EditText Number Formatting (ex: 123.456,23) Kotlin - kotlin

I need to format my EditText in real time with the format (###.###,##) i tried everything i could find and nothing seems to work for my case
example 1: if a user input '23' the result should be '0.23'
example 2: if a user input '11123456' the result should be '111.234,56'

You can make use of the TextWatcher interface for this. The afterTextChanged callback will fire whenever the contents of the EditText are modified, and you can make further modifications yourself within this callback (taking care to avoid recursive entry).
Something like this should get you close, at least:
class NumericFormattingTextWatcher : TextWatcher {
private val formatter = NumberFormat.getInstance()
private var skipNextChange = false
override fun afterTextChanged(content: Editable) {
if (skipNextChange) return
skipNextChange = true
val formatted = formatter.format(content.toString())
content.replace(0, content.length(), formatted, 0, formatted.length())
skipNextChange = false
override fun beforeTextChanged(s: CharSequence, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) {}
override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) {}
Then add this on your EditText:
You'll also want to handle invalid input when formatting (e.g. if the user enters "").


How to pass a variable from main function to another function and modify it? (Kotlin)

I am aware that an argument passed to a function will be seen as "val", even if the variable was initialized as "var". But this has been a problem for me. In this example code below, I want to modify the value of variable "num" by using the function "changeNum". But of course, Kotlin won't allow me to modify it. How do I get around this? How can I use the function "changeNum" to modify the variable "num"?
fun main() {
var num: Int = 5
fun changeNum(num: Int){
num += 2
Kotlin is pass-by-value, so you can't do that directly with primitive types like Int.
The usual approach is to just return a new value instead of modifying what you receive as argument (a functional approach). It makes it clearer from the calling code's perspective:
fun main() {
var num: Int = 5
num = changeNum(num)
fun changeNum(num: Int): Int {
val newValue = num + 2
return newValue
If you really want to mutate the variable instead of returning a new value, here are 2 approaches I'm thinking of to do this:
put all the code operating on this value into a class, and make the local variable a property of that class (this is the OO approach)
put this primitive variable into a class, and pass an instance of that class
Option 1 would look like this:
class SomeClass(var num: Int) {
fun changeNum() {
num += 2
fun main() {
val container = SomeClass(5)
Option 2 would look like this:
class SomeMutableContainer(var num: Int)
fun main() {
val container = SomeMutableContainer(5)
fun changeNum(container: SomeMutableContainer) {
container.num += 2
It's possible to do this in Kotlin with a property
import kotlin.reflect.KMutableProperty0
var num = 1
fun main() {
fun changeNum(numProperty: KMutableProperty0<Int>) {
>> 1
>> 12345
A KMutableProperty0 represents a basic var, so you can pass in a property reference using the ::num syntax (same as how you'd pass a function reference). That way, instead of passing the current value, you're providing the function with a reference to the property itself, and then you can call set on it.
But the question is, do you really want to do this? Or are you overcomplicating something that should be done in a more simple way, or a more readable one? You can't actually do this with a variable, like you're trying to do inside fun main(), only properties on an object (top-level vars, basically) - but even if you could, why wouldn't you just do this instead?
fun main() {
var num: Int = 5
num = changeNum(num) // this would need renaming but y'know
it's still a one-line call, your changeNum function can still have side effects, do validation etc, it just returns the result instead of setting it as a side effect. This is a lot easier to follow, especially when it's the usual way of setting a value on a thing.
If you really want to use references, but making them top-level in your class is messy, then maybe consider creating a state object instead:
import kotlin.reflect.KMutableProperty0
data class AllThemNums(var num1 :Int = 1, var num2: Int = 9999)
fun main() {
val nums = AllThemNums(num1 = 5)
fun changeNum(numProperty: KMutableProperty0<Int>) {
numProperty.set(numProperty.get() + 2)
>> AllThemNums(num1=7, num2=9999)
you could even put the changeNum function inside the data class!
Im my project, I've defined a generic type for enclosing all scalar types, both primitives and user-defined.
data class pTp<T>(var v: T)
So I can create
fun PercAcumNorm(percAcum:pTp<Double>, perc:pTp<Double>,
valor:Double, Soma:Double)
perc.v = valor/soma
parcAcum.v += perc.v
Then one just needs to call
var pAcum:pTp<Double> = pTp(0.40)
var p = 0
var valor = 5
var soma = 100
percCalc(pAcum, p, soma, valor)
println(pAcum.v) // it prints 0.45
It's not the cleanest solution, but it's what can be done without using Kotlin's built-in features, which may be modified in the future.

Observe and respond to changes in elements of an array

I'm experimenting with Jetpack Compose and am trying to make a Canvas with a number of rectangles, each of which is filled or not depending on the value of a Bool at a corresponding index of an array. When an element of that array changes, the Canvas should redraw.
I've discovered I can't simply make a LiveData array of Booleans, or a list, since for that to work the entire object needs to be recreated each time for setValue to trigger and be observed. So I've made an array of LiveData booleans in a view model;
class StripeModel : ViewModel() {
private val _values = Array<MutableLiveData<Boolean>>(50) { MutableLiveData(false) }
val values = Array<LiveData<Boolean>>(50) {i->_values[i]}
fun onValueChanged(index: Int, newVal: Boolean)
_values[index].value = newVal;
If I pass that view model to my test function, I can look at a particular member of it in a way that causes the canvas to recompose on change using something like
val state by model.values[5].observeAsState();
This would be fine if I had a different canvas for each element, but I don't. So I want my single canvas to be looking at all of them, and refresh if any change. The sensible way to do this without explicitly declaring a state variable for each member seemed to be to create an array of states, and the way I came up with to do that was
val states = Array<State<Boolean?>>(20){ i->model.values[i].observeAsState()}
However, this flags an error because observeAsState needs to be in a function marked #Composable. The outer function itself is, but it seems that's not inherited by the lambda. And if I try and mark the lambda as #Composable then it makes Android Studio very unhappy and tells me to report it as a bug. Doesn't crash the environment but I can't compile it.
The reason I have a strong desire to do this in a single canvas is because I want to be able to click a single item to change its value, or drag across a number of items to change a number of them all at once. That seems like it should be a lot more efficient by handling all the coordinates within one widget rather than having 50 separate widgets and trying to figure out which is at the present location during the drag.
So, how can I make my composable function observe n array elements without explicitly writing n lines that create n variables?
Following a few days away I've worked through some of the suggestions people have given.
#cactustictacs suggested the simple approach of making the LiveData array of Booleans. I hadn't actually tried this. Something I'd read made me think it wouldn't work so I tried going more complicated. However, I can't get it to work.
I've simplified the code so it's postable, minus imports.
class StripeModel : ViewModel() {
private val _values = MutableLiveData<Array<Boolean>>(Array<Boolean>(20) {false});
val values: LiveData<Array<Boolean>> = _values;
fun onValueChanged(index: Int, newVal: Boolean)
_values.value?.set(index, newVal);
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
private val stripeModel by viewModels<StripeModel>();
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
fun TestCanvas(model : StripeModel)
val state by model.values.observeAsState();
.pointerInput(Unit) {
onPress = { it -> model.onValueChanged(5, !state?.get(5)!!) }
val offset = Offset(100f,100f);
val size = Size(200f,200f);
if (state?.get(5) == true) {
brush = SolidColor(Color.Blue),
size = size,
topLeft = offset
brush = SolidColor(Color.White),
size = size,
topLeft = offset,
style = Stroke(width = 10f)
So there's an arbitrary 20 elements of which I'm just looking at index 5. By changing the initialiser I can see that the value is being read on draw. In the debugger I can see that a tap on the screen fires onValueChanged which changes the stored value. However that doesn't cause TestCanvas to recompose.
#chuckj suggested using a mutableStateListOf<MutableState>. If I change my view model to
class StripeModel : ViewModel() {
val values = mutableStateListOf<MutableState<Boolean>>()
init {
for (i in 0..20)
var s = mutableStateOf<Boolean>(false);
fun onValueChanged(index: Int, newVal: Boolean)
values[index] = mutableStateOf<Boolean>(newVal);
and I look at it using
val state = model.values;
the behaviour is the same- no display update on tap.
#Robert Nagy suggested a LiveData<List>. So I created the ViewModel as
class StripeModel : ViewModel() {
private val _values : MutableList<Boolean> = Array<Boolean>(20) {false}.toMutableList();
val values = mutableStateOf(_values);
fun onValueChanged(index: Int, newVal: Boolean)
values = values;
and look at it using
val state by model.values;
Here, it won't build if I include the line values = values. Otherwise, though it builds and runs, it still doesn't cause a recompose.
I've not pasted the whole of the code each time, but it's my understanding that by setting that 'state' value at the start of the composable, any change will trigger a re-run of that function from the start, so only that line is relevant?
So, thanks to those who've commented. Is there something I'm doing wrong that this edit's made apparent?
LiveData<List<T>> Should definitely work.
An example, Screens with lists are commonly modified with:
fun removeLastItem(){
_items.value = _items.value.dropLast(1)
I suspect something is off at the subscriber/observer.

How to write custom chaining

I want to create custom chainig to prevent some repetition.
I am a bit unclear on how to define it
I have a lot of :
someLiveData.observe(this) { objectWithTextAndVisibility->
textView.text = objectWithTextAndVisibility.text
textView.visibility = objectWithTextAndVisibility.visibility
i want to write something that will look as follows
and it will do the same thing
is there a way to define this ?
If I understood your question correctly, a generic structure like this may achieve what you want to do:
infix fun <T> LiveData<T>.observe(owner: LifecycleOwner) = LiveDataHolder(this, owner)
class LiveDataHolder<T>(val liveData: LiveData<T>, val owner: LifecycleOwner)
infix fun <T, S> LiveDataHolder<T>.bind(subject: S) = LiveDataBinder(this, subject)
class LiveDataBinder<T, S>(val liveDataHolder: LiveDataHolder<T>, val subject: S)
infix fun <T : VisibilityCarrier> LiveDataBinder<T, TextView>.on(textSelector: (T) -> String) {
liveDataHolder.liveData.observe(liveDataHolder.owner) {
subject.text = textSelector(it)
subject.visibility = it.visibility
interface VisibilityCarrier {
val visibility: Int
This should give you good flexibility and prevent a lot of repetition, however at the cost of adding some obscurity to your code base, and not conveying what it does right alway.
Additional and different behaviors can be added by implementing new LiveDataBinder extension functions, like the on function, even for different kinds of objects and expected interfaces (instead of only this combination of TextView and VisibilityCarrier, even by maintaining the on name) and so on.
The use style can vary a lot with this, being like the ones below (considering Data implements VisibilityCarrier interface and provides a text String property):
liveData.observe(this).bind(textView).on { it.text }
liveData.observe(this) bind textView on { it.text }
liveData.observe(this) bind textView on Data::text
This on implementation also allows for defining which property to use as text and different classes as well, like so:
UPDATE: After reading the explanation in the comments I think I got it, and believe this should address the point (where Data contains text and visibility properties):
infix fun <T : Data, S : View> LiveDataBinder<T, out S>.on(textProperty: KMutableProperty1<S, in String>) {
liveDataHolder.liveData.observe(liveDataHolder.owner) {
textProperty.set(subject, it.text)
subject.visibility = it.visibility
In the case of TextView and other Java defined classes, compiler will complain about synthetic access, and this problem could be addressed like in the following snippet (Kotlin views should be fine without this kind of workaround):
var TextView.text_: CharSequence
get() = text
set(value) { text = value }
And the usage would be like:
UPDATE 2: A better approach as suggested by Tenfour04 (thanks). The following will avoid the synthetic property access compiler error:
infix fun <T : Data, S : View> LiveDataBinder<T, S>.on(textProperty: S.(String) -> Unit) {
liveDataHolder.liveData.observe(liveDataHolder.owner) {
subject.visibility = it.visibility
And the usage would be like (without needing the text_ property extension):
After reading your comments on the other answer, I think I see what you're trying to do.
If I'm correct, you want to use the builder pattern to first bind something that is set (a setter), and then specify a getter/mapper of the data type to get some sub-data type that is applied with that setter.
So you can set up a couple of intermediate classes to do it like this:
fun <T> LiveData<T>.observe(owner: LifecycleOwner) = BindableObserver<T>().also { observe(owner, it) }
class BindableObserver<D>: Observer<D> {
private var boundSetter: BoundSetter<D, *>? = null
fun <S> bind(setter: (S)->Unit) = BoundSetter<D, S>(setter).also { boundSetter = it }
override fun onChanged(t: D) {
class BoundSetter<D, S>(private val setter: (S)->Unit) {
private var dataGetter: ((D)->S)? = null
fun on(getter: (D)->S) {
dataGetter = getter
fun execute(newValue: D) {
val subData = dataGetter?.invoke(newValue) ?: return
You can't simply pass a TextView to bind, because Kotlin won't know which property of TextView to set, so you pass the property using property syntax (::). Unfortunately, TextView has a bunch of setText() overloads, so you have to specify the input type as well.
Usage syntax would be like this:
To avoid the need for specifying which function of a TextView to bind, you could add a helper function:
fun <D> BindableObserver<D>.bind(textView: TextView) = bind<String>(textView::setText)
and then usage would be closer to what you suggested:
You could also use lambda syntax:
.on { it.text }

How do I use an enum within a kotlin data class

I have this model
data class HourlyModel(
val time: String,
#DrawableRes val image: Int,
val temp: Double
I realized that the server will provide me with weather codes which translate to the icon that will be displayed. I think if I pull the #DrawableRes into an enum, it maybe better because I have a model for Today's Weather and WeeklyWeather forecasts.
All 3 models will be using the same weather codes.
I am new to Kotlin but I think if I have an enum class, I should be able to somehow use this within each model
enum class WeatherTypes (
val weatherCode: Int,
#DrawableRes val drawable: Int
) {
SUNNY(0, R.drawable.sunny_t),
companion object {
fun weatherToImage(weatherCode: Int) = when(weatherCode) {
0 -> SUNNY
1 -> RAIN
else -> SUNNY
Can someone help me out and tell me what I should do to my model to use this enum class to replace the #DrawableRes? if I can't then what is the best option for me?
I'll assume you have different models for different layers. Let's say you have a data class for the data you receive from the server.
data class HourlyDto(
val time: String,
val weatherCode: Int,
val temp: Double,
Your domain model will be something like so:
data class HourlyModel(
val time: String,
val weatherType: WeatherType,
val temp: Double,
I've refactored your enum class:
enum class WeatherType(
#DrawableRes val imageResId: Int,
) {
companion object {
fun from(weatherCode: Int): WeatherType {
return WeatherType.values()[weatherCode]
Now, you can map your remote model to your domain model. Let's create an extension function for doing that( for the sake of example. You may be doing it another way )
fun HourlyDto.mapToModel(): HourlyModel {
return HourlyModel(
Finally, you can use you can get your drawable resource-id like so:
val hourlyWeather: HourlyModel = ...
Note: This answers the question of how to use the enum in your model class, but I guess to solve this specific issue you could use original model(with drawable resource-id) and then create a helper function that takes in weathercode and returns the drawable resource-id and reuse that wherever required.

Android ROOM, insert won't return ID with first insert, but will return with 2nd insert onwards

School project and I'm pretty new to Android development.
The problem
I have a button with a onClick listener in a save person fragment which will save person data to the database. Everything works fine except for some reason with the first click it wont return me the inserted row ID but it will do so with 2nd click onwards.
I really need this ID in before proceeding to the next fragment.
Not sure if this is important but whenever I return (reload) to this save person fragment, the behaviour is always the same that the first click allways fails to capture the inserted row ID.
input data:
first name = John
last name = Smith
Just for demo purpose, if I will try to use this button 3x to insert the person data (returned insert ID is in the log), I will get all 3 rows in database with name John Smith, but the very first inserted row ID is not captured (default initialised value is 0), please see the log below:
2020-10-19 12:49:20.320 25927-25927/ee.taltech.mobile.contacts D/TEST_ADD_PERSON_ID: insertedPersonId: 0
2020-10-19 12:49:40.153 25927-25927/ee.taltech.mobile.contacts D/TEST_ADD_PERSON_ID: insertedPersonId: 5
2020-10-19 12:49:40.928 25927-25927/ee.taltech.mobile.contacts D/TEST_ADD_PERSON_ID: insertedPersonId: 6
As suggested in the comments, I'm trying to go about the way of using LiveData and observer, but I'm still little bit stuck.
The setup
The below is the current setup.
#Entity(tableName = "person")
data class Person(
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
val id: Int,
interface PersonDao {
#Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
suspend fun addPerson(person: Person): Long
class PersonRepository(private val personDao: PersonDao) {
val readAllPersonData: LiveData<List<Person>> = personDao.readAllPersonData()
suspend fun addPerson(person: Person): Long {
return personDao.addPerson(person)
I'm not sure if I'm doing things right at all here. I broke it down here in steps and created separate variables insertedPersonILiveData and insertedPersonId.
How could pass the returned row id to insertedPersonILiveData?
class PersonViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application) {
var insertedPersonILiveData: LiveData<Long> = MutableLiveData<Long>()
var insertedPersonId: Long = 0L
val readAllPersonData: LiveData<List<Person>>
private val repository: PersonRepository
init {
val personDao = ContactDatabase.getDatabase(application).personDao()
repository = PersonRepository(personDao)
readAllPersonData = repository.readAllPersonData
suspend fun addPerson(person: Person) = viewModelScope.launch {
insertedPersonId = repository.addPerson(person)
// ****************************************************************
// insertedPersonILiveData = insertedPersonId (what to do here) ???
// ****************************************************************
Save person fragment
This is the way I'm calling out the addPerson via modelView.
val person = Person(0, firstName, lastName)
lifecycleScope.launch {
Log.d("TEST_ADD_PERSON_ID","insertedPersonId: ${personViewModel.insertedPersonId}")
And this is the way I have done the observer (not sure if it's even correct).
val returnedIdListener: LiveData<Long> = personViewModel.insertedPersonILiveData
returnedIdListener.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer<Long> { id: Long ->
private fun goToAddContactFragment(id: Long) {
Log.d("TEST_ADD_PERSON_ID", "id: " + id)
Create database
entities = [Person::class, Contact::class, ContactType::class],
views = [ContactDetails::class],
version = 1,
exportSchema = false
abstract class ContactDatabase : RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun personDao(): PersonDao
abstract fun contactTypeDao(): ContactTypeDao
abstract fun contactDao(): ContactDao
abstract fun contactDetailsDao(): ContactDetailsDao
companion object {
// For Singleton instantiation
private var instance: ContactDatabase? = null
fun getDatabase(context: Context): ContactDatabase {
return instance ?: synchronized(this) {
instance ?: buildDatabase(context).also { instance = it }
private fun buildDatabase(context: Context): ContactDatabase {
return Room.databaseBuilder(context, ContactDatabase::class.java, "contacts_database")
object : RoomDatabase.Callback() {
override fun onCreate(db: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {
val request = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<SeedDatabaseWorker>().build()
You're starting a coroutine to run addPerson, and then immediately calling Log with the current value of insertedPersonId in the viewmodel. The coroutine will run, insert the person, and update the VM with the ID of the inserted row, but that will happen long after your Log has run. Probably all of your results are actually the ID of the last record that was inserted.
I'm new to a lot of this too, but just based on what you have now, I think you just need to add
insertedPersonILiveData.value = insertedPersonId
in your addPerson function. That way you're updating that LiveData with a new value, which will be pushed to any valid observers. You've written some code that's observing that LiveData instance, so it should get the update when you set it.
edit your problem is that insertedPersonILiveData is the immutable LiveData type, so you can't set the value on it - it's read-only. You're creating a MutableLiveData object but you're exposing it as a LiveData type.
The recommended pattern for this is to create the mutable one as an internal object, expose a reference to it as an immutable type, and create a setter method that changes the value through the mutable reference (which it can access internally)
class myViewModel : ViewModel() {
// mutable version is private, all updates go through the setter function
// (the _ prefix is a convention for "private versions" of data fields)
private val _lastInsertedPersonId = MutableLiveData<Long>()
// we're making the instance accessible (for observing etc), but as
// the immutable LiveData supertype that doesn't allow setting values
val lastInsertedPersonId: LiveData<Long> = _lastInsertedPersonId
// setting the value on the MutableLiveData instance
// is done through this public function
fun setLastInsertedPersonId(id: Long) {
_lastInsertedPersonId.value = id
and then your observer would just call lastInsertedPersonId.observe, you don't need to copy the LiveData and observe that (like you're doing with returnedIdListener.
That's the basic pattern right there - internal MutableLiveData, exposed publicly as an immutable LiveData val, with a setter method to update the value. Everything outside the view model either observes the LiveData that's visible, or calls the setter method to update. Hope that makes sense! It's not that complicated once you get your head around what's basically going on