Cant use callkeep in react native expo project - react-native

I'm trying to use callkeep ( but when I import it into my project I get the following error: 'new NativeEventEmitter()' requires a non-null argument. Is there a way to fix this? thank you.


Using SASS in React Native

I'm trying to find a way to implement SASS in my react native project. All I found is this package react-native-sass-transformer, but it doesn't seem to work on my end. Tried looking for other way but all I see is approach in React instead. Does anyone know another way into implementing SASS in a react native cli project? Thank you!
I bet you're trying to use react native sass transformer with .tsx (typescript implementation), if it's the case, you just need to :
import styles from './app.scss';
And then it should work.
You can also use: to handle types (I didn't tried yet, but I'll !)
Good luck!

How can solve this? trying to create my first react native app and i got the following errors

[How can solve this? trying to create my first react native app and i got the following errors
this is what i got]
the link to the image

How to change device wallpaper with react native (in 2021)

I am trying to build an app which can change the wallpaper.. I tried using react-native-manage-wallpaper to do the same; but I am getting this error:
TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating '_reactNative.NativeModules.WallPaperManager.setWallpaper')
I have explained this problem here in detail:
I am getting an error while using manage-wallpaper library in react native
I have also tried solutions described here and here
But I haven't yet got any useful solution anywhere...Is there a way to do the same task using any other library?

Navigator issue in App.js file -- React Native

When i am trying to configure components with AppNavigator getting parsing error semicolon missing.
React Native Navigation-V3.11.1
But i have checked, i did everything correct as per my vision.
Please give me the solution for this.
Thanks in advance..!
Create a . jshintrc in the root and write the code below in it:
"asi" : true

ToastAndroid showWithGravity Error

Following the document, I am including a toast in my projects:
import {ToastAndroid} from react-native
ToastAndroid.showWithGravity('A toast with gravity',ToastAndroid.SHORT,ToastAndroid.TOP);
But I got an error:
However, if I replace it with another function, it works:'A toast without gravity',ToastAndroid.SHORT);
I am using React Native 0.30.0
Is it a bug or I made the wrong way to use it.
ToastAndroid.showWithGravity(...) was implemented in ReactNative 0.31.0, upgrade your RN version.
First implemented here: v0.31.0-stable branch.