Codesys how to share local library repository - repository

we are developing some private libraries and are wondering how do we get them shared between different users of the team?
Same as a git repository (I guess) but do we need to have them stored in Codesys store as a private repository or we can have them stored on our local server and different user to sync to that backend?
Default settings for the Managed Libraries are in the local drive C:/ProgramData, which works for a single user but not very well where a team need to access the library.


How to get local sync folder of one drive sync?

I have installed OneDrive on my local machine. Is there any way to get root folder/sync path of one drive ? I am looking for a programmatic way to fetch the root folder of one drive. Is there any API or interfaces through which I can access these details ? I want this API or interface for MacOS platform.
the information is in the registry.
Find the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\OneDrive\Accounts, you'll see your accounts as sub-keys. In them, look for the string value named UserFolder.

How do UserSecrets work in the Cloud?

ASP.NET Core has a great feature to store user settings securely.
It works great on OSX (and Linux, Windows), stores data in JSON:
Is it working in the cloud (Cloud Foundry) too? If yes, then were are the values stored?
Secrets exists for safe storage during development by helping prevent sensitive data from being storing in code / checked into source control.
The Secret Manager tool does not encrypt the stored secrets and should not be treated as a trusted store. It is for development purposes only. The keys and values are stored in a JSON configuration file in the user profile directory.
In Cloud you can directly use Environment Variables for that.

Purpose of a public repository workspace in rtc

In RTC what is the purpose of using public repository workspace in rtc.
1) will all the users be able to check in the data to the public repository workspace.
2) will all the users be able to deliver the code to the connected stream.
3) How to get the incoming changes from another user.?
As mentioned in this thread:
The idea of using a public repository workspace is to provide an up and running development environment for the team.
I do not want a developer to spend 2-3 hours with the support of somebody else to setup his workspaces, to run a web application with the J2EE artifacts.
Currently we are using MAVEN to build are applications and setting up the development environment and we are struggling with it. To much knowledge required by the developer and way to much money trying to automagically configure the RAD 7.5 workspace with MAVEN and are own scripts.
The idea is to setup pre-configured public repository workspace with all the necessary RAD 7.5 artifacts (server, EAR configuration, web configuration, link between projects and link to MAVEN repository for component that you don't want to load in your workspace.
I prefer my repos workspace to be scoped (never private though, or only the admin can access it and deliver changeset that might not have been delivered to the stream)
The help page mentions:
On the New Repository Workspace panel, enter a number for the level of the visibility for the workspace, which determines who can see the workspace.
Everyone with access to the repository is able to see the files and change sets in all public components in this workspace.
The owner is the only person with read access to the repository workspace. However, change sets in the public components are visible to others.
Everyone with read access in the connected project area can see the files and contents in public components in this workspace.
1) will all the users be able to check in the data to the public repository workspace.
No, only the owner can add changesets
2) will all the users be able to deliver the code to the connected stream.
3) How to get the incoming changes from another user.?
You can change the flow target of that workspace in order to reference the workspace of another user.
Sand box code :
sysout("sand box");
Code in repo workspace :
sysout("repo code");
code in stream :
sysout("stream code");
How it will reflect in pending changes view ?

How to access DI repository from a different machine

Can someone please suggest me how to centrally store DB connections and jobs in DI repository
I installed s/w on 2 machines. On one machine I have enabled the Kettle DI repository but when I try to access the same from the other m/c, I am not able to access
Can someone suggest me any good tutorial or video etc ?
Repository connection definitions are stored in your .kettle file. This is by default in your user profile directory. To share the same definitions among a group of users on the same machine, move the kettle home directory to a shared location and set the KETTLE_HOME environment variable to reflect that location.
Then copy that .kettle file to all installations that need to share the repositories.

How to access system properties from a Tomcat app deployed on Cloudbees?

I want to run a Tomcat app in Cloudbees. This app accesses some private and confidential properties from the file system. How could I access a file system on Cloudbees? Please note that it should be highly protected, e.g. 700 or similar.
RUN#Cloud platform don't provide a persistent (nor distributed) filesystem. So you can't use it to as canonical store for those files, but need to use an external file store to match your security requirements, and copy them as application is starting (or lazy-load) to directory. As files are stored on RUN#Cloud there is no security issue as your server instance is fully isolated, and files will be deleted after application undeployed/passivated
So you can use Amazon S3 or comparable to store files
Another option is for you to attach properties to the RUN#Cloud instance as configuration parameters, and access them as System properties. See
If they data is modest in size - you could consider using properties - using the CLI you can set them using
bees config:set propertyName=value
you can then access that as a System property (for example) in your application. The properties themselves are stored encrypted by cloudbees.
I've actually moved to OpenShift since then and I solved the problem. Thank you for your answers