I keep getting this pop-up every time i open a parenthesis and it does not seem to be clickable. How do i disable it?
Try to change this parameter in setting:
Ctrl + Alt + S
-> Editor -> General -> Code completion -> Show the parameter info pop-up in "amount" s.
Here's an image of the settings.
In Mac,
Press Command ⌘ + , to open settings. Alternatively you can select Preferences from Intellij.
Select Editor -> General -> Code completion. Scroll down to Parameter Info section and disable Show the parameter info popup checkbox.
In Windows,
Press Ctrl + Alt + S to open settings.
Select Editor -> General -> Code completion. Scroll down to Parameter Info section and disable Show the parameter info popup checkbox.
How do i trigger the cmd + click behaviour (Go to Class, go to declaration etc) in IntelliJ when my current keymap uses Eclipse (MacOS)?
I'm currently switching from Eclipse/STS to IntelliJ. So far, i've changed the keymap to use Eclipse (MacOS), so most of the familiar keyboard shortcuts i use still works.
control + click does the functionality that i want using Eclipse (MacOS) keymap but this also triggers system behaviour of right click, so menu pops out the same time that the go to class/variable triggers. Is there a way i can set or use cmd + click to trigger the desired behavior?
Go to Preferences > Keymap.
You have to copy the Eclipse (MacOS) keymap to a new name, in order to make changes: select the Eclipse (MacOS) keymap, press the Copy button and give it a new name, e.g. Eclipse (MacOS) 2.
Then click into the filter field, enter declaration, then in the tree area do right-click on the Main menu > Navigate > Declaration line in order to activate the context menu. The result should look like this:
Select Add Mouse Shortcut from the context menu, a dialog opens. Perform into this dialog the key + click combination you wish to add, in your case cmd + click:
Confirm the new Mouse shortcut with Ok, then close the Preferences dialog also with Ok or Apply. Done.
Note: you can delete the ctrl + click mouse shortcut, if you wish to not use it by mistake, by selecting Remove ^Button1 Click in the context menu.
See the screenshot below to see what I mean. Basically, Intellij only highlights the box I draw with the cursor, but leaves the rest of the editor untouched. I have no idea why it happens, and the only way to resolve it for now is to close and reopen the editor. I have observed the same behavior on a Linux box and a MacBook, both when editing Java and PHP files, so I am not sure it's a bug.
The desired behaviour is standard row selection, i.e. highlight all rows which I drag the cursor over.
I think you have enabled 'column selection'.
Option can be toggled via these methods:
Menu Bar -> Edit -> Column selection mode
Document Body -> Right Click -> Column selection mode
Keyboard Shortcut -> ALT + SHIFT + INSERT
The column select mode is enabled, use Alt+Shift+Insert to enable or disable this mode.
Shift-command-8 to toggle it back and forth on OSX.
When using IntelliJ IDEA and writing code, and when code you wrote has an error, the only way I know to make IDEA show you the error details is to hover the mouse cursor over the problem.
But that requires moving my hands from the keyboard to the mouse. Is there a hotkey that causes that pop-up with the error message to appear, or a way to configure such a hotkey?
On a Mac:
Cmd + F1
On Windows:
Ctrl + F1
On Linux:
Ctrl + F1
You can check for anything else in Preferences -> Keymap
On a Mac: ⌘F1
On Windows: CtrlF1
These activate the menu item “View” → “Error Description” (which only exists when there is an error):
You can configure and search for keyboard shortcuts in Preferences → Keymap:
In the year I write this, the shortcut is Ctrl + 1.
( My OS is Arch Linux )
Is there a way to maximize the output pane of a test?
I can't believe that I have to endure the review process of the stacktrace in this narrow pane!
There is a shortcut (ctrl-shift-up) that make the pane grow a little.
Does anybody know of a shortcut or a button to maximize the pane?
Like in eclipse for the output console (ctrl-m)
Anyway, Idea is great!
It's not possible to maximize it, please vote for the corresponding feature request:
IDEA-64469 Provide a way to view test console output maximized (like double-clicking it?)
It has been implemented as described in the issue:
You can maximize/restore tool window size:
With double-click on toolwindow header
With shortcut Shift+Ctrl+' (Shift+Command+' for Mac OS X)
Via "Resize" actions group (see popup menu for tool window)
On Linux and Windows:Ctrl + Shift + Quote(')
On Mac:Command + Shift + Quote(')
With double-click on toolwindow header
Via "Resize" actions group (see popup menu for tool window)
Tested on 2016.1.1(Linux) & 2018.1.1(Linux).
On my AZERTY keyboad I had to reassign the shortcut to Alt + M and Alt + W (maximize window).
It was maybe not yet implemented in 2013.
Look in Settings -> Keymap
Inside of that, look for "Maximize tool window" item.
Use the assigned shortcut or set one of your preference.
Before using the Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Quote shortcut you have to activate the Run/Debug Command Output window, which in my keyboard is Right/Alt + 4 or , Right/Alt + 5 ...
I can use F12 to jump to project tree (if it was the last tool that I used), but is there a shortcut for jumping back to editor?
Esc usually brings the focus back to the editor.
With Alt + Home you can actually put focus on selecting the file and hit enter in order to go to the editor.
Esc is not always going to put the focus on editor.
For those on Mac (you don't have a Home key), use Command + E to open the recent files then hit enter.
Pressing F4 (Jump to Source action) in a selected resource in the Project View opens the editor with focus.
Another easy way to get from Terminal to Editor (on Mac) with two keys that are close together: Press ⌘1 to go to the project tool window, then hit Esc.
You can use ctrl + tab Navigate between files opened in the editor, and tool windows.
This is definitely a workaround, but, on mac os the following keystrokes work,
[ SHIFT + CMD + A ] > type "edit" > [ ENTER ]
So, I created a Service using Automator as follows,
receives no input
active for my IDE only ( phpstorm )
runs an AppleScript ( see below )
Then I mapped the Service via "System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services" to
[ CTRL + OPTION + CMD + i ]
The Automator Service, contains the following AppleScript,
on run {input, parameters}
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "A" using {shift down, command down}
delay 0.2
keystroke "edit"
delay 0.2
keystroke return
end tell
return input
end run
There is no perfect solution, since Escape doesn't work if your other Tool Window is a Terminal, Windowed... as a result there is an open ticket on Jetbrains, bug tracking site see this link.
Also, if you have "Autoscroll to Source" disabled (default state in Intellij):
Escape puts cursor in file currently visible in editor (As mentioned in the other Answers)
F4 puts cursor in file currently selected in the Project view.
The most elegant way found in mac: ctrl + tab + p
ctrl + tab: open recent file, always last file opened
ctrl + p: last line in mac default keymap