Unable to run relay-compiler - react-native

I installed the relay for my react-native project following the steps on relay.dev. Running the compiler works fine when I have an empty schema file. Putting schema to the file starts throwing me this error:
thread 'main' panicked at 'Expect GraphQLAsts to exist.', /home/runner/work/relay/relay/compiler/crates/relay-compiler/src/compiler.rs:335:14
note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace
My schema file is
// relay_schema.graphql
type Query {
tasks: [TaskNode]
type TaskNode {
id: ID!
and my relay config is:
module.exports = {
// ...
// Configuration options accepted by the `relay-compiler` command-line tool and `babel-plugin-relay`.
src: './src/',
language: 'flow',
schema: './relay_schema.graphql',
exclude: ['**/node_modules/**', '**/__mocks__/**', '**/__generated__/**'],
I'm completely lost on what to do here

Started working after updating src to src: './'. It's better to verify the paths such as src and schema. Error messages shown by the compiler are not much help when stuck here.


Custom Module is not installed on the kurento media server but appears on the kurento-media-server --list

I am trying to develop a custom module for the Kurento-media-server but i have find two roadblocks,following the instructions on the documentation i have been able to:
create the custom module folder with the command:
kurento-module-scaffold.sh <module_name> <output_directory>
and them generate the files with:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr && make && sudo make install
i have added two lines to the bgRemoverFilterOpenCVImpl on the /src/server/objects/bgRemoverFilterOpenCVImpl.cpp file so the filter adds a hello world text to the image.
void bgRemoverFilterOpenCVImpl::process (cv::Mat &mat)
cv::Point textOrg(50, 50);
putText( mat, "Hello World", textOrg, 1, 2, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0) );
i them build the .deb file with debuild -us -uc and install it successfully so that when i run the kurento-media-server --list command i see my new custom module on the list:
i them generated the js client code with the command cmake .. -DGENERATE_JS_CLIENT_PROJECT=TRUE and added the js generated folder to my node.js project using npm link for test purposes i am using the Kurento-Chroma project from the Kurento-node-repository so i have modified it to register my module and to create my custom filter instead of the chroma one. for this made changes to the server.js file on lines 28 and 249:
pipeline.create('bgremoverfilter.bgRemoverFilter', options, function(error, filter) {
if (error) {
return callback(error);
return callback(null, webRtcEndpoint, filter);
the node application runs correctly but when i start the loopback to get my videofeed with the filter applied it sends this error message:
Error message from server: Exiting with error SyntaxError: Module 'bgRemoverFilter' is not installed in the Kurento Media Server
despite the module being loaded on kurento-media-server --list the app cant create the filter object, i thought this was a naming issue so when i create a one word name custom module like "harel" to avoid camel case naming problems and install it i get on the list:
and when trying to create and use this filter on the same kurento-chroma example i get a different error:
SyntaxError: sink param should be a MediaElement, not harel
at ChecktypeError (/home/ubuntu/www/kurento-chroma/node_modules/kurento-client/lib/checkType.js:32:10)
at checkMediaElement (/home/ubuntu/www/kurento-chroma/node_modules/kurento-client-core/lib/abstracts/MediaElement.js:1082:11)
at checkType (/home/ubuntu/www/kurento-chroma/node_modules/kurento-client/lib/checkType.js:84:25)
at WebRtcEndpoint.MediaElement.connect (/home/ubuntu/www/kurento-chroma/node_modules/kurento-client-core/lib/abstracts/MediaElement.js:489:3)
at connectMediaElements (/home/ubuntu/www/kurento-chroma/server.js:260:20)
at /home/ubuntu/www/kurento-chroma/server.js:197:17
at /home/ubuntu/www/kurento-chroma/server.js:254:20
at callback2 (/home/ubuntu/www/kurento-chroma/node_modules/kurento-client/lib/KurentoClient.js:527:7)
at /home/ubuntu/www/kurento-chroma/node_modules/kurento-client/lib/KurentoClient.js:385:7
at Object.dispatchCallback [as callback] (/home/ubuntu/www/kurento-chroma/node_modules/kurento-jsonrpc/lib/index.js:613:9)
so, am i missing something on the installation process? i suspect there is something wrong with the JS generated code in the first case.
on the second case when using a single word name, why does this work? the app is able to create the filter but then fails when trying to connect it to the webrtcEndPoint
i have look at all the questions and threads i could find but did'nt get any answers. here is a repository with my custom filter code including the generated js library
please help, if more clarifications or details are needed request them.
i wrote to one of the kurento developers that recommended i use kurento-media-server --version to get the actual list of loaded modules, this is a followup to that:
kurento-media-server --version returns:
Version: 6.7.0~1.g6ebaa27
Found modules:
Module: 'backgroundremoval' version '0.0.1~3.g045ef96'
Module: 'bgremoverfilter' version '0.0.1~0.g3a1e793'
Module: 'chroma' version '6.6.1~3.g6df8f1d'
Module: 'core' version '6.6.3'
Module: 'elements' version '6.6.3'
Module: 'filters' version '6.7.0~1.g0314843'
Module: 'harel' version '0.0.1~0.gaec7e6d'
so yes backgroundremoval, bgremoverfilter and harel are the custom modules i have created and they are on the list.
i still dont know why when i use a camelcase name as bacgroundRemoverFilter i cant get the module to load in javascript althoug the generated code is loaded on my node.js project when it tries to create the filter the app sends the "module not installed error"
so i started using all minus names, for my module "harel" this gets loaded with no problems and when i try to create the media element with
the filter gets created but them fails when a try to connect it to a webrtcEnpoint with
filter.connect(webRtcEndpoint, function(error) {
if (error) {
return callback(error);
return callback(null);
it returns the error: SyntaxError: sink param should be a MediaElement, not harel
turns out that error is send by /node_modules/kurento-client-core/lib/abstracts/MediaElement.js:489:3 when calling a function Checktype
checkType('MediaElement', 'sink', sink, {required: true});
so i added a console.log() after the filter its created to see what was different between the chroma filter and my custom filter, this is the result:
harel {
domain: null,
{ removeListener: [Function],
newListener: [Function],
_describe: [Function: bound emit],
_rpc: [Function: encodeRpc],
release: { [Function: bound onceWrapper] listener: [Function] } },
_eventsCount: 5,
_maxListeners: undefined,
id: 'ad5e2447-3801-4d96-81b4-c40390b16248_kurento.MediaPipeline/18e8c6b9-df88-4d52-851c- 8c664a26ee3d_harel.harel' }
ChromaFilter {
domain: null,
{ removeListener: [Function],
newListener: [Function],
_describe: [Function: bound emit],
_rpc: [Function: encodeRpc],
release: { [Function: bound onceWrapper] listener: [Function] } },
_eventsCount: 5,
_maxListeners: undefined,
id: '97f370b5-81ae-45e1-a979- dab6c1c4cd28_kurento.MediaPipeline/06658282-67bf-47bc- b006-9f0dbae01767_chroma.ChromaFilter' }
both objects have the same properties excetp for the id. so how come the same function works with ChromaFilter bu not with harel if the object passed is almost the same. This is were i am now. will keep digging.
The problem with my process was that i used npm link to add the generated client-js code to my node.js app. For that to work i had to install the kurento-client package on the client-js folder and when my app ran it will generate the custom plugin with a different kurento-client than the one it was using.
so even thought the Chroma-filter and my harel module looked the same they were from two different kurento-client classes.
instead of using npm-link i just copied the generated js-client code inside my node-modules folder and that did the trick.
hope this is usefull to people that find this error.

Karma coverage istanbul does not create folder

I am trying to integrate a code coverage reporter to my karma tests.
I set up the following changes in my config:
coverageIstanbulReporter: {
reports: ['html', 'lcovonly', 'text-summary'],
// base output directory. If you include %browser% in the path it will be replaced with the karma browser name
dir: path.join(__dirname, 'coverage'),
// if using webpack and pre-loaders, work around webpack breaking the source path
fixWebpackSourcePaths: true,
reporters: config.coverage ? ['kjhtml', 'dots', 'coverage-istanbul'] : ['kjhtml', 'dots'],
But unfortnetly, it does not create a coverage folder.
Here is my full karma.config.js
What am I doing wrong here? Note, that I am calling karma start ./karma.conf.js --coverage and even checked without the config coverage parameter.
Given you have text-summary outputs on Chrome console and you already have the base directory for the reporter specified, you just need to explicitly tell the reporter which sub directory should be used for different report type:
Try to add this entry under coverageIstanbulReporter (from repo's README):
// Most reporters accept additional config options. You can pass these through the `report-config` option
'report-config': {
// all options available at: https://github.com/istanbuljs/istanbul-reports/blob/590e6b0089f67b723a1fdf57bc7ccc080ff189d7/lib/html/index.js#L135-L137
html: {
// outputs the report in ./coverage/html
subdir: 'html'

grunt-bowercopy produces warning - No files copied

I've set Grunt to compile compass with watch task and now I'd like to copy useful files from bower_components/... - e.g. bower_components/jquery/jquery.min.js, because bower produces a lot of unnecessary files, which I want to get rid of, when uploading to server.
CMD produces warning and stops process;
Reading C:\Users\sjiamnocna\Documents\NetBeansProjects\PM_new\node_modules\grunt-bowercopy\package.json...OK
Parsing C:\Users\sjiamnocna\Documents\NetBeansProjects\PM_new\node_modules\grunt-bowercopy\package.json...OK
Reading bower.json...OK
Parsing bower.json...OK
Loading "bowercopy.js" tasks...OK
+ bowercopy
Loading "gruntfile.js" tasks...OK
+ default, dog
No tasks specified, running default tasks.
Running tasks: default
Running "default" task
Running "bowercopy" task
Running "bowercopy:copythat" (bowercopy) task
Verifying property bowercopy.copythat exists in config...OK
File: [no files]
Options: srcPrefix="bower_components", destPrefix="files", ignore=[], report, runBower=false, clean=false, copyOptions={}
Using srcPrefix: bower_components
Using destPrefix: files
Warning: Nothing was copied for the "copythat" target Use --force to continue.
My gruntfile:
module.exports = function (grunt) {
watch: {
scss: {
files: ['files/style/sass/*.scss'],
tasks: ['compass']
compass: {
dist: {
options: {
sassDir: 'files/style/sass',
cssDir: 'files/style',
environment: 'development'
bowercopy: {
copythat: {
options: {
runBower: false,
srcPrefix: 'bower_components',
destPrefix: 'files'
script: {
'jquery/dist/jquery.min.js': 'script/lib/jquery.min.js',
'jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.js': 'script/lib/jquery-ui.min.js',
'masonry/dist/masonry.pkgd.min.js': 'script/lib/masonry.pkgd.min.js',
'sweetalert/dist/sweetalert.min.js': 'script/lib/sweetalert.min.js'
grunt.registerTask('default', ['bowercopy']);
grunt.registerTask('dog', ['watch']);
Can anyone tell me what's wrong? Or, is there any other way to do it with grunt (automatically :) )?
Thanks #cartant for comment, it was one of the mistakes I've made - using whatever instead of "files"
I've changed position of resource and target

"Error: cannot file config find .jshintrc " in cli after cloning the git repo and running grunt

When i try to run grunt , i am getting error as "cannot file the config file .jshintrc". I tried to install the config dependencies but nothing is working out.Can anyone tell me how to resolve this particular error. Do i need to define any particular rule in my grunt.js file as I believe this should be generated automatically in the root folder after running grunt.
The piece of lines for jshint task in grunt.js is-
src: ['src/']
jshint: { // configure the task
all: ['src/app/**/*.js'],
options: {
reporter: require('jshint-html-reporter'),
reporterOutput: 'out/jshint-report.html',
//force report
force: false,
// JS Validation rules are configured in .jshintrc file.
jshintrc: '.jshintrc'
Any help is much appreciated.

Running a durandal app with the main-built file results does not work

I am having some problems with the optimized code that weyland generates. Here is what I did so far:
This is my project structure:
This is my weyland-config file:
exports.config = function(weyland) {
include:['www/**/*.js', 'www/js/durandal/**/*.js']
include:['www/**/*.{js,html}', 'www/js/durandal/**/*.js'],
name:'libs/require/require', //to deploy with require.js, use the build's name here instead
baseUrl : '../www/js',
paths : {
'text': 'libs/require/text',
'durandal': 'durandal',
'plugins': 'durandal/plugins',
'transitions': 'durandal/transitions',
'knockout': 'empty:',
'bootstrap': 'empty:',
'jquery': 'empty:'
inlineText: true,
optimize : 'none',
pragmas: {
build: true
stubModules : ['text'],
keepBuildDir: true,
This is what I added in my index.html file to run the generated file instead of the one created by me:
<script src="js/main-built.js"></script>
I have also tryed using:
<script data-main="js/main-built" src="js/libs/require/require.js"></script>
This is what I had before:
<script data-main="js/main" src="js/libs/require/require.js"></script>
After I run weyland build on the command line the main-built file get's generated without any errors.
If I try to run the app the applycation freezez at the start screen as if the the app.start() method never get's called and no errors are being displayed.
I have checked chrome debugging tools the main-built file is recieved by the client it just seems it does nothing.
What am I doing wrong?
I have also tryed building using almond-custom and ading this aditional configuration:
When I try to run the app I get this error:
Uncaught Error: main missing durandal/app
In my main fail I am loading the 'durandal/app' threw require js and for some reason it can not find it anymore