vue add router replaced everything in App.vue - vue.js

I wanted to use vue router in my project so I ran:
vue add router
By doing that it added the folder router to my project but at the same time replaced everything I had in the App.vue
Is there a way I can get back what I lost?

you can always try with ctrl + z to go back in changes


Nuxt 3 files not visible in the directory structure

I recently started learning NuxtJs and create a nuxt app using the nuxt3 template. The code i used to generate the starter project is
npx nuxi init nuxt-app
However the the terminal shows that the app has been created and the dev server also starts displaying the Nuxt3 welcome page. But when i load the directory in vs code the folders like pages,store and components are not visible as seen in the screenshot below .
You are importing <NuxtWelcome /> component from node_modules folder. Delete it and replace with <NuxtPages/>. Create your own components in folder pages. Nuxt 3 imports components by itself, so you don't see them in <script> tag. <NuxtPages /> will do the magic with components in page folder. For example, Index.vue component you will see in / home page and About.vue in /about.
This behavior is a year old already: Some of the directories are missing when I'm trying to create a new Nuxt js project
The idea is to have something minimal where you could then add all the needed directories.
Benefit being that if you don't use any pages, the final bundle will be smaller (no need to being in Vue router for example). Same for the store (no need to import Vuex/Pinia), server part etc...
It's less of a "you have everything from the start" and more of a "pick what you like the most"!

Vue nuxt js updated code refreshes when npm run dev

I am new to nuxt js. I have a template of nuxt js which I am working on. In router.js I added some new routes, that's working fine, but when I run my development server again npm run dev, the updated code is just removed. I see the old code there. And it only does for the .nuxt folder. Not for the vue components.
Can anyone suggest something? Thanks.
Nuxt uses a method called File system routing, with that routes.js file is automatically generated according to your configuration and pages created, that is why your changes get removed
If you have a specific requirement that need more customization you can extend the router config

Vuetify not rendering v-menu when built as a webcomponent

I'm trying to create a Web Component using vue + vuetify.
I know that vuetify doesn't support web components, but I decided to give it a try (for sport) anyway.
Apart from some minor things, like having to manually import CSS, or manually register all vuetify components, everything seems to work fine.
There's however one big obstacle that I hit, which is trying to use <v-menu> in a web component. After being built, the button simply does nothing once it's clicked. I only get one warning in the console:
console.ts:34 [Vuetify] Unable to locate target [data-app]
I already tried making sure data-app is present, but to no avail.
I'm building the web component using:
npx vue-cli-service build --target wc --name tl-test --inline-vue
When I compare the vue project (ran via yarn serve) to the web component output (dist/demo.html), I can see that when I click the v-menu trigger button, the DOM of the dropdown gets created and appended to the page DOM. This doesn't seem to happen with the web component.
What am I missing that would prevent <v-menu> from working?
Repository reproducing the issue:
You can pass a HTML node to the attach prop of the v-menu.
This will prevent Vuetify from using a query selector which wouldn't work with shadow DOMs.
For example:
<v-menu :attach="$parent.$el">

Hide Vue data from user Vue Devtool

Just a quick question
Any user can see and access the data we use in the Vue model via Vue Devtool.
Imagine you have an employee list saved in Vue Obj and the user can see all other employees' emails etc..
Is there a way to hide data from the user browser devtool? Make sure devtool only shows development mode.
Thanks for the help.
When you are building a SPA project using vue CLI, the vue dev tools is disabled in production through webpack build by default but when you use vue in a HTML page like a MVC project which vue is added to some of its .cshtml files it isn't disabled, and you might need to configure it manually to make it disable.
you can do this by adding the line below before making your vue instance, I mean before new Vue({ ... }), add:
Vue.config.devtools = false
(worked in a MVC project)
and here is an article for this:
disable vue devtools in production

Coming from #vue-cli, how to represent the project in a "simple" three-file setup ala Codepen?

I have a #vue-cli generated project that I need to port over to a simple "three file" setup (ie only index.html, index.js, and index.css) so I can showcase portions of it on Codepen.
However, I'm having a hard time disentangling the "cli" structure of the app. The main issue seems to be two-fold:
CLI is wired to use single-file components whereas Codepen expects everything to be included "in-line" within the js file
Webpack is working its magic in the background to compile everything together based on CLI's single-file component structure, etc.
For example, within the main.js file, a CLI app imports various Vue related modules, then initializes the Vue instance with
new Vue({
render: h => h(App)
This, of course, corresponds with the content of the index.html
<div id="app"></div>
Right now I'm manually copying and pasting things over into Codepen, but that dev environment is just atrocious for any type of serious editing and manipulation... So that's why I'd like to build it out and test stuff OUTSIDE of Codepen, then paste it all in once I'm happy with the results.
I've tried pulling all of the component code into main.js using the standard Vue.component('<name>', { <options> }) syntax, but it's not playing well...
Any ideas? Thanks for the help, sorry for such a broad question!
PS: OR! Maybe I'm going about it the wrong way. Rather than try to "de-CLI" a CLI app structure, how could I create a simple "three-file" Vue app with the comforts of things like npm run serve with hot-loading to see things in action on the page?