STM32CubeMX I2C code writing to reserved register bits - embedded

I'm developing an I2C driver on the STM32F74 family processors. I'm using the STM32CubeMX Low Level drivers and I can't make sense of the generated defines for I2C start and stop register values (CR2).
The code is generated in stm32f7xx_ll_i2c.h and is as follows.
/** #defgroup I2C_LL_EC_GENERATE Start And Stop Generation
* #{
/*!< Don't Generate Stop and Start condition. */
#define LL_I2C_GENERATE_STOP (uint32_t)(0x80000000U | I2C_CR2_STOP)
/*!< Generate Stop condition (Size should be set to 0). */
#define LL_I2C_GENERATE_START_READ (uint32_t)(0x80000000U | I2C_CR2_START | I2C_CR2_RD_WRN)
/*!< Generate Start for read request. */
My question is why is bit 31 included in these defines? (0x80000000U). The reference manual (RM0385) states "Bits 31:27 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.". I can't decide between modifying the generated code or keeping the 31 bit. I'll happily take recommendations simply whether its more likely that this is something needed or that I'm going to break things by writing to a reserved bit.
Thanks in advance!

I am guessing here because who knows what was on the minds of the library authors? (Not a lot if you look at the source code!). But I would guess that it is a "dirty-trick" to check that when calling LL functions you are using the specified macros.
However it is severely flawed because the "trick" is only valid for Cortex-M3/4 STM32 variants (e.g. F1xx, F2xx, F4xx) where the I2C peripheral is very different and registers such as I2C_CR2 are only 15 bits wide.
The trick is that the library functions have parameter checking asserts such as:
Where the IS_TRANSFER_REQUEST is defined thus:
This forces you to use the LL defined macros as parameters and not some self-defined or calculated mask because they all have that "unused" check bit in them.
If that truly is the the reason, it is an ill-advised practice that did not envisage the newer I2C peripheral. You might think that the bit was stripped from the parameter before being written to the register. I have checked, it is not. And if did you would be paying for that overhead on every call, which is also undesirable.
As an error detection technique if that is what it is, it is not even applied consistently; for example all the GPIO_PIN_xx macros are 16 bits wide and since they are masks not pin numbers, using bit 31 could for example guard against passing a literal pin-number 10 where the mask 1<<10 is in fact required. Passing 10 would refer to pins 3 and 1 not 10. And to be honest that mistake is far more likely than, passing an incorrect I2C transfer request type.
In the end however "Reserved" generally means "unused but may be used in future implementations", and requiring you to use the "reset value" is a way of ensuring forward binary compatibility. If you had such a device no doubt there would be a corresponding library update to support it - but it would require re-compilation of the code. The risk is low and probably only a problem if you attempt to run this binary on a newer incompatible part that used this bits.

I agree with Clifford, the ST CubeMC / HAL / LL library code is, in places, some of the worst written code imaginable. I have a particular issue with lines such as "TIMx->CCER &= ~TIM_CCER_CC1E" where TIM_CCER_CC1e is defined as 0x0001 and the CCER register contains reserved bits that should remain at 0. There are hundreds of such examples all throughout the library code. ST remain silent to my request for advice.


Is it possible to get the native CPU size of an integer in Rust?

For fun, I'm writing a bignum library in Rust. My goal (as with most bignum libraries) is to make it as efficient as I can. I'd like it to be efficient even on unusual architectures.
It seems intuitive to me that a CPU will perform arithmetic faster on integers with the native number of bits for the architecture (i.e., u64 for 64-bit machines, u16 for 16-bit machines, etc.) As such, since I want to create a library that is efficient on all architectures, I need to take the target architecture's native integer size into account. The obvious way to do this would be to use the cfg attribute target_pointer_width. For instance, to define the smallest type which will always be able to hold more than the maximum native int size:
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")]
type LargeInt = u32;
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
type LargeInt = u64;
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
type LargeInt = u128;
However, while looking into this, I came across this comment. It gives an example of an architecture where the native int size is different from the pointer width. Thus, my solution will not work for all architectures. Another potential solution would be to write a build script which codegens a small module which defines LargeInt based on the size of a usize (which we can acquire like so: std::mem::size_of::<usize>().) However, this has the same problem as above, since usize is based on the pointer width as well. A final obvious solution is to simply keep a map of native int sizes for each architecture. However, this solution is inelegant and doesn't scale well, so I'd like to avoid it.
So, my questions: is there a way to find the target's native int size, preferably before compilation, in order to reduce runtime overhead? Is this effort even worth it? That is, is there likely to be a significant difference between using the native int size as opposed to the pointer width?
It's generally hard (or impossible) to get compilers to emit optimal code for BigNum stuff, that's why has its low level primitive functions (mpn_... docs) hand-written in assembly for various target architectures with tuning for different micro-architecture, e.g. for the general case of multi-limb * multi-limb numbers. And for mpn_add_n and mpn_sub_n (Add OR Sub = aors), tuned for SandyBridge-family which doesn't have partial-flag stalls so it can loop with dec/jnz.
Understanding what kind of asm is optimal may be helpful when writing code in a higher level language. Although in practice you can't even get close to that so it sometimes makes sense to use a different technique, like only using values up to 2^30 in 32-bit integers (like CPython does internally, getting the carry-out via a right shift, see the section about Python in this). In Rust you do have access to add_overflow to get the carry-out, but using it is still hard.
For practical use, writing Rust bindings for GMP is probably your best bet, unless that already exists.
Using the largest chunks possible is very good; on all current CPUs, add reg64, reg64 has the same throughput and latency as add reg32, reg32 or reg8. So you get twice as much work done per unit. And carry propagation through 64 bits of result in 1 cycle of latency.
(There are alternate ways to store BigInteger data that can make SIMD useful; #Mysticial explains in Can long integer routines benefit from SSE?. e.g. 30 value bits per 32-bit int, allowing you to defer normalization until after a few addition steps. But every use of such numbers has to be aware of these issues so it's not an easy drop-in replacement.)
In Rust, you probably want to just use u64 regardless of the target, unless you really care about small-number (single-limb) performance on 32-bit targets. Let the compiler build u64 operations for you out of add / adc (add with carry).
The only thing that might need to be ISA-specific is if u128 is not available on some targets. You want to use 64 * 64 => 128-bit full multiply as your building block for multiplication; if the compiler can do that for you with u128 then that's great, especially if it inlines efficiently.
See also discussion in comments under the question.
One stumbling block for getting compilers to emit efficient BigInt addition loops (even inside the body of one unrolled loop) is writing an add that takes a carry input and produces a carry output. Note that x += 0xff..ff + carry=1 needs to produce a carry out even though 0xff..ff + 1 wraps to zero. So in C or Rust, x += y + carry has to check for carry out in both the y+carry and the x+= parts.
It's really hard (probably impossible) to convince compiler back-ends like LLVM to emit a chain of adc instructions. An add/adc is doable when you don't need the carry-out from adc. Or probably if the compiler is doing it for you for u128.overflowing_add
Often compilers will turn the carry flag into a 0 / 1 in a register instead of using adc. You can hopefully avoid that for at least pairs of u64 in addition by combining the input u64 values to u128 for u128.overflowing_add. That will hopefully not cost any asm instructions because a u128 already has to be stored across two separate 64-bit registers, just like two separate u64 values.
So combining up to u128 could just be a local optimization for a function that adds arrays of u64 elements, to get the compiler to suck less.
In my library ibig what I do is:
Select architecture-specific size based on target_arch.
If I don't have a value for an architecture, select 16, 32 or 64 based on target_pointer_width.
If target_pointer_width is not one of these values, use 64.

A general-purpose warp-level std::copy-like function - what should it account for?

A C++ standard library implements std::copy with the following code (ignoring all sorts of wrappers and concept checks etc) with the simple loop:
for (; __first != __last; ++__result, ++__first)
*__result = *__first;
Now, suppose I want a general-purpose std::copy-like function for warps (not blocks; not grids) to use for collaboratively copying data from one place to another. Let's even assume for simplicity that the function takes pointers rather than an arbitrary iterator.
Of course, writing general-purpose code in CUDA is often a useless pursuit - since we might be sacrificing a lot of the benefit of using a GPU in the first place in favor of generality - so I'll allow myself some boolean/enum template parameters to possibly select between frequently-occurring cases, avoiding runtime checks. So the signature might be, say:
template <typename T, bool SomeOption, my_enum_t AnotherOption>
T* copy(
T* __restrict__ destination,
const T* __restrict__ source,
size_t length
but for each of these cases I'm aiming for optimal performance (or optimal expected performance given that we don't know what other warps are doing).
Which factors should I take into consideration when writing such a function? Or in other words: Which cases should I distinguish between in implementing this function?
This should target Compute Capabilities 3.0 or better (i.e. Kepler or newer micro-architectures)
I don't want to make a Runtime API memcpy() call. At least, I don't think I do.
Factors I believe should be taken into consideration:
Coalescing memory writes - ensuring that consecutive lanes in a warp write to consecutive memory locations (no gaps).
Type size vs Memory transaction size I - if sizeof(T) is sizeof(T) is 1 or 2, and we have have each lane write a single element, the entire warp would write less than 128B, wasting some of the memory transaction. Instead, we should have each thread place 2 or 4 input elements in a register, and write that
Type size vs Memory transaction size II - For type sizes such that lcm(4, sizeof(T)) > 4, it's not quite clear what to do. How well does the compiler/the GPU handle writes when each lane writes more than 4 bytes? I wonder.
Slack due to the reading of multiple elements at a time - If each thread wishes to read 2 or 4 elements for each write, and write 4-byte integers - we might have 1 or 2 elements at the beginning and the end of the input which must be handled separately.
Slack due to input address mis-alignment - The input is read in 32B transactions (under reasonable assumptions); we thus have to handle the first elements up to the multiple of 32B, and the last elements (after the last such multiple,) differently.
Slack due to output address mis-alignment - The output is written in transactions of upto 128B (or is it just 32B?); we thus have to handle the first elements up to the multiple of this number, and the last elements (after the last such multiple,) differently.
Whether or not T is trivially-copy-constructible. But let's assume that it is.
But it could be that I'm missing some considerations, or that some of the above are redundant.
Factors I've been wondering about:
The block size (i.e. how many other warps are there)
The compute capability (given that it's at least 3)
Whether the source/target is in shared memory / constant memory
Choice of caching mode

What can a compiler do with branching information?

On a modern Pentium it is no longer possible to give branching hints to the processor it seems. Assuming that a profiling compiler such as gcc with profile-guided optimization gains information about likely branching behavior, what can it do to produce code that will execute more quickly?
The only option I know of is to move unlikely branches to the end of a function. Is there anything else?
Update. volume 2a, section 2.1.1 says
"Branch hint prefixes (2EH, 3EH) allow a program to give a hint to the processor about the most likely code path for
a branch. Use these prefixes only with conditional branch instructions (Jcc). Other use of branch hint prefixes
and/or other undefined opcodes with Intel 64 or IA-32 instructions is reserved; such use may cause unpredictable
I don't know if these actually have any effect however.
On the other hand section 3.4.1. of says
Compilers generate code that improves the efficiency of branch prediction in Intel processors. The Intel
C++ Compiler accomplishes this by:
keeping code and data on separate pages
using conditional move instructions to eliminate branches
generating code consistent with the static branch prediction algorithm
inlining where appropriate
unrolling if the number of iterations is predictable
With profile-guided optimization, the compiler can lay out basic blocks to eliminate branches for the most
frequently executed paths of a function or at least improve their predictability. Branch prediction need
not be a concern at the source level. For more information, see Intel C++ Compiler documentation.
" says in "Performance Improvements with PGO "
PGO works best for code with many frequently executed branches that are difficult to
predict at compile time. An example is the code with intensive error-checking in which
the error conditions are false most of the time.
The infrequently executed (cold) errorhandling code can be relocated so the branch is rarely predicted incorrectly. Minimizing
cold code interleaved into the frequently executed (hot) code improves instruction cache
There are two possible sources for the information you want:
There's Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual (3 volumes). This is a huge work which has evolved for decades. It's the best reference I know on a lot of subjects, including floating-point. In this case, you want to check volume 2, the instruction set reference.
There's Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optmization Reference Manual. This will tell you in somewhat brief terms what to expect from each microarchitecture.
Now, I don't know what you mean by a "modern Pentium" processor, this is 2013, right? There aren't any Pentiums anymore...
The instruction set does support telling the processor if the branch is expected to be taken or not taken by a prefix to the conditional branch instructions (such as JC, JZ, etc). See volume 2A of (1), section 2.1.1 (of the version I have) Instruction Prefixes. There is the 2E and 3E prefixes for not taken and taken respectively.
As to whether these prefixes actually have any effect, if we can get that information, it will be on Optimization Reference Manual, the section for the microarchitecture you want (and I'm sure it won't be the Pentium).
Apart from using those, there is an entire section on the Optimization Reference Manual on that subject, that's section 3.4.1 (of the version I have).
It makes no sense to reproduce that here, since you can download the manual for free.
Eliminate branches by using conditional instructions (CMOV, SETcc),
Consider the static prediction algorithm (,
Loop unrolling
Also, some compilers, GCC, for instance, even when CMOV is not possible, often perform bitwise arithmetic to select one of two distinct things computed, thus avoiding branches. It does this particularly with SSE instructions when vectorizing loops.
Basically, the static conditions are:
Unconditional branches are predicted to be taken (... kind of expectable...)
Indirect branches are predicted not to be taken (because of a data dependency)
Backward conditionals are predicted to be taken (good for loops)
Forward conditionals are predicted not to be taken
You probably want to read the entire section 3.4.1.
If it's clear that a loop is rarely entered, or that it normally iterates very few times, then the compiler might avoid unrolling the loop, as doing so can add a lot of harmful complexity to handle edge conditions (an odd-number iterations, etc.). Vectorisation, in particular, should be avoided in such cases.
The compiler might rearrange nested tests, so that the one that most frequently results in a short-cut can be used to avoid performing a test on something with a 50% pass rate.
Register allocation can be optimised to avoid having a rarely-used block force register spill in the common case.
These are just some examples. I'm sure there are others I haven't thought of.
Off the top of my head, you have two options.
Option #1: Inform the compiler of the hints and let the compiler organize the code appropriately. For example, GCC supports the following ...
__builtin_expect((long)!!(x), 1L) /* GNU C to indicate that <x> will likely be TRUE */
__builtin_expect((long)!!(x), 0L) /* GNU C to indicate that <x> will likely be FALSE */
If you put them in macro form such as ...
#if <some condition to indicate support>
#define LIKELY(x) __builtin_expect((long)!!(x), 1L)
#define UNLIKELY(x) __builtin_expect((long)!!(x), 0L)
#define LIKELY(x) (x)
#define UNLIKELY(x) (x)
... you can now use them as ...
if (LIKELY (x != 0)) {
} else {
This leaves the compiler free to organize the branches according to static branch prediction algorithms, and/or if the processor and compiler support it, to use instructions that indicate which branch is more likely to be taken.
Option #2: Use math to avoid branching.
if (a < b)
y = C;
y = D;
This could be re-written as ...
x = -(a < b); /* x = -1 if a < b, x = 0 if a >= b */
x &= (C - D); /* x = C - D if a < b, x = 0 if a >= b */
x += D; /* x = C if a < b, x = D if a >= b */
Hope this helps.
It can make the fall-through (ie the case where a branch is not taken) the most used path. That has two big effects:
only 1 branch can be taken per clock, or on some processors even per 2 clocks, so if there are any other branches (there usually are, most code that matters is in a loop), a taken branch is bad news, a non-taken branch less so.
when the branch predictor is wrong, the code that it does have to execute is more likely to be in the code cache (or µop cache, where applicable). If it wasn't, that would have been a double-whammy of restarting the pipeline and waiting for a cache miss. This is less of an issue in most loops, since both sides of the branch are likely to be in the cache, but it comes into play in big loops and other code.
It can also decide whether to do if-conversion based on better data than a heuristic guess. If-conversions may seem like "always a good idea", but they're not, they're only "often a good idea". If the branch in the branching implementation is very well-predicted, the if-converted code can well be slower.

Do integers, whose size is not a power of two, make sense?

This is an 8 bit architecture, with a word size of 16 bits. I now need to use a 48-bit integer variable. My understanding is that libm implements 8, 16, 32, 64 bit operations (addition, multiplication, signed and unsigned).
So in order to make calculations, I must store the value in a 64-bit signed or unsigned integer. Correct?
If so, what is there to prevent general routines from being used? For example, for addition:
start with the LSB of both variables
add them up
if more bytes are available continue, otherways goto ready
shift both variables 1 byte to the right
goto 1)
libm implements the routines for the standard sizes of types, and the compiler chooses the right one to use for expression.
If you want to implement your own types, you can. If you want to use the usual operators, then you have to get into the compilation process to get the compiler to choose yours.
You could implement the operations as functions, say add(int48_t, int48_t), but then the compiler won't be able to do optimizations like constant folding, etc.
So, there is nothing stopping you from implementing your own custom compiler, but is it really necessary? Do you really need to save that space? If so, then go for it!
That is correct, saving a couple of bits is (in almost all cases) not worth the trouble of implementing your own logic.

Assembly code for optimized bitshifting of a vector

i'm trying to write a routine that will logically bitshift by n positions to the right all elements of a vector in the most efficient way possible for the following vector types: BYTE->BYTE, WORD->WORD, DWORD->DWORD and WORD->BYTE (assuming that only 8 bits are present in the result). I would like to have three routines for each type depending on the type of processor (SSE2 supported, only MMX suppported, only standard instruction se supported). Therefore i need 12 functions in total.
I have already found by myself how to backup and restore the registers that i need, how to make a loop, how to copy data into regular registers or MMX registers and how to shift by 1 position logically.
Because i'm not familiar with assembly language that's about it.
Which registers should i use for each instruction set?
How will the availability of the large vector (an image) in L1 cache be optimized?
How do i find the next element of the vector (a pointer kind of thing), i know i can make a mov by address and i assume i have to increment the address by 1, 2 or 4 depending on my type of data?
Although i have all the ideas, writing the code is a bit difficult at this point.
Thank you.
Here is what i'm trying to do for MMX for a shift by 1 on a DWORD:
__asm("push mm"); // backup register
__asm("push cx"); // backup register
__asm("mov %cx, length"); // initialize loop
__asm("loopstart_shift1:"); // start label
__asm("movd %xmm0, r/m32"); // get 32 bits data
__asm("psrlq %xmm0, 1"); // right shift 32 bits data logically (stuffs 0 on the left) by 1
__asm("mov r/m32,%xmm0"); // set 32 bits data
__asm("dec %cx"); // decrement index
__asm("cmp %cx,0");
__asm("jnz loopstart_shift1");
__asm("pop cx"); // restore register
__asm("pop mm"); // restore register
__asm("emms"); // leave MMX state
I strongly suggest you pause and take a look at using intrinsics with C or C++ instead of trying to write raw asm - that way the C/C++ compiler will take care of all the register allocation, instruction scheduling and general housekeeping tasks and you can just focus on the important parts, e.g. instead of using psrlq see _m_psrlq in mmintrin.h. (Better yet, look at using 128 bit SSE intrinsics.)
Sounds like you'd benefit from either using or looking into BitMagic's source. its entirely intrinsics based too, which makes its far more portable (though from the looks of it your using GCC, so it might have to get an MSVC to GCC intrinics mapping).