EXPO + react-native-reanimated debug issue - react-native

I've had an app running on Expo SDK 41 and it had some basic usage of react-native-reanimated#~2.1.0 and debugging worked just fine.
At some stage SDK 41 was deprecated and I was forced to upgrade, so I went for the latest one which is 45.
After the upgrade I can no longer use remote debugging. When I turn on remote debugging, the app crashes with the following error
Requiring module "node_modules\react-native-reanimated\src\Animated.js", which threw an exception: Invariant Violation: Calling synchronous methods on native modules is not supported in Chrome.
Consider providing alternative methods to expose this method in debug mode, e.g. by exposing constants ahead-of-time.
and I can't do anything (I can't even turn off remote debugging without clearing expo app data).
The issue seems to be related to react-native-reanimated (current version is 2.8.0)
Expo docs state this:
The new APIs in react-native-reanimated#2 use React Native APIs that
are incompatible with Remote JS Debugging. Consequently, you can only
debug apps using these APIs using Flipper, which is not yet available
in the Expo managed workflow. You will be unable to use Remote JS
Debugging if you use the new APIs from Reanimated 2. Remote JS
Debugging will continue to work if you only use the APIs that were
also available in Reanimated 1.
Tried to downgrade to react-native-reanimated#~2.1.0 did not work either.
I must be missing something, because otherwise it seems a bit ridiculous that I'm forced to upgrade SDK which in combination with react-native-reanimated does not allow me to do debug anymore.
Please advise if there is anything I can do.

This is what that link to Expo's docs show me at this time:
Reanimated uses React Native APIs that are incompatible with "Remote JS
Debugging" for JavaScriptCore. In order to use a debugger with your app with
react-native-reanimated, you will need to use the Hermes JavaScript engine and > the JavaScript Inspector for Hermes.
Anyways, this appears to be an issue Reanimated themselves talk about in the docs
The workaround around this for some time has been this code shared in this answer here
It isn't even a reanimated problem particularly, but an inability of RN to develop using some synchronous features that pertain to debugging.
Anyways, hope this helps you

After posting a question on expo repository, I've got the following answer which actually does not solve the remote debugger issue, but gives the same alternative. Basically they suggested to use hermes engine
hi there! this is unfortunate and inconvenient for sure. it's a side effect of the direction the ecosystem is moving in - away from JavaScript Core and remote debugging in Chrome towards Hermes and attaching a debugger to the on-device Hermes engine. Reanimated no longer supports remote debugging in Chrome.
in order to debug JS using Reanimated in SDK 45+ we recommend using Hermes. you can set this up in your app.json as follows:
"expo": {
"// your other config here": "...",
"android": {
"jsEngine": "hermes"
now when you run expo start and launch your app press j and it will launch a Chrome Inspector that will attach directly to the app on your device (I suggest upgrading expo-cli to the latest to ensure you have this feature). be sure to refer to the "Using Hermes Engine" guide for more information


React-Native, React-Native-Web and React-Navigation/Stack

Has anyone been able to get React-Native 0.7, React-Native-Web and React-Navigation/Stack 6.2.3 to work on web? I have a small app working on iOS and Android which I am trying to enable on web too. iOS and Android portion work fine and using metro.
However, webpack build continues to error out with "Module parse failed: Unexpected token" on the NavigationContainer.
I tried searching both react-native-web and react-navigation Issues on their respective GitHub Repositories. However, could not find something to solve my issue. Also tried modifying webpack.config with several different configurations/loaders.
Used links below as a reference too:
Yes, it happens that I maintain a library that does just that: creates a bare React Native app that also runs on the web: 🌒 Luna - https://github.com/criszz77/luna
Here is the live example: https://criszz77.github.io/luna/
You can find more on the wiki page about how it's implemented and you can also implement it by yourself: https://github.com/criszz77/luna/wiki
By using react-scripts, you don't have to handle webpack, babel and other hard configs by yourself.
It currently doesn't run on 0.7 (didn't have time to make the update), but it's in plan to support all the latest versions of course ASAP.
EDIT: Updated to 0.70.3 🎉

Debugging React Native app having React Native Reanimated with Vscode: TypeError: global.performance.now is not a function

I'm tasked with an already-started project that has React Native Reanimated library as a dependency.
Whenever I debug my app with Vscode/Chrome debugger, when I navigate to any screen that has components depending on Reanimated, I keep getting global.performance.now is not a function.
I've already seen TypeError: global.performance.now is not a function in react native but in the latest version it is already changed to what the accepted answer to the question suggests.
I've tried downgrading react-native-reanimated to 2.2.4 and patch as suggested in the answer, yet then I start getting all sorts of errors like Property ' stopObservingProgress' doesn't exist.
I've also tried 2.3.1, also different yet blocker errors.
I've also tried with and without Hermes.
Disabling debugging gets rid of the error, but I (obviously) can't debug. Debugging with Flipper works yet debugging with Flipper is extremely slowing my workflow (e.g. switching between Vscode and Flipper and trying to find files to put breakpoints, unable to edit at the same place where I debug etc. Flipper is just not my thing) and I want to debug with Vscode, which works perfectly without Reanimated.
I want to get rid of Reanimated library but unfortunately there is already a lot of code that relies on it, including a library with no other alternative that directly depends on Reanimated.
How can I debug an app containing React Native Reanimated with Vscode?
It's still a known and open issue when we are using reanimated version 2.., you can find this in reanimated documation.
As the library uses JSI for synchronous native methods access, remote debugging is no longer possible. You can use Flipper for debugging your JS code, however connecting debugger to JS context which runs on the UI thread is not currently supported.
For now only flipper is the way of debugging react native apps that using JSI for syncronous native module calls.
Okay after further investigation I've found out that this is indeed possible. There were some other problems with latest versions of some of the dependencies that I've been using, which was masking the original issue. With the right combination of dependencies and following https://fbflipper.com/docs/extending/debugging/ and https://thinhtran3588.medium.com/make-professional-mobile-apps-with-react-native-and-typescript-debug-your-application-with-vscode-fba067f77445 I was able to debug my app correctly using Vscode debugger.

How do I choose a default React Native debugging tool when I `Open the Dev Tools`

I am using both the Flipper and React Native Debugger on a React Native project.
I find JavaScript logging by React Native Debugger to be much richer given JSON formatting than Flipper (logs dumped as serialized strings). I however love the additional log tooling(especially for native logs) that Flipper provides.
Is it possible to setup choose the default Dev tool?
Opening the dev tools on the iOS simulator, all logs open with Flipper even if it was quit and the React Native Debugger was already open.
I have tried to configure a different port listened to by the debugger and dev tools but a flipper is still given the lead.
Has anyone tried to you both successfully?
Not tried but seems like this article can help you out:
Already given on React-Native official doc to setup default debugging tool.
If nothing messed up with your local setting then simple disabling can help.

How can I debug JS remotely when using React Native Firebase

So I have a React Native app based on react-native-firebase-starter that I'd like to debug using better tools than just console.log output via react-native log-android. Debugger breakpoints, object inspection etc.
For a standard React Native app, this would be possible using the "Debug JS remotely" option which, as I understand it, runs the app's JS inside desktop Chrome and hence can use it's dev tools.
This does not seem to work for React Native Firebase however. I presume this is because it uses a lot of native Android/iOS modules along with mobile-only Firebase auth, and thus is only happy running entirely on the device. ...or something like that.
Am I doing something wrong or is there a way round this? What debugging setup will give me the best DX here?
The example project react-native-firebase-starter is natively built (as opposed to being created with Expo) and will therefore work as expected with the debugging tools you have mentioned.
Make sure when running the app the build variant Debug is selected, as in Release mode Metro Bundler / Packager and the debugging tools are not available.
If the debugging level via Chrome Dev Tools does not suffice, there are other tools created for React Native with better functionality (such as breakpointing). The most notable ones are:
React Native Tools extension for Visual Studio Code. Allows setting breakpoints and iterating through code in the editor.
React Native Debugger, which has a similar interface to Chrome Dev Tools and allows breakpoints to be set in the Sources tab.
Up-to-date installation instructions and configuration are provided in their respective repositories.

Will react native be supported by windows?

will react native be supported by windows os?Or linux . I don't own a mac so i was wondering if facebook plans to release react native for windows or linux. i don't want to run virtual machine because it's too much of a hassle.
I had successfully run the react-native on windows with a few hack.
The gist is here gist
Windows support would be awesome but cannot promise an ETA. We'd be happy to review pull requests that will make the CLI work on Windows.
You could skip the CLI and start with the Sample app from examples, build it with Gradle and start the packager manually using node node_modules/react-native/packager/packager.js.
Discussion here: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/2693
This is not official support but I figured out how to get things working on Windows in a way that allows you to use the react-native CLI as documented without having to modify the source code.
The main issue that I encountered was with the hardcoded references to sh in React Native's packager. I solved this by adding Cygwin's bin directory to my path. Others have provided solutions for this where they modify the source code to work on Windows but I'd prefer not to go that route in order to ease updating to newer versions of React Native.
The other two catches where having to enable virtualization in my BIOS in order to get HAXM support and having to load the debugger page manually.
I wrote up some notes on the complete process here and intend to keep this up to date with future release of React Native: