Failed to establish connection to server - azure-synapse

After spinning up our dedicated sql pool we receive the following message while creating a default table. "Failed to establish connection to server".
Does anyone know why this happens and how to fix it?
Edit. Connecting to sql studio I am able to create tables, however, synapse studio just can't seem to connect. It did end up working for about 5 sec via synapse studio but once I paused/resumed the pool it broke once again.
Edit2: Removed the image. Thanks for the feedback Rob, appreciate it. Table code below:

There are proper troubleshoot steps given by Microsoft for "Failed to establish connection to server" error. Please follow the same given steps mentioned below to resolve the issue.
Open the "Diagnostic Info" panel, select the "Download Diagnostic" button. Keep the downloaded information for error reporting. You can instead, copy the "Session ID" and attach it when opening the support ticket.
Press F12 in your browser to open "Developer Tools" (DevTools).
In the "Developer Tools" window, switch to the "Network" panel. Select the "Clear" button on the toolbar in "Network" panel if necessary. Make sure "Disable cache" in "Network" panel is checked.
Retry the operation you performed in Azure Synapse Studio. You may see new items shown in the "Network" list in "Developer Tools". Note your current system time to provide in the support ticket.
Find the item whose Url column matches the following pattern:
Where [A] is your workspace name, and "-ondemand" could be "-sqlod" and where [B] should be a database name, such as "master". There should be at most two items with the same URL value but different method values; OPTIONS and POST. Check whether these two items have "200" or "20x" under the status column, where "x" could be any single digit.
If either one of them has something other than "20x" and:
Status starts with "(failed)", either widen the "Status" column or hover your pointer over the status text to see the complete text. Include the text and/or screenshot when opening the support ticket.
- If you see ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED and you created your workspace within 10 minutes, wait for 10 minutes and retry to see whether the problem still exists.
- If you see ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED or ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED, it may indicate your PC network connection is having issues. Check your network connection and retry the operation.
- If you see ERR_CONNECTION_RESET, ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR or other error codes containing "SSL", it may indicate your local SSL configuration is having issues, or your network administrator has blocked access to the serverless SQL pool server. Open a support ticket and attach the error code in the description.
- If you see ERR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED, you may need to check with the administrator on whether your local firewall policy has blocked access to either * domain, or remote port 1443.
Optionally, try the same operation immediately on a different machine and/or network environment to rule out a network configuration issue on your PC.
Status is "40x", "50x", or other numbers, select on the item(s) to see the details. You should see the item details to the right. Find the "Response Header" section; then check whether an item named "access-control-allow-origin" exists. If so, check whether it has one of the following values:
* (single asterisk) (or other value that the text in your browser address bar starts with)
If the response header contains one of the above values, it means we should have already collected the failure information. You can open a support ticket if needed, and optionally attach the screenshot of the item details.
If you can't see the header, or the header does not have one of the values listed above, attach a screenshot of the item details when you open the ticket.
If the steps above do not solve your issue, you may need to open a support ticket. When submitting your support ticket, include the "Session ID" or "Diagnostic Info" downloaded at the beginning of this guide.
When reporting the issue, you may optionally take a screenshot of your "Console" tab in the "Developer Tools" and attach it to the support ticket. Scroll the content and take more than one screenshot if necessary to capture the entire message.
If you're attaching screenshots, provide the time (or an estimated time range) of when you took the screenshots. It will help us when looking into the problem.
Certain browsers support showing timestamps in the "Console" tab. For Chromium Edge/Chrome, open the "Settings" dialog in "Developer Tools", and check "Show timestamps" in "Preferences" tab.
Original content by Microsoft: Synapse Studio troubleshooting


Where to find my Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key in Windows azure

I want to use an api, but i can't find the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key at the page below:
You can find it by going to API Management services, then APIs. Select your API, your endpoint and then select the Test tab on the right hand side. Go down to Headers and against Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key you will see it hidden; select the eye to see it.
please, following the instructions below.
You have to go through the azure portal and select your API
management component then click on the Publisher Portal in the
left top corner.
Go through the APIs and then Products tab.
Click on the ADD API TO PRODUCTS button and then select an
appropriate option.
Go through the azure portal again, but click on the Developer
Portal in the left top corner.
Click on the ComboBox which is placed on the right side and
choose Profile.
You will be able to see the access keys for the products and pick
the key for the product which you have chosen in the previous steps
(Starter or Unlimited).
Method 1:
From go to your API Management service -> Subscriptions
There will find default ones and some created by your own.
Method 2:
Via using HTTP GET method
az rest --method get `
--uri '{SUBSCRIPTION_ID}/resourceGroups/{RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{API_MANAGER_NAME}/subscriptions?api-version=2018-01-01' `
--query "value[0].properties.primaryKey" | ConvertFrom-Json
Replace placeholders {SUBSCRIPTION_ID},{API_MANAGER_NAME},{RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME} by your own values
"value[0]. -> indicates the required key value: first,second in the list, because as you can see in the portal there are multiple for different scopes: Starter, Service access, Unlimited etc.
properties.primaryKey -> each value has 2 defined keys: primaryKey and secondaryKey
api-version=2018-01-01 -> check the right version, can be found from or from ARM template for the API Manager resource
I found the subscription key here:
In the Azure portal, navigate to the "API Management service".
Go to "Subscriptions" under the "APIs"-heading.
Press "Add subscription".
Enter a "Name", select API as "Scope" then select your API under "API".
Press "Save". This will create a subscription for the selected API.
In the list of subscriptions, locate the subscription you just created, then press the "..."-button to the far right.
Press "Show/hide keys".
The subscription key is visible and can be copied from the "Primary key"-field.
Not sure where everyone is getting their answers from...
Maybe it's just old information, but at this time you can find them by doing the following:
Go to
Select "Create a resource"
Create a resource. I'm using computer vision so I search for that and hit enter
Select "create"
Go to the newly created resource
On the left side panel under the "Resource Management" section select "Keys and Endpoint"
Key 1 and Key 2 are used as the "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key".
That's it. Those should work for you wherever it asks for the "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key".
This is how I found the keys
go to the resource
Click developer portal
Click the username on right-handhand side (for me it was "Administrator"). This will drop down a menu list
Click Profile
See a list of all keys. you can click the show link to view the keys and copy them
(August 2018) For our purposes (AI / ML) I found it under Cognitive Services > Resource Management > Keys -
It will be under other services though I can't say which (as you have to be using one to see the attributes of it).
It's also called the Programmatic Key. As of January 2018, if you log on to, you can find it under settings (when you click on your name in the upper right hand corner).
Not sure why the LUIS Api documentations say the key is in azure and why there's a naming difference :/

Bluemix - Some bugs about virtual machines

As you can see.I have two instances in total,but I only can control one of them.
I can't see the other one on Bluemix console either.
I wonder to know how to delete that one.
I can't terminate the instances in the secound picutre.
I had tried many times to do that.
After wating,nothing happened.And its status is error.
I don't know what should I do.
I suggest you to open a support request using one of the following methods:
Use the Support Widget. It is available from the user avatar in the
upper right corner of the main Bluemix UI. After opening the support
widget panel, select Get Help > Get In Touch , select the type of
assistance you need, and then fill out the support form.
Use the Support Site 'Get Help' form. This form is available on a separate site that is made available for ticket submission when you cannot log into Bluemix and access the Support Widget. Go to and fill in the support request form.

Unable to view Information spaces in Explorer

Hi we've created an explorer.It runs fine but however it goes missing from the information space list very often and upon re-indexing,it used to re-appear back.However today even after re-indexing n number of times,it doesn't show up..
I've checked it's universe security and user security settings in CMC with the rest of the explorers to see if it's any different from the rest and found all of them similar.
Can you please help me or advice me as where i'm missing out.
Not sure if this the correct Issue.But I found out that this happens only when the explorer is either opened or Users try to open it while it's being indexed.:-(

Windows 8 store package fails on WACK when login to developer account

I'm trying to put a simple app on windows store. I made a fail attempt once, I submitted an app which failed to pass WACK, eventually it failed on submission too. Even then, when I try to package an app with my developer account logged in, I get a performance launch error.
Even on a blank app. also right after I create package logged in, my app's package name and provider fields on appmanifest are changes too. app's package name changes to the first app I submitted, and the provider changes to I guess my developer account's key.
I deleted my failed submission on dashboard, deleted all the names I reserved, including the failed one. But even when I reserve a new name and package my app with that name, my package name still changes to the very first one and fails on wack.
BUT, when I create package of my app WITHOUT logging in, I mean without associate with windows store, I can package my app with the name I want and pass the WACK. I hope anyone can help me with this.
Edit: C# application.
I had this happen too, it seems like WACK got confused and kept trying to verify the wrong version. The following steps resolved it for me:
Uninstall the app from your development PC (as in, go to start page,
right click on the app and select uninstall).
Reboot the dev PC.
Select "Local Machine" and "Release".
Start debugging wait for it to
have started up completely and then stop debugging.
Pretty sure that only one or two of those steps are actually needed, but not sure which ones.
I'm not completely sure I understand your issue, but let me try...
First, what is the failure that you got when you submitted to the Store and when you ran the WACK? You mentioned a "performance launch error". If you are failing the performance test, check out this article for tips to help. Some examples:
Package content locally (or cache it) when possible, so you don’t have to pull resources from a network during launch.
Load and do only what you need on launch. You can load other data and do other work asynchronously in the background or when you actually need it.
Use a "dirty bit" when saving data on suspend, so you only save data that has changed. (Rather than re-serializing your app’s state if that data hasn’t changed, create a Boolean flag variable (or “dirty bit”) which signals that your data has been modified, and only re-serialize when the data has changed.)
Use bytecode caching if you are developing in JavaScript, so each JS file has bytecode created once and not every time the app launches. To enable this, make sure all JavaScript files are UTF8 encoded with a byte-order mark (BOM) and are statically referenced in the root of your HTML start page.
If this is not the error that the WACK and your Store certification is failing with, please see this blog post and the related blog posts that it links to, to see if your failure is covered there.
Secondly, your issue with associating your code with your reserved name in the Windows Store:
also right after I create package logged in, my app's package name and
provider fields on appmanifest are changes too.
This behavior is expected. When you associate your app package with the Windows Store, it will change the "Package name" and the publisher in your appxmanifest. But that's okay! The "Package name" is just what the Windows Store uses as an internal identifier for your app package, and the "Package display name" (right below it in the appxmanifest) is what your end users will see. Set the "Package display name" to what you want.

Can't Delete Document in Domino Xpage Application

I have few simple Xpages, where i test and learn the newest features in Domino 8.5.3.
Now, after some latest changes somehow i'm not able to delete Documents. The Application asks me for the User Name and password, which i enter and which are correct. However, nothing happens (well, the system thinks few seconds over) and i'm asked for my credentials again... and again.. If i press "cancel" -> i got the expected result -> error 401.
The strange thing as well, if even i give for the "anonymous" the editor rights with the "delete documents" checked, i'm still asked for the credentials...
Well, i think I need now some ideas and tips where can i look after in order to solve the "undeletable documents" problem.
The "Delete" button is made using the Simple Action "Delete Selected Documents".
Update: After looking into the logs (thanks Simon O'Doherty for the hint below!) i found out the following message
28.02.12 19:20: Exception Thrown NotesException: Notes error: Document locking is enabled. You must lock the document before deleting.
After removing the setting "Allow Document locking" everything works fine.
The next question, however, and it seems to be intresting, if i want to use this setting - how to make the standart actions (it looks like at least "Delete Selected Documents" has some problems) work properly ?
Or do i have to use SSJS only ?
In the ACL settings. Click Advanced tab. Check that "Maximum Internet name and password access" is at least a level that allows you to edit documents.
May need to restart your browser for that to be registered.
If it is still an issue at that point then the following Debug may give more hints.
Check the XPages logs in the IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT folder of the server.
Check the elements on the page are not being pulled from another location that would require access.
Check for Authors/Readers fields.
The following debug on the server will allow you to see when an ACL call is made, what is asked for and what it got.
Warning This is very verbose debug, so it should only be activated for the test. Also do not paste the results anywhere externally without first sanitizing. (as it would be confidential to you).
I have also seen this behaviour in our application.
The issue is caused by the "Allow document locking" option.
Either you do not need this feature; then just uncheck in the application properties. If you intend to use the feature, you have to lock the document in your code prior to deleting it.
Add a execute script simple action before delete simple action and write the following code
var doc:NotesDocument = currentDocument.getDocument();
It might be as easy as:
- check your ACL. Do you have delete rights? Default is off