Attribute Error: 'Sequential' object has no attribute 'predict_classes' - tensorflow

I am attempting to do a text generation program using Keras and Tensorflow. I have come across the problem while trying to use the predict_classes. After a quick research, I learnt that the predict_classes has been removed in the new Tensorflow version, but I have not received any satisfactory solution. My code is given below:
def generate_text_seq(model, tokenizer, text_seq_length, seed_text, n_words):
text = []
for _ in range(n_words):
encoded = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences([seed_text])[0]
encoded = pad_sequences([encoded], maxlen = text_seq_length, truncating = 'pre')
y_pred = model.predict_classes(encoded)
predicted_word = ''
for word, index in tokenizer.word_index.items():
if index == y_pred.any():
predicted_word = word
seed_text = seed_text + ' ' + predicted_word
return ' '.join(text)
The code is a text generating function, that generates the next token given a seed text. I have used this code from multiple online lectures, but most of those videos were outdated, so they still used the predict_classes method.
Here is the error I was receiving: Error in Code
I have tried a couple of solutions but none of them worked. For one, I used the .predict() method directly but I was not getting the correct answer.
I also tried the following code as well:
def generate_text_seq(model, tokenizer, text_seq_length, seed_text, n_words):
text = []
for _ in range(n_words):
encoded = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences([seed_text])[0]
encoded = pad_sequences([encoded], maxlen = text_seq_length, truncating = 'pre')
pred_y = model.predict(encoded)
y_pred = np.argmax(pred_y, axis = 1)
predicted_word = ''
for word, index in tokenizer.word_index.items():
if index == y_pred:
predicted_word = word
seed_text = seed_text + ' ' + predicted_word
return ' '.join(text)


how do i add beam search in inference function tensorflow model

I'm having a hard time adding the beam search to this function.
the initial search was always taking the max probablity in each position ( greedy search), now that i'm trying to add a loop to generate K output it is complicated , i could use some help.
***here is the link to the model i'm using the exacte same :
here is the function for the greedy search :
def evaluate(sentence):
sentence = preprocess_sentence(sentence)
inputs = [inp_lang.word_index[i] for i in sentence.split(' ')]
inputs = tf.keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences([inputs],
inputs = tf.convert_to_tensor(inputs)
result = ''
hidden = [tf.zeros((1, units))]
enc_out, enc_hidden = encoder(inputs, hidden)
dec_hidden = enc_hidden
dec_input = tf.expand_dims([targ_lang.word_index['<start>']], 0)
for t in range(max_length_targ):
predictions, dec_hidden, attention_weights = decoder(dec_input,
# storing the attention weights to plot later on
attention_weights = tf.reshape(attention_weights, (-1, ))
attention_plot[t] = attention_weights.numpy()
predicted_id = tf.argmax(predictions[0]).numpy()
result += targ_lang.index_word[predicted_id] + ' '
if targ_lang.index_word[predicted_id] == '<end>':
return result, sentence, attention_plot
# the predicted ID is fed back into the model
dec_input = tf.expand_dims([predicted_id], 0)
return result, sentence

TypeError: 'Value' object is not iterable : iterate around a Dataframe for prediction purpose with GCP Natural Language Model

I'm trying to iterate over a dataframe in order to apply a predict function, which calls a Natural Language Model located on GCP. Here is the loop code :
barometre_df_processed = barometre_df
barometre_df_processed['theme'] = ''
barometre_df_processed['proba'] = ''
for ind in barometre_df.index:
if barometre_df.verbatim[ind] is np.nan :
res = get_prediction(file_path={'text_snippet': {'content': barometre_df.verbatim[ind]},'mime_type': 'text/plain'} },model_name=model)
theme = res['displayNames']
proba = res["classification"]["score"]
and the get_prediction function that I took from the Natural Language AI Documentation :
def get_prediction(file_path, model_name):
options = ClientOptions(api_endpoint='')
prediction_client = automl_v1.PredictionServiceClient(client_options=options)
payload = file_path
# Uncomment the following line (and comment the above line) if want to predict on PDFs.
# payload = pdf_payload(file_path)
parameters_dict = {}
params = json_format.ParseDict(parameters_dict, Value())
request = prediction_client.predict(name=model_name, payload=payload, params=params)
print("fonction prediction")
return resultat[0]["displayName"], resultat[0]["classification"]["score"], resultat[1]["displayName"], resultat[1]["classification"]["score"], resultat[2]["displayName"], resultat[2]["classification"]["score"]
I'm doing a loop this way because I want each of my couple [displayNames, score] to create a new line on my final dataframe, to have something like this :
verbatim1, theme1, proba1
verbatim1, theme2, proba2
verbatim1, theme3, proba3
verbatim2, theme1, proba1
verbatim2, theme2, proba2
The if barometre_df.verbatim[ind] is np.nan is not causing problems, I just use it to deal with nans, don't take care of it.
The error that I have is this one :
TypeError: 'Value' object is not iterable
I guess the issues is about
res = get_prediction(file_path={'text_snippet': {'content': barometre_df.verbatim[ind]} },model_name=model)
but I can't figure what's goign wrong here.
I already try to remove
,'mime_type': 'text/plain'}
from my get_prediction parameters, but it doesn't change anything.
Does someone knows how to deal with this issue ?
Thank you already.
I think you are not iterating correctly.
The way to iterate through a dataframe is:
for index, row in df.iterrows():

Multi-GPU TFF simulation errors "Detected dataset reduce op in multi-GPU TFF simulation"

I ran my code for an emotion detection model using Tensorflow Federated simulation. My code work perfectly fine using CPUs only. However, I received this error when trying to run TFF with GPU.
ValueError: Detected dataset reduce op in multi-GPU TFF simulation: `use_experimental_simulation_loop=True` for `tff.learning`; or use `for ... in iter(dataset)` for your own dataset iteration.Reduce op will be functional after b/159180073.
What is this error about and how can I fix it? I tried to search many places but found no answer.
Here is the call stack if it help. It is very long so I pasted into this link:
Here is the code containing iterative_process
def startTraining(output_file):
iterative_process = tff.learning.build_federated_averaging_process(
client_optimizer_fn=lambda: tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=0.01),
server_optimizer_fn=lambda: tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=1.0),
flstate = iterative_process.initialize()
evaluation = tff.learning.build_federated_evaluation(model_fn)
curr_round_result = [0,0,100,0,100,0]
min_val_loss = 100
for round in range(1,ROUND_COUNT + 1):
available_users = fetch_available_users_and_increase_time(ROUND_DURATION_AVERAGE + random.randint(-ROUND_DURATION_VARIATION, ROUND_DURATION_VARIATION + 1))
if(len(available_users) == 0):
train_data = make_federated_data(available_users, 'train')
flstate, metrics =, train_data)
val_data = make_federated_data(available_users, 'val')
val_metrics = evaluation(flstate.model, val_data)
curr_round_result[0] = round
curr_round_result[1] = len(available_users)
curr_round_result[2] = metrics['train']['loss']
curr_round_result[3] = metrics['train']['sparse_categorical_accuracy']
curr_round_result[4] = val_metrics['loss']
curr_round_result[5] = val_metrics['sparse_categorical_accuracy']
Here is the code for make_federated_data
def make_federated_data(users, dataset_type):
offset = 0
if(dataset_type == 'val'):
offset = train_size
elif(dataset_type == 'test'):
offset = train_size + val_size
for id in users:
if(id + offset not in LOADED_USER):
LOADED_USER[id + offset] = getDatasetFromFilePath(filepaths[id + offset])
return [
LOADED_USER[id + offset]
for id in users
TFF does support Multi-GPU, and as the error message says one of two things is happening:
The code is using tff.learning but using the default use_experimental_simulation_loop argument value of False. With multiple GPUs, this must be set to True when using APIs including tff.learning.build_federated_averaging_process. For example, calling with:
training_process = tff.learning.build_federated_averaging_process(
..., use_experimental_simulation_loop=True)
The code contains a custom call somewhere. This must be replaced with Python code that iterates over the dataset. For example:
result = dataset.reduce(initial_state=0, reduce_func=lambda s, x: s + x)
s = 0
for x in iter(dataset):
s += x
I realized that TFF has not yet supported multi-GPUs. Therefore, we need to limit number visible of GPUs to just 1, using:
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0"

How to create my own handwriting data set like IAM dataset

I need to create my own handwritten character dataset the format is just like the Iam Handwriting Database. I don't know how to create the dataset just like that, and I need you can check the data set format from their site I need to create data/ascii/words.txt and data/words/
There isn't instruction for creating IAM Handwriting Database. But you can find here: Build a Handwritten Text Recognition System using TensorFlow.
import os
import numpy as np
import cv2
class DataProvider():
"this class creates machine-written text for a word list. TODO: change getNext() to return your samples."
def __init__(self, wordList):
self.wordList = wordList
self.idx = 0
def hasNext(self):
return self.idx < len(self.wordList)
def getNext(self):
img = np.ones((32, 128), np.uint8)*255
word = self.wordList[self.idx]
self.idx += 1
cv2.putText(img,word,(2,20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, (0), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)
return (word, img)
def createIAMCompatibleDataset(dataProvider):
"this function converts the passed dataset to an IAM compatible dataset"
# create files and directories
f = open('words.txt', 'w+')
if not os.path.exists('sub'):
if not os.path.exists('sub/sub-sub'):
# go through data and convert it to IAM format
ctr = 0
while dataProvider.hasNext():
sample = dataProvider.getNext()
# write img
cv2.imwrite('sub/sub-sub/sub-sub-%d.png'%ctr, sample[1])
# write filename, dummy-values and text
line = 'sub-sub-%d'%ctr + ' X X X X X X X ' + sample[0] + '\n'
ctr += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
words = ['some', 'words', 'for', 'which', 'we', 'create', 'text-images']
dataProvider = DataProvider(words)
The source code made by Harald Scheidl.

structure of while loop

I am trying to use a while loop in Python to provide an error message while there is a backslash character in the user input. The code provides the error message when a fraction is input and requests a second input. The problem occurs when the second input differs in length from the original input and I do not know how to fix this since my knowledge of Python is limited. Any help is appreciated!
size = getInput('Size(in): ')
charcount = len(size)
for i in range(0,charcount):
if size[i] == '/':
while size[i] == '/':
getWarningReply('Please enter size as a decimal', 'OKAY')
size = getInput('Size(in): ')
elif size[i] == '.':
#Convert size input from string to list, then back to string because strings are immutable whereas lists are not
sizechars = list(size)
sizechars[i] = 'P'
size = "".join(sizechars)
That is not a good way to go about doing what you want because if the length of the new size is shorter than the original length, charcount, then you can easily go out of range.
I'm by no means a Python master, but an easily better way to do this is to wrap the entire thing in a while loop instead of nesting a while loop within the for loop:
not_decimal = True
while not_decimal:
found_slash = False
size = getInput('Size(in): ')
charcount = len(size)
for i in range(0, charcount):
if size[i] == '/':
print 'Please enter size as a decimal.'
found_slash = True
elif size[i] == '.':
#Convert size input from string to list, then back to string because strings are immutable whereas lists are not
sizechars = list(size)
sizechars[i] = 'P'
size = "".join(sizechars)
if not found_slash:
not_decimal = False