IntelliJ Idea navigate class and search everywhere not pop up - intellij-idea

When I try to use the navigate class (cmd + o), navigate file (shift + cmd + o) or search everywhere (double shift) function in Idea, there's no window popup.
I've tried to open the window both from the menu and by shortcut, but neither works.
from menu
The Idea version is 2021.3.
Anyone knows the possible reason?


How to quickly jump to the class declaration line in IntelliJ?

Suppose a file which defines the Foo class.
The cursor is now on some line of The symbol under the cursor is not necessarily Foo).
How to quickly jump to the class declaration line (i.e., the line like public class Foo {) in Intellij?
Any shortcuts for this?
I use the ideavim plugin. Therefore, solutions relying on vim functionalities are OK.
On Mac you can do cmd + up arrow
(on Windows or Linux, I'm assuming it will be ctrl + up arrow)
This will select the current file in the breadcrumb (navigation bar) then hit enter and you'll be at the class declaration
You can look to which key combination this is mapped for you by looking in the keymaps for 'Jump to Navigation Bar'
From 2022.3.1 on Mac, cmd + up may not work for this case. it need you jump to a specific method.
Instead of cmd + up using navigation bar, cmd + F12 which show the file structure popup, then use left arrow to select class name if method is selected default, press enter and you'll be navigated to class declaration line.

Shortcut to Close Intellij File Tab

I love intellij's file tab but I can't seem to find a way to shortcut closing a tab similar to the behavior of ctrl + w in chrome. I can't find the option in the keymap editor. Am I missing something or is this not implemented?
I found this page but it doesn't include the action name. I would use ctrl + f4 but my window manager has that reserved and I would rather change it.
Open Settings by hitting Ctrl+Alt+S
Click: Keymap
Search for: Close
Under Main menu > Window > Editor Tabs, find Close.
Right-click and click Remove Ctrl+F4.
Right click and click Add Keyboard Shortcut
Add your new custom Keyboard Shortcut.
IntelliJ will tell you if the shortcut clashes with another shortcut performing a different action.
Alternatively, open/edit your Linux Window Manager Settings and remove the Ctrl+F4 mapping to allow other programs like IntelliJ to make use of it.
For PC-based keyboards, the shortcut to close tabs is CTRL + F4,
not to be confused with ALT+F4.
Current tab can be closed with:
Ctrl + F4
Works on Intellij Ultimate 2016.3
On mac OS, Intellij 2018.3 version, 'Command + W' does close the file tab.
As we can see in the image in this discussion:
Go in Settings >> Keymap >> Main menu >> Other >> [Close Active Editor] and change to Ctrl+W.
I'm on version 2020.1 and this has changed to Ctrl+4

Choose between open declaration/implementation on Ctrl + click in IntelliJ IDEA

IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 14
O.S.:: Windows 7
If I want to navigate to the declaration of a method I can choose one of the following approaches:
press Ctrl + left click
right click > Go To > Declaration
press Ctrl + B
If I want to navigate to the implementation of a method I can choose one of the following approaches:
press Ctrl + Alt + left click
right click > Go To > Implementation(s)
press Ctrl + Alt + B
In Eclipse, if I press Ctrl and the mouse is over a method, a popup appears and I can choose what to do (go to Implementation/Declaration). If I press "left click" ( Ctrl is still pressed ) the first option will be chosen.
How can I achieve the same / a similar behavior in IntelliJ IDEA ?
There is not a built-in option for this. You would need to configure a custom quick list to do such.
Open the Settings dialog and go to "Quick Lists" (It's under "Appearance & Behavior" in IDEA 14)
Click the add button to the right of the middle pane
Give your list a name
Click the add button to the right of the far right pane (where is reads "no actions")
Add the Go to Declaration action (Main Menu > Navigate > Go to Declaration)
Add the Go to Implementation(s) action (Main Menu > Navigate > Go to Implementation(s))
Click Apply
Go to Keymap in the settings
Under the "Quick List" node, find the Quick List you just created and map a short-cut (keyboard or mouse) to it. You can, of course, remap one of the shortcuts used by the Go to Declaration or the Go to Implementation(s) action
Click OK to close out of the settings and give it a try.
Note that in the quick list that opens, you will have numbers next to each action for quick selection.
Adding a screenshot of final quick list for additional clarity
I was looking for the same thing, because I was also used to it in Eclipse. Nevertheless, in 99% of the cases, I went to the implementation. If that's your case too, you may consider changing the Ctrl+click shortcut in IntelliJ:
Open File → Settings... → Keymap
Search for "implementation", and identify the item "Main menu → Navigate → Implementation(s)" in the list
Right-click the item and choose "Add Mouse Shortcut"
Add the Ctrl+click shortcut by making a Ctrl+left click on the window
When hitting the OK button, you have two choises :
Remove the existing shortcut (opening the declaration)
Leave the existing shortcut : In that case, when using then Ctrl+click, both the declaration and the implementation will be opened (at least when they are in different files)
I know this answer comes like 2 years too late, but hopefully it may help others?
EDIT : This shortcut also applies when you want to navigate to the declaration of a super class. Therefore, my "99%" first declared above drops a bit.
I've added the ctrl + right-click as a shortcut to go the declaration (which conflicts with no other shortcut - but you need a mouse with at least two buttons...).
If you select the method and hit Ctrl+T it will show the implementations of the methods. You can click on the options to navigate to that implemented method. Hope this helps.
On mac you can open the implementation(s) with command + option + click. Right -click on the method and check "go to" for the other options and shortcuts you might need.
My IntelliJ (2016.2) shows the declaration of a method (in a PHP interface) as one of the implementations in the implementation popup, so maybe you can do this all from the Implementations popup now.

Appcode shortcut key for "Scroll from source" ?

if you open a file in Appcode via a find or Shift + Cmd + O you don't see which folder that file is in in the project. in the project explorer there is a button on the top bar on the left that shows where the file is ( the icon looks like a cross - x ) called "scroll from source" if you hover over it.
Anyone know what the shortcut key for it is? it is not in the listed Appcode shortcuts
Unfortunately there isn't a single shortcut, but it can be done in two: Alt+F1, then Enter
Don't know the shortcut, but in project explorer, next to the icon you've mentioned, there is a settings ('gear') icon, where you have an option to 'Autoscroll from source'. Every time you open file using Shift+Cmd+O it will show in project explorer automatically. Handy.
Basically it's Alt+F1( + fn if needed) then Enter, which you can find in the AppCode settings keyboard mapping as "Select in..." and can rebind as in Xcode with Cmd + Shift + J

What is the Cloud9 keyboard shortcut for the terminal?

What is the cloud9 keyboard shortcut to move between the editor tab (#1) and the terminal console (#2)?
I am aware that I can open a terminal tab and switch to it using the keyboard, but I want to see both the editor and terminal in one view.
It is ALT + S on the current version of Cloud9
To make certain keyboard shortcut work on in Chrome, which would otherwise do something else like close tab or reload page, click the menu button of Chrome > More Tools > Create Application Shortcuts....
Now the IDE is an actual program and all the default browser shortcuts are disabled. Ctrl + W (Close tab) and Ctrl + Shift + Q (Close Chrome) and F5 (Refresh) and the likes can now be used as keyboard shortcuts :)
To add on #Kronenbourg's exact answer (which IMHO should be accepted) - as of May 2015:
Shift + Esc / Esc - Goto workspace (files tree) / Exit workspace (to the last place, Editor/Terminal)
ALT + S - switch between code and terminal
In conjunction with CMD + { / CMD + }, which navigate right/left in current context (Editor, terminal) tabs, you should be able to reach anywhere with the keyboard.
Also useful in the context is CMD + O to open file.
It's Shift+ESC on open source, but unfortunately this doesn't work on
I accidentally found out that ctrl+~ works to switch between terminal and editing window and then back. Maybe it's not the most convenient shortcut but it works.
This shortcut is listed in the top menu, under:
Window > Navigation