Grouping and Summing in SQL - sql

Good day
I would like to find out how I would Sort and group the following data by grouping the Account and summing the grandTotal of the Account per Month.
This is my current Select statement:
, tbl_SalesMaster.grandTotal
FROM tbl_SalesMaster
INNER JOIN tbl_AccountLedger ON tbl_SalesMaster.ledgerId =tbl_AccountLedger.ledgerId
Here is wat my select statement is bringing back
Now I need to sort this data by summing the grand total for each month for a legerName

You can use the below query on SQL 2012 or higher version. I will suggest please read grouping in SQL.
, SUM(tbl_SalesMaster.grandTotal) AS TotalGrandTotal
FROM tbl_SalesMaster
INNER JOIN tbl_AccountLedger ON tbl_SalesMaster.ledgerId =tbl_AccountLedger.ledgerId
GROUP BY tbl_AccountLedger.ledgerName, DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(,MONTH(,1)


Calculating the percentage of different types of customer feedback in each quarter

The problem statement is: I have a table (order_t) which has customer feedback (one column) and quarter number (as another column).
Using a CTE, I need to calculate the percentage of number of customer feedback in each category as well as the total number of customer feedback in each quarter.
After this happens, I need the percentage of different types of customer feedback (like good, bad, ok, very good, very bad) but using CTE.
How can I solve this statement?
I try to solve customer feedback as
WITH total_feedback AS
But I'm unable to calculate the first half portion, i.e. percentage of different types of customer feedback in each quarter using CTE.
How can I do that?
Find the file of the data
What you could do, and I'll keep the example as close to the code you provided as possible, is the following - using 2 CTE's:
WITH total_feedback AS (
FROM table1
category_feedback AS (
FROM table1
(feedback_count / total_feedback.total_feedback) * 100 AS feedback_percentage
FROM category_feedback
INNER JOIN total_feedback
ON category_feedback.QUARTER_NUMBER = total_feedback.QUARTER_NUMBER

SQL-How to Sum Data of Clients Over Time?

Goal: SUM/AVG Client Data over multiple dates/transactions.
Detailed Question: How do I properly Group clients ('PlayerID') then SUM the int(MinsPlayed), then AVG (AvgBet)?
Current Issue: my Results are giving individual transactions day by day over the 90 day time period instead of the SUM/AVG over the 90 days.
Current Script/Results: FirstName-Riley is showing each individual daily transaction instead of 1 total SUM/AVG over set time period
Firstly, you don't need to use DISTINCT as you are going to be aggregating the results using GROUP BY, so you can take that out.
The reason you are returning a row for each transaction is that your GROUP BY clause includes the column you are trying to aggregate (e.g. TimePlayed). Typically, you only want to GROUP BY the columns that are not being aggregated, so remove all the columns from the GROUP BY clause that you are aggregating using SUM or AVG (TimePlayed, PlayerSkill etc.).
Here's your current SQL:
SUM(TimePlayed)/60 AS MinsPlayed,
SUM(CashIn) AS AvgBet,
SUM(PlayerSkill) AS AvgSkillRating,
SUM(PlayerSpeed) AS Speed,
ON CDS_Player.Player_ID = CDS_StatDetail.PlayerID
WHERE StatType='PIT' AND CDS_StatDetail.GamingDate >= '1/02/17' and CDS_StatDetail.GamingDate <= '4/02/2017' AND CustomFlag1='N'
GROUP BY CDS_StatDetail.PlayerID, StatType, FirstName, LastName, Email, TimePlayed, CashIn, PlayerSkill, PlayerSpeed, CustomFlag1
ORDER BY CDS_StatDetail.PlayerID
You want something like:
SELECT CDS_StatDetail.PlayerID,
SUM(TimePlayed)/60 AS MinsPlayed,
AVG(CashIn) AS AvgBet,
AVG(PlayerSkill) AS AvgSkillRating,
SUM(PlayerSpeed) AS Speed,
ON CDS_Player.Player_ID = CDS_StatDetail.PlayerID
WHERE StatType='PIT' AND CDS_StatDetail.GamingDate BETWEEN '2017-01-02' AND '2017-04-02' AND CustomFlag1='N'
GROUP BY CDS_StatDetail.PlayerID
Next time, please copy and paste your text, not just linking to a screenshot.

Subtracting 2 values from a query and sub-query using CROSS JOIN in SQL

I have a question that I'm having trouble answering.
Find out what is the difference in number of invoices and total of invoiced products between May and June.
One way of doing it is to use sub-queries: one for June and the other one for May, and to subtract the results of the two queries. Since each of the two subqueries will return one row you can (should) use CROSS JOIN, which does not require the "on" clause since you join "all" the rows from one table (i.e. subquery) to all the rows from the other one.
To find the month of a certain date, you can use MONTH function.
Here is the Erwin document
This is what I got so far. I have no idea how to use CROSS JOIN in this situation
select COUNT(*) TotalInv, SUM(ILP.ProductCount) TotalInvoicedProducts
from Invoice I, (select Count(distinct ProductId) ProductCount from InvoiceLine) AS ILP
where MONTH(inv_date) = 5
select COUNT(*) TotalInv, SUM(ILP.ProductCount) TotalInvoicedProducts
from Invoice I, (select Count(distinct ProductId) ProductCount from InvoiceLine) AS ILP
where MONTH(inv_date) = 6
If you guys can help that would be great.
The problem statement suggests you use the following steps:
Construct a query, with a single result row giving the values for June.
Construct a query, with a single result row giving the values for May.
Compare the results of the two queries.
The issue is that, in SQL, it's not super easy to do that third step. One way to do it is by doing a cross join, which yields a row containing all the values from both subqueries; it's then easy to use SELECT (b - a) ... to get the differences you're looking for. This isn't the only way to do the third step, but what you have definitely doesn't work.
can't you do something with subqueries? I haven't tested this, but something like the below should give you 4 columns, invoices and products for may and june.
select (
select 'stuff' a, count(*) as june_invoices, sum(products) as products from invoices
where month = 'june'
) june , (
select 'stuff' a, count(*) as may_invoices, sum(products) as products from invoices
where month = 'may'
) may
where june.a = may.a

Using DATEPART function in access SQL query with joined tables and aggregate function

I want to select the year and quarter parts of the date in a table rather than the whole date. I built the following query to achieve this:
SELECT Clients.ClientID,
Sum(AccountVals.ValuationAmount) AS SumOfValuationAmount,
Datepart("YYYY", AccountVals.valuationAmount) AS valYear,
Datepart("Q", AccountVals.valuationAmount) AS valQuarter
FROM (Accounts
ON Accounts.ClientID = Clients.ClientID)
INNER JOIN AccountVals
ON Accounts.AccountID = AccountVals.AccountID
GROUP BY Clients.ClientID,
Although I have successfully used DATEPART in a simple select query the fact that this query is both an aggregate function and have linked tables is throwing me. Any ideas?
EDIT: I realise my query doesn't have any criteria which means it could be trying to aggregate the result from different dates so it can't show the dateparts. I tried adding something like HAVING valYear = 2012 AND valQuarter = 3 but get the same error
I don't think you can use an alias in the group by clause, at least not without a subquery. One solution is to repeat the exact expression in the group by, f.e.:
group by
, datepart("YYYY", AccountVals.valuationAmount)
, datepart("Q", AccountVals.valuationAmount)

SQL: HAVING clause

See the following SQL statement:
SELECT datediff("d", MAX(, Now) As Date_Diff
, MAX( AS max_invoice_date
, customer.number AS customer_number
FROM invoice
INNER JOIN customer
ON invoice.customer_number = customer.number
GROUP BY customer.number
If the the following was added:
HAVING datediff("d", MAX(, Now) > 365
would this simply exclude rows with Date_Diff <= 365?
What should be the effect of the HAVING clause here?
EDIT: I am not experiencing what the answers here are saying. A copy of the mdb is at (no macros or viruses). VISDATA.EXE is being used to execute the queries.
EDIT2: I think the problem might be VISDATA, because I am experiencing different results via DAO.
As already pointed out, yes, that is the effect. For completeness, 'HAVING' is like 'WHERE', but for the already aggregated (grouped) values (such as, MAX in this case, or SUM, or COUNT, or any of the other aggregate functions).
Yes, it would exclude those rows.
Yes, that is what it would do.
WHERE applies to all of the individual rows, so WHERE MAX(...) would match all rows.
HAVING is like WHERE, but within the current group. That means you can do things like HAVING count(*) > 1, which will only show groups with more than one result.
So to answer your question, it would only include rows where the record in the group that has the highest (MAX) date is greater than 365. In this case you are also selecting MAX(date), so yes, it excludes rows with date_diff <= 365.
However, you could select MIN(date) and see the minimum date in all the groups that have a maximum date of greater than 365. In this case it would not exclude "rows" with date_diff <= 365, but rather groups with max(date_diff) <= 365.
Hopefully it's not too confusing...
You may be trying the wrong thing with your MAX. By MAXing the column you are effectively looking for the most recent invoice associated with the customer. So effectively the HAVING condition is selecting all those customers who have not had any invoices within the last 365 days.
Is this what you are trying to do? Or are you actually trying to get all customers who have at least one invoice from more than a year ago? If that is the case, then you should put the MAX outside the datediff function.
That depends on whether you mean rows in the table or rows in the result. The having clause filters the result after grouping, so it would elliminate customers, not invoices.
If you want to filter out the new invoices rather than the customers with new invoices, you should use where instead so that you filter before grouping:
max(, Now) As Date_Diff,
max( as max_invoice_date,
inner join customer on invoice.customer_number = customer.number
datediff("d",, Now) > 365
group by
I wouldn't use a GROUP BY query at all. Using standard Jet SQL:
SELECT Customer.Number
FROM [SELECT DISTINCT Invoice.Customer_Number
FROM Invoice
WHERE (((Invoice.[Date])>Date()-365));]. AS Invoices
RIGHT JOIN Customer ON Invoices.Customer_Number = Customer.Number
WHERE (((Invoices.Customer_Number) Is Null));
Using SQL92 compatibility mode:
SELECT Customer.Number
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT Invoice.Customer_Number
FROM Invoice
WHERE (((Invoice.[Date])>Date()-365));) AS Invoices
RIGHT JOIN Customer ON Invoices.Customer_Number = Customer.Number
WHERE (((Invoices.Customer_Number) Is Null));
The key here is to get a set of the customer numbers who've had an invoice in the last year, and then doing an OUTER JOIN on that result set to return only those not in the set of customers with invoices in the last year.