Using State For React Native Navigation - react-native

I am fairly new to React Native and I am building an app that will be using navigation. I have a solution for navigating screens that seems to work just fine however I do not see many people using this approach. I am using state in a navigation component to render a specific screen(or component).
The main solution(the documented solution) I see is using this package
#react-navigation/native #react-navigation/native-stack
My current solution works like this:
const [screen, setScreen] = useState(0)
const returnScreen = () => {
switch (screen) {
case 0:
return <AccountScreen/>
When you click a menu icon, it would change the state to say 1, and render a different screen.
Can someone help me understand why this is a bad approach or an uncommon approach(if it is)? My app will only have 5-7 screens, I am mainly looking to understand why the library is the community approach and if I am missing something.

If you wanted the ability to navigate to other screens to exist outside your menu/drawer you will have to either prop drill your setScreen function or create a context to make it accessible to other components. While this isnt hard to do, it is something that all #react-navigation navigators do without requiring additional code.
If you wanted to enable going to the previous screen, your current navigation code becomes obsolete. Just returning a screen is no longer enough, as you need to track and modify navigation history. So you write more code that you have to test and debug (keep in mind that #react-navigation/stack already does this).
If you are certain that your app will remain small and your navigation features wont increase too much then your approach is completely fine. But if your app will increase in size then you probably will find yourself implementing, testing, and debugging features that have already been implemented, tested, and debugged by the #react-navigation community


React-native redux navigation state reset after crash

We are using redux navigation and persisting redux state. However, sometimes when the user navigates to the page and an unexpected error occurs app crashes with a white screen. If the app is launched again it obviously crashes again because the same state is loaded. As the result app becomes unusable - the white screen crash straight after the app launches.
I guess it is fine to crash the app if there is a bug on one of the screens, but because of one buggy screen I don't want to make the entire app unusable for a user and it would be great to somehow reset a state and enable the user to keep using other functionality of the app.
Any ideas on how to achieve that?
I think the real question is: do you want to persist navigation state at all? Do you really want to load last visited screen on app launch rather than the first screen of the app? I've never seen an app that does this
Another question is how do you persist your navigation state in redux. It was only a pattern when using older versions of react-navigation (v1 and v2 if I recall correctly) but even then it wasn't the optimal pattern to keep navigation state in redux (redux integration of react-navigation v1), let alone persist it on restarts. Navigation is something that should start fresh every time user launches the app
Also read about state persistence in current version (v5 - usually there is no redux involved at all
About state persistence: usually you only persist long-living things like auth state, authorization tokens, user settings, but not some dynamic data that gets discarded often. For example, if you open some page and fetch data to display on that page, there is no reason to persist that data in AsyncStorage, because why would you? This data should be reloaded every time page opens instead of restored from persisted state. Redux-persist lets you whitelist or blacklist different parts of the state
To summarize:
1. figure out if you need to persist navigation state at all. If not, problem solved
2. if you do, try to setup redux-persist the way that it doesn't persist short-living error-prone data
3. figure out how navigation state is persisted (through redux or on it's own, see examples in the links I provided earlier)
4. integrate react-native-exception-handler, catch exceptions and reset persisted navigation state in case of a crash

Recommendation needed for drawer in react-native-navigation

This is my first attempt in react-native project, Does react-native-navigation have drawer inbuild? If so please share the documentation link please? Am confused to use react-navigation or react-native-navigation.
My requirement is all about navigation, drawer, tabber for screens.
Note: I need a native navigation to attract the users.
I used react-native-router-flux which have not much documentation but have quite good answers for all the workarounds. Also its not maintained now. SO indeed to select a new one.
For your first question, I should say that I always use react-Navigation and I like it. To hightlight one of my reasons I should say that "Being a JS-based navigator allows React Navigation to integrate smoothly with any of the third-party libraries, while RNN may suffer from libraries that are tightly coupled with native platforms or need to be wrapped around the whole app." You can check this link:
For the drawer, I highly recommended this one, because it give you any option that you want and it is working perfectly on both iOS and android for me, while others always make troubles for me in one of mentioned platforms.
Also if you want other elements and tools with a good performance, check this link:
I hope I could help you.

Hot reloading doesn't work on a react-native app with react-router-native and redux

I'm starting with react native and I have a little experience with React, Because of that I want to use redux, react-router, and react-router-redux, which I have used in the past for a web React app.
All those packages can be used in react-native, except for react-router, the closest I could find is react-router-native which seems to work much like the browser version. So far so good, I made a quick and dirty app to test the router, redux, etc.
But I'm having some issues I can't figure out how to solve or debug: When changing the visuals like the text or some styles, the HMR seems to work fine, applying the changes in real time, but when I change some other module/file, like the container element (where the redux connect() function is called) or some code on the reducers, the HMR doesn't change anything and I have to reload all the app to see the changes.
Here is my code: It basically just changes the color of some text by toggling a variable in the redux store. Sorry for just linking it but I think its better to show you all the folders and project structure, maybe I'd just goofed something in there or didn't use the correct folder structure.
I'm using to debug the app, and by the console messages, the HMR does run and patches something but without affecting the current loaded code.
To test the problem, try to edit the colors in src/screens/pageOneContainer.js, the HMR should change the code, re-render the screen, and show the new colors, but they just stays the same.
Thanks in advance.

react-native-router-flux - Resetting navigation stack in tab

What we want
We use react-native-router-flux in our application and find ourself in a situation where we need to reset the navigation stack (at least) for one tab. This is our scene structure:
Concretely, our application lets users create and view recordings. There's a listTab, with two sub-scenes (list of recordings and view a single recording) and a tab for creating (creationTab) recordings with several steps (recordView, descriptionView, publishView). After the last step, the recording is published and we redirect to the viewRecording scene for that recording in the listTab.
When pressing the creationTab again, we would like to get back to the first scene of the creation process again, but instead we of course land on the last step (publishView) again.
What we tried
After reading through the documentation and issues connected to this, we figured the option reset might help us. However, if we try to add type='reset' to the props of creationTab, when pressing the tab, all other tab icons disappear (as documented in this issue).
So instead, we then tried to set the type of our push from publishView to recordingView to reset, but that also did not work (although the right action is dispatched and the back button is removed on the new scene, when hitting the recordingTab icon again, we still get back to our old publishView).
We also though about using Switches, to unmount the components but it doesn't seem like this is how they were intended to be used...
react-native: 0.30.0
react-native-router-flux: 3.32.0
We're now getting a bit desperate after days spent on issues like this and similar ones and I am not sure how we should proceed. Has anybody experienced similar problems or found a solution?
I faced the same issue. As a temporary workaround, I do not use the reset option but instead follow the redirection immediately with a pop action.
In my case, my view is only one level deep so this is not too dirty. I'll look for a cleaner solution but I hope it can help in the meantime.
react-native: 0.35.0-rc
react-native-router-flux: 3.35.0

React Native Navigator Route Stacks

I am building a simple React Native app.
I was originally using navigator.push() to go to the next scene but felt like it was not quick enough.
I then decided to create a preset route stacks for each part of my app (i.e. login routes, settings routes, etc). This speed up the transitions really well within the route stacks; however, when I use immediatelyResetRouteStack when switching between the route stacks, it goes really slow.
(I also tried to do a really really big stack at the beginning but it took forever for my app to load.)
Is there a better way I should be doing this?