Thrift Json getting prefixed with special character on serializing Thrift object - serialization

I'm trying to serialize a thrift object to JSON using the TSimpleJSONProtocol:
TSerializer jsonSearializer = new TSerializer(new TSimpleJSONProtocol.Factory());
While this serializes the object, I can see there's a special character getting prefixed with the resulting JSON. And while this does not happen on my machine but happens on the server. Not sure what I'm missing.
This is the resulting JSON:
: {
"id": "f22357b8b27bf26b",
"userId": "f22357b8b27bf26b",
"history": [{
"servedAtInSecs": 1657180594,
"servedMetaMap": {},
"ids": [


Grafana-LogQL: HowTo extract labels from key-value objects in json array

I am working with ASP.NET 5.0 json logger and logging scopes. I want to populate the scope key-values as labels.
The json produced is of the following format (excerpt):
"LogLevel": "Information",
"Scopes": [
"Message": "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary\u00602[System.String,System.Object]",
"MsgId": "c08e834e8edb4287ab8abf0b5510bb53"
"Message": "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary\u00602[System.String,System.Object]",
"EventId": "03ec8be0-9975-482e-95b9-2ba6185a4ed4",
"EventName": "someEvent",
"EntityKeyValue": "someNonTechId"
The only way I found was to do
| json MsgId="Scopes[0].MsgId", EventName="Scopes[1].EventName" etc. ...
Problem is that:
not all scopes are present at all times
so also the indices could change...
Is there any solution for that?
BTW we operate on a managed cluster, so custom plugins won't work...

Generate "Instances" definition programmatically to create EMR cluster in StepFunctions

I have a case where I want to dynamically create an EMR cluster based on a user-defined configuration and execute a sequence of steps on it using AWS Step Functions.
For this, I am planning to provide the instance configuration as an input to the step functions workflow.
Based on the StepFunctions-EMR Integration Documentation, the definition is the same as that of the RunJobFlow API.
However, when I try to generate the definition by serializing an instance of JobFlowInstancesConfig to JSON and pass it to the StateMachine as an input, it throws an error saying:
The field 'Instances.KeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps' is required but was missing
Here is the JSON generated post serialization:
"instanceFleets": [
"instanceFleetType": "MAIN",
"targetOnDemandCapacity": 1,
"instanceTypeConfigs": [
"instanceType": "m5.xlarge"
"instanceFleetType": "CORE",
"targetOnDemandCapacity": 1,
"instanceTypeConfigs": [
"instanceType": "c5.2xlarge"
"keepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps": true
I am passing this in the input, and accessing it in my StepFunctions definition in the below Task (where I expect the above definition to be replacing $.jobFlowInstancesConfig):
"GetCluster": {
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "arn:aws:states:::elasticmapreduce:createCluster.sync",
"Parameters": {
"Name.$": "$.clusterName",
"VisibleToAllUsers": true,
"ReleaseLabel": "emr-5.30.0",
"Applications": [
"Name": "Spark"
"ServiceRole": "EMR_DefaultRole",
"JobFlowRole": "EMR_EC2_DefaultRole",
"LogUri": "s3://my-aws-logs/elasticmapreduce/",
"Instances.$": "$.jobFlowInstancesConfig"
My suspicion is that this is failing because StepFunctions expects the field names to start with upper case.
Question: How do I programmatically generate the appropriate definition without having to play around with Strings for generating the JSON? Is there a straightforward way to serialize the above definition to one that will work with StepFunctions?

GCP Bigquery: Can't query stackdriver access logs exported in cloudstorage because invalid json field "#type"

I store the access log of a pixel image in a cloudstorage bucket dev-access-log-bucket using the standard "sink"
so the files looks like this requests/2019/05/08/15:00:00_15:59:59_S1.json
and one line looks like this (I formatted the json, but it's on one line normmaly) :
"httpRequest": {
"cacheLookup": true,
"remoteIp": "",
"requestMethod": "GET",
"requestSize": "224",
"requestUrl": "",
"responseSize": "779",
"status": 200,
"userAgent": "python-requests/2.21.0"
"insertId": "w6wyz1g2jckjn6",
"jsonPayload": {
"#type": "",
"statusDetails": "response_sent_by_backend"
"logName": "projects/tracking-pixel-239909/logs/requests",
"receiveTimestamp": "2019-05-08T15:34:24.126095758Z",
"resource": {
"labels": {
"backend_service_name": "",
"forwarding_rule_name": "dev-yolaw-pixel-forwarding-rule",
"project_id": "tracking-pixel-239909",
"target_proxy_name": "dev-yolaw-pixel-proxy",
"url_map_name": "dev-urlmap",
"zone": "global"
"type": "http_load_balancer"
"severity": "INFO",
"spanId": "7d8823509c2dc94f",
"timestamp": "2019-05-08T15:34:23.140747307Z",
"trace": "projects/tracking-pixel-239909/traces/bb55577eedd5797db2867931f8de9162"
all of these once again are standard GCP things, I did not customize anything here.
So now I want to do some requests on it from Bigquery, I create a dataset and an external table configured like this :
External Data Configuration
Source URI(s) gs://dev-access-log-bucket/requests/*
Auto-detect schema true (note: I don't know why it puts true though i've manually defined it)
Ignore unknown values true
Max bad records 0
and the following manual schema:
httpRequest. requestUrl STRING REQUIRED
and when I run a request
I got
Invalid field name "#type". Fields must contain only letters, numbers, and underscores, start with a letter or underscore, and be at most 128 characters long.
How can I work around this without needing to pre-process the log to not have the "#type" field in it ?

JSON Schema Array Validation Woes Using oneOf

Hope I might find some help with this validation issue: I have a JSON array that can have multiple object types (video, image). Within that array, the objects have a rel field value. The case I'm working on is that there can only be one object with "rel": "primaryMedia" allowed — either a video or an image.
Here are the object representations for the image and video case, both showing the "rel": "primaryMedia".
"media": [
"caption": "Caption goes here",
"id": "ncim87659842",
"rel": "primaryMedia",
"type": "image"
"description": "Shaima Swileh arrived in San Francisco after fighting for 17 months to get a waiver from the U.S. government to be allowed into the country to visit her son.",
"headline": "Yemeni mother arrives in U.S. to be with dying 2-year-old son",
"id": "mmvo1402810947621",
"rel": "primaryMedia",
"type": "video"
Here's a stripped-down version of the schema I created to validate this using oneOf (assuming this will handle my case). It doesn't however, work as intended.
"$id": "",
"$schema": "",
"definitions": {},
"properties": {
"media": {
"items": {
"oneOf": [
"additionalProperties": false,
"properties": {
"caption": {
"type": "string"
"id": {
"type": "string"
"rel": {
"enum": [
"type": "string"
"type": {
"enum": [
"type": "string"
"required": [
"type": "object"
"additionalProperties": false,
"properties": {
"description": {
"type": "string"
"headline": {
"type": "string"
"id": {
"type": "string"
"rel": {
"enum": [
"type": "string"
"type": {
"enum": [
"type": "string"
"required": [
"type": "object"
"type": "array"
Using the JSON Schema validator at, the schema validates when data is correctly presented, but the doesn't work when trying to catch errors.
In the case below, headline is added for a video, and it's missing id. This should fail because headline isn't allowed on video, and id is required.
"media": [
"headline": "Yemeni mother arrives in U.S. to be with dying 2-year-old son",
"rel": "primaryMedia",
"type": "video"
The results I get from the validator, however, aren't entirely expected. Seems it's conflating the two object schemas in its response.
In addition to this, I've separately found that the schema will allow the population of BOTH a video and image object in media, which isn't expected.
Been trying to figure out what I've done wrong, but am stumped. Would very much appreciate some feedback, if anyone has to offer. Thanks in advance!
Validator Response:
Message: JSON is valid against no schemas from 'oneOf'.
Schema path: #/properties/media/items/oneOf
Message: Property 'headline' has not been defined and the schema does not allow additional properties.
Schema path: #/properties/media/items/oneOf/0/additionalProperties
Message: Value "video" is not defined in enum.
Schema path: #/properties/media/items/oneOf/0/properties/type/enum
Message: Required properties are missing from object: description, id.
Schema path: #/properties/media/items/oneOf/1/required
Message: Required properties are missing from object: caption, id.
Schema path: #/properties/media/items/oneOf/0/required
Your question is formed of three parts, but the first two are linked, so I'll address those, although they don't have a "solution" as such.
How can I validate that only one object in an array has a specific key, and the others do not.
You cannot do this with JSON Schema.
The set of JSON Schema keywords which are applicable to arrays do not have a means for expressing "one of the values must match a schema", but rather are applicable to either ALL of the items in a the array, or A SPECIFIC item in the array (if items is an array as opposed to an object).
The validation output is not what I expect. I expect to only see the failing branch of oneOf which relates to my object type, which
is defined by the type key.
The JSON Schema specification (as of draft-7) does not specify any format for returning errors, however the error structure you get is pretty "complete" in terms of what it's telling you (and is similar to how we are specifying errors should be returned for draft-8).
Consider, the validator knows nothing about your schema or your JSON instance in terms of your business logic.
When validating a JSON instance, a validator may step through all values, and test validation rules against all applicable subschemas. Looking at your errors, both of the schemas in oneOf are applicable to all items in your array, and so all are tested for validation. If one does not satisfy the condition, the others will be tested also. The validator cannot know, when using a oneOf, what your intent was.
You MAY be able to get around this issue, by using an if / then combination. If your if schema is simply a const of the type, and your then schema is the full object type, you may get a cleaner error response, but I haven't tested this theory.
I want ALL items in the array to be one of the types. What's going on here?
From the spec...
If "items" is a schema, validation succeeds if all elements in the
array successfully validate against that schema.
An instance validates successfully against this keyword if it
validates successfully against exactly one schema defined by this
keyword's value.
What you have done is say: Each item in the array should be valid according to [schemaA]. SchemA: The object should be valid according to on of these schemas: [the schemas inside the oneOf].
I can see how this is confusing when you think "items must be one of the following", but items applies the value schema to each of the items in the array independantly.
To make it do what you mean, move the oneOf above items, and then refactor one of the media types to another items schema.
Here's a sudo schema.
oneOf: [items: properties: type: const: image], [items: properties: type: image]
Let me know if any of this isn't clear or you have any follow up questions.

How to parse JSON String?

In my app, I have send some Request to server using POST Method and in response following JSON string printed on console :
"title": "American Heart Association",
"link": ""
"title": "",
"link": ""
"title": "",
"link": ""
so, how to parse it, and take title and link from this string
Yes as Jhaliya posted above...
Tutorial: JSON Over HTTP On The iPhone download from code here copy JSON library in your code and simple
object = [yourResponseInString JSONValue];
in object you'll get Array or dictionary..;)