Designing a Design matrix - data-science

I have recently started learning Data Science and I am unable to get grasp of design matrices.
How would I create a design matrix (X) if I have x1 =1,2,3,4,....n , x2 =5,6,7,8....n and target T =9,8,7,6,....n and equation y= 𝑤1 + 𝑤2𝑥1 + 𝑤3𝑥2 + 𝑤4𝑥12 + 𝑤5x2x2* . I randomly selected x1,x2 and T values . Now how do I create a design matrix (X) from the equation and observations given above ?
I know X is created from x1 and x2 following the equation y but I could not figure out how to do that .
Any help is appreciated . Thank you .

Your equation is using just regression coefficients for polynom 1. and 2. degree and interaction. The resulting design matrix has a shape:


Linear least squares of factorizable 2D polynomial

I would like to fit 2D data where my function is a product of two 1D polynomials of 4th order.
f(x,y) = (a0 + a1*x + ... + a4*x^4)*(b0 + b1*y ... + b4*y^4)
I know that I can solve this using any optimization routine that uses non-linear least squares.
Is there a way to use a linear least square method to fit such a factorizable polynomial?
I could expand the polynomial and formulate the problem as
(1, x1, y1, x1*y1, x1^2, y1^2, x1^2*y1, ...) * X = f(x1, y1)
. .
. .
. .
and solve for X = (a0*b0, a1*b0, a0*b1, ...)^T.
Then I have the problem, that the system of equations that define a0, a1, ... and b0, b1, ... is overdetermined (X has length 5*5 = 25, but I have only 5+5=10 independent variables).
Constrained least squares (using e.g. L*X = d) also does not seem to work, since the constraints are non-linear.
Is there any (tricky?) way to use linear least squares for this type of problem?

Python to fit a linear-plateau curve

I have curve that initially Y increases linearly with X, then reach a plateau at point C.
In other words, the curve can be defined as:
if X < C:
Y = k * X + b
Y = k * C + b
The training data is a list of X ~ Y values. I need to determine k, b and C through a machine learning approach (or similar), since the data is noisy and refection point C changes over time. I want something more robust than get C through observing the current sample data.
How can I do it using sklearn or maybe scipy?
WLOG you can say the second equation is
Y = C
looks like you have a linear regression to fit the line and then a detection point to find the constant.
You know that in the high values of X, as in X > C you are already at the constant. So just check how far back down the values of X you get the same constant.
Then do a linear regression to find the line with value of X, X <= C
Your model is nonlinear
I think the smartest way to solve this is to do these steps:
find the maximum value of Y which is equal to k*C+b
drop this maximum value from your dataset
df1 = df[df.Y != M]
and then you have simple dataset to fit your X to Y and you can use sklearn for that

Non-Linear Ordinary Differential Equation - Lienard Equation

While trying to solve a circuit equation, I stumbled onto a type of Lienard Equation. But, I am unable to solve this analytically.
x'' + a(x-1)x' + x = V ------------------------- (1)
where dash(') represent differentiation w.r.t time(t).
The following substitution y =x-V and w(y) = y', it gets converted into first order equation
w*w' + a(y+V-1)w + y = 0; ---------------------- (2)
here dash(') represent differentiation w.r.t y.
if I substitute z = (int)(-a*(y+V-1), (int) represent integration. The equation gets converted into Abel equation of second kind.
w*w' - w = f(z). -------------------- (3)
differentiation w.r.t z.
it get complicated and complicated.
Can someone help in solving the equation (1). in some other method or proceeding with the method, I started. ANy help will be extremely appreciated

How to find time-varying coefficients for a VAR model by using the Kalman Filter

I'm trying to write some code in R to reproduce the model i found in this article.
The idea is to model the signal as a VAR model, but fit the coefficients by a Kalman-filter model. This would essentially enable me to create a robust time-varying VAR(p) model and analyze non-stationary data to a degree.
The model to track the coefficients is:
X(t) = F(t) X(t− 1) +W(t)
Y(t) = H(t) X(t) + E(t),
where H(t) is the Kronecker product between lagged measurements in my time-series Y and a unit vector, and X(t) fills the role of regression-coefficients. F(t) is taken to be an identity matrix, as that should mean we assume coefficients to evolve as a random walk.
In the article, from W(T), the state noise covariance matrix Q(t) is chosen at 10^-3 at first and then fitted based on some iteration scheme. From E(t) the state noise covariance matrix is R(t) substituted by the covariance of the noise term unexplained by the model: Y(t) - H(t)Xhat(t)
I have the a priori covariance matrix of estimation error (denoted Σ in the article) written as P (based on other sources) and the a posteriori as Pmin, since it will be used in the next recursion as a priori, if that makes sense.
So far i've written the following, based on the articles Appendix A 1.2
Y <- *my timeseries, for test purposes two channels of 3000 points*
F <- diag(8) # F is (m^2*p by m^2 *p) where m=2 dimensions and p =2 lags
H <- diag(2) %x% t(vec(Y[,1:2])) #the Kronecker product of vectorized lags Y-1 and Y-2
Xhatminus <- matrix(1,8,1) # an arbitrary *a priori* coefficient matrix
Q <- diag(8)%x%(10**-7) #just a number a really low number diagonal matrix, found it used in some examples
R<- 1 #Didnt know what else to put here just yet
Pmin = diag(8) #*a priori* error estimate, just some 1-s...
Now should start the reccursion. To test i just took the first 3000 points of one trial of my data.
Xhatstorage <- matrix(0,8,3000)
for(j in 3:3000){
H <- diag(2) %x% t(vec(Y[,(j-2):(j-1)]))
K <- (Pmin %*% t(H)) %*% solve((H%*%Pmin%*%t(H) + R)) ##Solve gives inverse matrix ()^-1
P <- Pmin - K%*% H %*% Pmin
Xhatplus <- F%*%( Xhatminus + K%*%(Y[,j]-H%*%Xhatminus) )
Pplus <- (F%*% P %*% F) + Q
Xhatminus <- Xhatplus
Xhatstorage[,j] <- Xhatplus
Pmin <- Pplus
I extracted Xhatplus values into a storage matrix and used them to write this primitive VAR model with them:
for(t in 3:3000){
Yhat[t]<- t(vec(Y[,(t-2)])) %*% Xhatstorage[c(1,3),t] + t(vec(Y[,(t-1)])) %*% Xhatstorage[c(2,4),t]
The looks like this .
The blue line is VAR with Kalman filter found coefficients, Black is original data..
I'm having issue understanding how i can better evaluate my coefficients? Why is it so off?
How should i better choose the first a priori and a posteriori estimates to start the recursion? Currently, adding more lags to the VAR is not the issue i'm sure, it's that i don't know how to choose the initial values for Pmin and Xhatmin. Most places i pieced this together from start from arbitrary 0 assumptions in toy models, but in this case, choosing any of the said matrixes as 0 will just collapse the entire algorithm.
Lastly, is this recursion even a correct implementation of Oya et al describe in the article? I know im still missing the R evaluation based on previously unexplained errors (V(t) in Appendix A 1.2), but in general?

Is it possible to optimize this Matlab code for doing vector quantization with centroids from k-means?

I've created a codebook using k-means of size 4000x300 (4000 centroids, each with 300 features). Using the codebook, I then want to label an input vector (for purposes of binning later on). The input vector is of size Nx300, where N is the total number of input instances I receive.
To compute the labels, I calculate the closest centroid for each of the input vectors. To do so, I compare each input vector against all centroids and pick the centroid with the minimum distance. The label is then just the index of that centroid.
My current Matlab code looks like:
function labels = assign_labels(centroids, X)
labels = zeros(size(X, 1), 1);
% for each X, calculate the distance from each centroid
for i = 1:size(X, 1)
% distance of X_i from all j centroids is: sum((X_i - centroid_j)^2)
% note: we leave off the sqrt as an optimization
distances = sum(bsxfun(#minus, centroids, X(i, :)) .^ 2, 2);
[value, label] = min(distances);
labels(i) = label;
However, this code is still fairly slow (for my purposes), and I was hoping there might be a way to optimize the code further.
One obvious issue is that there is a for-loop, which is the bane of good performance on Matlab. I've been trying to come up with a way to get rid of it, but with no luck (I looked into using arrayfun in conjunction with bsxfun, but haven't gotten that to work). Alternatively, if someone know of any other way to speed this up, I would be greatly appreciate it.
After doing some searching, I couldn't find a great solution using Matlab, so I decided to look at what is used in Python's scikits.learn package for 'euclidean_distance' (shortened):
XX = sum(X * X, axis=1)[:, newaxis]
YY = Y.copy()
YY **= 2
YY = sum(YY, axis=1)[newaxis, :]
distances = XX + YY
distances -= 2 * dot(X, Y.T)
distances = maximum(distances, 0)
which uses the binomial form of the euclidean distance ((x-y)^2 -> x^2 + y^2 - 2xy), which from what I've read usually runs faster. My completely untested Matlab translation is:
XX = sum(data .* data, 2);
YY = sum(center .^ 2, 2);
[val, ~] = max(XX + YY - 2*data*center');
Use the following function to calculate your distances. You should see an order of magnitude speed up
The two matrices A and B have the columns as the dimenions and the rows as each point.
A is your matrix of centroids. B is your matrix of datapoints.
function D=getSim(A,B)
You can vectorize it by converting to cells and using cellfun:
We assign each row of X to its own cell in the second line
This piece #(x)(sum(bsxfun(#minus,centroids,x).^2,2)) is an anonymous function which is the same as your distances=... line, and using cell2mat, we apply it to each row of X.
The labels are then the indices of the minimum row along each column.
For a true matrix implementation, you may consider trying something along the lines of:
P2 = kron(centroids, ones(size(X,1),1));
Q2 = kron(ones(size(centroids,1),1), X);
distances = reshape(sum((Q2-P2).^2,2), size(X,1), size(centroids,1));
This assumes the data is organized as [x1 y1 ...; x2 y2 ...;...]
You can use a more efficient algorithm for nearest neighbor search than brute force.
The most popular approach are Kd-Tree. O(log(n)) average query time instead of the O(n) brute force complexity.
Regarding a Maltab implementation of Kd-Trees, you can have a look here