Can not make to interface tensorflow model - tensorflow

I'm trying to connect to my modified resnet model which is served using tensorflowÙ€model_serving
tensorflow_model_server --port=8500 --rest_api_port=8501 \
--model_name=resnet_model \
My model has an additional layer to the original resnet model which I got from tensorflow hub.
It expects 256x256 pixel images to classify and has only two output nodes.
Here is the interface that I could came up with with the help of the docs here:
package main
import (
func main() {
net := gocv.ReadNetFromTensorflow("/home/pc3/deeplearing/models/resnet/1")
imageFilePath := "./1.jpg"
img := gocv.IMRead(imageFilePath, gocv.IMReadAnyColor)
if img.Empty() {
log.Panic("Can not read Image file : ", imageFilePath)
blob := gocv.BlobFromImage(img, 1.0, image.Pt(256, 256), gocv.NewScalar(0, 0, 0, 0), true, false)
defer blob.Close()
// feed the blob into the classifier
net.SetInput(blob, "input")
// run a forward pass thru the network
prob := net.Forward("softmax")
defer prob.Close()
// reshape the results into a 1x1000 matrix
probMat := prob.Reshape(1, 2)
defer probMat.Close()
// determine the most probable classification, and display it
_, maxVal, _, maxLoc := gocv.MinMaxLoc(probMat)
fmt.Printf("maxLoc: %v, maxVal: %v\n", maxLoc, maxVal)
But get this runtime error:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
what(): OpenCV(4.6.0) /tmp/opencv/opencv-4.6.0/modules/dnn/src/tensorflow/tf_importer.cpp:2986: error: (-215:Assertion failed) netBinSize || netTxtSize in function 'populateNet'
SIGABRT: abort
PC=0x7fe95f86b00b m=0 sigcode=18446744073709551610
signal arrived during cgo execution
goroutine 1 [syscall]:
runtime.cgocall(0x4abc50, 0xc00005fda8)
/usr/local/go/src/runtime/cgocall.go:157 +0x5c fp=0xc00005fd80 sp=0xc00005fd48 pc=0x41f39c
_cgo_gotypes.go:6044 +0x49 fp=0xc00005fda8 sp=0xc00005fd80 pc=0x4a7569{0x4e7fcf?, 0x428d87?})
/home/pc3/go/pkg/mod/ +0x5e fp=0xc00005fde8 sp=0xc00005fda8 pc=0x4a815e
/home/pc3/go/src/test-go-ml/main.go:13 +0x51 fp=0xc00005ff80 sp=0xc00005fde8 pc=0x4a89b1
/usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:250 +0x212 fp=0xc00005ffe0 sp=0xc00005ff80 pc=0x44f892
/usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1571 +0x1 fp=0xc00005ffe8 sp=0xc00005ffe0 pc=0x4780a1
I can communicate with the model seamlessly using this python snippet:
from urllib import response
import requests
import base64
import cv2
import json
import numpy as np
from keras.applications.imagenet_utils import decode_predictions
image = cv2.imread("10.jpg")
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
image = cv2.resize(image, (256, 256))
image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0)
image = np.true_divide(image, 255)
data = json.dumps({"signature_name":"serving_default", "instances": image.tolist()})
url = "http://localhost:8501/v1/models/resnet_model:predict"
response =, data=data, headers = {"content_type": "application/json"})
predictions = json.loads(response.text)
Appreciate your help to resolve this, as the official docs is really lacking and I could not find any tutorial about this.

In case anyone interested, here is the complete solution that we found:
package main
import (
type Data struct {
Signature_name string `json:"signature_name"`
Instances []interface{} `json:"instances"`
func main() {
imageFilePath := "1.jpeg"
mat := gocv.IMRead(imageFilePath, gocv.IMReadAnyColor)
if mat.Empty() {
log.Panic("Can not read Image file : ", imageFilePath)
resizeImage := gocv.NewMat()
gocv.Resize(mat, &resizeImage, image.Point{X: 256, Y: 256}, 0, 0, gocv.InterpolationNearestNeighbor)
img := resizeImage.Clone()
gocv.CvtColor(resizeImage, &img, gocv.ColorBGRToRGB)
a := tensor.New(tensor.WithBacking(img.ToBytes()))
backing := a.Data().([]byte)
backing2 := make([]float64, len(backing))
for i := range backing {
x := float64(backing[i]) / 255
backing2[i] = x
matrix := matrix.ReshapeD3(backing2, [3]int{256, 256, 3})
var dim []interface{}
dim = append(dim, []interface{}{matrix}...)
data := Data{
Signature_name: "serving_default",
Instances: dim,
// send marshalled `data` to the Model
url := "http://localhost:8501/v1/models/resnet_model:predict"
payloadBuf := new(bytes.Buffer)
req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", url, payloadBuf)
client := &http.Client{}
res, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
defer res.Body.Close()
io.Copy(os.Stdout, res.Body)


How to convert image to tensor in golang?

I'm trying to convert this python interface to tensorflow serving into golang:
image = cv2.imread("1.jpg")
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
image = cv2.resize(image, (256, 256))
image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0)
image = np.true_divide(image, 255)
What I'm came up with is:
package main
import (
func main() {
imageFilePath := "./a.jpg"
mat := gocv.IMRead(imageFilePath, gocv.IMReadAnyColor)
if mat.Empty() {
log.Panic("Can not read Image file : ", imageFilePath)
resizeImage := gocv.NewMat()
gocv.Resize(mat, &resizeImage, image.Point{X: 256, Y: 256}, 0, 0, gocv.InterpolationNearestNeighbor)
img := resizeImage.Clone()
gocv.CvtColor(resizeImage, &img, gocv.ColorBGRToRGB)
// equivalent to np.expand_dims(image, axis=0) ?
I've tried to get help from gonum but had no luck plugging it to gocv, so I'm left clueless and appreciate your help about this.

Output probability of prediction in tensorflow.js

I have a model.json generated from tensorflow via tensorflow.js coverter
In the original implementation of model in tensorflow in python, it is built like this:
model = models.Sequential([
layers.Dense(128, activation='relu'),
In tensorflow, the probability can be generated by score = tf.nn.softmax(predictions[0]), according to the tutorial on official website.
How do I get this probability in tensorflow.js?
I have copied the codes template as below:
$("#predict-button").click(async function () {
if (!modelLoaded) { alert("The model must be loaded first"); return; }
if (!imageLoaded) { alert("Please select an image first"); return; }
let image = $('#selected-image').get(0);
// Pre-process the image
console.log( "Loading image..." );
let tensor = tf.browser.fromPixels(image, 3)
.resizeNearestNeighbor([224, 224]) // change the image size
// RGB -> BGR
let predictions = await model.predict(tensor).data();
let top5 = Array.from(predictions)
.map(function (p, i) { // this is
return {
probability: p,
className: TARGET_CLASSES[i] // we are selecting the value from the obj
}).sort(function (a, b) {
return b.probability - a.probability;
}).slice(0, 2);
top5.forEach(function (p) {
$("#prediction-list").append(`<li>${p.className}: ${p.probability.toFixed(6)}</li>`);
How should I modify the above code?
The output is just the same as the value of variable 'predictions':
0: -2.5525975227355957
1: 7.398464679718018
2: -3.252196788787842
3: 4.710395812988281
4: -4.636396408081055
buffer: (...)
byteLength: (...)
byteOffset: (...)
length: (...)
Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): (...)
__proto__: TypedArray
0: {probability: 7.398464679718018, className: "Sunflower"}
1: {probability: 4.710395812988281, className: "Rose"}
length: 2
__proto__: Array(0)
Please help!!!
In order to extract the probabilities from the logits of the model using a softmax function you can do the following:
This is the array of logits that are also the predictions you get from the model
const logits = [-2.5525975227355957, 7.398464679718018, -3.252196788787842, 4.710395812988281, -4.636396408081055]
You can call tf.softmax() on the array of values
const probabilities = tf.softmax(logits)
[0.0000446, 0.9362511, 0.0000222, 0.0636765, 0.0000056]
Then if you wanted to get the index with the highest probability you can make use of tf.argMax():
const results = tf.argMax(probabilities).dataSync()[0]
I am not too familiar with jQuery so this might not be correct. But here is how I would get the probabilities of the outputs in descending order:
let probabilities = tf.softmax(predictions).dataSync();
probabilities.forEach(function(p, i) {
`<li>${TARGET_CLASSES[i]}: ${p.toFixed(6)}</li>`

Tensorflow: converting H5 layer model to TFJS version leads to Unknown layer: TensorFlowOpLayer error when it works in TS

I'm trying to run the converted model from the repository: Well, the conversion was successful. But when I tried to initialize the model, I saw the error: "Unknown layer: TensorFlowOpLayer.". If we will investigate the saved model, we can see TensorFlowOpLayer:
The model structure
As I understood it is this peace of code:
keras.layers.UpSampling2D(size=2, interpolation='bilinear')(layer_input).
I decided to write my own class "TensorFlowOpLayer".
import * as tf from '#tensorflow/tfjs';
export class TensorFlowOpLayer extends tf.layers.Layer {
constructor() {
computeOutputShape(shape: Array<number>) {
return [1, null, null, 32];
call(input_3): tf.Tensor {
const result = tf.layers.upSampling2d({ size: [2, 2], dataFormat: 'channelsLast', interpolation: 'bilinear' }).apply(input_3) as tf.Tensor;
return result;
static get className() {
return 'TensorFlowOpLayer';
But it doesn't work. Can someone help me to understand how to write to the method "computeOutputShape"?
And second misunderstanding, why on the picture above we see the next order of layers:
Conv2D -> TensorFlowOpLayer -> PReLU
As I understood the TensorFlowOpLayer layer is "UpSampling2D" in the python code. The H5 model was investigated through the site:
u = keras.layers.UpSampling2D(size=2, interpolation='bilinear')(layer_input)
u = keras.layers.Conv2D(, kernel_size=3, strides=1, padding='same')(u)
u = keras.layers.PReLU(shared_axes=[1, 2])(u)
The initializing of the model in TS:
async loadModel() {
this.model = await tf.loadLayersModel('/assets/fast_srgan/model.json');
const inputs = tf.layers.input({shape: [null, null, 32]});
const outputs = this.model.apply(inputs) as tf.SymbolicTensor;
this.model = tf.model({inputs: inputs, outputs: outputs});
console.log("Model has been loaded");
like in python code:
from tensorflow import keras
# Load the model
model = keras.models.load_model('models/generator.h5')
# Define arbitrary spatial dims, and 3 channels.
inputs = keras.Input((None, None, 3))
# Trace out the graph using the input:
outputs = model(inputs)
# Override the model:
model = keras.models.Model(inputs, outputs)
Then, how is it used:
tf.tidy(() => {
let img = tf.browser.fromPixels(this.imgLr.nativeElement, 3);
img = tf.div(img, 255.0);
img = tf.image.resizeNearestNeighbor(img, [96, 96]);
img = tf.expandDims(img, 0);
let sr = this.model.predict(img) as tf.Tensor;
like in python code:
def predict(img):
# Rescale to 0-1.
lr = tf.math.divide(img, 255)
# Get super resolution image
sr = model.predict(tf.expand_dims(lr, axis=0))
return sr[0]
When I added my own class "TensorFlowOpLayer" I see the next error:
"expected input1 to have shape [null,null,null,32] but got array with shape [1,96,96,3]."
Solved the issue. The issue related to the version of the code and the saved model. The author of the code refactored the code and didn't change the saved model. I rewrote the needed class:
import * as tf from '#tensorflow/tfjs';
export class DepthToSpace extends tf.layers.Layer {
constructor() {
computeOutputShape(shape: Array<number>) {
return [null, ...shape.slice(1, 3).map(x => x * 2), 32];
call(input): tf.Tensor {
input = input[0];
const result = tf.depthToSpace(input, 2);
return result;
static get className() {
return 'TensorFlowOpLayer';
and it works.
The author's original code is:
u = keras.layers.Conv2D(filters, kernel_size=3, strides=1, padding='same')(layer_input)
u = tf.nn.depth_to_space(u, 2)
u = keras.layers.PReLU(shared_axes=[1, 2])(u)

TensorflowJS: how to reset input/output shapes for pretrained model in TFJS

For the pre-trained model in python we can reset input/output shapes:
from tensorflow import keras
# Load the model
model = keras.models.load_model('models/generator.h5')
# Define arbitrary spatial dims, and 3 channels.
inputs = keras.Input((None, None, 3))
# Trace out the graph using the input:
outputs = model(inputs)
# Override the model:
model = keras.models.Model(inputs, outputs)
The source code
I'm trying to do the same in TFJS:
// Load the model
this.model = await tf.loadLayersModel('/assets/fast_srgan/model.json');
// Define arbitrary spatial dims, and 3 channels.
const inputs = tf.layers.input({shape: [null, null, 3]});
// Trace out the graph using the input.
const outputs = this.model.apply(inputs) as tf.SymbolicTensor;
// Override the model.
this.model = tf.model({inputs: inputs, outputs: outputs});
TFJS does not support one of the layers in the model:
u = keras.layers.Conv2D(filters, kernel_size=3, strides=1, padding='same')(layer_input)
u = tf.nn.depth_to_space(u, 2) # <- TFJS does not support this layer
u = keras.layers.PReLU(shared_axes=[1, 2])(u)
I wrote my own:
import * as tf from '#tensorflow/tfjs';
export class DepthToSpace extends tf.layers.Layer {
constructor() {
computeOutputShape(shape: Array<number>) {
// I think the issue is here
// because the error occurs during initialization of the model
return [null, ...shape.slice(1, 3).map(x => x * 2), 32];
call(input): tf.Tensor {
const result = tf.depthToSpace(input[0], 2);
return result;
static get className() {
return 'TensorFlowOpLayer';
Using the model:
tf.tidy(() => {
let img = tf.browser.fromPixels(this.imgLr.nativeElement, 3);
img = tf.div(img, 255);
img = tf.expandDims(img, 0);
let sr = this.model.predict(img) as tf.Tensor;
sr = tf.mul(tf.div(tf.add(sr, 1), 2), 255).arraySync()[0];
tf.browser.toPixels(sr as tf.Tensor3D, this.imgSrCanvas.nativeElement);
but I get the error:
Error: Input 0 is incompatible with layer p_re_lu: expected axis 1 of input shape to have value 96 but got shape 1,128,128,32.
The pre-trained model was trained with 96x96 pixels images. If I use the 96x96 image, it works. But if I try to use other sizes (for example 128x128), It doesn't work. In python, we can easily reset input/output shapes. Why it doesn't work in JS?
To define a new model from the layers of the previous model, you need to use tf.model
this.model = tf.model({inputs: inputs, outputs: outputs});
I tried to debug this class:
import * as tf from '#tensorflow/tfjs';
export class DepthToSpace extends tf.layers.Layer {
constructor() {
computeOutputShape(shape: Array<number>) {
return [null, ...shape.slice(1, 3).map(x => x * 2), 32];
call(input): tf.Tensor {
const result = tf.depthToSpace(input[0], 2);
return result;
static get className() {
return 'TensorFlowOpLayer';
and saw: when I do not try to rewrite the size, the computeOutputShape, method works only twice, and it works 4 times when I try to reset inputs/outputs. Well, then I opened the model's JSON file and changed inputs from [null, 96, 96, 32] to [null, 128, 128, 32] and removed these lines:
// Define arbitrary spatial dims, and 3 channels.
const inputs = tf.layers.input({shape: [null, null, 3]});
// Trace out the graph using the input.
const outputs = this.model.apply(inputs) as tf.SymbolicTensor;
// Override the model.
this.model = tf.model({inputs: inputs, outputs: outputs});
And now it works with 128x128 images. It looks like the piece of code above, adds the layers instead of rewriting them.

gcloud jobs submit prediction 'can't decode json' with --data-format=TF_RECORD

I pushed up some test data to gcloud for prediction as a binary tfrecord-file. Running my script I got the error ('No JSON object could be decoded', 162). What do you think I am doing wrong?
To push a prediction job to gcloud, i use this script:
args=" --model "$MODEL_NAME
args+=" --version "$VERSION
args+=" --data-format=TF_RECORD"
args+=" --input-paths "$INPUT_PATH
args+=" --output-path "$OUTPUT_PATH
args+=" --region "$REGION
gcloud ml-engine jobs submit prediction $JOB_NAME $args
test-data.tfr has been generated from a numpy array, as so:
import numpy as np
filename = './Datasets/test-data.npz'
data = np.load(filename)
features = data['X'] # features[channel, example, feature]
np_features = np.swapaxes(features, 0, 1) # features[example, channel, feature]
import tensorflow as tf
import as D
def floats_feature(arr):
return tf.train.Feature(float_list=tf.train.FloatList(value=arr.flatten().tolist()))
writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter("./Datasets/test-data.tfr")
for i, np_example in enumerate(np_features):
if i%1000==0: print(i)
tf_feature = {
ch: floats_feature(x)
for ch, x in zip(D.channels, np_example)
tf_features = tf.train.Features(feature=tf_feature)
tf_example = tf.train.Example(features=tf_features)
Update (following yxshi):
I define the following serving function
def tfrecord_serving_input_fn():
import tensorflow as tf
seq_length = int(dt*sr)
examples = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=())
feat_map = {
channel: tf.FixedLenSequenceFeature(shape=(seq_length,),
dtype=tf.float32, allow_missing=True)
for channel in channels
parsed = tf.parse_single_example(examples, features=feat_map)
features = {
channel: tf.expand_dims(tensor, -1)
for channel, tensor in parsed.iteritems()
from collections import namedtuple
InputFnOps = namedtuple("InputFnOps", "features labels receiver_tensors")
tf.contrib.learn.utils.input_fn_utils.InputFnOps = InputFnOps
return InputFnOps(features=features, labels=None, receiver_tensors=examples)
# InputFnOps = tf.contrib.learn.utils.input_fn_utils.InputFnOps
# return InputFnOps(features, None, parsed)
# Error: InputFnOps has no attribute receiver_tensors
.., which I pass to generate_experiment_fn as so:
export_strategies = [
exports_to_keep = 1,
default_output_alternative_key = None,
gen_exp_fn = generate_experiment_fn(
train_steps_per_iteration = args.train_steps_per_iteration,
train_steps = args.train_steps,
export_strategies = export_strategies
(aside: note the dirty patch of InputFnOps)
It looks like the input is not correctly specified in the inference graph. To use tf_record as input data format, your inference graph must accept strings as the input placeholder. In your case, you should have something like below in your inference code:
examples = tf.placeholder(tf.string, name='input', shape=(None,))
with tf.name_scope('inputs'):
feature_map = {
ch: floats_feature(x)
for ch, x in zip(D.channels, np_example)
parsed = tf.parse_example(examples, features=feature_map)
f1 = parsed['feature_name_1']
f2 = parsed['feature_name_2']
A close example is here:
Hope it helps.