Vue3 + Vite => 'default' is not exported by xxx - vue.js

Not a question but a solution so it may help others nor futur self !
I've spent 3 days trying to migrate/build a Vue3 project with Vite and having this error:
'default' is not exported by XXX
I'm importing assets dynamically as explained here:
new URL(`/src/${path}`, import.meta.url).href;
path being the path to my asset, for example "assets/icons/xxx.svg".
Problem is, if the new URL() base path targets the src folder, Vite will try to resolve the .vue and .ts files within it which generates the error above.
To solve it, just add the "assets" folder on the base path of the URL resolving, like so:
new URL(`/src/assets/${path}`, import.meta.url).href;
You're welcome futur me!

Don't target the whole src folder on the URL constructor.
Set the "assets" folder so it does not try to resolve your .ts/.js/.vue files when trying to resolve dynamic assets.


Including source of file inside a Vue-cli project (type jscad)

I want to load a .jscad file into a vue component.
I have set up an vue-cli project, installed this openjscad-vue viewer using npm and am using the openjscad component. This component has the prop design which should allow specifying a path to a .jscad file for the openjscad viewer. This is not working properly.
Tried to find the error and do a workaround:
Inside this component (OpenJscad.Vue) is a fetch() request to load the .jscad file, but it doesnt work. To be sure that the openjscad processors is working correctly I used a plain string containing the .jscad code as source and this works!
But I want a whole .jscad file loaded.
I think the fetch request is the problem. I only need a static .jscad file to be loaded from the same server the vue-cli project is serving.
I've tried this:
using axios:
async mounted() {
await axios.get("/logo.jscad").then(response => (this.source = response));
installed raw-loader/file-loader and configure it inside vue.config.js. Imported the file from the assets folder. -> Webpack loader error. It seems to me that vue.config.js is ignored?
import logo from "logo.jscad"
this.source = logo
Any recommendation to solve this problem?
Thank you.
To answer part of my own question and maybe help other people:
the vue.config.js file do not have to be at same directory as package.json. It is only loaded and used after put inside the /src directory next to main.js or App.vue

Pycharm SASS: output css in relative directory

I'm trying to setup a file watcher in PyCharm for my SASS files. I've followed the official guide and it worked jsut fine (
Now I'd like to change the destination of the compiled CSS files to a specific folder, relative to the SASS file. Basically, the output directory should be ../css/ when starting from the SASS file, because my structure looks like this:
I'm not sure I understand what values I should put in arguments and output paths to refresh. I'm currently using the default settings (
I solved it. For anyone struggling with the same issue, here's how I fixed it:
Arguments = sass\$FileName$:css\$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css
Output = css\$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css
Working Directory = $FileParentDir$
Here's an image of the setup :

How is Vue.js and Vue.min.JS compiled?

I'm am trying to understand the directives that produce the output /dist/vue[.min].js file(s). While looking in node_modules folder, I see /dist and /src folders. The /src folder contains index.js. If I were to follow the dependency tree all the way through, would that result in the dist file? If the compiler is present, or the rules, in the vue package. I would appreciate if someone could point this out (and also verify/debunk my understanding of how the output file is produced).
Your build tool is actually responsible for creating the vue.min.js file. In case if you are not using any build tool then you need to use the minified version of vue.js file from the Vuejs site.
Also the vue.js gets created using the mode value of process.env.NODE_ENV variable.
You can have more details of this from the Production Deployment docs from the Vuejs site.
The rest of the details regarding the dir structure given in the vue.config.js config file.

How to inclide script available inside node_module folder in VueJS

When I am installing a node_module then relevant folder is getting added inside node_module folder of my application. Now I want to include a script which is available in installed module, say ..
So how can I include this script in VueJs project?
Try this in the script tag of your .vue file -
import Module from 'module'

how can i set npm build option? I want to put my css and js file in static folder. (vue cli 3,npm, vuetify)

I'm using vue cli 3, Vuetify. My back-end programmer asked me that put my css, js, and img file in static folder for him. How can I do? I cannot find webpack.config.js file at vue cli 3. some guys said use vue.config.js file, but I still don't know how to solve this problem.
thank you.
this link is build result. I want to put css, img, js files in one static folder.
Take a look at Public Folder for Vue CLI 3. To quote the docs
Any static assets placed in the public folder will simply be copied and not go through webpack. You need to reference them using absolute paths.
All you would need to do is place your css, js, images in your public folder