How can I choose jackson ObjectMapper type by jersey ervice - jackson

I wish to configure my Jersey deployed service with a customised object mapper for some services, and to use the default object mapper for other services.
I have successfully configured my customised object mapper, and it is found for all services. How can I tell jersey which to use, on a per-service basis.
(This is for transition purposes. I plan to switch on the customized version for more services are we transition to using it for everything).
Jackson 2.13.1, Jersey 2.25.1
TIA -- Dave


Quarkus Jax-rs clients with external interfaces

I started playing around with Quarkus and its REST client. According to the documentation a Jax-RS annotated interface should be created and annotated further with #RegisterRestClient.
My issue is that I already have the JaxRS interfaces for the services I need to connect to, in an artifact provided by the server, which I can just import. Is there a way to use an already created external Jax-RS interface to create a service with? It seems so wrong to copy-paste the code for a perfectly good interface, when it has been so nicely served for me.
There's RestClientBuilder, which allows programmatic usage of JAX-RS interfaces. Assuming the JAX-RS interface is called HelloClient, you can do this:
HelloClient client = RestClientBuilder.newBuilder()

How to use request and session scopes in spring-webflux (as of latest releases)

I am developing a rest web service using reactive programming through spring-webflux(Spring Boot 2.1 and Spring Framework 5.1). I need to create components having request level scope. #Scope annotation is suggested for spring MVC applications. But I found that the same doesn't work with webflux application.
Is there an equivalent feature available in webflux, as of latest release?
If not, what shall be the workaround here to create a new instance of a component on every incoming request?
I am trying to avoid use of new operator.
Thank you for the suggestions.
Unfortunately you cannot use request scopes in spring-webflux like in spring MVC applications. The main reason being, they use ThreadLocals which cannot be used by spring-webflux as work can be done on any thread at any time.
Spring webflux uses project-reactor at its core. So you can use Reactor Context which allows you to share data in your reactive pipeline.

Validating JAX-RS resources and methods (IBM JAX-RS implementation) using bean validation on Websphere Application Server 8.5.5

I am using IBM JAX-RS implementation to develop my REST APIs. I am looking to include validation of resource method parameters using Bean Validation (annotations) support provided in JAX-RS 2.0. I know that Jersey implementation supports this feature ( Is there a similar support available with IBM JAX-RS implementation on WAS 8.5.5? If so could you please direct me to some tutorial on how to accomplish this?
I am specifically looking into enabling and configuring Bean Validation support along with its integration with IBM JAX-RS.
Yes, WebSphere (both traditional and Liberty) will support bean validation with JAX-RS. But I am not aware of any tutorials. The code in the Jersey document that you referenced will work with WebSphere's JAX-RS/BV implementation.
To enable JAX-RS and Bean Validation in Liberty, your server.xml must contain the following features:
As an alternative, you could include some feature that includes those features (like webProfile-7.0 or javaee-7.0, but that may get you more function than you want).
Then, if you have your application packaged as an EAR or WAR file, you can copy it into your server's dropins directory, start the server and you should be able to run the example (the default HTTP port is 9080).
This link provides additional information about developing and deploying JAX-RS applications in WebSphere Liberty:
Hope this helps,

axis2 vs spring-ws vs jersey

My friend asked to explain me what's the difference between Spring, axis2 and Jersey. Here I listed down a few differences that I'm aware of. Please comment/respond if you know more differences
Spring webservices:
A java web application with a servlet configured in
You can use spring annotated POJOs for creating web services
Supports both RESTful and SOAP based web services.
Since it’s a web application you can use http authentication mechanisms
for enabling security
The webservice application is a .aar file that will be deployed in
Use AXIOM for using non-primitive type arguments to web service calls
You can use JSR181 annotations to create webservices
You can use spring-dependency injection using axis2 extensions.
Supports both RESTful and SOAP based web services.
I guess you have to use ws-security implementation for
providing security
to your web services>
They claim hot deployment of webservices works but I haven’t seen
it working.
A regular web application with a servlet configured in web.xml.
Write custom message readers/writers for using
non-primitive type arguments to web
service calls
Since it’s a web application you can use http authentication mechanisms
for enabling security
Supports only RESTful implementation of web services
I have seen hot deployment working may be because it’s a web application
and the container can do hot
I'm not familiar with Jersey and Axis, but I can tell you something about Spring-WS.
You cannot use Spring-WS for restful webservices. Spring-WS is intended to be used for contract first webservices. You can however use the features of Spring 3.x and Spring-MVC for REST services.
As for authorization, you can easily wire in any sort of security (with Spring-Security for instance).
I'm a big fan of the 'automatic' (de) marshalling features of Spring-WS. Just annotate your methods with the correct types and it'll know what to do.

WCF with spring

I'm fairly new to wcf (we have yet to upgrade to .net 3.0 in my workplace) and I'm working on a little home project to bring myself up to speed with some of the 'newer' features of .net.
I tend to use in most of my projects and so after creating my first WCF service I started to look at configuration via
So far my service is configured via spring (I'm injecting objects into it) however I would like to avoid adding attributes to the service contract interface i.e. I would prefer to not have to add [ServiceContract] and [OperationContract] attributes to what should be a pono interface.
Is this possible with out of the box?
According to the reference manual it should be possible Chapter 28.5