How to query from list SQL - sql

I am running the line
LIST #my_stage;
to get a list of all of the files that have been staged. Is there a way that I can get the most recent file that has been staged? The output shows the files in ascending date order so I would like to grab the last file in this list. Is there a way I can do this? (or something similar)

Just use RESULT_SCAN to process the resultset of the list command

Nick is correct but sometimes working examples help:
select count(*) as file_count
from table(result_scan(LAST_QUERY_ID()));
now to be honest, I was fiddling around trying to sum the file size etc etc, so swapped to this code
set id = (select LAST_QUERY_ID());
select *
from table(result_scan($id));
select count(*) as file_count
from table(result_scan($id));
while playing so I could keep referring to the same query..


Query Snowflake Jobs [duplicate]

is there any way within snowflake/sql query to view what tables are being queried the most as well as what columns? I want to know what data is of most value to my users and not sure how to do this programatically. Any thoughts are appreciated - thank you!
2021 update
The new ACCESS_HISTORY view has this information (in preview right now, enterprise edition).
For example, if you want to find the most used columns:
select obj.value:objectName::string objName
, col.value:columnName::string colName
, count(*) uses
, min(query_start_time) since
, max(query_start_time) until
from snowflake.account_usage.access_history
, table(flatten(direct_objects_accessed)) obj
, table(flatten(obj.value:columns)) col
group by 1, 2
order by uses desc
2020 answer
The best I found (for now):
For any given query, you can find what tables are scanned through looking at the plan generated for it:
SELECT *, "objects"
WHERE "operation"='TableScan'
You can find all of your previous ran queries too:
from table(information_schema.query_history())
So the natural next step would be combine both - but that's not straightforward, as you'll get an error like:
SQL compilation error: argument 1 to function EXPLAIN_JSON needs to be constant, found 'SYSTEM$EXPLAIN_PLAN_JSON('SELECT * FROM a.b.c')'
The solution would be to combine the queries from the query_history() with the SYSTEM$EXPLAIN_PLAN_JSON outside (to make the strings constant), and then you will be able to find out the most queried tables.

How to query only old and duplicate data from a database in SQL

I'm trying to query my database to pull only duplicate/old data to write to a scratch section in excel (Using a macro passing SQL to the DB).
For now, I'm currently testing in Access alone to only filter out the old data.
First, I'm trying to filter my database by a specifed WorkOrder, RunNumber, and Row.
The code below only filters by Work Order, RunNumber, and Row. ...but SQL doesn't like when I tack on a 2nd AND statement; so this currently isn't working.
FROM DataPoints
WHERE (((DataPoints.[WorkOrder])=[WO2]) AND ((DataPoints.[RunNumber])=6) AND ((DataPoints.[Row]=1)
Once I figure that portion out....
Then if there is only 1 entry with specified WorkOrder, RunNumber, and Row, then I want filter it out. (its not needed in the scratch section, because its data is already written to the main section of my report)
If there are 2 or more entries with said criteria(WO, RN, and Row), then I want to filter out the newest entry based on RunDate and RunTime, and only keep all older entries.
For instance, in the clip below. The only item remaining in my filtered query will be the top entry with the timestamp 11:47:00AM.
Are there any recommended commands to complete this problem? Any ideas are helpful. Thank you.
I would suggest something along the lines of the following:
select t.*
from datapoints t
t.workorder = [WO2] and
t.runnumber = 6 and
t.row = 1 and
select 1
from datapoints u
u.workorder = t.workorder and
u.runnumber = t.runnumber and
u.row = t.row and
(u.rundate > t.rundate or (u.rundate = t.rundate and u.runtime > t.runtime))
Here, if the correlated subquery within the where clause finds a record with the same workorder, runnumber and row, but with either a later rundate or the same rundate and a later runtime, then the record is returned by the main query.
You need two more )'s at the end of your code snippet. Or you can delete the parentheses completely in this example, MS Access will ad them back in as it deems necessary.
M.S. Access SQL can be tricky as it is not standards compliant and either doesn't allow for super complex queries, or it needs an ugly work around, like having a parentheses nesting nightmare when trying to join more than two tables.
For these reasons, I suggest using multiple Access queries to produce your results.

Get count of multiple files loaded in one statment

I want to get a total amount of all rows in multiple files, which are saved as a QVD. Actually, with one file I would accomplish this like that:
LOAD count(id) AS counter FROM data.qvd (qvd);
LET number = Peek('counter');
Of course, I know that I also can use RowNo() or Count() the whole table in one command, but I want to try this with that solution.
Now when I try to fetch multiple files in one statement, as shown below, I always get only the count of the last loaded file and not the total:
LOAD count(id) AS counter FROM data_*.qvd (qvd);
LET number_multiple = Peek('counter');
Now my question is how do I get the full amount of rows and not only the last one.
What I tried so far
I already tried to rearrange the statement like this:
LOAD id FROM data_*.qvd (qvd);
LOAD Count(id) AS counter Resident data;
LET number = Peek('counter');
But I do get still the same result. Is there some way how to achieve this?
I have asked the same question on the official Qlik Community page. There I received an answer:
let total_number = 0;
for each file in filelist('D:\Data\data_*.qvd')
QVDRecords: load QvdNoOfRecords('$(file)') as Counter, '$(file)' as Source autogenerate 1;
total_number = total_number + Peek('Counter');
trace QVD: $(total_number);

What's the least expensive way to get the number of rows (data) in a SQLite DB?

When I need to get the number of row(data) inside a SQLite database, I run the following pseudo code.
cmd = "SELECT Count(*) FROM benchmark"
res = runcommand(cmd)
read res to get result.
But, I'm not sure if it's the best way to go. What would be the optimum way to get the number of data in a SQLite DB? I use python for accessing SQLite.
Your query is correct but I would add an alias to make it easier to refer to the result:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM benchmark
Regarding this line:
count size of res
You don't want to count the number of rows in the result set - there will always be only one row. Just read the result out from the column cnt of the first row.

LIMIT in FoxPro

I am attempting to pull ALOT of data from a fox pro database, work with it and insert it into a mysql db. It is too much to do all at once so want to do it in batches of say 10 000 records. What is the equivalent to LIMIT 5, 10 in Fox Pro SQL, would like a select statement like
select name, address from people limit 5, 10;
ie only get 10 results back, starting at the 5th. Have looked around online and they only make mention of top which is obviously not of much use.
Take a look at the RecNo() function.
FoxPro does not have direct support for a LIMIT clause. It does have "TOP nn" but that only provides the "top-most records" within a given percentage, and even that has a limitation of 32k records returned (maximum).
You might be better off dumping the data as a CSV, or if that isn't practical (due to size issues), writing a small FoxPro script that auto-generates a series of BEGIN-INSERT(x10000)-COMMIT statements that dump to a series of text files. Of course, you would need a FoxPro development environment for this, so this may not apply to your situation...
Visual FoxPro does not support LIMIT directly.
I used the following query to get over the limitation:
where 100 is the limit and 1000 is the offset.
It is very easy to get around LIMIT clause using TOP clause ; if you want to extract from record _start to record _finish from a file named _test, you can do :
** assuming _start <= _finish, if not you get a top clause error
_finish = MIN(RECCOUNT('_test'),_finish)
SELECT * FROM (SELECT TOP (_finish - _start + 1) * FROM (SELECT TOP _finish *, RECNO() AS _tempo FROM _test ORDER BY _tempo) xx ORDER BY _tempo DESC) yy ORDER BY _tempo
I had to convert a Foxpro database to Mysql a few years ago. What I did to solve this was add an auto-incrementing id column to the Foxpro table and use that as the row reference.
So then you could do something like.
select name, address from people where id >= 5 and id <= 10;
The Foxpro sql documentation does not show anything similar to limit.
Here, adapt this to your tables. Took me like 2 mins, i do this waaaay too often.
N1 - group by whatever, and make sure you got a max(id), you can use recno() to make one, sorted correctly
N2 - Joins N1 where the ID = Max Id of N1, display the field you want from N2
Then if you want to join to other tables, put that all in brackets and give it an alias and include it in a join.
Select N1.reference, N1.OrderNoteCount, N2.notes_desc LastNote
(select reference, count(reference) OrderNoteCount, Max(notes_key) MaxNoteId
from custnote
where reference != ''
Group by reference
) N1
select reference, count(reference) OrderNoteCount, notes_key, notes_desc
from custnote
where reference != ''
Group by reference, notes_key, notes_desc
) N2 ON N1.MaxNoteId = N2.notes_key
To expand on Eyvind's answer I would create a program to uses the RecNo() function to pull records within a given range, say 10,000 records.
You could then programmatically cycle through the large table in chucks of 10,000 records at a time and preform your data load into you MySQL database.
By using the RecNO() function you can be certain not to insert rows more than once, and be able to restart at a know point in the data load process. That by it's self can be very handy in the event you need to stop and restart the load process.
Depending on the number of the returned rows and if you are using .NET Framework you can offset/limit the gotten DataTable on the following way:
dataTable = dataTable.AsEnumerable().Skip(offset).Take(limit).CopyToDataTable();
Remember to add the Assembly System.Data.DataSetExtensions.