WiX Toolset: ICE03 Invalid identifier with RemoveFolderEx - wix

I'm trying to create a .msi installer for a Node.js project using the WiX Toolset. I want to remove the node_modules folder during uninstall. This is the relevant excerpt from my .wxs file:
<RegistrySearch Id='ApplicationFolder' Root='HKLM' Key='Software\[ProductName]' Name='InstallDir' Type='raw'/>
<DirectoryRef Id='TARGETDIR'>
<Component Id='RemoveFolder' Guid='3e2231d9-61b3-41a2-b407-8df015be537e'>
<util:RemoveFolderEx Property='[APPLICATIONFOLDER]\node_modules' On='uninstall'/>
<RegistryValue Root='HKLM' Key='Software\[ProductName]' Name='InstallDir' Type='string' Value='INSTALLDIR' KeyPath='yes'/>
I thought this would read the value from the registry, assign it to the property APPLICATIONFOLDER, and then in the RemoveFolderEx tag append the string \node_modules to that property's value.
But when I try to run this through light.exe, I get ICE03: Invalid identifier; Table: WixRemoveFolderEx, Column: Property, Key(s): wrf1A1445CB13E8BF98989EA24E3514470A.
Clearly, it is unhappy with my Property attribute, but what do I need to fix it? I've seen plenty of guides using this general pattern, but they always read the install dir value from the registry and then nuke that entire folder. That seems a little crass - if the user has added files to the directory I don't want to delete them. How can I specify a subfolder to delete?

I've solved the problem. Because I personally had a hard time figuring it out - the guides I've seen on RemoveFolderEx only all cover the same use case of nuking a folder saved to the registry, not a subfolder; and I find the WiX documentation to be less than beginner-friendly in most cases -, I am recording the solution here in case someone else should ever stumble upon the same problem.
As was pointed out already, Property does not work in the way I presumed in my question - it really does just accept the id of a property holding the path to the directory to delete. So you will definitely need to set a property in some way. (Some guides on the internet do not make this very clear.)
The next obvious path to investigate would be to assign the property a modified result of the registry search. However, this is impossible with WiX (to the best of my knowledge).
The answer lies in SetProperty. This, finally, allows to set a new property based on the one read from the registry.
It is worth noting that doing this still prevents the installation folder from being deleted, even if it empty. This, however, can easily be remedied by adding a RemoveFolder (without the Ex). This will delete the folder, but only if it is empty.
The relevant code that got it working for me is below.
<!-- Read the InstallDir from the registry and assign it to property APPLICATIONFOLDER -->
<!-- Set new property NODE_MODULES_FOLDER by appending node_modules\ to APPLICATIONFOLDER -->
<Component Id='RemoveFolders' Guid='...'>
<!-- Remove the node_modules subfolder, using the property we created above -->
<util:RemoveFolderEx Property='NODE_MODULES_FOLDER' On='uninstall'/>
<!-- Remove main installation directory now, but only if it is empty. -->
<!-- That's why we're using RemoveFolder instead of RemoveFolderEx here. -->
<RemoveFolder Id='RemoveMainFolder' Property='APPLICATIONFOLDER' On='uninstall'/>

I thought this would read the value from the registry, assign it to the property APPLICATIONFOLDER, and then in the RemoveFolderEx tag append the string \node_modules to that property's value.
It won't. As the doc says, Property is:
The id of a property that resolves to the full path of the source directory.
The easiest way to make that happen is to write the exact path you want to nuke to the registry.


Old Property with RegSearch is affecting Product upgrade (new version without this prop)

I've inherited project with MSI created in WiX and now I'm trying to solve some of the issues that unfortunately exist.
There's a remember property pattern which is used to found specific directory saved in registry entry:
<Property Id="AUTO_FOUND_DIR" Secure="yes" Admin="yes">
<RegistrySearch Id="regsrch_AUTO_FOUND_DIR"
The SpecificKey value is then saved in AUTO_FOUND_DIR property.
Then the black magic appears. A separate component is holding (among other stuff) a shortcut located in ProgramMenuFolder (non-advertised) to the main executable.
I've been told that usage of util:RemoveFolderEx is a workaround for an old issue where this shortcut was orphaned and hasn't been removed during uninstall:
<DirectoryRef Id="ProgramMenuDir">
<Component Id="cmp_ProgramMenuDir" Guid="{0E8BD13A-GUID-IS-HERE-6E5092ECA9EF}">
<CreateFolder />
<RemoveFolder Id='ProgramMenuDir' On='uninstall' />
<RegistryKey Id='reg_SpecificKeyID' Root='HKCU' Key='$(var.RegPath)' ForceCreateOnInstall="yes">
<RegistryValue Type='string' Name='$(var.SpecificKey)' Value='[ProgramMenuDir]'/>
<!-- other content: shortcut to ProgramMenuFolder and other stuff -->
<util:RemoveFolderEx Id="rm_dirID" On="install" Property="AUTO_FOUND_DIR"/>
The problem is: I don't need this workaround (and usage of AUTO_FOUND_DIR property as well. I've removed that code but during upgrade (major, Product and Package GUIDs set to "*", UpgradeCode has the same value as previous version) I can see in verbose log from MSI that this AUTO_FOUND_DIR exists, the RegistrySearch reads the key value with specific directory and as a result the util:RemoveFolderEx removes that directory and all components that are there located.
My question is: how can I detect why this old property is being used during upgrade and how to get rid of it?
Additional information: the install scope is PerMachine, ALLUSERS is set to 1. The MSI with upgraded version has this property removed.
Without a close look at your complete verbose log to see what's going on, remember that an upgrade does an uninstall of the older installed product. This means that a lot of the logic in the older installed product will happen during your upgrade. So you will definitely see the RegistrySearch running as the older product uninstalls, setting AUTO_FOUND_DIR, and you will see the RemoveFolder that runs during the uninstall.
So it's not clear if you actually have an issue if all you're seeing is the uninstall activity of that older product being uninstalled. That activity is embedded in the installed product.

Remove a folder if registry entry is not present

I need to remove a folder if a certain folder path in registry doesn't exist. I wrote the below code but it doesn't work. The folder is not deleted and nothing about a condition check in the logs as well.
<RegistrySearch Key="SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\UpdaterService\Parameters" Root="HKLM" Type="raw" Id="UpdateDirectoryRegistrySearch" Name="UpdaterServicePath" />
<Component Id="RemoveFolder" Directory="MyProgramDir" Guid="*" >
<RemoveFolder Id="MosquittoInstallDir" On="uninstall"/>
What am I doing wrong here? Any help would be much appreciated.
RemoveFolder won't remove the folder if there is anything in the folder when the component is processed. The issue you probably have is that this component gets processed before all the other components that represent something in that folder are processed or there are files that are not part of your install in this folder.
I don't know if there is a way to force a component to be processed last. An alternative you can try is Util:RemoveFolderEx. It is very important to note the remark at the bottom of this page. What this is basically saying is that you can't use a directory property to define the path to remove; you can't use [MyProgramDir] as the Property. The suggested way to implement the Property for this Util:RemoveFolderEx is to use a registry search to get the correct path then use that property set by the registry search.

WiX common component as merge module and INSTALLDIR from registry

I want to have 2 installers with common part. So I used merge module, and created 2 wix installers.
Here is what I want to achive with more details (problem described there was solved): wix installers with common component
I am using WixUI_InstallDir so user is able to choose directory where application will be installed.
When second installer is launched I want to load previously choosen installation directory.
When user does not change default path all works fine. But if INSTALLDIR was changed in first installation, then second installer adds plugin to right path but also extracts core to default path - which is wrong.
However right path (from previous installation) is shown on "Destination Folder" dialog.
Here is significant code:
<RegistrySearch Id="InstallFolderRegistrySearch" Type="raw" Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\PluginCompany\Plugins" Name="InstallFolder"/>
<DirectoryRef Id="TARGETDIR">
<Component Id="CoreRegistryEntries" Guid="{C1701385-12CA-47EF-9FB2-884139B56390}">
<RegistryKey Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\PluginCompany\Plugins" Action="createAndRemoveOnUninstall">
<RegistryValue Type="string" Name="InstallFolder" Value="[INSTALLDIR]" KeyPath="yes"/>
You can download and run full sample solution from https://github.com/bwojdyla/wixplugins/tree/04f61b89b0465311818bec1cc06371b3dced5671
In logs I found this:
MSI (c) (38:CC) [08:54:03:324]: Dir (target): Key: INSTALLDIR , Object: C:\Program Files (x86)\PluginCompanyFolder\PluginInstaller2\
MSI (c) (38:CC) [08:54:03:324]: Dir (target): Key: INSTALLDIR.751E70EB_CF76_413B_B8C8_231A31F9C946 , Object: C:\Program Files (x86)\PluginCompanyFolder\PluginInstaller\
So there are two properties INSTALLDIR and INSTALLDIR with guid.
This second property is added by merge module and updating INSTALLDIR does not change second property. That is why core components were extracted to custom location by second installer.
To disable mudularization I used SuppressModularization attribute:
<Property Id="INSTALLDIR" SuppressModularization="yes"/>
Notice SuppressModularization description at:
Use to suppress modularization of this property identifier in merge
modules. Using this functionality is strongly discouraged; it should
only be necessary as a workaround of last resort in rare scenarios.
A couple or three things:
Make sure you have the correct registry, maybe you need a Win64 search, maybe not, depends if the data is in the native registry or the x86 WOW one.
If it's not too late, it's typically better to install shared components to a common location (such as the common files folder for your Company Name and Product Name) to avoid this kind of thing. It's perfectly ok if not all the files are in the main application folder, as long as the app doesn't care.
Do the install with a verbose log and see what the AppSearch is doing - that's where it will set (or not) that property value. That's where you'll see if the property is being set or not, and therefore whether something else is going wrong later on.

Wix - How to get user input from a previously installed msi?

I'm trying to do an installer using wix 3.8. I can use custom properties to store my own input, but I'd like to use values that where inputs on a previously installed msi.
Is there a way to accomplish such thing?.
To get you in the right direction add this (of course adapt it to your needs first) in your fist MSI:
<DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLDIR">
<Component Id="RegistryEntries" Guid="{0AC76129-F8E2-47D3-B9FD-09B1E10A8541}">
<RegistryKey Root="HKLM" Key="Software\Company123\App123" Action="create">
<RegistryValue Type="integer" Name="SomeIntegerValue" Value="1" KeyPath="yes"/>
<RegistryValue Type="string" Name="UserInput" Value="[USERINPUT]" />
Don't forget reference the component in your <Feature> <ComponentRef Id="RegistryEntries" />
When you install assign a value to the property [USERINPUT] e.g. msiexec /i your.msi /qb+ USERINPUT="the value to be saved in registry"
Then in the second MSI add something like this:
<Property Id="READREGISTRY">
<RegistrySearch Id="USERINPUT_Value" Root="HKLM" Key="Software\Company123\App123" Name="UserInput" Type="raw" />
The value/string you entered during installation USERINPUT= will be stored in your second MSI in the property READREGISTRY
Here a piece of log in my second msi:
PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding READREGISTRY property. Its value is 'testing registry wef wef wef w'.
Based on your installation where it might be Per User or Per Machine you may adjust the Root to HKCU for PerUser installs or leave it to HKLM for PerMachine.
For more information please refer to Wix documentation, hints: "How To: Write a Registry Entry During Installation" and "How To: Read a Registry Entry During Installation".
Generally, no. There is no requirement for a Windows Installer package to record the input it takes from the user. Some do record some information in the registry and you might choose to rely on finding it there.
As an alternative, you might find that the other installer can be run without a UI and can be sufficiently controlled with properties passed into it. If so, you can write your own UI (one way would be a custom WiX Bootrapper Application [example]) to gather the inputs before running the installer.
Create a custom action within the MSI which gets installed first, then either write the values/user entries that you want into a file or registry. Within your final MSI read the values from registry/file and use it.
Here is an example of how you can read a value from the user and update the your app.config, this is not an apple to apple scenario, but this will guide you through it.
Disclaimer: I havent tried out what is mentioned in this blog post, but I have done things very similar and found that it has good explanation, thats why I posted the link to it.

Wix: Preventing a file from restoring by Windows Installer Service

We have a little situation here. We are writing an ini file at install-time using following code segment:
<Component Id="_CFG" Guid="{CADE766F-3AF0-40A6-9D35-12AC4FD5B278}" Feature="DefaultFeature" KeyPath="yes" Location="either" NeverOverwrite="yes">
<CreateFolder Directory="CFG" />
<Environment Id="SharedAppend" Name="Path" Value="[CommonFilesFolder]Company Shared\MyDir" Separator=";" Action="set" Part="last" Permanent="yes" System="yes" />
<IniFile Id="MyCFG.ini1" Action="addLine" Directory="CFG" Key="LOCAL_ROOT" Name="ata.ini" Section="ALIAS" Value="[CommonAppDataFolder]Company\MyDir" />
<IniFile Id="MyCFG.ini73" Action="addLine" Directory="CFG" Key="APPLICATIONS" Name="ata.ini" Section="GENERAL" Value="Product1;Product2;Product3;Product4;" />
<RegistryValue Id="Registry47asdf" Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\Company\MyProd" Name="LocalRoot" Value="[CommonAppDataFolder]Company\MyDir\" Type="string" />
This installation is conducted by an Admin user. Now a 2nd user (Standard) modify this file via some application. After that when a 3rd user would logged in and launch the application, Windows Installer Progress Dialog appear and that would restore the file to original one.
I thought, "NeverOverwrite" would prevent this, but it didn’t worked.
I’m assuming that "NeverOverwrite" attribute may not be applicable on element.
Anyone have any idea how to prevent this file from restoring by Windows installer service?
Thanks a bunch..
Modification of an ini file should not trigger Windows Installer Resiliency. What happens is that a component will be reinstalled when its keypath (i.e. a certain file or registry entry) disappears.
So you need to figure out these things:
Which component installs the INI file? (I suppose it is not the component you show in your question, because that one only modifies INI files.)
What is the keypath of that component? (If it is not marked explicitly, wix will take the first file or registry entry in that component.)
Why is the keypath file or registry entry disappearing, thus triggering the reinstallation of that component?
Also, you might want to consider putting the ini file in its own component. This way, it will be its own keypath and it will only be reinstalled by the windows installer resiliency mechanism when it actually disappeared (and not when some other file or registry entry disappears.)