Exclude json from bundling / read from global location - rollup

I have a npm package which is installed globally (npm install -g ...). One of the package's dependencies is providing json schema file which is loaded like this:
import schema from "../../node_modules/some-package/schemas/schema.json";
Im using rollup (with #rollup/plugin-json) to bundle my package and its working fine. And was wondering if the json schema can be excluded from the bundle.
If the json file is added to external: [...] section in rollup.config.js then the schema is not being bundled but then the package itself is throwing an error Unknown file extension ".json" whenever its started (which makes sense).
The only other way (I can think of) is to not include the schema using import but to rather read it (fs.readFile and then JSON.parse) when my package is started. But since my package is installed globally how can I read files from node_modules of the global package folder when its being started?


How to access the dependency versions in a Create-React-App

In a create-react-app i would like to access some properties of the package.json and show those to the user in the browser. Like the version of the app and the version of some of the dependencies specified in the package.json.
How would I access those properties, without importing and exposing the whole package.json to the client?
Executing npm run build on the create-react-app provides a production bundle in the ./build directory.
Solution 1:
The way it works it does not expose the rest of the package.json content to the production bundle when making a destructured import. (E.g. previous answer from Devchris)
import { dependencies } from './package.json';
Solution 2:
By extending the npm scripts it is possible to read and expose the package.json into the node environment and read it from there at build time (https://create-react-app.dev/docs/adding-custom-environment-variables)
Note: The variable must start with 'REACT_APP_'
What you can do is:
import { version, dependencies } from './package.json';
this will give you all dependencies and the version of your package.json in your js code. Keep in mind that your path to the package.json file might be different.

quasar display text/markdown from assets or statics folder

I'm trying to read the content of a markdown file (.md) stored in statics or assets folder of my quasar project and I have updated the quasar.conf.js file with the following change to support raw file loading after adding raw-loader to my project
extendWebpack(cfg) {
test: /\.md$/i,
use: "raw-loader"
I'm trying to load the markdown, using import command from one of the .vue component script tag as below
import md from "~statics/help.md";
But when I run the project, it compiles to 100% and throws the below error
• Compiling:
└── SPA ████████████████████ 100% done in ~13s
ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors 8:22:43 AM
This dependency was not found:
* ~statics/help.md in ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib??ref--1-0!./node_modules/#quasar/app/lib/webpack/loader.auto-import.js?kebab!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./src/pages/Help.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&
To install it, you can run: npm install --save ~statics/help.md
let me know if any solution
Its seems like quasar can't find the proper reference since I don't know your exact folder structure
Try using ../static/{filname} and see if it works

package.json file created in the wrong folder

I am creating an app to work with an API using serverless, and the initial install was ok. One of the folders that the npm serverless install does is auth-server, where two files - handler.js and serverless.yml are created (other than the .gitignore).
A few steps later, I had to install Axios as I will need to make a POST request for the API. Being on the auth-server directory, I ran the usual npm syntax to install Axios, npm install axios. To my surprise, however, npm has not created the package.json (and package-lock.json) file within the auth-server folder but used the root files.
I tried to look around to see if the problem was recurrent, but found nothing. I know that package-json file is created within the directory folder from where npm is executed as I have used axios a few times. Can someone point me where the problem may lie? Thanks in advance.
In case someone else needs this: I found out that although not in all cases, it is not uncommon that the npm will use the package.json file of the root folder. As I needed it inside the auth-server folder, I simply created another package.json file inside it (with a pair of curly brackets on it to avoid a parse error code EJSONPARSE) and saved it. Once I installed Axios one more (npm install axios) the package.json file began to be used and added Axios as a dependency.

How to use Font Awesome after it being installed with Yarn

I am using VS 2019 for Core 3.1 development and I installed Font Awesome whith Yarn:
yarn add #fortawesome/fontawesome-free
However, whenI try to reference it in my HEAD section like this:
<script defer src="~/lib/#fortawesome/fontawesome-free/js/all.js"></script>
I get the following error:
the 'fortawesome' doesnt exist in actual context
Package managers like yarn, npm, etc. just add the packages to your project. They generally aren't ready to deploy directly at that point, but rather require a build pipeline to create the actual JS/CSS resources. The #fortawesome/fontawesome repo is an exception in that 1) it's not actually a package and 2) the files are already "built". Even then, though, they still won't be in the right location.
I'm not overly familiar with yarn, but npm, for example, puts everything in a node_modules directory. That directory is not served by default, and should not be served, because it contains "raw" stuff. You'd need a separate build pipeline (using npm scripts, webpack, gulp, etc.) to build/copy assets into a directory that is served (i.e. wwwroot). That is likely the piece you are missing.
For this, since there's no build actually required, you just need to have the assets copied to something like wwwroot/lib and then you'll be able to reference it via the script tag on the page. That can be done with any tool like npm, webpack, gulp, grunt, etc. so you'll just have to research and pick the one that fits your needs best.

How to deploy a package for a private gitlab dependency in Yarn

I am working on a vue project that needs to use another private vue project as a dependency. This other private project is a vue plugin.
I have found how to tell yarn to fetch a package on a private gitlab repository by adding the following line in package.json:
"dependencies": {
"myPackage": "git+https://{token-name}:{token}#gitlab.com/path/to/repo.git#someTag"
This works well, and the content of my repo is downloaded in my node_modules. However, here comes my problem :
In this repo, the actual vue plugin is not at the root, it's under a subfolder of the repo, meaning the index.js at the root of the repo is not the one from my plugin (and I guess it is the one yarn will be using).
I have a custom yarn deploy script that compiles my plugin into one JS file and put it in a dist folder, however the dist folder is not versioned. I can use the gitlab CI to generate it, but still i'm pretty sure yarn won't use what is inside the dist folder.
My (broad) question is : how can I use the tools at my disposition (yarn, gitlab-ci) to be able to use my private gitlab repository as a vue-plugin for one of my other project ?
You would tell other packages how to use your packages by using the properties of your package.json. For instance, the main declaration
main: 'dist/index.js'
This tells node how to resolve your module from your package.
so require('my-vue-plugin') or import MyVuePlugin from 'my-vue-plugin' would resolve to node_modules/my-vue-plugin/dist/index.js, for example.
As far as versioning is concerned -- you don't version the file, or the folder. You version through the version property of your package.json and, in your case, through GIT by using git tag -a v(major).(minor).(patch).
The version that you tag should match the version that you specify in package.json.
I would recommend reading more about semantic versioning and creating a script (like VueJS) to auto-increment your package, version and publish.