We are using Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS) to connect to Workday (WD) and retrieve the information via API.
We are trying to get the bank details for a specific set of employees via the Cash Management ---> GET_PAYMENT_ELECTION_ENROLLMENTS
However there is no REQUEST CRITERIA available for this for us to filter on say Nationality or City.
Is it possible to have a API code with request criteria for this operation.
There's not currently Request Criteria, so you would need to build a Report and make a REST call.
Does anyone know why is CorpPass Id a required field for "Update/Delete course run with sessions" API? Since this will be an NRIC, would it be a sensitive information to be used in the request body?
Referring to the API: https://developer.ssg-wsg.gov.sg/webapp/docs/product/6kYpfJEWVb7NyYVVHvUmHi/group/374zmR5D0tQeS87eA1hrLV/api/4i96CWAYWH6uGhkhGMZxHd/version/3egIPKn3WK27liSToemjDV
Based on the API page, I do not see where Corppass ID is being referenced. Do provide more details if you have a technical query for the API.
However, based on the description: API is only available to Corppass users - and if you are able to subscribe to it then you are a Corporate Developer. For this query, it would be more appropriate if you can reach out to their servicedesk for details instead: https://developer.ssg-wsg.gov.sg/webapp/faq?anchor=WhoCanIContactIfIHaveQuestionsAboutTheseAPIs
Is there any way to get source info from Google Analytics for specific Client ID by API?
Like I can get it using GUI in GA - https://prnt.sc/rdfpo6
PS. Found needed info - https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/v4/rest/v4/userActivity/search
The Client ID isn't exposed via the API (same with the User ID), so instead you want to record the Client ID as a custom dimension:
And then you can query it via the API using ga:dimensionXX where XX is the dimension index:
This may look a dumb question to you. However, I am looking for a way to fetch API Connect internal data i.e. number of invocations of APIs exposed via API Connect , by which client etc. I know, there are individual dashboard/chart within API Connect. But, I want to build a explicit tool to monitor the same leveraging API Connect data.
is it at all possible ?
Thanks in advance
See the KC at https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSMNED_5.0.0/com.ibm.apic.apionprem.doc/rapim_analytics_apieventrecordfields.html which will explain how to get the info you want.
To obtain analytics data for a Catalog and API provider organization, issue the following call:
GET /v1/orgs/{orgId}/environments/{envId}/events
{orgId} is either the URL path segment or the ID of the API provider organization.
{envId} is either the URL path segment or the ID of the Catalog.
The following example shows a call that is issued from a browser and then shows all the event fields in the corresponding response. The call is issued to return two analytics events (limit=2), and includes a next parameter for requesting further events.
I have an analytics app where people can plug their NetSuite account. Ideally, I would also retrieve some meta-data about the NetSuite account itself (ex: company name, etc) to make the analytics results more readable.
Does the NetSuite SuiteTalk SOAP API offers the possibility to retrieve meta-data about the NetSuite account itself?
Yes, you can get most of the company information using Configuration APIs
var companyinfo = nlapiLoadConfiguration('companyinformation');
var companyName = companyInfo.getFieldValue('companyname');
For a list of complete available fields please read "Preference Names and IDs"
Since, in SuiteTalk API, there is no specific API to fetch company information. I would recommend to write a RESTlet using above code and then access it via HTTPS in your Analytics application. If your application has to support multiple NetSuite account you may want to bundle your RESTlet.
In case someone needed to get the Company name, took me days to figure out so im sharing. You can use the token information endpoint defined here https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/netsuite/ns-online-help/chapter_157017286140.html
Calling a token endpoint to obtain user information based on a token
The tokeninfo endpoint returns information about a user based on the access token. The endpoint is https://{accountID}.restlets.api.netsuite.com/rest/tokeninfo, where is a variable for the company’s account ID. A response to a GET request contains data in JSON format, including information such as: Company Name, Company ID (account ID), Role Name, Role ID, Entity ID
NetSuite provides a Roles service that contains some very limited metadata about the account (Name and ID). See the Help Document titled "Using the REST roles Service to Get User Accounts, Roles, and Domains".
I recently signed-up for 30-days Yodlee developer trial.
I am trying to pull the financial data using Yodlee REST APIs. After adding a bank account (for bank B1: site in Yodlee's terminology), I could pull the data using executeUserSearchRequest​ API. However, after that, I added another account (for bank B2), and when I pulled the data, it fetched data ONLY from B2's account and not from B1's account. It seemed like, executeUserSearchRequest​ API is pulling the data from the most recent account. My goal is to pull the data from all added sites.
Any help would be appreciated?
If you need to pull the data from all added accounts, you do not need to pass any account id in the API and it will automatically pull all the data from the integrated accounts. So please make sure that you do not pass any value for transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.itemAccountId.identifier parameter.
Please refer to the Yoodle API documentation for further details.