
print(f"Total elapsed time for training : {(time.time()-begin_time)/60:.3f}")
def feature_extractor(inputs):
x = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(16, activation='relu', kernel_size=3, input_shape=(75, 75, 1))(inputs)
x = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling2D((2, 2))(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32,kernel_size=3,activation='relu')(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling2D((2, 2))(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64,kernel_size=3,activation='relu')(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling2D((2, 2))(x)
return x
def dense_layers(inputs):
x = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()(inputs)
x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, activation='relu')(x)
return x
def classifier(inputs):
classification_output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, activation='softmax', name = 'classification')(inputs)
return classification_output
def bounding_box_regression(inputs):
bounding_box_regression_output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units = '4', name = 'bounding_box')(inputs)
return bounding_box_regression_output
def final_model(inputs):
feature_cnn = feature_extractor(inputs)
dense_output = dense_layers(feature_cnn)
classification_output = classifier(dense_output)
bounding_box_output = bounding_box_regression(dense_output)
model = tf.keras.Model(inputs = inputs, outputs = [classification_output,bounding_box_output])
return model
def define_and_compile_model(inputs):
model = final_model(inputs)
loss = {'classification' : 'categorical_crossentropy',
'bounding_box' : 'mse'
metrics = {'classification' : 'accuracy',
'bounding_box' : 'mse'
return model
inputs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(75, 75, 1,))
model = define_and_compile_model(inputs)
EPOCHS = 10 # 45
steps_per_epoch = 60000//BATCH_SIZE # 60,000 items in this dataset
validation_steps = 1
history = model.fit(training_dataset,
validation_steps=validation_steps, epochs=EPOCHS)
loss, classification_loss, bounding_box_loss, classification_accuracy, bounding_box_mse = model.evaluate(validation_dataset, steps=1)
print("Validation accuracy: ", classification_accuracy)
I answering to myself about this bug :
What I found :
I figured that I use a Softmax layer in my code while I'm using the nn.CrossEntropyLoss() as a loss.
What this problem was causing :
This loss already apply a softmax (doc)
Apply a softmax twice must add some noise to the loss and preventing convergence
What I did :
One should let a linear layer as an output for the classification layer.
An other way is to use the NLLLoss (doc) instead and let the softmax layer in the model class.
Also :
I don't fully understand how the .compile() and .fit() Tensorflow methods work but I think it should optimize the training one way or another (I think about the learning rate) since I had to decrease the learning rate to 0.001 in Pytorch to "unstick" the loss and makes it decrease.
I am training a model(VAEGAN) with intermediate outputs and I have two losses,
KL Divergence loss I compute from output layer
Similarity (rec) loss I compute from an intermediate layer.
Can I simply sum them up and apply gradients like below?
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
z_mean, z_log_sigma, z_encoder_output = self.encoder(real_images, training = True)
kl_loss = self.kl_loss_fn(z_mean, z_log_sigma) * kl_loss_coeff
fake_images = self.decoder(z_encoder_output)
fake_inter_activations, logits_fake = self.discriminator(fake_images, training = True)
real_inter_activations, logits_real = self.discriminator(real_images, training = True)
rec_loss = self.rec_loss_fn(fake_inter_activations, real_inter_activations) * rec_loss_coeff
total_encoder_loss = kl_loss + rec_loss
grads = tape.gradient(total_encoder_loss, self.encoder.trainable_weights)
self.e_optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, self.encoder.trainable_weights))
or do I need to seperate them like below while keeping tape persistent?
with tf.GradientTape(persistent = True) as tape:
z_mean, z_log_sigma, z_encoder_output = self.encoder(real_images, training = True)
kl_loss = self.kl_loss_fn(z_mean, z_log_sigma) * kl_loss_coeff
fake_images = self.decoder(z_encoder_output)
fake_inter_activations, logits_fake = self.discriminator(fake_images, training = True)
real_inter_activations, logits_real = self.discriminator(real_images, training = True)
rec_loss = self.rec_loss_fn(fake_inter_activations, real_inter_activations) * rec_loss_coeff
grads_kl_loss = tape.gradient(kl_loss, self.encoder.trainable_weights)
self.e_optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads_kl_loss, self.encoder.trainable_weights))
grads_rec_loss = tape.gradient(rec_loss, self.encoder.trainable_weights)
self.e_optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads_rec_loss, self.encoder.trainable_weights))
Yes, you can generally sum the losses and compute a single gradient. Since the gradient of a sum is the sum of the respective gradients, so the step taken by the summed loss is the same as taking both steps one after another.
Here's a simple example: Say you have two weights, and you are currently at the point (1, 3) ("starting point"). The gradient for loss 1 is (2, -4) and the gradient for loss 2 is (1, 2).
If you apply the steps one after the other, you will first move to (3, -1) and then to (4, 1).
If you sum the gradients first, the overall step is (3, -2). Following this direction from the starting point gets you to (4, 1) as well.
I am trying to implement logistic regression with gradient descent on the notMNIST dataset. This is my code thus far, which parses the data and plots the accuracy against the epochs. I have done my training in 7 mini batches of 500 each. There are a total of 5000 iterations and therefore 5000/7 epochs.
My goal is to find the accuracy after each epoch and plot it against the epoch. And I want to do the same with the average loss at each epoch. I want to do this for the validation points.
This is the loss function I am implementing.
However, for some reason, when I try to calculate accuracy I always get 100%, which doesn't make sense since I am finding the weight from the training and then using it on the validation set, so the algorithm cannot be correct 100% of the time. Also when I plot the losses, I get a linear function, which also doesn't make any sense.
Does anyone have ideas about what I am doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated!
#implement logistic regression
#logistic regression prediction function is y = sigmoid(W^Tx + b)
#train the logistic regression model using SGD and mini batch size B = 500 on the two-class notNMIST dataset
#how to train the dataset:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
LEARNING_RATE = [0.005]#0.001, 0.0001];
PIXEL_SIZE = 784; #28x28
###############Extracting data############################
with np.load("notMNIST.npz") as data :
Data, Target = data ["images"], data["labels"]
posClass = 2
negClass = 9
dataIndx = (Target==posClass) + (Target==negClass)
Data = Data[dataIndx]/255.
Target = Target[dataIndx].reshape(-1, 1)
Target[Target==posClass] = 1
Target[Target==negClass] = 0
randIndx = np.arange(len(Data))
Data, Target = Data[randIndx], Target[randIndx]
trainData, trainTarget = Data[:3500], Target[:3500]
validData, validTarget = Data[3500:3600], Target[3500:3600]
testData, testTarget = Data[3600:], Target[3600:]
################Manipulating Data##########################
trainX = np.reshape(trainData, (NUM_TRAINING_POINTS, PIXEL_SIZE));
validX = np.reshape(validData, (NUM_VALID_POINTS, PIXEL_SIZE))
batchesX = np.array(np.split(trainX, NUM_BATCHES));
batchesY = np.array(np.split(trainTarget, NUM_BATCHES));
################Defining variables########################
loss_Values = [[0 for x in range(NUM_BATCHES)] for y in range(715)]
lr = dict()
epoch_list = []
mean_list = []
accuracy_list = []
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [PIXEL_SIZE, None], name = "input_points") #784 dimensions (28x28 pixels)
W = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(shape=[PIXEL_SIZE,1], stddev=0.5), name='weights')
b = tf.Variable(0.0, name='bias')
y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,1], name = "target_labels")#target labels
lambda_ = 0.01
#weight_squared_sum = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(W),W) #find the square of the weight vector
#calculating the bias term
with tf.Session() as sess:
weight = W.eval()
weight_squared_sum = np.linalg.norm(weight)
loss_W = lambda_ /2 * weight_squared_sum #find the loss
y_hat = tf.add(tf.matmul(tf.transpose(W), x), b) #based on the sigmoid equation
y_hat = tf.transpose(y_hat)
cross_entropy = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits = y_hat, labels = y) #sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits takes in the actual y and the predicted y
total_loss = tf.add(tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy,0),loss_W)
epoch = 0
with tf.Session() as sess:
epoch = 0;
for learning_rate in LEARNING_RATE:
train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(total_loss) #change the learning rate each time
sess.run(train_step, feed_dict={x:np.transpose(batchesX[i%NUM_BATCHES]), y: batchesY[i%NUM_BATCHES]})
print("i: ",i)
print(sess.run(total_loss, feed_dict={x:np.transpose(batchesX[i%NUM_BATCHES]), y: batchesY[i%NUM_BATCHES]}))
if( i % NUM_BATCHES == 0): #everytime we reach 0, a new epoch has started
loss_Values[epoch][i%NUM_BATCHES] = sess.run(cross_entropy, feed_dict={x: np.transpose(batchesX[i%NUM_BATCHES]) , y: batchesY[i%NUM_BATCHES]});
correct_prediction = tf.equal(y, y_hat)
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
accuracy_val = sess.run(accuracy, feed_dict={x: np.transpose(validX) , y: validTarget})
print("Accuracy: ", accuracy_val)
epoch = epoch + 1;
lr[learning_rate] = loss_Values;
print("Final value")
#for plotting purposes
N = len(loss_Values)
for epoch in range (N): #find average over all input points in one epoch
row = np.array(loss_Values[epoch])
mean = np.add.reduce(row) / 3500;
epoch_list = np.array(epoch_list)
mean_list = np.array(epoch_list)
accuracy_list = np.array(epoch_list)
plt.plot(epoch_list, accuracy_list, '-', label = 'Average loss')
I am trying to implement a simple gender classifier using deep convolutional neural networks using tensorflow. I have found this model and implemented it.
def create_model_v2(data):
cl1_desc = {'weights':weight_variable([7,7,3,96]), 'biases':bias_variable([96])}
cl2_desc = {'weights':weight_variable([5,5,96,256]), 'biases':bias_variable([256])}
cl3_desc = {'weights':weight_variable([3,3,256,384]), 'biases':bias_variable([384])}
fc1_desc = {'weights':weight_variable([240000, 128]), 'biases':bias_variable([128])}
fc2_desc = {'weights':weight_variable([128,128]), 'biases':bias_variable([128])}
fc3_desc = {'weights':weight_variable([128,2]), 'biases':bias_variable([2])}
cl1 = conv2d(data,cl1_desc['weights'] + cl1_desc['biases'])
cl1 = tf.nn.relu(cl1)
pl1 = max_pool_nxn(cl1,3,[1,2,2,1])
lrm1 = tf.nn.local_response_normalization(pl1)
cl2 = conv2d(lrm1, cl2_desc['weights'] + cl2_desc['biases'])
cl2 = tf.nn.relu(cl2)
pl2 = max_pool_nxn(cl2,3,[1,2,2,1])
lrm2 = tf.nn.local_response_normalization(pl2)
cl3 = conv2d(lrm2, cl3_desc['weights'] + cl3_desc['biases'])
cl3 = tf.nn.relu(cl3)
pl3 = max_pool_nxn(cl3,3,[1,2,2,1])
fl = tf.contrib.layers.flatten(cl3)
fc1 = tf.add(tf.matmul(fl, fc1_desc['weights']), fc1_desc['biases'])
drp1 = tf.nn.dropout(fc1,0.5)
fc2 = tf.add(tf.matmul(drp1, fc2_desc['weights']), fc2_desc['biases'])
drp2 = tf.nn.dropout(fc2,0.5)
fc3 = tf.add(tf.matmul(drp2, fc3_desc['weights']), fc3_desc['biases'])
return fc3
What I need to note at this point is that I have also done all the pre-processing steps described in the paper, however my images are resized to 100x100x3 instead of the 277x277x3.
I have defined the the logits to be [0,1] for females and [1,0] for males
x = tf.placeholder('float',[None,100,100,3])
y = tf.placeholder('float',[None,2])
And have defined the training procedure as follows:
def train(x, hm_epochs, LR):
#prediction = create_model_v2(x)
prediction = create_model_v2(x)
cost = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits = prediction, labels = y) )
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=LR).minimize(cost)
batch_size = 50
correct = tf.equal(tf.argmax(prediction, 1), tf.argmax(y, 1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct, 'float'))
with tf.Session() as sess:
for epoch in range(hm_epochs):
epoch_loss = 0
i = 0
while i < (len(x_train)):
start = i
end = i + batch_size
batch_x = x_train[start:end]
batch_y = y_train[start:end]
whatever, vigen = sess.run([optimizer, cost], feed_dict = {x:batch_x, y:batch_y})
epoch_loss += vigen
print('Epoch', epoch ,'loss:',epoch_loss/len(x_train))
if (epoch+1) % 2 == 0:
j = 0
acc = []
while j < len(x_test):
acc += [accuracy.eval(feed_dict = {x:x_test[j:j + 10], y:y_test[j:j+10]})]
j+= 10
print ('accuracy after', epoch + 1, 'epochs on test set: ', sum(acc)/len(acc))
j = 0
acc = []
while j < len(x_train):
acc += [accuracy.eval(feed_dict = {x:x_train[j:j + 10], y:y_train[j:j+10]})]
j+= 10
print ('accuracy after', epoch, ' epochs on train set:', sum(acc)/len(acc))
Half of the code above is just for outputting test and train accuracies every 2 epochs.
Anyhow the loss starts high at first epoch
('Epoch', 0, 'loss:', 148.87030902462453)
('Epoch', 1, 'loss:', 0.01549744715988636)
('accuracy after', 2, 'epochs on test set: ', 0.33052011888510396)
('accuracy after', 1, ' epochs on train set:', 0.49607501227222384)
('Epoch', 2, 'loss:', 0.015493246909976005)
What am I missing?
and continues like this keeping the accuracy at 0.5 for train set.
EDIT: the functions weights variable, conv2d and max_pool_nn are
def bias_variable(shape):
initial = tf.constant(0.1, shape=shape)
return tf.Variable(initial)
def weight_variable(shape):
initial = tf.truncated_normal(shape, stddev=0.1)
return tf.Variable(initial)
def avg_pool_nxn(x, n, strides):
return tf.nn.avg_pool(x, ksize=[1,n,n,1], strides = strides,padding = 'SAME')
def max_pool_nxn(x, n, strides):
return tf.nn.max_pool(x, ksize=[1,n,n,1], strides = strides, padding = 'SAME')
def conv2d(x, W,stride = [1,1,1,1]):
return tf.nn.conv2d(x, W, strides = stride, padding = 'SAME')
EDIT 2 - Problem solved
The Problem was fascinatingly related to parameter initialization. Changing the weight initialization from Normal Distribution to Xavier initialization worked wonders and accuracy ended up at about 86%. If anyone is interested here is the original paper http://proceedings.mlr.press/v9/glorot10a/glorot10a.pdf, if anyone knows and cares to explain exactly why Xavier works well with convnets and images feel free to post an answer.
Proper initialisation of weights is often crucial to getting deeper neural nets to train.
Xavier initialisation is derived with the goal of ensuring that the variance of the output at each neuron is expected to be 1.0 (see here). This generally relies on the additional assumption that your inputs are standardised to have mean 0 and variance of 1, so it is important to also ensure this.
For ReLU units, I believe He initialisation is actually considered best practice. This requires initialising from a zero-mean Gaussian distribution with standard deviation:
Where n is the number of input units. See the Lasagne docs for best practices for some other activation functions.
On a side note, batch normalisation can often reduce the dependence of model performance on weights initialisation.