I want to save the model comparison data frame from compare_models() in pycaret.
# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
diabetes = get_data('diabetes')
# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
clf1 = setup(data = diabetes, target = 'Class variable')
# compare models
best = compare_models()
i.e. this data frame as shown above.
Does anyone know how to do that?
The solution is :
df = pull()
by Goosang Yu from the pycaret slack community.
compare_models() returns a pandas dataframe, containing the information of the list of models. Hence, you only need to save a dataframe, which can be for example achieved with best.to_csv(path). If you want to save the object in a different format (pickle, xml, ...), you can refer to pandas i/o documentation.
I was going through the source code of Koalas, trying to get a handle on how they actually achieve plotting large datasets. It turns our that they use either sampling or TopN - selecting a given number of records.
I understand the meaning of sampling and internally it uses spark.DataFrame.sample to do it. For TopN, however, they simply take the first max_rows number of records from Koalas' DataFrame using data = data.head(max_rows + 1).to_pandas().
This seems strange and I wonder whether it's correctly reflecting the statistical properties of the dataset doing the data selection in this way.
Koalas DataFrame's plot accessor:
class KoalasPlotAccessor(PandasObject):
pandas_plot_data_map = {
"pie": TopNPlotBase().get_top_n,
"bar": TopNPlotBase().get_top_n,
"barh": TopNPlotBase().get_top_n,
"scatter": SampledPlotBase().get_sampled,
"area": SampledPlotBase().get_sampled,
"line": SampledPlotBase().get_sampled,
_backends = {} # type: ignore
class TopNPlotBase:
def get_top_n(self, data):
from databricks.koalas import DataFrame, Series
max_rows = get_option("plotting.max_rows")
# Simply use the first 1k elements and make it into a pandas dataframe
# For categorical variables, it is likely called from df.x.value_counts().plot.xxx().
if isinstance(data, (Series, DataFrame)):
data = data.head(max_rows + 1).to_pandas()
I'm SUPER green to Python and am having some issues trying to automate some calculations.
I know that this works to add a new column called "Returns" that divides "value" of current to "value" of previous to a csv:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import csv
a = pd.read_csv("/Data/a_data.csv", index_col = "time")
a ["Returns"] = (a["value"]/a["value"].shift(1) -1)*100
However, I have a lot of these CSVs. I need this calculation to happen prior to merging them all together. So I was hoping to write something that just looped through all of the CSVs and did the calculation and added the column but clearly this was incorrect as I get Syntax error:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import csv
a = pd.read_csv("/Data/a_data.csv", index_col = "time")
b = pd.read_csv("/Data/b_data.csv", index_col = "time")
c = pd.read_csv("/Data/c_data.csv", index_col = "time")
my_lists = ['a','b','c']
for my_list in my_lists:
{my_list}["Returns"] = ({my_list}["close"]/{my_list}["close"].shift(1) -1)*100
print(f"Calculating: {my_list.upper()}")
I'm sure there is an easy way to do this that I just haven't reached in my Python education yet, so any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Assuming "close" and "time" are fields defined in each of your csv files, you could define a function that reads each file, do the shift and returns a dataframe:
def your_func(my_file): # this function takes a file name as an argument.
my_df = pd.read_csv(my_file, index_col = "time") # The function reads its content into a data frame,
my_df["Returns"] = (my_df["close"]/{my_df}["close"].shift(1) -1)*100 # makes the calculation
return my_df #and returns it as an output.
Then as a main code, you collect all csv files from a folder with glob package. Using the above function, you build a data frame for each file with the calculation done.
import glob
path =r'/Data/' # path to the directory where you have the csv files
filenames = glob.glob(path + "/*.csv") # grab the csv files names using glob package with path+all csv files present
for filename in filenames: # loop into all csv files names in the list of csv files present in the directory
df= your_func (filename) # call the function, defined above block of code, that reads the file from its name as argument, then makes the calculation and returns it.
print (df)
Above, there is a print of the data Frame which shows results; I am not sure what you intend to do with upper (I dont think this is a function on a data frame).
Finally, this returns independent data frames with calculations done prior to other or final transformation.
1.Do a, b, c data frames have the same dimension?
2.You don't need to import the CSV library because it includes in the Pandas library.
3.If you want to union data frames, you can use like this :
my_lists = [a,b,c]
and you can concatenate with this way:
Lastly, your calculation should be :
result["Returns"]=(result.loc[:, "close"].div(result.loc[:, "close"].shift()).fillna(0).replace([np.inf, -np.inf], 0))
You need to add an index-label selection (loc) function to the data frame in order to access the values. When numbers are dividing, results can be NaN(Not a Number) or infinite. Therefore, replace and fillna functions are related to NaN and Inf.
I want to write a CSV file after transforming my Spark data with a function. The obtained Spark dataframe after the transformation seems good, but when I want to write it into a CSV file, I have an error:
It is possible the underlying files have been updated. You can explicitly invalidate the cache in Spark by running 'REFRESH TABLE tableName' command in SQL or by recreating the Dataset/DataFrame involved.
But I really don't understand how to use the spark.catalog.refreshTable(tablename) function. I try to use it between the transformation and the file writing, but it said
AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute '_get_object_id'
So I don't know how to deal with it...
#Create the function to resize the images and extract the features with mobilenetV2 model
def red_dim(width, height, nChannels, data):
#Transform image data to tensorflow compatoble format
images = []
for i in range(height.shape[0]):
x = np.ndarray(
shape=(height[i], width[i], nChannels[i]),
strides=(width[i] * nChannels[i], nChannels[i], 1))
#Resize images with the chosen size of the model
images = np.array(tf.image.resize(images, [IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE]))
#Load the model
model = load_model('models')
#Predict features for images
preds = model.predict(images).reshape(len(width), 3 * 3 * 1280)
#Return a pandas series with list of features for all images
return pd.Series(list(preds))
#Transform the function to a pandas udf function
#This allow to split the function in multiple chunks
red_dim_udf = pandas_udf(red_dim, returnType=ArrayType(DoubleType()))
#4 actions :
# apply the udf function defined just before
# cast the array of features to a string so it can be written in a csv
# select only the data that will be witten in the csv
# write the data -> where the error occurs
results=df.withColumn("dim_red", red_dim_udf(col("image.width"), col("image.height"), \
col("image.nChannels"), \
col("image.data"))) \
.withColumn("dim_red_string", lit(col("dim_red").cast("string")))
.select("image.origin", 'dim_red_string')
.repartition(5).write.csv(S3dir + '/results' + today)
Its a well-known issue where the underlying source data is getting updated while spark is processing on it.
I would suggest you to checkpoint i.e. move/copy the data to another directory before applying your transformations.
I think I can close my question, as I found the answer
If you have this type of error, it can also be because you have space in your S3 folders used to make your Dataframe, and Spark doesn't recognize the space character in the folder, so think the folder doesn't exist anymore...
But thanks #Constantine for your help !
I have run an OLS model in statsmodels and I would like to have the table in the summary as a Pandas dataframe.
This is what I mean:
I would like the table within the red frame to be constructed / extracted and become a Pandas DataFrame.
My code up to that point was straightforward:
from statsmodels.regression.linear_model import OLS
mod = OLS(endog = coded_design_poly_select.response.values, exog = coded_design_poly_select.iloc[:, :-1].values)
fitted_model = mod.fit()
What would you suggest?
The fitted_model is in fact a RegressionResults object that stores all the regression results and you can access them via the corresponding methods/attributes.
For what you asked for, I believe the following code would work
data = {'coef': fitted_model.params,
'std err': fitted_model.bse,
't': fitted_model.tvalues,
'P>|t|': fitted_model.pvalues,
'[0.025': fitted_model.conf_int()[0],
'0.975]': fitted_model.conf_int()[1]}
I've been working on this as a beginner for a while. Overall, I want to read in a NetCDF file and import multiple (~50) columns (and 17520 cases) into a Pandas DataFrame. At the moment I have set it up for a list of 4 variables but I want to be able to expand that somehow. I made a start, but any help on how to loop through to make this happen with 50 variables would be great. It does work using the code below for 4 variables. I know its not pretty - still learning!
Another question I have it that when I try to read the numpy arrays directly into Pandas DataFrame it doesn't work and instead creates a DataFrame that is 17520 columns large. It should be the other way (transposed). If I create a series, it works fine. So I have had to use the following lines to get around this. Not even sure why it works. Any suggestions of a better way (especially when it comes to 50 variables)?
d={vnames[0] :vartemp[0], vnames[1] :vartemp[1], vnames[2] :vartemp[2], vnames[3] :vartemp[3]}
hs = pd.DataFrame(d,index=times)
The whole code is pasted below:
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
import xlrd
import numpy as np
import netCDF4
def excel_to_pydate(exceldate):
datemode=0 # datemode: 0 for 1900-based, 1 for 1904-based
pyear, pmonth, pday, phour, pminute, psecond = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(exceldate, datemode)
py_date = dt.datetime(pyear, pmonth, pday, phour, pminute, psecond)
def main():
#Define a list of variables names we want from the netcdf file
vnames = ['xlDateTime', 'Fa', 'Fh' ,'Fg']
# Open the NetCDF file
nc = netCDF4.Dataset(filename)
#Create some lists of size equal to length of vnames list.
#Enumerate the list and assign each NetCDF variable to an element in the lists.
# First get the netcdf variable object assign to temp
# Then strip the data from that and add to temporary variable (vartemp)
for index, variable in enumerate(vnames):
temp[index]= nc.variables[variable]
vartemp[index] = temp[index][:]
# Now call the function to convert to datetime from excel. Assume datemode: 0
times = [excel_to_pydate(elem) for elem in vartemp[0]]
#Dont know why I cant just pass a list of variables i.e. [vartemp[0], vartemp[1], vartemp[2]]
#But this is only thing that worked
#Create Pandas dataframe using times as index
d={vnames[0] :vartemp[0], vnames[1] :vartemp[1], vnames[2] :vartemp[2], vnames[3] :vartemp[3]}
theDataFrame = pd.DataFrame(d,index=times)
#Define missing data value and apply to DataFrame
theDataFrame1=theDataFrame.replace({vnames[0] :missing, vnames[1] :missing, vnames[2] :missing, vnames[3] :missing},'NaN')
You could replace:
d = {vnames[0] :vartemp[0], ..., vnames[3]: vartemp[3]}
hs = pd.DataFrame(d, index=times)
hs = pd.DataFrame(vartemp[0:4], columns=vnames[0:4], index=times)
Saying that, pandas can read HDF5 directly, so perhaps the same is true for netCDF (which is based on HDF5)...