How to goto Definition using **alt +click** - keyboard-shortcuts

How do i activate Goto definition function in Microsoft visual studio code using alt + click key combination.
i am using the latest version of vs-code on Linux mint 20.3 cinnamon edge. i was initially able to perform the needed functionality on Manjaro kde plasma (6 months ago) but it seems the new updates have changed a lot of things. I am able to use alt + click in windows but not in Linux mint, it's so frustrating!!
I understand i need to have C/C++ intelliscence extension installed in vs-code. i have tried to install the needed extensions but to no avail. Microsoft says i need to use f12, this works perfectly but i need the old key combination i.e. alt + click. Or if anybody know how to add mouse button to vs-code key mapping?


SSH Windows 10, figure out what version of

How do I determine the version of SSH installed on my Windows 10 Desktop.
Assuming you are asking about the version distributed with Windows (if not, then you may have multiple versions and the answer will vary depending on which version you are talking about).
In Explorer, go to c:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH and right click on ssh. Select Properties from the context menu. Click on the Details tab. The version information will be displayed.

Spacemacs find text (SPC /) not working

I recently installed Spacemacs on Windows. The "smart search" command SPC / does not work. When I press SPC / I get the error:
Wrong type argument: commandp, helm-do-grep
There seem to be some issue that mention this -
Anyone know what's up?
If my understanding is correct, your spacemacs is not finding ag or grep. Spacemacs uses ag, grep, ack, pt for search. If ag is not found it falls back to grep and so on. Grep, ack are *nix commands. You probably have to install cygwin and add it to the path.
But the best way is to install this port of ag for windows and add it to the path. ag for windows
This isn't a solution, but it is a workaround that I ended up using. I was used to using Spacemacs on Mac. I installed it on windows and encountered the above error. On Windows it was using grep by default for searching, whereas on Mac it was using ag.
I installed ag on Windows that the search is back to working now. I installed ag following the instructions on here. It uses scoop for the installation which is installed via Powershell.

How to fix ctrl space shortcut for my IDE using Linux Mint?

On a Linux Mint machine using Cinnamon, the ctrl + space does not work. It appears to do exactly nothing, even though the keymapping is properly configured in PhpStorm.
This problem does not only apply to PhpStorm, but also Eclipse or Netbeans, so I assume this is related to Linux Mint.
I have found the solution, which is:
disabling the shortcut for "IBus", which was set to ctrl-space after upgrading from 14 to 17.
If you search your applications for "ibus" ... you should see "Keyboard Input Methods" pop.
Click on that app, and the very first option you can set is the
keyboard shortcut for "Next input method". Click this, then "delete"
in the popup that shows. Immediate fix for me with PHPStorm not
registering any ctrl-space command.

Ubuntu 12.04 key bindings not working in IntelliJ Idea 12

I've installed the latest version of IntelliJ Idea Community Edition (12.0.1) and I have problems with key bindings there. I am using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with Unity.
None of them, where a letter is involved (ctrl-a, ctrl-c, ctrl-v) are working in Idea. And they are working in all other applications.
I can copy/paste text in Idea with mouse and it shows me that key bindings for this are ctrl-c/ctrl-v, but they are just not working.
I have no idea what is the problem, so any help will be appreciated.
Usually such kind of problem is because of non-English keyboard layout being first in a list of layouts in OS settings. Try to reorder them.
I just experienced the same problem after installed 14.0.3. It seemed due to Tools > Vim Emulator was checked. The problem was resolved after uncheck it.

MonoDevelop -- GTK Designer just shows a blank square?

I am having problems getting the GTK designer to work with MonoDevelop. I tried 2.4 on Arch Linux and it gave this problem. Then I tried 2.2 on OpenBSD and it gives the exact same problem. Both machines are 64bit.
Instead of having a window to drag things on I just have a blank square:
alt text
The tutorials I've seen look similar to this though:
alt text
So what gives? With my blank square I can't drag anything onto it, not a VBox or other container even. It will not react to anything.
Am I missing some sort of GTK# configuration or what? I find it highly improbable that both OSs' packages I tried are broken. Also, I've attached a (huge) bounty to this because this is a pretty big issue for me.
The console output from the starting of Mono and including me trying to drag an element onto the gray box is here
Ok, so I've finally gotten a bit closer to solving the mystery. I use Fluxbox as my window manager usually. Well I tried using both KDE and Gnome-Session and both of them cause MonoDevelop to work properly(though still missing the window border, you could at least drag components onto it). Now my question is what makes Fluxbox not work for it?
I have the same problem in openSUSE 11.3 x64 KDE using Mono JIT compiler version 2.6.7 (tarball Wed Jul 14 18:00:23 UTC 2010) downloaded from here
type -a monodevelop returns:
monodevelop is /usr/bin/monodevelop
monodevelop is /usr/bin/X11/monodevelop
Running monodevelop from terminal gives the following output
WARNING: Cannot find Mozilla directory
containing Some
Addins may not be able to function.
Please set MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME to your
Mozilla directory.
This can be solved by adding an environment variable in your .bashrc file from your home directory.
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME='/path/to/'
To find if that library exists on your systems use:
sudo find / -name
(from this bug report this library is contain in the Mozilla's XUL Runner package, but in newer versions I don't know if it's still there, I had to use provided by Slickedit which was installed in /opt/slickedit/bin/mozilla/)
WARNING [2010-07-29 20:22:37Z]: Inotify watch limit is too low (8192).
To resolve this problem read Inotify Watches Limit
WARNING [2010-07-29 20:22:37Z]: Error creating composed icon gtk-execute___asm0__debug-overlay-22.png__SmallToolbar at size SmallToolbar. Icon __asm0__debug-overlay-22.png__SmallToolbar is 22x22, expected 16x16.
I get the exact same error using Monodevelop 2.4, and I think this could be either from a broken GTK# installation or from a bug in Monodevelop,
Your result is the same as mine, see here. I suggest compiling MonoDevelop from Github and/or using a newer version of gtk-sharp/gdk-sharp
This part
ERROR [2010-07-29 20:22:37Z]: GdkPixbuf-Critical: gdk_pixbuf_composite: assertion `dest_x >= 0 && dest_x + dest_width <= dest->width' failed
appears in GTK and GDK crashes,
If this does not resolve the problem submitting a bug report is the next option. Although this is somehow strange, since I managed to complete the same tutorial using Kubuntu 10.04 LTS 64 bit a few weeks ago.
Uh, that is the designer. If the toolbox didn't show up, go to View->Pads->Toolbox to bring it up.
Note that this Gtk, you can't just drop a button or textbox on the design surface. You have to drop a container control first, and then can place buttons and such inside the container.
set global gtk theme to default
check all bindings depends
try start monodevelop from console and post output on pastebin
"Now my question is what makes Fluxbox not work for it? " remember the GTK protect was made for GNOME project, all the libraries are made to work on that Desktop. so need to see all the dependencies to run it property