IntelliJ Idea file properties encoding - intellij-idea

I added several rows in my file. In intellij all shows ok, but when I pushed changes to a gitlab, something went wrong. Even in those lines in which I did not change anything, the characters were replaced by something like this:
file.type.not-null=\u0422\u0438\u043F \u0444\u0430\u0439\u043B\u0430 \u0434\u043E\u043B\u0436\u0435\u043D \u0431\u044B\u0442\u044C \u0443\u043A\u0430\u0437\u0430\u043D
What could have caused it? How can it be fixed?
My File encodings settings:


WebStorm not showing .vue syntax highlighting on on file but is on another

Does anyone know what is causing this problem? I can't seem to figure it out.
When I create a new .vue file, I can't get any autocomplete/syntax highlight at all.
But the one I created at the start of the project seems to work fine.
Looks as if the file GameDetails.vue is treated as plain text file. Does the issue persist if you rename the file? Please check the registered patterns in Settings | Editor | File types, Text and Auto-detect file type by content file types - can you see GameDetails.vue or any pattern with .vue suffix there? Removing it from the list should solve the problem.

In IntelliJ IDEA, how can I reset the per file indentation decision?

IntelliJ IDEA shows a small notice at the top of a file when the detected indentation inside the file does not match that configured in the settings dialog. It also allows to switch the indentation to the configured setting, which is a useful thing.
But now I have two files for which I would like to revert that decision and not apply my locally defined indentation. However this appears to be impossible...
Even changing the configured indentation setting does not have an effect on those files I once made that decision for. It appears that the decision is set and stored as a per file configuration.
Question: is there any way to remove that per file setting again?
Have you tried Edit -> Convert Indents -> To Spaces / To Tabs ?
This should be file specific.

Can I make IntelliJ IDEAs auto indent ignore previous lines?

Auto-indenting in IntelliJ IDEA seems to automatically takes lines previous to the selection in to consideration. This means that if the indentation is incorrect in the part of the file you're working on (e.g., 3 or 5 spaces where there should be 4, or even worse, a mix of tabs and spaces) it's annoyingly difficult to add correctly indented code.
Both new lines I'm adding and lines I use auto-indent on because I've changed them anyway get messed up like this. Since the file I'm working on is being worked on by someone else as well on another branch, I really don't want to modify over a third of the file just to indent everything correctly, but I would still like the lines that I'm actually modifying/adding to be correct - I don't see any reason to perpetuate the error when it's not necessary.
Currently the best mechanism for fixing it I've found is to manually do the spaces on a line and go from there, but it's really quite annoying, especially since I can't use the tab key or IntelliJ will immediately move to the incorrect indentation. It's barely better than copy/pasting the text to Sublime Text, fix the indentation there and paste it back without formatting.
My apologies if this has already been asked, I've tried to search for it, but it's very hard to search for this as there's so many auto-indent questions.
IntelliJ IDEA recently added a feature (in v14 or 1v4.1 if I recall) where it will detect indentation that is different from your settings. It will honor those indentations (in order to keep the file consistent). Usually as soon as you start editing the file, you get a banner, although that can be turned off. The banner looks like this:
This allows you to modify this setting on a per file basis, or turn it off completely (i.e. the "Show Settings" option).
I suspect this feature is what is causing you the issue. I am not sure how it handles a case where a file has mixed indentation (e.g. most of the file is 4, but some sections are 3 or 5 spaces). You can try turning this feature off in Settings > Editor > Code Style > "Detect and use existing file indents for editing"

Unable to change some files in RubyMine project

Currently I'm having an issue where I cannot make any changes to some files in my project. When hitting the return or space bar key it will only select text and not create new lines or spaces respectively.
I'm fairly certain it has something to do with the VCS features but cannot seem to find any settings to correct the Read-Only issue I'm running into.
This issue did raise it head after installing the Dash plugin. Not sure if this is coincidental or related.
update: After further test it looks like some files go into a sort of preview mode. Return and Space bar keys will let you scan the file and hitting any other keys will wake up the edit function. Strange?
IdealVim caused this for me. Definitely plugin related.

.less: not to compile variable file

On windows I'm using WinLESS to compile my .less files but I've come across a minor issue.
I have several files which import my core variables.less file. It has nothing but variables. When WinLESS compiles, it generates a blank variables.css file as well. Is there a way to stop this blank file from being created?
If you have the latest version (1.3.0) then No, I'm afraid there isn't.
But you should raise a bug on
I am a developer their and I'll look at it soon..
There is some wanted behaviour - if you change a file and it goes from being non-empty to empty, you would want it to update. However if the input file is a wildcard AND the output is empty AND the file doesn't exist, maybe it shouldn't be created.
What if there is just a bug in the less file causing it to output nothing? But this discussion should be moved to a github bug.
Are you sure your file is unchecked in winless window?
I use it as in the screenshot below and don't get empty files.