Jeuclid FOP add a linebreak - pdf

Hey guys im using MathML and jeuclid-fop for display formulas in pdf.But line breaks are not showing at all.
Have any idea why this happend or an aproach that i can try?
<fo:instream-foreign-object xmlns:m="" content-width="scale-to-fit" max-width="100%">
<m:math xmlns="" mode="inline" linebreak="newline" x="0" y="30">
<mspace linebreak="newline" />
</fo:instream-foreign-object> /fo:block>


RML Test of Page Number

Moin Moin,
I'm working on Openerp 7 and there pdf's get created with rml.
Problem is: I need Page Numbers, but just starting of the second Page.
I tried some rml if clause statements, but Page 1 gets printed all the time and the things that get printet are pretty wierd.
<pageTemplate id="second">
<frame id="second" x1="2.2cm" y1="2.5cm" width="16.9cm" height="22.3cm"/>
<image file="images/isatech_water_header_medium.jpg" x="0.0cm" y="24.4cm" width="19.0cm" height="6.0cm"/>
<image file="images/isatech_water_footer.jpg" x="0.0cm" y="-0.5cm" width="16.9cm" height="2.6cm"/>
<pageTemplate id="first">
<frame id="first" x1="2.2cm" y1="2.5cm" width="16.9cm" height="22.3cm"/>
<image file="images/isatech_water_header.jpg" x="0.0cm" y="24.4cm" width="19.0cm" height="6.0cm"/>
<image file="images/isatech_water_footer.jpg" x="0.0cm" y="-0.5cm" width="16.9cm" height="2.6cm"/>
[[ <pageNumber/> != '1' and <drawCentredString x="10cm" y="0.3cm"><pageNumber/></drawCentredString> ]]
What gets printed on the pdf is:
]] 1(2,3,...)
The pageTemplate second is for printing different header after page 1. I hope to get that straigt after the page numbers.
I really have no idea why the code behaves like he does. Different solutions are also welcome.
mfg Chris
I found a different way to do it.
It is not a good Idea to check the pageNumber in RML.
If I got it right, then the pageNumber is processed as one of the last steps. (Same goes for PageCount where it makes sense as you can't know the pageCount until the end of building your document)
Even if you call a python function with a pageNumber it gets handled as a String. I can just imagine it is the same reason.
I helped myself with a <setNextTemplate name="pageTemplate id"/>
Uncheck Add RML header in Settings > Actions > Reports > "Your Report"
Change your RML File and define the different pageTemplates
<template title="Sales Order" author="OpenERP S.A.(" allowSplitting="20" showBoundary="0">
<pageTemplate id="first">
<frame id="first" x1="2.2cm" y1="2.5cm" width="16.9cm" height="22.3cm"/>
<image file="images/header_page_1.jpg" x="0.8cm" y="24.7cm" width="16,9cm" height="4cm"/>
<image file="images/footer_page_1.jpg" x="0.4cm" y="-0.4cm" width="16.9cm" height="2.3cm"/>
<pageTemplate id="second">
<frame id="first" x1="2.2cm" y1="2.5cm" width="16.9cm" height="22.3cm"/>
<image file="images/header_page_2.jpg" x="0.8cm" y="24.7cm" width="16,9cm" height="4cm"/>
<image file="images/header_page_2.jpg" x="0.4cm" y="-0.4cm" width="16.9cm" height="2.3cm"/>
Somewhere on page x add <setNextTemplate name="pageTemplate id"/>
or <setNextTemplate name="pageTemplate id"/>
<nextFrame/> to change the pageTemplate of page x+1
<setNextTemplate name="pageTemplate id"/> simply defines the pageTemplate of the next page and
<nextFrame/> additionaly end the current page.
Edit(Multi-Company-Header): I kind of forgot that we have multi Company Headers. Still I use this method. I just copy the .rml for every Company and hardcode the different company logos. Then in the reports setting page for every company(database) I specific the right .rml file.
I's very redundant, but I didn't found a better solution.
VG Chris

How to display RML custom header and footer in all page

I add my own custom header and footer in RML report, the problem is when I select all the record and print, first page prints correctly, the problem occurs in second page, header and report data overlapped, so how to set header in all the pages without overlapping
<template title="High_Value_Item" author="OpenERP S.A.(" allowSplitting="20">
<pageTemplate id="first">
<frame id="first" x1="30.0" y1="27.0" width="508" height="815"/>
<image x="1.3cm" y="26.0cm" height="90.0">[[company.logo or removeParentNode('image')]]</image>
<place x="16.6cm" y="25.3cm" height="1.8cm" width="15.0cm">
<para fontSize="7.0" fontName="Helvetica" >[[ display_address(company.partner_id) or '' ]]</para>
<lines>1.3cm 24.9cm 19.9cm 24.9cm</lines>
The above code from my RML report
try this,
<template title="High_Value_Item" author="OpenERP S.A.(" allowSplitting="20">
<pageTemplate id="first">
<frame id="first" x1="8.7cm" y1="5.0cm" height="24.0cm" width="21.5cm"/>
<image x="1.3cm" y="26.0cm" height="90.0">[[company.logo or removeParentNode('image')]]</image>
<place x="16.6cm" y="25.3cm" height="1.8cm" width="15.0cm">
<para fontSize="7.0" fontName="Helvetica" >[[ display_address(company.partner_id) or '' ]]</para>
<lines>1.3cm 24.9cm 19.9cm 24.9cm</lines>
I coded in air so if any content comes in undesired place than you may change the x and y coordinate.
Hope this will help you.

ModX Eform: Captcha not generating image

I am trying to get CAPTCHA working on the eForm plugin. I have added the input form field:
<label for="cfCaptcha">Captcha:<br />
<img src="[+verimageurl+]" alt="verification code"><br />
<input id="vericode" name="vericode" class="text" type="text">
and I have added
to the eForm call.
and have added the Template Variable [+verimageurl+] to my template.
However, when I preview the form all I see in the image area is <img src="" alt="verification code">
Would anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Did you get this fixed?
Check that you ended the label code. Run it through w3c code checker too.
A few times I have left a element un-closed and it breaks the whole thing.

Exporting More Info Row to PDF using LogiXML not showing up

I am having some trouble trying to export a report to PDF format. I have an action report element to show the more info row, meaning, it is hidden by default (Show Mode : None) until the user clicks a particular element. However, this is creating problems when trying to export since, when I check the option in the Target.PDF element as to "Keep Show Elements", I'm coming up with a blank page. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
The best way to troubleshoot these types of export problems is to start simplifying the definition file so that you can easily isolate the issue. For your reports, I might start by remarking the MoreInfoRow so that it's effectively not impacting the export.
-Does the report export to PDF once the MoreInfoRow is gone? If yes, the we can assume the problem has to do with the MoreInfoRow. If no, then there is a different issue. If you've removed the MoreInfoRow and it still doesn't export properly, I might guess that the problem is either : 1) You're passing incorrect showmodes with the export or 2) the report requires parameters to be passed with the Action PDF as well that aren't getting set properly.
For additional details on ShowModes, I'd visit:
If the MoreInfoRow is the problem, you might try simplifying the report, in general. Here's a quick example that you can try:
<Report ID="Default" SavedBy="test">
<StyleSheet Theme="SimpleBlue" />
<Label Caption="Export PDF" Class="ThemeLinkButton">
<Action Type="PDF">
<Target Type="PDF" KeepShowElements="True" Report="CurrentReport" />
<LineBreak LineCount="3" />
<DataTable ID="dtExport" Width="450">
<DataLayer Type="Static" ID="myData1">
<StaticDataRow id="001" name="Sample Row 1" />
<StaticDataRow id="002" name="Sample Row 2" />
<StaticDataRow id="003" name="Sample Row 3" />
<DataTableColumn ID="colid" Header="id">
<Label ID="lblid" Caption="">
<Action Type="ShowElement" ElementID="mirTest" ID="actShowMir" />
<DataTableColumn ID="colname" Header="name">
<Label ID="lblname" Caption="" />
<MoreInfoRow ShowModes="None" ID="mirTest">
<Label Caption="This is the More Info Row" />

Trouble passing XML text to RIA Services from my client

I am trying to pass the following XML text to RIA services in a query operation that returns a queryable sequence of entities in response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<item type="Item" filetype="cabinet" category="EZ Workshop" name="EZW Panel Edge-Banded" height="24.000000" width="36.000000" depth="0.725000" quantity="1">
<item type="Item" filetype="cabinet" category="EZ Furniture" name="Entry Bench" height="19.000000" width="48.000000" depth="17.999999" quantity="1">
<item type="Item" filetype="cabinet" category="EZ Closet Euro Style" name="CSEKD Tall H3R 28-72W 12-24D" height="84.000000" width="54.000000" depth="19.999999" quantity="1">
<item type="Item" filetype="assembly" category="EZ Pro ManCave" name="EZ Corn Hole Game-Set" height="0" width="0" depth="0" quantity="1">
<item type="Item" filetype="assembly" category="EZ Office" name="EZ 30 Printer Stand" height="0" width="0" depth="0" quantity="1">
<item type="Item" filetype="assembly" category="Corporate Culture Pro" name="C-Table" height="0" width="0" depth="0" quantity="1">
This is the query operation:
public IQueryable<ProjectItem> GetItemsFromImport(String a_strImportXml)
// Return empty sequence for now as a test.
return new ProjectItem[0].AsQueryable();
When I pass the full XML, I get that annoying "Not Found" exception, and the break-point in my operation is never hit. I'm using Visual Studio 2010's ASP.NET Development Server. When I get "Not Found" with that it portends bad stuff. The kicker is, when I pass an empty string, I get no exceptions at all, and the break-point is hit.
As you can see its not a tremendously long XML document. Is there some limit to the amount of data sent? Do I have to escape the document?
I discovered that I only had to escape the structural characters ('<', '>', and '&') out of the document before I sent it. I'm using String.Replace to do it. Does anyone know if there is a better way to accomplish this. Something similar to Uri.EscapeDataString perhaps?
var strImportXml = a_xImport.ToString();
strImportXml = strImportXml.Replace("&", "&");
strImportXml = strImportXml.Replace("<", "<");
strImportXml = strImportXml.Replace(">", ">");
Ok, so I guess this is standing as the answer to my own question. I discovered that I only had to escape the structural characters ('<', '>', and '&') out of the document before I sent it. I'm using String.Replace to do it. Does anyone know if there is a better way to accomplish this. Something similar to Uri.EscapeDataString perhaps?
var strImportXml = a_xImport.ToString();
strImportXml = strImportXml.Replace("&", "&");
strImportXml = strImportXml.Replace("<", "<");
strImportXml = strImportXml.Replace(">", ">");
NOTE: I'd still like to know if there is a better way to do this.