#temp table equivalent in Postgres? - sql

In Sql Server, we can create temp table in sql editor like :
select * into #temp_sales_data from sales_data; -- this will create a temp table and insert data.
Please let us know what is the equivalent option in Postgres.

You just create one using create temp table
create temp table temp_sales_data
select *
from sales_data;


I am not able to create temporary table in Bigquery

got below error while trying to create temporary table in Bigquery .
create or replace temporary table mss.Business.test2 as
select * from mss.Business.registration
Query error: Temporary tables may not be qualified at [2:36]
As mentioned by #Jaytiger names are not included in the CREATE TEMP TABLE statement.
You can create temporary table to store the results of a query as follows:
CREATE OR REPLACE TEMP TABLE <table1> as (SELECT * FROM `<dataset>.<table2>`);
SELECT * from <table1>
You can follow this documentation for further examples on Temp tables.

How can I create and query against temp table in HiveQL?

I am new to HiveQL and I need to create a temp table from the results of following query:
SELECT * FROM `database`.`table` LIMIT 0,100;
....Then run query against this temp table. How could I accomplish this and what is the best practice?
So i guess the SQL Anywhere version would be something like:
create table #temp (foo int)
insert into #temp (foo)
select top (100) 1
from dbo.table t
select count(*) from #temp as c
drop table #temp
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
In hive you can create similar functionality using CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE . Table can me managed or external and will stay as long as your hive session is active. Also, pls note, if you are running it as part of batch process, this may not be a good idea.
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE etl.tmp1 as select * from tab limit 10;
select count(*) from etl.tmp1 ;

how to create a temp table in Dremio

I would like to create a temporary table as below in dremio
Select ABC into #temp_table
any advise?
I don't think DREMIO explicitly supports temporary tables. However, it does have the ability to create tables on the fly from the results of the query using create table as (CTAS):
create table temp_table as
select ABC;

Creating and Dropping Transient Tables in Snowflake

If I want to create and drop a temporary table in SQL Server, I would do something like this:
drop table if exists #part_1;
Does Snowflake have an equivalent? If so, what is it? I tried doing the following, but it is not working:
drop table if exists transient table part_1;
transient part_1
drop table if exists part1;
create or replace transient table part1
select 1 x, 2 y;

How to registerTempTable in SparkSQL

Spark version:2.2.0.cloudera2
Usually, we register a temp table in this way:
But if I want to create a table in SQL statement, like this:
CREATE TABLE test_table from select * from table1
Spark will create a permanent table. Is there some way to create a temp table in SparkSQL statement?
You need to add TEMPORARY keyword in the SQL statement which would restrict writing the records to hive metastore for that particular table.
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE test_table from select * from table1
Refer: https://docs.databricks.com/spark/latest/spark-sql/language-manual/create-table.html