vue-filepond, remove all files in vue3 composition API - vue.js

i use 'Vue-Filepond' to upload simple file.
to remove all files after file upload,
i want access the Filepond object and use 'removeFiles' method.
but cant access filepond object
(using ref)
Other examples say to use
but cannot use 'this.$ref' When using 'script setup'
How should I acess it?
attach a part of the source code.
label-idle="Drop files here..."
<script setup lang="ts">
const FilePond = vueFilePond(FilePondPluginFileValidateType);
const pond = ref<HTMLDivElement | null>(null);
const remove = () => {
pond.value.pond.removeFiles() // can't access filepond object

Try doing this. I'm also developing a project using filepond.
Also if you're using typescript just like I do. Try importing filepond type like this :
import type { FilePond } from 'filepond'
Inside script setup tag:
const FilePondComponent = vueFilePond(FilePondPluginFileValidateType);
const pond = ref<FilePond | null>(null);
Using filepond component


Fetch data from local JSON file with Nuxt Pinia

Is it possible to fetch a local .json. file using fetch()? I originally used the import method but the site's data doesn't get updated unless the page gets reloaded.
I tried doing this but it's not working:
export const useCharactersStore = defineStore("characters", {
state: () => ({
characters: [],
getters: {
getCharacters: (state) => {
return state.characters;
actions: {
fetchCharacters() {
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => {
this.characters = data.characters;
import { useCharactersStore } from "~/stores/characters";
const store = useCharactersStore();
onMounted(() => {
Any help would be appreciated.
maybe a bit late but I have encountered the same problem migration from Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3.
I'm certainly no expert on this, so if anyone finds a better way or if I'm totally wrong please let me know !
Whenever you import a json file in vue code they are imported as a module, that get's embedded within the code compilation on build (Vue Docs). Tu use json as a external file you need to place your json within the /public directory and use axios or fetch to load the file with a lifecyle hook.
This could be mounted() for options api or beforeMount()/onMounted() with composition api.
However some important annotations for this method.
If the json file you want to use in your app is not reactive, i.e. won't change, you should place this in the static folder of the nuxt app.
In your example you fetch '../data/...', this would imply the server knows the domain to look for. It can't call the route like this, you would have to give the full url if you put your json file in the static folder.
Set the baseUrl in the of your nuxt.config.ts, see docs for specifications.
Then you can access the static folder with your .env variables
--> $fe
Then in you data script you can access your json file
async getJson(some parameters){
const data = $fetch('your domain with the runtimeConfig composable').then((data)=>{ console.log(data)});
Sidenote you can also load the file from the server-side using fs.readFile
read more about this in this awesome post here

How do I access this.$vuetify using Composition API in Vue 2?

I'm trying to read and change the value of this.$vuetify.dark using composition API in Vue 2 + Vuetify 2. Now that this.myGlobalOption is no longer accessible in composition API, how do I do this? I'm gonna need to do this both from within the template and from outside.
You can make a helper function(composable?) like this:
import { getCurrentInstance } from 'vue';
export const useVuetify = () => {
const vm = getCurrentInstance();
return vm.proxy?.$vuetify || undefined;
Then in your component you can get access to vuetify instance via:
const vuetify = useVuetify();

import js file inside .vue component loaded using httpVueLoader

i want to not use webpak form my vue devlopement,
so there is 2 alternative
writting components as .js file or
writing them as .vue file and use httpVueLaoder to load component as if they are .js file
with httpvueLoader think go grate untile the time i want to use an API inside my component
ther i can not get the API
i have a Home.vue componet inside ther is a FormLot.vue component in witchi try to import API.js
let FormLot = window.httpVueLoader('./frontEnd/page/lot/FormLot.vue')
module.exports = {
components: {FormLot:FormLot},
in FormLot.vue
// _END_ is the absolut path to the site , soi can change it later
let API = import(_END_+'/api/api.js') // dont work return promise
import API from './frontEnd/api/api.js' // dont work componnet dont show at all :(
let FormLotE1 = window.httpVueLoader(_END_+'/page/lot/FormLotE1.vue')
module.exports ={
module.exports ={
export default {
with API.js i tryed export default and module.export bothe dont work
when using webpack API.js got been normaly imported and work fine
when using import API from path httpVueLaoder dont work
so i tried to do
const API= import(path)
problem witch that ,API is promise ,wich can notbe used :(
using await dontsolve the problem even when using
const API = (async ()=> await import(path))()
my solution still to call import using await but not in the top of the script
i call it in the mounted() function
async mounted(){
API = (await import(_END_+'/api/api.js')).default
note that you must use .default because import return a module :)
enter code here

vue - moving child component code to another file

I have a subcomponent within a file, and I want to extract it out of the file and into another file.
I'm just using vue (not cli) and php, and I don't have access to ES6, so I can't use those import statements.
const form = {
/* lots of code */
If you are using require.js you can just import it from the new file
const subForm = require('path/to/new/file);
const form = {
components { subForm };
If not, you can create the component in a new file and registered in the global Vue instance.
Vue.component('subForm', {
/* lots of code */
This will work assuming that you import the file into your HTML using a bundler or something like gulp. And that Vue is globally included in the DOM either through a script tag linking to a CDN or through whatever you are using to bundle the application.

Use Facebook Instant Games CDN in Vue project - Webpack

I want to make a Facebook Instant game with Vue. But facebook just has a cdn for the js file.
<script src=""></script>
If I import the cdn in index file I still cannot use it in the components. Vue shows undefined error.
I tried to import it in index.js just after body tag and initialize it to a window variable.
But that does not seem to work too.
window.onload = function() {
window._FBInstant = FBInstant;
.then(function() {
// Start loading game assets here
FBInstant.startGameAsync().then(function() {
you can store the FB instance on a data property in the created or any other hook
data: () => ({ FBInstance: null}),
created() {
this.FBInstance = window._FBInstant
and if you want to use it globally, you can do the same trick inside a mixin
data: () => ({ FBInstance: null}),
created() {
this.FBInstance = window._FBInstant
Insert the Facebook Instant Game CDN script tag just after <body> tag.
Don't use cdn or direct <script> include for importing vuejs in your project.
Download the vuejs production version and save it in the project folder and compress (bundle) it along with other game files in the zip during the uploading in web hosting.
after fb cdn, include the <script src="js/vue.js"></script> from the files.
This way you can use facebook sdk as well as vuejs in the instant games.