Pandas Date Time - pandas

This is the data recording reported by sensor and its being updated in every 20mins
Sensor Reading
In this case, I would like to find out the outage time period. Anyone can suggest on how to find the outage time. Like in the picture shown above that the down time occurs at 40 minutes long.


Get the most recent time series message from Time Series Insights

Is there an TSI-Endpoint that provides the most recent message of a time series that arrived from e.g. an iot-hub? In my current situation I have to poll a certain period of time (for example now to 30 seconds in the past) and I wonder if there is a better way to do this?
Unfortunately there is no endpoint that lets you query only the last event. You can use GetEvents and query over the last 30 seconds, like you said, or peek the last message from the Event Hub/IoT Hub.

Select Data between current time - 15 mins and current time in SQL

I am looking to pull data between two time periods at only 15 to 30 mins apart. I want to be able to rerun the code multiple times to constantly update the data I had already pulled. I know there is a function for current system time but I am unable to use it effectively in SQL developer.
I have tried using the function CURRENT_TIMESTAMP but could not get it to work effectively.
Currently i am using the following code and just pulling over a broad time frame, but i would like to shrink that down to 15 to 30 minute intervals that could be used to continue to pull updated data.
I expect to be able to pull current data within 15 to 30 minute segments of time.

Has Google just changed their historical stock price interface (again)?

For years I've been using webpage requests like the following to retrieve 20 days at a time of minutewise stock data from Google:,c,h,l,o,v
= Retrieve for .INX (S&P 500 index) 60-second interval data for the last 20 days, with format Datetime(in Unix format), Close, High, Low, Open, Volume.
The Datetime is in Unix format (seconds since 1/1/1970, prefixed with an "A") for the first entry of each day, and subsequent entries show the intervals that have passed (so 1 = 60 seconds after the opening of the market that day).
That worked up until 9/10/2017, but today (9/17) it only returns day-end data (it even reports the "interval" between samples as 86400). Pooey! I can get that anywhere, in bulk.
But if I ask for fewer days, or broader intervals, it seems to return data - but weird data. Asking for data every 120 seconds returns exactly that - but only for every other market day. Weird!
Has anyone got a clue what might have happened?
Whoa! I think I figured it out.
Google still returns minutewise data for the same approximate limitations (up to 20 calendar days), but instead of d=10 returning all the market data for the last 10 calendar days, it return the data for the last 10 market days. Previously, to get the last 10 market days you would ask for d=14 (M-Fx2, plus two weekends). Now, Google interprets the d variable as market days, and asking for d=20 exceeds the limits on what they will deliver.
It now appears that d=15 is the limit (three weeks of market days). No clue on why I got the very weird every-other-day data for a while... but maybe if you exceed their d-limits the intervals get screwy. Dunno. Don't care. Easy fix.

How to alert on an event that normally happens once a day?

I have a batch job that runs once per day.
At the end of the job I submit a meter metric with a count of the items processed.
I want to alert if one day this metric is not updated.
On the maximum time I can check "not reported for" when creating an alert is 60 minutes.
I thought maybe I can create a composite metric and take the avg rate of change over the past 24 hours, and alert if that reaches zero.
I've been trying:
derive(s("my.metric", "%", {function:"sum", period:"86400"}))
However it seems that, because I log only a single event, above quite small values of period (~250s) my rate of change simply drops to zero ...I guess the low frequency means my single value is completely lost by the sampling.
Maybe I am using the wrong tool for the job...
Is there a way to achieve this in Librato?
There currently is not a way to achieve this as composite metrics are subject to the 60 minute limitation of alerts as well (as of 5/15/2015). You may need to look into configuring the metric (or a similar metric) to report within the 60m time range if possible.

Getting data using mirth by schedule

I need get patients data every day several times - in 9 am, 12 pm and 3 pm.
Where I can setup this in Mirth?
I looked to chanel setup, but do not find any acceptable.
The setting lies in the source tab of the channel setup. Assuming your channel source connector is Database reader or a file reader.
Set the Polling type as Time instead of interval. That will ask you to specify a particular day time eg 11:15 AM and everyday at that time the data will be polled.
If you are talking about 3 hours gap then set the polling type as interval and put the value of 108000 ms(1000*6*6*3) in polling frequency.