Liferay 7, jax rs api, swagger ui - api

I have generated swagger code compatible with my api jax rs in liferay. I can visulize and use it with swagger editor online but I don't know how to install swagger ui in my liferay project. Can I use my yaml file to do this?


How to integrate Swagger editor in Lumen/Laravel for REST API?

I have built some REST API in Lumen micro framework and it's working fine. Now I want to integrate Swagger editor into it so the API will be well documented on future use. Has anyone done this?

how to generate swagger interface from jax-rs api in liferay?

I created jax-rs module api in liferay but now I need swagger interface to use it without postman. Can you help me to generate swagger interface?

Python - Is there any swagger for Spyne RPC toolkit?

I have been provided with a project where the API is written with spyne. Now I have to implement a swagger UI (if there is any) for this project. I have done my research but couldn't find any. Is it actually possible to integrate a swagger?

Windows authentication on swagger api endpoint in IIS

I currently have a .net core api setup to use swagger. I need to protect the swagger documents with windows authentication. Since there isn't an actual swagger folder with swagger html files, it seems like i can't setup the authentication through IIS manager. Is there any way to do this?

Generating REST API Documentation from Restlet annotations

The RESTful Web service APIs are implemented using Restlet. I need to generate the API documentation for these. Rather than starting with a separate document, I am evaluating if this can be generated from the source code annotations itself.
I looked at Swagger and enunciate. Swagger seems to be based on the JAX-RS specification. Enunciate looked a little more promising as there is an FAQ that mentions how to generate for non JAX-RS implementations but there is no help.
Are there any tools (or if the community has used any) for generating API documentation from Restlet annotations?
Has anyone integrated Restlet with enunciate for generating documentation?
Restlet now supports the ability to generate either corresponding Swagger and RAML contents based your application at runtime.
Following docs could help you:
For Swagger (extension org.restlet.ext.swagger): see
for RAML (extension org.restlet.ext.raml): see
You can then leverage tools from the tool community to generate your API documentation. You could consider Swagger UI that is a great tool to display online what an API provides and interact with it.
Hope it helps you,