In the system I work with, there are multiple web apps and native apps. All of them uses a dedicated web app to authenticate a user. This dedicated auth-web-app invite the user to sign-in and transfer his credential (credential.toJSON() as message) to the caller app. Once the credential received, the caller app uses the credential (OAuthCredential.fromJSON(...)) to authenticate the user in its own process.
Here's a video that describe the case.
After the user has been authenticated once already, this central auth-web-app keeps him authenticated, auth.currentUser stays defined in this environment. So when another app opens the auth-web-app, this already has a user in it. And I don't find a way to retrieve or create an AuthCredential from the current user in order to transfer its authentication to the other app.
Is there a way to get a credential from the current user without asking him to sign in again?
I am building an SSO system for android where I am the identity provider. And I want users to sign in from my app that will automatically log them in to google workspace (or any other enterprise application e.g salesforce). I cannot figure out what and how to send identity values from my Idp to Google workspace.
This can't be done this way round. When a user signs in to your app she can't be automatically signed in to any other application. The options that you have are:
When a user signs in to your application you can ask Google for an access token. As part of your sign-in process, you can run an OAuth flow against Google Authorization Servers and ask for proper permissions. This will allow the user to additionally log in to their Google account, consent to release information to your app and you will then get an access token that will enable you to call Google's APIs. This way your users will have to log in twice (both to your app and to Google).
You can rely on Google to log users into your app. So, Google will be the OIDC Provider and your app will only be the client. People will log in to their Google account, and you will get an ID token in return. You can use the data from the ID token to create user accounts and sessions in your app.
In the first case, you will want to have a look at OAuth flows, like the code flow. In the latter, you will need OIDC flow, e.g. the OIDC code flow.
I'd like to implement SSO logins for users in my Firebase web app, but only for users that have an existing account. When I add e.g. the Microsoft provider in Firebase and implement the required UX flows in the web app, anyone with a Microsoft account is able to sign in using that, upon which a new user account is created (if they haven't signed in before). I'd like to restrict this to users that:
have registered previously with e.g. an email and password login method, and
have subsequently chosen to activate the SSO login method in the web app
Is there a recommended way to prevent the default behaviour in Firebase auth for SSO so that I can check for an existing account with the same email and its approved login methods before letting the user log in and/or create a new account?
There is no built-in way to do this in Firebase Authentication, as it makes no distinction between sign-up and sign-in for OAuth users.
The typical approach to implement this is to create a list of the allowed users somewhere that both your app and your server-side logic can find it (like in one of Firebase's databases), and then check against this so-called allowlist in both your client-side and server-side application code (and security rules) after the user signs in and before executing any other application logic for them.
In the application itself, you could show this as "unable to sign in" to the user, since (despite you calling the Firebase API and signing them in there) they have not completed the sign-in into your application itself.
I have a question more related to the way OAuth 2 is working but since using IdentityServer to implement OAuth I think it's relevant. I could not find an answer anywhere.
I'm building a website and a mobile app that consumes my own API. Each user of my app will have a username and password, that will give him access to the app/website and though the API to his information.
I'm not sure about the right way to handle the flow for user login:
On the website I have my own designed login form. I don't want to move the user to my auth server to login, and then have him approve the information he gives - he is the user on my system - I have access to all information - kida like facebook has a login and access to the informatio - they don't ask what you're willing to give them. So is implicit really the way for this?
On the mobile app I also have a login form and now I read here ( that the OAuth approach is to have the login in a WebView?? Doesn't look like facebook login is in a WebView on their mobile app.
The approach I was first lookin at is the Resource Owner. Users will login, get the token and the refresh token and can start working against my APIs. But storing my client_id and secret on the mobile app? on the website javascript files? doesn't feel right. I can of course make a call to an API that will mask those and be a proxy to the login process... but... (read #4).
In the future I would like to allow access for third-party developers. For them to allow login for users of my system I will use the implicit flow. Also, I plan for those developer accounts to have restricted API access (for example, the number of calls to the API will be limited by plan). What prevents those developers from asking for the username and password of their account on my system on their website, getting the response from my servers with the access token and refresh token, and using my API however they want, without restrictions, and having access to the entire user profile?
Lets say I'm sticking to the resource owner flow, receiving back from the server a token and a refresh token. What should I store on the mobile device and how? What should be stored in the browser and how? the refresh token? and each time he opens the app get a new updated token with that refresh token?
Just to clarify, because I find a lot of lectures and articles that explain the process from an API consumer point of view (ie. the third-party developer): I am the API owner and the auth server owner, I'm the owner of the user accounts (they are my users of my services), I'm also my own consumer (though the website and the mobile app), and in the future I want to enable third-party developers to allow my users to login with their accounts of my service (kinda like Facebook or Google)
You're correct that you shouldn't store the client_secret in your app, but I doubt you will get around storing the client_id. You could disable the consent screen for your app as well, and build a native login view. You need to store the access_token and the refresh_token on the device (maybe encrypted in a database) if you don't want the user to login everytime they use your app.
As for problem 4, you could do the following:
Embed the client_secret in your (web) app
Set up which hosts have access to your api on the IdentityServer
The IdentityServer generates a salt and sends it to the client
The client calculates a session_secret using hash(ip_address + session_salt)
The client uses the session_secret and the client_secret for the API call
Server validates the hash and client_secret
It's nearly impossible to completely prevent someone from using your API. But you should add various rate limiting methods, such as limiting IP addresses, API calls etc. But nothing will stop someone decompiling your app and accessing your client_id.
I am trying to get an access token using my dropbox username and password.
I don't want to go and generate it from there site, as mentioned in there help documents.
No, Dropbox API apps should use the OAuth app authorization flow to get an access token for the user, so that the app doesn't have to directly handle the user's credentials. You can find more information on this process here:
The method of generating it on the App Console that you mentioned only works for the owner of the app, but the OAuth app authorization flow can be used for any account.
Note that while this does require manual user intervention, it generally only needs to be done once per user. Once the app has an access token for a user, it can store and re-use the token for future API calls without further manual user intervention.
Dropbox API access tokens don't expire by themselves, though they can be manually revoked by the user.
I am creating an android app that has access to an online Database. The initial app activity screen is a login form where the users credential are validated. If the credentials are valid then the app continues to the next activity. I've looked at OPENID and a few others methods. How would I implement OPENID or a another form of user authentication for my app. I would ultimately like to have a third party take care of user authentication and credential storage.
Have you tried looking at OAuth?
OAuth Signpost is an android implementation of OAuth
Server side, you need to provide an OAuth ready API, if your server is PHP, take a look at