Unable to get to another screen from react-navigation deep linking - react-native

Given the following setup:
const config = {
screens: {
Discover: 'discover',
Theater: {
screens: {
Watch: 'watch/:name?',
export const linking: LinkingOptions<any> = {
prefixes: ['test://'],
const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator()
export function TheaterStackScreen({route}: Props) {
return (
<Tab.Navigator screenOptions={{headerShown: false}}>
<Tab.Screen name="Watch" component={WatchScreen} initialParams={{name: route.params.name}} />
const Stack = createNativeStackNavigator()
export function StackScreen() {
return (
<Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{headerShown: false}}>
<Stack.Screen name="Discover" component={DiscoverScreen} />
<Stack.Screen name="Theater" component={TheaterStackScreen} />
...and running:
npx uri-scheme open "test://watch/test" --android
I recieve:
Android: Opening URI "test://watch/test" in emulator
...with no errors, however, there is no navigation within the app...
and this warning:
WARN The navigation state parsed from the URL contains routes not present in the root navigator. This usually means that the linking configuration doesn't match the navigation structure. See https://reactnavigation.org/docs/configuring-links for more details on how to specify a linking configuration.
Does something look inherently wrong with this setup?
current setup:
"#react-navigation/bottom-tabs": "6.3.1",
"#react-navigation/native": "6.0.10",
"#react-navigation/native-stack": "6.6.2",
"react-native": "0.68.2",
This is being run on device, but I don't get any different behavior on sim either. Ive attempted with debugger on and off with no difference.
As always any and all direction is appreciated so thanks in advance!
Edit with more details:
const {createNavigationContainer} = Bugsnag.getPlugin('reactNavigation') as BugsnagPluginReactNavigationResult
const BugsnagNavigationContainer = createNavigationContainer(NavigationContainer)
const Stack = createNativeStackNavigator()
<BugsnagNavigationContainer linking {linking} onStateChange={(state: any) => {
const newRouteNam = Analytics.getActiveRouteName(state)
if (routeName !== newRouteName) {
<Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{headerShown: false}}>
<Stack.Screen name="Main" component={StackScreen} />
Edit 2:
Unfortunately, updating the config had no effect, I still see the tracking but no navigation or opening of the specified path:
const config = {
screens: {
Main: {
screens: {
Discover: 'discover',
Theater: {
screens: {
Watch: 'watch/:name',
TRACK (Deep Link Opened) event saved {"event": "Deep Link Opened", "properties": {"referring_application": "android-app://com.android.shell", "url": "test://watch"}, "type": "track"}


react navigation deep linking not working when use Tabs Stack

"dependencies": {
"react-native": "0.63.4",
"#react-navigation/bottom-tabs": "^5.11.2",
"#react-navigation/native": "^5.8.10",
"#react-navigation/stack": "^5.12.8",
Test website link test://info_register?token=1111 successfully, I can see route.params includes token
but when I get into my Tabs screen, and try to to use test://setting_register?token=1111, App just open it doesn't navigate to SettingScreen and route.params is undefined
I take reference from official document https://reactnavigation.org/docs/5.x/configuring-links
What is wrong with my deep linking for Tabs ?
Here is my code:
import * as React from 'react';
import {NavigationContainer} from '#react-navigation/native';
import LoginStack from './LoginStack';
import Linking from './Linking';
const AppContainer = () => {
return (
<NavigationContainer linking={Linking}>
<LoginStack />
export default AppContainer;
const config = {
screens: {
// set config for App init screen
PersonalInfoScreen: {
path: 'info_register/',
parse: {
token: (token) => `${token}`,
// set config for Tabs screen
Setting: {
screens: {
SettingScreen: 'setting_register/:token',
const Linking = {
prefixes: ['test://'],
export default Linking;
import * as React from 'react';
import {useSelector} from 'react-redux';
import {createStackNavigator} from '#react-navigation/stack';
import LoginScreen from '../screens/Login/LoginScreen';
import PersonalInfoScreen from '../screens/Login/PersonalInfoScreen';
import TabStack from './TabStack';
const Stack = createStackNavigator();
const LoginStack = () => {
const {uid, userToken} = useSelector((state) => state.LoginRedux);
const showLoginFlow = uid === '' || userToken === '' ? true : false;
return (
screenOptions={{headerShown: false, gestureEnabled: false}}>
{showLoginFlow ? (
<Stack.Screen name="LoginScreen" component={LoginScreen} />
) : (
<Stack.Screen name="TabStack" component={TabStack} />
export default LoginStack;
import {createBottomTabNavigator} from '#react-navigation/bottom-tabs';
const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator();
const TabStack = () => {
return (
<Tab.Screen name={'Free'} component={FreeStack} />
<Tab.Screen name={'Video'} component={VideoStack} />
<Tab.Screen name={'News'} component={NewsStack} />
<Tab.Screen name={'Consultation'} component={ConsulationStack} />
<Tab.Screen name={'Setting'} component={SettingStack} />
export default TabStack;
If review nested navigation https://reactnavigation.org/docs/5.x/configuring-links/#handling-nested-navigators docs.
You have this navigation tree for SettingScreen:
TabStack -> Setting -> SettingStack -> SettingScreen.
Routes configuration should match this tree also as below:
const config = {
screens: {
// set config for App init screen
PersonalInfoScreen: {
path: "info_register/",
parse: {
token: (token) => `${token}`,
// set config for Tabs screen
TabStack: {
screens: {
Setting: {
screens: {
SettingScreen: "setting_register/:token",
Just a note, it seems like whenever you are enabling debug-chrome configuration deep linking with react-navigation is not working, I disabled it and it worked!

React Native Linking Deep Link Doesn't Open on First Load

I'm trying to enable deeplink in my React Native project, and have it working for all use-cases where the deeplink opens the app from the background, not from the first load. I believe the issue is that my path that I am deep-linking, is not available until after the "loading screen" has gone away.
For example I have this setup as my RootStack.Navigator
screenOptions={{ animationEnabled: false }}
{isLoading ? (
options={{ animationEnabled: true }}
) : user ? (
<RootStack.Screen name="AppTabsScreen" component={AppTabsScreen} />
) : (
<RootStack.Screen name="AuthStackScreen" component={AuthStackScreen} />
And my linking config as:
const deepLinksConf = {
screens: {
AppTabsScreen: {
screens: {
initialRouteName: "Activity",
Activity: {
screens: {
Activity: "activity",
Details: "workout/:userId/:id",
Goals: {
screens: {
Goals: "goal",
GoalDetail: "goal/:id",
Settings: "settings",
Profile: "profile",
In my getInitialURL() function, I get the URL correctly, but I believe the path is already on the LoadingScreen, and not the AppTabsScreen, which causes it not to fire. Is there anyway around this situation? How can I delay the deeplink to wait until the AppTabScreen is present to process the link? This works fine when the app is the fore or background, but never at first start.
async getInitialURL() {
// Check if app was opened from a deep link
const url = await Linking.getInitialURL();
if (url != null) {
console.log("just returning");
return url;
// Check if there is an initial firebase notification
const message = await messaging().getInitialNotification();
// Get deep link from data
// if this is undefined, the app will open the default/home page
return messsage.data?.link;
I am using react-navigation, and my main navigation controller is as follows:
theme={scheme === "dark" ? DarkTheme : DefaultTheme}
onReady={() => {
if (navigationRef.current) {
routeNameRef.current = navigationRef?.current.getCurrentRoute().name;
onStateChange={async () => {
const previousRouteName = routeNameRef.current;
const currentRouteName = navigationRef?.current.getCurrentRoute().name;
if (previousRouteName !== currentRouteName) {
await analytics().logScreenView({
screen_name: currentRouteName,
screen_class: currentRouteName,
// Save the current route name for later comparision
routeNameRef.current = currentRouteName;
<FlashMessage position="top" />
<RootStackScreen />

Not getting route.params when using deep linking

I'm trying to implement Deep Linking on my APP, I'm following expo-cli react-native-navigation documentation about this subject. After basic configuration I can't get params from route.params from any of the links I set.
This is an example of my code
import * as Linking from "expo-linking";
const prefix = Linking.createURL("/");
const config = {
screens: {
userStartSession: {
path: "home/:itemInfo",
parse: { itemInfo: (itemInfo) => `${itemInfo}` },
const linking = {
prefixes: [prefix],
export default linking;
Docs here: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/deep-linking/
And here: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/configuring-links/
Then import linking into Navigation.js
import React from "react";
import linking from "../utils/linking/linking";
export default function Navigation() {
return (
<NavigationContainer linking={linking} fallback={<Text>Cargando...</Text>}>
options={{ headerShown: false, headerLeft: null }}
{(props) => (
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { createStackNavigator } from "#react-navigation/stack";
import { useRoute } from "#react-navigation/native";
const Stack = createStackNavigator();
export default function UserSessionStack(props) {
const { somePropsHere } = props;
const route = useRoute();
return (
options={{ headerShown: false }}
Then following react-navigation-native I run this comand to test the link
npx uri-scheme open exp:// --ios
Docs here:
As you may see I'm passing "this_is_a_test" as a param to home link, but if I do console.log(route) in userStartSession component, I always get undefined in params
This is the response
Object {
"key": "userStartSession-CLSUaGx7QkCe8qlrvuvTf",
"name": "userStartSession",
"params": undefined,
"state": Object {
"index": 0,
"key": "stack-cyZDx2Q4gdGaZ1dMr2V1Q",
"routeNames": Array [
"routes": Array [
Object {
"key": "sign-up-invitation-SSf39_Tj79VFv34ydou3N",
"name": "sign-up-invitation",
"params": undefined,
"stale": false,
"type": "stack",

React navigation webpack linking "CANNOT GET /..."

I am trying to configure react-navigation for a web app with react native. For that I set up the linking options on a NavigationContainer so that I can access my pages from a browser url, using this code :
const linking = {
prefixes: ['http://localhost:8080/', 'http://localhost:8080', 'localhost:8080'],
// prefixes: [prefix],
config: {
screens: {
SignIn: "SignIn",
SignUp: "SignUp",
Landing: '*',
function AppContainer() {
return (
<NavigationContainer linking={linking} fallback={<Text>Loading...</Text>}>
<AppStack.Screen name="SignIn" component={SignInPage}/>
<AppStack.Screen name="Landing" component={LandingPage}/>
<AppStack.Screen name="SignUp" component={SignUpPage}/>
<AppStack.Screen name="Home" component={HomePage}/>
When I go to "http://localhost:8080/", I am redirected to "http://localhost:8080/SignIn" ( which is fine), and the app is working. The problem is that if I go from my browser to "http://localhost:8080/SignIn" I get "Cannot GET /SignIn", and the app is not working...
I am using these versions :
"#react-navigation/bottom-tabs": "^5.11.1",
"#react-navigation/native": "^5.8.9",
"#react-navigation/stack": "^5.12.5",
Found a solution on How to tell webpack dev server to serve index.html for any route.
I was using webpack-dev-server, which needs some configurations in the webpack.config.js to map all the url to / and serve the index.html .. These are the configurations :
devServer: {
port: 3000,
historyApiFallback: {
index: 'index.html'
Adding the cli option --history-api-fallback also do the trick.

how to set initialRouteName dynamically in the react-native

how to give dynamic initial route name in the react-navigation? if the unit exists we have to redirect to another route or else we have to take user another route.
Note: I'm creating a bottom tab navigator in which I have to set an initial route to that particular bottom tab navigator.
(Not the authentication flow)
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {createAppContainer} from 'react-navigation';
import {createMaterialBottomTabNavigator} from 'react-navigation-material-bottom-tabs';
... imports
function getInitialScreen() {
.then(unit => {
return unit ? 'Home' : 'secondTab';
.catch(err => {
const TabNavigator = createMaterialBottomTabNavigator(
Home: {
screen: HomeScreen,
navigationOptions: {
.....navigation options
secondTab: {
screen: secondTab,
initialRouteName: getInitialScreen(),
export default createAppContainer(TabNavigator);
See according to the docs, initialRoute name should not be a async func .
So ideally what you should do is , anyways you need a splashscreen for your app right, where you display the logo and name of app. Make that page the initialRoute and in its componentDidMount, check for the async function and navigate to ddesired page.
Like what ive done :
App: TabNavigator,
Auth: AuthStack,
SplashScreen: SplashScreen,
initialRouteName: 'SplashScreen',
And inside SplashScreen im doing :
if (token) {
} else {
Hope its clear. Feel free for doubts
As you can see here:
If you need to set the initialRouteName as a prop it is because there
is some data that you need to fetch asynchronously before you render
the app navigation. another way to handle this is to use a
switchnavigator and have a screen that you show when you are fetching
the async data, then navigate to the appropriate initial route with
params when necessary. see docs for a full example of this.
Take a look at here.
You'll find more description!
Also quick fix for this situation is check your condition inside SplashScreen componentDidMount() function
Example of SplashScreen :
.then(unit => {
.catch(err => {
You can check the condition on the main page or App.js
render() {
const status = get AsyncStorage.getItem('unit');
if(status != null)
{ return <Home/> }
{ return <AnotherScreen/> }
But we can switch between pages if we use stacknavigator or switchnavigator..
We cant goto the particular tabs directly according to my knowledge. (Correct me if I am wrong).
The official documentation gives you this example to achieve pretty much what you want:
isSignedIn ? (
<Stack.Screen name="Home" component={HomeScreen} />
<Stack.Screen name="Profile" component={ProfileScreen} />
<Stack.Screen name="Settings" component={SettingsScreen} />
) : (
<Stack.Screen name="SignIn" component={SignInScreen} />
<Stack.Screen name="SignUp" component={SignUpScreen} />
Ok So in your navigation page create state and change its value accordingly AsyncStorage like
render() {
const status = get AsyncStorage.getItem('unit');
if(status != null)
{ setState({ name : 'Home'}) }
{ setState({ name : 'anotherTab'}) }
then pass that state to tabNavigation
initialRouteName: this.state.name,
and this state , setState functions are classed based so you have to use useState instead to initial state on your page