Teams Messaging Extension - dynamic

I'm working with the Teams Messaging Extensions and were trying to find out how to load user input dynamic into my card.
I always read, that when I enable fetchTask on "true" in the manifest.template.json file, I can load User Input dynamic into the template with the parameter value.commandContext but it does not work and I'm nearly despairing.


How to use logs with AppDynamics adrum

I'm injecting the adrum script in my Vue application to collect data about it.
It's working correctly, but I don't see any functionality to send specific logs to AppDynamics.
I'd like to have, in my typescripts files, some kind of function that I could use to send string logs and being able to read them within AppDynamics. Is that possible? In that case, where should I look for those logs in AppDynamics?
Try sending it as custom user data, but a size limit is associated (of 2048 characters). It works for XHRs, Base pages, iframes, and Virtual pages. Data can be seen in the Controller UI under both Analytics and Browser Snapshots.

Sensenet: Validate "compulsory" fields when the file is uploaded to a document library

I have a document library that has some fields as compulsory but when I upload them sensenet does not required the fill of that fields.
This is working only on the edit function
The problem with this feature is that on the built-in UI you cannot actually fill any fields when you upload a document. So if you had any compulsory fields (and we validated them) you would not be able to upload documents at all, the system would deny that.
Currently I do not know an out-of-the-box solution for this, you would have to create a custom upload UI (of course using the built-in simple upload functionality) that makes sure the user fills the compulsory fields before uploading the doc.
If you think this is something we should look into, please create an issue on github.

Sencha Touch LOcal Storage on Mobile Apps

I am planning to use Sencha Touch for an application of my company. I read that local storage stores data on client's browser. MY problem is when I build the code to native app using Sencha CMD how does the local storage work? What is the alternative of local storage to keep some data suppose user details (so that user doesn't need to login always).
Advance Thanks
Is a very easy to use interface that works synchronous. It stores strings (you can JSON.stringify other Javascript objects) as key-value pairs and you just set the value with a key in this way:
localStorage.setItem('key', 'value');
To read:
var value = localStorage.getItem('key');
which returns value or null if key wasn't found in the storage.
You can use it as an object:
localStorage['key'] = 'value';
var value = localStorage['key'];
however, this is not the recommended approach. In this case undefined will be returned for non-existing items.
More details:
Database that sort of replaces the now deprecated Web SQL. It works asynchronous and is a bit harder to understand as it uses stores, requests and transactions to deal with the data.
You can store any kind of objects in IndexedDB (Javascript objects, Blobs (files)).
You can also request storage space. User will be alerted if you need more than 5 mb (5 mb is not defined, but seem to be the limit most browsers set before asking user for permission).
See here for details on how you can use it:
Although, as mentioned, deprecated it is still supported in browsers such as Safari. Is a database that works with SQL-queries and request, and works asynchronous.
Here are more details:
File API
Currently only supported in Chrome. Is a virtual file-system that works asynchronous as IndexedDB but is intended for large files (video and audio files etc.) but can just as easily be used for storing other data.
You can store any kind of objects in File API as Blobs (files). As it is a virtual file system you can navigate using folders.
You can also request storage space here as well (quota).
For details:
And of course there is cookies and for IE UserData, but these are very limited.
This example demonstrates how to use local storage with Sencha Touch model objects:
If you're wanting to switch & sync data from online to offline you might also be interested in this example:

How to retrieve Salesforce Page Layout Field Properties via API?

The Web interface coded in .NET (Grantee Portal for nonprofits applying for grants) is pulling information from the Salesforce Page Layout.
The Salesforce user we use to connect the Web interface with Salesforce via API has 'view all and edit all' rights
As it is now, if a field is defined as Read-Only on the Page Layout in Salesforce, it is still editable on the web page (the Salesforce User we use has to have 'view all and edit all' rights)
What we are trying to achieve:
IF a field is defined as Read-Only on the Salesforce Page Layout
THEN the same field should be Read-Only on the Web interface page
To achieve the above, I guess that I need to fetch the field property for the Page Layout via API. Any ideas on how to do so?
Thank you!
You'll need Metadata API (the set of webservices that let you add new objects, fields, picklist values or even create classes & run unit tests).
Here's the API Guide:
Depending on how often you modify layouts you might decide "screw it, I'll just use Eclipse IDE". In that case you'd download all page layouts (they're XML files), point your C# app to them and let the magic happen.
Slightly more advanced is to use Migration Tool (Ant / Java based application that can be scripted for periodic download of same stuff).
Super advanced would be to use this API guide to write it in C#. It's not rocket science (here's the specification for Page Layout object and here's the Java sample code for the operation that retrieves the metadata... sorry, no C#). Actually you might be better off looking at this example though:
Seeing that you'll probably want to cache this info somewhere anyway (I can't imagine your user coming to your page, having to wait for the webservice callout to complete, then having his UI rendered) - pick your poison.
Or share the work within the team (1 person kicks off with files downloaded with Eclipse, other tries to figure out the C# code to retrieve them on demand).

Refresh browser via cron(or not) to a different page on remote request?

I need to display pages in a tutorial fashion. I looked in to netsupport, beamyourscreen and other possibilities but, I do not want the viewers to download anything. I cannot use gd / send screenshots due to audio / video instructions embedded in some of the pages.
Basically, I need the ability to "refresh" a users browser window to a different page via an interface on my end. Whether via a form submission, javascript or any other type of "controller" that allows me to change the page on the viewers browser. PERL preferred but, PHP / javascript whatever works and is cross browser. I set up a simple javascript page forward timer that "works" but, page load times and conversation interruptions are a huge factor.
The entire tutorial website will be developed around this ability.
I was looking in to curl / cron / wget methods but, found little information.
I have seen forum and chat scripts that basically perform a similar task but, there must be a simple(ish) solution in leau of hacking up another script to suit my needs.
I do not want others to control the pages either. The site really, only needs to be accessable during the tutorial however, It "could" remain web accessable as long as user interaction was normal unless (being controlled).
The initial site concept is based on instructing people how to properly introduce new pets into a home. Will be operated by a veteranarian that saved my pets life. I wanted to give something back.
Possible? I really appreciate simple examples etc...
You have no other way but to keep polling the server for "instructions" using javascript. No, you can't send nothing to the end user browser, neither curl nor wget.
Mainly, you'll have to set up a simple request/response protocol between the browser and the server.
If you want to go deeper, you can use something like cometd/meteord/etc. If not, a hidden iframe that reloads himself and receives pages with javascript code for the needed actions can do the trick.
Another alternative.
With javascript dopolling and single character flatfile. Have a simple one character flatfile with a single var. Write it in perl (it is faster and uses less resources than php). The parent script calls a javascript variable in a flatfile. It hits the flatfile and goes wherever the var sets it. The flatfile is written to by the controller. Done.
I guess you could also rename an empty flatfile and use that as the controller. I am usure which is faster, open and read a specific file or hit the directory and return the file name. On the controller side, opening and writing to a file vs renaming a file. Maybe they counter each other in resources and time?
This way the site can act as a normal site. When you want to have remote users see a "presentation" (automatically being shown the site pages at the controllers pace), the controller activates polling and tells the viewers to push a start button. This allows a remote instructor to load pages for the viewers at his leisure.
It is a simple solution that works with nothing really sophisticated going on. No frames are needed either. Just need javascript enabled.
Any better suggestions are welcome!
It occurred to me that what you might want to use is HTML Push technology. Check out the wiki, they have several links. I have never used it myself