Accidentally deleted performance counter on a performance monitor report - performancecounter

On Performance Monitor, I was watching a Report of a test I had run, using a Custom Data Collector set. I use Highligh to see the counter I want, but I accidentally clicked on the button next to it, the Delete (Delete key) button, and that removed the counter from my report!
Is it possible to undo this action, and see it again on the graphic?

I just found a way to put back the counter I deleted: right-click on the Report on the left handside and choose "Refresh".
Thanks anyway


Stop button in LabVIEW cannot be pressed during while loop execution inside an event structure

I am currently working on a LabVIEW project and have found myself stuck on how to make a while loop exit when I press the abort (stop) button. For a simple while loop I understand how to do this - but the problem is that this while loop is nested inside of an event structure and I'm guessing that the button cannot be pressed while the loop is executing. Attached here is a picture of part of my code (that contains this specific event case which is causing me problems): To spend a little more time explaining what the problem is - I think the code is doing what I want it to do (namely output a set of commands in a repeated cycle with a wait timer) but I cannot stop the code mid cycle (pressing the abort button with my mouse does nothing - as in the button doesn't show it being pressed and the indicator shows no change, I also can't use any other functionality of my program during the cycle which I'm assuming is related). And I do not want to stop the LabVIEW program from running entirely - just the code inside the while loop pictured above. This is what the front panel is configured too for completeness:
Essentially what I want to happen is the while loop to execute when I press DWG and in the middle of the cycle be able to abort it. Sorry if my code seems a little messy. Additionally, I've tried the same code with a for loop originally (via a conditional terminal so it could stop early) and that didn't work either. Thanks for any help I appreciate it!
Your problem is that inside the event structure, by default the UI is frozen so no UI actions (keyboard/mouse/etc) are processed until you exit that frame.
Option 1. You can right click the Event Structure and select "Edit events handled by this case" dialog and then uncheck the "Lock panel" checkbox -- that will allow the UI to be live while you are in that frame. I do not recommend this solution generally unless you have an extremely simple user interface because it leads to the user being able to change controls without the events behind those controls being processed (not a good UI experience for users). But if the UI is simple enough, that works.
Option 2. You can create a user event that is the code you want inside your While Loop. When the Deg Wait Go button is pressed, use the "Generate User Event" node to trigger that event. Do the same thing in the user event case so that the event re-triggers itself if and only if the Abort button has not been pressed.
Option 3. Create a separate loop OUTSIDE your UI loop that does your processing with some sort of command queue running between the UI loop and that other loop. The other loop moves into various states at the request of the UI loop... it's the one that does nothing until it receives a "go" message and then keeps looping until it receives a "stop" message. You can Google "queued message handler" for extensive details of this solution. This is the most common solution for complex UI requirements, especially useful for separating concerns of the UI code from the execution code.

Write Conflict Error in Access Resolved Once After Saving Class Module

I have a form for viewing data in a table, which can open a pop up form to edit the data.
When data is edited in the pop up form, Access throws a write conflict error upon closing that form and returning to the original.
The strange behavior I'm experiencing is that when I make a change to the popup's class module in VBA, even if I immediately undo the change and save, the error will be resolved exactly once.
To be clear:
I make a change to the popup's class module in VBA (even a change I immediately undo and re-save)
I can open the pop up from my original form, edit records, then close the pop up. No error is thrown on closing the pop up.
I then open the pop up and edit records a second time. Then upon closing the pop up a write conflict error is displayed. This continues each subsequent time.
I now make a change to the popup's class module (again, even a trivial one), the error is resolved for one edit again, and the process repeats.
Does anybody know why this behavior could be occurring? Any help would be much appreciated.
Well the issue centers on if two users, or in this case two bits of code try to edit a record that is already dirty.
If the main form causes the record to become dirty (changed, but not saved), if then you run ANY other code that ALSO changes that data, then you get the conflict.
The simple solution then is to ALWAYS ensure that the the current forms record is safely tucked away and saved before you run + call code that might change that dirty record. And that includes that popup form + class.
So in your code that launches the form/class code? Do this RIGHT BEFORE you launch that 2nd form:
If me.Dirty = True then me.dirty = False
So, the above will safe write out the dirty record, and now you are free to launch/run any other code that might change that record. And because you run the above? Well, the record is not dirty anymore, and thus you should not see nor receive a write conflict error.
So adding a check to save if dirty before you launch/run that additional code/form will resolve this issue. In fact, as a habit, for just about "any" launching of additional UI forms, it a good idea to safe tuck away and save the current forms record when launching additional UI bits and parts.

Is there an equivalent to an "On Record Changed" event for Access?

I am trying to set permissions for my form fields (continuous form) and permissions need to be re-evaluated every time a different record gains focus/selection. Right now the only way I've found is to have an OnFocus event for each editable control, but there's gotta be a better way...
I've already tried MouseMove, OnClick, etc. but they don't seem to work when clicking/moving from a control in one record to the next without clicking over empty space first. Also MouseMove seems to have a limit to how frequently it responds.
I would also appreciate something equivalent to an "On Focus Changed" event, if "On Record Changed" is not possible.
Try OnCurrent, or maybe OnDirty, and can also try OnAfterUpdate.
I usually put stops in all of the candidate events when I'm not sure which one to use. There are differences, but running your application and seeing when the events fire can help you decide which one to use.
The event you are looking for is : Form_Current

How to save the value of a cell of a DataGridView before edition for undo purpose?

I am adding an undo feature for a DataGridView using the Command Design Pattern.
To create the EditCommand, I have to know what was the previous value of the cell, so I can re-enter it in case the user hits undo.
I'm doing it using the CellBeginEdit and CellEndEdit events.
With the CellBeginEdit, I save the value of the cell in a private variable and at the CellEndEdit function, I use the saved value to create the EditCommand.
It's working fine, but I wonder if there is a more saner way to do it. Maybe a event that holds together the previous and the new cell value.
Bonus points if I could actually prevent the DataGridView from updating itself and let the EditCommand do it.
I recently implemented Undo / Redo in a large WPF application, and was able to extract the Undo / Redo logic into a stand-alone library. This is available on CodePlex.
The library helps keep a stack of history that can be re-applied if the user elects to undo / redo. This could replace your private variables and also allow for multiple items in the undo history.
You can find documentation and downloads at

ASP.NET Keep fileupload after postback

I'm writing an intranet ASP.NET page using VB.NET. I've run into a particularly nasty problem dealing with handling file uploads. I'll do my best to explain the problem, and perhaps someone can help.
My problem is almost a duplicate of this one, or this one, except (other than the filename) I don't care about sending the file to the server until the other data has been reviewed.
Here's the situation:
Joe Q. Dataentry inputs some data into several fields. The first 3 are drop down, and when he changes the selection, a postback event is fired that queries a database for valid entries for the other drop down selections. After selecting the values, he inputs some other data, chooses a file to accompany the data and clicks the "Update" button. When he hits the button, it fires a postback event that sends the current data to the server to be validated. The data will create a change in the database, so he is presented with a view of the current state, and what it will look like when his changes are made. He can now either confirm or cancel the operation for whatever reason.
Part of the data he will see involves the extension of the file which may be a PDF, or could also be some image file or other document.
Now here's where my problem is - on each postback event, the fileupload dialog is cleared. I was getting around it by creating a temporary file on the first postback and then renaming if he clicks OK or deleting on Cancel... but I need to do a variety of things, based on the previous state of data and the filename. I've tried to keep some session variables to retain the filename, and that works OK for just renaming the file, but for what I need to do it gets unwieldy.
What I want to do is be able to have the postback event to present the changes, and then when the user clicks "OK", submit the file. Is there any possible way to do that?
One of my thoughts was to do some of the validation client-side (I'm already re-validating server side so I'm not too worried about data security there), but I don't know how I could get the information from the database query.
Thanks for any help, and reading my slightly convoluted story/situation!
It appears that what I want to do is prevent a certain button from firing a full postback. Is there any way to do that?
I have an update panel on the page already - is there any way for the button to only post what's in the update panel?
What you might want to do is place your drop-downs inside of an ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel, and keep your file upload control out of that.
Your update panel will do the post backs and allow your validation logic to happen without submitting the file, then when you hit your final "Save" button (which is also outside of your UpdatePanel) the entire form will be submitted back and you can work with your file then.