installing Kong API Gateway on EKS - amazon-eks

Following the super-simple instructions in this link (the helm method) I'm trying to install Kong on an test EKS cluster (in an empty kong namespace) and it's a disaster. The service never gets an external IP (stuck at "pending"). The ingress-controller container inside the main pod fails with:
time="2022-06-15T19:14:52Z" level=info msg="successfully synced configuration to kong."
time="2022-06-15T19:14:54Z" level=error msg="checking config status failed: %!w(*kong.APIError=&{500 An unexpected error occurred})"
time="2022-06-15T19:14:57Z" level=error msg="checking config status failed: %!w(*kong.APIError=&{500 An unexpected error occurred})"
time="2022-06-15T19:15:00Z" level=error msg="checking config status failed: %!w(*kong.APIError=&{500 An unexpected error occurred})"
(the last line repeating every 3sec)
...while the proxy container inside the same pod fails with repeating
2022/06/15 19:47:27 [error] 1110#0: *11302 [lua] api_helpers.lua:511: handle_error(): /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/lapis/application.lua:424: /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/api/routes/health.lua:45: http2 requests not supported yet
I'm not doing any customizing with the values file, I'm just installing as it comes by default. The instructions (just a "helm repo add" and a "helm install") come from the official Kong site, so what is amiss?? Helm is v3.8, K8s is v1.21.


RKE2 Authorized endpoint configuration help required

I have a rancher 2.6.67 server and RKE2 downstream cluster. The cluster was created without authorized cluster endpoint. How to add an authorised cluster endpoint to a RKE2 cluster created by Rancher article describes how to add it in an existing cluster, however although the answer looks promising, I still must miss some detail, because it does not work for me.
Here is what I did:
Created /var/lib/rancher/rke2/kube-api-authn-webhook.yaml file with contents:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
- name: Default
insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
- name: Default
insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
current-context: webhook
- name: webhook
user: Default
cluster: Default
and added
"kube-apiserver-arg": [
to the /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml.d/50-rancher.yaml file.
After restarting rke2-server I found the network configuration tab in Rancher and was able to enable authorized endpoint. Here is where my success ends.
I tried to create a serviceaccount and got the secret to have token authorization, but it failed when connecting directly to the api endpoint on the master.
kube-api-auth pod logs this:
time="2022-10-06T08:42:27Z" level=error msg="found 1 parts of token"
time="2022-10-06T08:42:27Z" level=info msg="Processing v1Authenticate request..."
Also the log is full of messages like this:
E1006 09:04:07.868108 1 reflector.go:139] pkg/mod/ Failed to watch *v3.ClusterAuthToken: failed to list *v3.ClusterAuthToken: the server could not find the requested resource (get
E1006 09:04:40.778350 1 reflector.go:139] pkg/mod/ Failed to watch *v3.ClusterAuthToken: failed to list *v3.ClusterAuthToken: the server could not find the requested resource (get
E1006 09:04:45.171554 1 reflector.go:139] pkg/mod/ Failed to watch *v3.ClusterUserAttribute: failed to list *v3.ClusterUserAttribute: the server could not find the requested resource (get
I found that SA tokens will not work this way so I tried to use a rancher user token, but that fails as well:
time="2022-10-06T08:37:34Z" level=info msg=" ...looking up token for kubeconfig-user-qq9nrc86vv"
time="2022-10-06T08:37:34Z" level=error msg=" \"cattle-system/kubeconfig-user-qq9nrc86vv\" not found"
Checking the cattle-system namespace, there are no SA and secret entries corresponding to the users created in rancher, however I found SA and secret entries related in cattle-impersonation-system.
I tried creating a new user, but that too, only resulted in new entries in cattle-impersonation-system namespace, so I presume kube-api-auth wrongly assumes the location of the secrets to be cattle-system namespace.
Now the questions:
Can I authenticate with downstream RKE2 cluster using normal SA tokens (not ones created through Rancher server)? If so, how?
What did I do wrong about adding the webhook authentication configuration? How to make it work?
I noticed, that since I made the modifications described above, I cannot download the kubeconfig file from the rancher UI for this cluster. What went wrong there?
Thanks in advance for any advice.

Health Check on Fabric CA

I have a hyperledger fabric network v2.2.0 deployed with 2 peer orgs and an orderer org in a kubernetes cluster. Each org has its own CA server. The CA pod keeps on restarting sometimes. In order to know whether the service of the CA server is reachable or not, I am trying to use the healthz API on port 9443.
I have used the livenessProbe condition in the CA deployment like so:
failureThreshold: 3
path: /healthz
port: 9443
scheme: HTTP
initialDelaySeconds: 10
periodSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 1
timeoutSeconds: 1
After configuring this liveness probe, the pod keeps on restarting with the event Liveness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with status code: 400. Why might this be happening?
HTTP 400 code:
The HTTP 400 Bad Request response status code indicates that the server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (for example, malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing).
This indicates that Kubernetes is sending the data in a way hyperledger is rejecting, but without more information it is hard to say where the problem is. Some quick checks to start with:
Send some GET requests directly to the hyperledger /healthz resource yourself. What do you get? You should get back either a 200 "OK" if everything is functioning, or a 503 "Service Unavailable" with details of which nodes are down (docs).
kubectl describe pod liveness-request. You should see a few lines towards the bottom describing the state of the liveness probe in more detail:
Restart Count: 0
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled <unknown> default-scheduler Successfully assigned example-dc/liveness-request to dcpoz-d-sou-k8swor3
Normal Pulling 4m45s kubelet, dcpoz-d-sou-k8swor3 Pulling image "nginx"
Normal Pulled 4m42s kubelet, dcpoz-d-sou-k8swor3 Successfully pulled image "nginx"
Normal Created 4m42s kubelet, dcpoz-d-sou-k8swor3 Created container liveness
Normal Started 4m42s kubelet, dcpoz-d-sou-k8swor3 Started container liveness
Some other things to investigate:
httpGet options that might be helpful:
scheme – Protocol type HTTP or HTTPS
httpHeaders– Custom headers to set in the request
Have you configured the operations service?
You may need a valid client certificate (if TLS is enabled, and clientAuthRequired is set to true).

Cannot acces to localhost:8443/ejbca

I'm new in ejbca and i have to install it on a virtual machine for job
Ubuntu 20.04
mariadb-server version: 10.3.32-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 Ubuntu 20.04
openjdk version "1.8.0_312"
Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.7 compiled on October 24 2019
After a few try's(and a lot of virtual machines cloned and deleted), i finally get the "build successfully" message with the commands ant runinstall and ant deploy-keystore
But when i try to use the URL https://localhost:8443/ejbca/ (the certificate SuperAdmin.p12 is installed) my browser(firefox 96.0 64bits) give the message
An error occurred during a connection to localhost:8443. Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s).
i have this errors on my log file, the first one related with ant -q clean deployear
and the last, appear every time i try to access via URL https://localhost:8443/ejbca/
ERROR [] (MSC service thread 1-1) WFLYJSF0002: Could not load JSF managed bean class: org.ejbca.ui.web.admin.peerconnector.PeerConnectorMBean
ERROR [io.undertow.request] (default I/O-2) Closing SSLConduit after exception on handshake: no cipher suites in common
at Method)
at io.undertow.protocols.ssl.SslConduit$
at org.jboss.threads.EnhancedQueueExecutor.safeRun(
at org.jboss.threads.EnhancedQueueExecutor$ThreadBody.doRunTask(
at org.jboss.threads.EnhancedQueueExecutor$
ERROR [io.undertow.request] (default I/O-2) Closing SSLConduit after exception
Sounds like a TLS configuration issue. You will find the TLS configuration you did when configuring WildFly in the commands you ran like:
/opt/wildfly/bin/ --connect '/subsystem=elytron/server-ssl-context=httpspriv:add(key-manager=httpsKM,protocols=["TLSv1.2"],use-cipher-suites-order=false,cipher-suite-filter="TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256",trust-manager=httpsTM,need-client-auth=true)'
The result is somewhere in standalone.xml in WildFly, and you can modify it directly in WildFly. For example if you have EC keys in the server certificate while using the above RSA algorithm selection.
In server.log you should also see when WildFly starts up if there are any error in parsing the values, or keystores.
Make sure that you server and client certificates have keys and algorithms that match the TLS algorithm settings, otherwise WildFly will remove those algortihms.

Puppet agent is not running successfully after updating ssl certs

I am running puppet 3.7. The certs are expiring for me so I have updated the certs (after creating a backup so I am able to get back to the original state and that's fine). After updating the certs on puppetmaster using this, updating certs on the agent using this and updating certs on puppetdb using this, I am unable to run puppet agent successfully on a client box. It gives me the following error:
root#ip-10-181-36:/var/lib/puppet# sudo puppet agent -t
Warning: Setting templatedir is deprecated. See
(at /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/settings.rb:1139:in 'issue_deprecation_warning')
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Loading facts
Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will continue:
Warning: Error 403 on SERVER: Forbidden request: newer-generic-host( access to /node/ip-10-181-36 [find] authenticated at :39
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 403 on SERVER: Forbidden request: newer-generic-host( access to /catalog/ip-10-181-36 [find] authenticated at :1
Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
Error: Could not send report: Error 403 on SERVER: Forbidden request: newer-generic-host( access to /report/ip-10-181-36 [save] authenticated at :91
I am stuck at this point and no googling or reading docs or seeing the logs is helping. Does anyone have any ideas?

Open MQ broker won't start

We're running Glassfish 4.1.1 (Payara) with mq 5.1.1. It's a HA setup with load balancer and cluster.
Glassfish is running ok. Problem is that MQ won't start.
I think that a remote MQ is starting. I can do imqcmd list bkr -b and I get successful results.
However when I do imqcmd list bkr (or imqcmd list jmx, without -b hostname) I get:
Host Primary Port
localhost 7676
WARNING: [C4003]: Error occurred on connection creation [localhost:7676]. - cause: Connection reset
Error while connecting to the broker on host 'localhost' and port '7676'.
I'd like to get rid of the error, and see my network ip instead of localhost.
Also GF server.log gives this:
[2017-04-12T11:54:46.516-0400] [Payara 4.1] [SEVERE] [rardeployment.start_failed] [] [tid: _ThreadID=42 _ThreadName=admin-listener(2)] [timeMillis: 1492012486516] [levelValue: 1000] [[
RAR6035 : Resource adapter start failed.
javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapterInternalException: javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapterInternalException: MQJMSRA_RA4001: start:Aborting:Exception starting EMBEDDED broker=Broker failed to start
at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.jms.system.ActiveJmsResourceAdapter.startResourceAdapter(
at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ActiveOutboundResourceAdapter.init(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Broker failed to start
at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.runtime.impl.BrokerInstanceImpl.start(
at com.sun.messaging.jms.blc.EmbeddedBrokerRunner.start(
at com.sun.messaging.jms.blc.LifecycleManagedBroker.start(
... 92 more
Caused by: [B3297]: Unable to make directory <mydirectory>/imq/instances/imqbroker/etc
at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.Broker.initializePasswdFile(
I'm wondering where the directory that it is unable to make is configured.
I've been debugging this for days. I need to know where to configure the ip for the embedded broker. I also need to know where to set up the jmxrmi url.
any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
I found the solution to this problem. We had a broken symlink to the openmq application directory, within the Glassfish application directory. On domain startup, Glassfish could not find mq and therefore could not start the embedded broker. Once we fixed the symlink, the embedded broker started up on glassfish domain startup (asadmin start-domain).
I knew the embedded broker was not starting because the "imq" folder was not being created in <domaindir>/
Check for those broken symlinks!!