Signaling without a persistent connection - webrtc

Curious if anyone is aware of technology that can fill the role of signaling without having a persistent connection to every device (i.e. an open socket).
Better yet, is anyone aware of any apps that actively do this today?

Some signalling (chat) protocols like XMPP have transports like BOSH that are non-persistent in the sense that they use HTTP long polling.
If you want to get even less persistent the typical approach is to use push notifications to summon the user and then answer the call once the user establishes a more persistent connection in response to the push


WebRTC with SFU using so many PeerConnection as Consumer in Group call?

I'am develop group call like google meet using WebRTC and SFU method for routing.
my project work well, until i open chrome://webrtc-internals to see webrtc connection status. and i compare with google meet.
Google meet
only 1 peer connection is active.
my project.
1 peer connection active for broadcast.
n-1 peer connection active as consumer.
so if total users in a room is 5. then on each client side has 5
peer connections are active too (1 as broadcaster, 4 as
so my question is, how i can using only 1 peer connection as consumer? or using 1 peer connection as broadcast and also as consumer? maybe my method wrong? or misunderstood the implementation of SFU.
any suggestions or solutions?
I am still discovering/learning the stack of webrtc and related architectures, so take what I am saying with a grain of salt.
With a SFU architecture you can have multiple strategies to distribute the streams between your clients. In all case, you save bandwidth for the local user by only sending his streams once to the SFU.
As you state, for n users you can open 1 RTCPeerConnection with the SFU for the local user and n-1 RTCPeerConnection for remote users.
You can open only one RTCPeerConnection with the SFU for any number of users in the "room". To achieve this, when a new user enters the SFU session, his streams need to be added to the tracks of the PeerConnection present at the SFU. It will trigger some renegotiation through signaling, and your users will know a new track (stream) has been added. The client (javascript code for example) needs to identify the new tracks to a specific user, for that you can add the information of this user in the signaling payload. From the point of view of a given user, these new tracks (audio+video) will correspond to a new user.
The first approach is simpler but takes more ressources, more ice candidate to gather, stun request, connections to the SFU, etc..
The second one is more efficient but harder to implements. Both on the client and the server.
A link to, which provides excellent ressources for webrtc, and talks about these two approaches, far better than me.
The post states that Jitsi server, use only one peer connection with the SFU, per user.
Other strategies exist, in livekit server, a SFU implementation in Golang, they use 2 PeerConnection per user. One for publishing the streams of the local user and the second to receive streams from all other users. Here a link to the client protocol of Livekit server
For approach 2 and 3, how SFU servers wire up all these streams correctly between each PeerConnection with a local user, I really don't know. It seems really specific to the project.
You have to check the SFU server API you are using, and see what is possible to do with it. But what you are looking for is definitely possible, given the "right" project for your use case.
For the client side it depends on project your are using too.
If you are in the early stage of your project, you can maybe check livekit server. It is an open source project, Apache 2.0 license, develop in golang, and provides a lot of interesting features out of the box. Auto scaling SFU instances through redis, kubernetes setup, client libraries in JavaScript, Flutter, a server sdk to interact with SFU instances in various langage, etc.. The ecosystem seems really nice and the documentation is good too.
Hope it helps a bit

Establishing WebRTC peer connection

I have started to look into WebRTC a bit and I am using it to build a simple peer to peer chat application using the data channel. I have the following questions:
Do I need to establish a RTCPeerConnection to each peer I want to talk to? So if there are three peers they each need 2 RTCPeerConnections (unless I use one of the peers as a sort of ad-hoc server).
If peer A sends out a candidate and sdp when creating a offer to peer B. Can peer B connect to peer A using that info and send its answer (with candidate and its sdp) over the RTCPeerConnection, i.e. using the RTCPeerConnection (before it's been completely established) as a signaling channel? I would assume that when the offer is created by peer A it starts to listen for connections on some port.
My understanding of WebRTC is a bit limited so if I've missunderstood some concept of WebRTC in my questions above please point them out!
Yes, as a direct P2P protocol everybody must be directly connected to everybody else if they want to communicate; unless you create some kind of mesh network in which one peer forwards messages to other peers.
No, the SDP offer and answer and ICE candidates all need to be exchanged through a signalling server; the connection cannot be established until both peers have actually agreed on a specific session configuration and ICE route to use, so you cannot send the SDP answer over a connection which isn't complete yet.
Especially for a simple text-only chat, going through a server is often easier than using P2P; the processing and bandwidth requirements are so minimal that the complications of P2P connections are probably not worth it. And you need a signalling server anyway. P2P only becomes really interesting once you start sending large files or audio/video streams.
In principle it is possible to establish a WebRTC connection without a signalling server, but that requires an out of band exchange of session tokens between the peers. I.e. the user would have to copy a token from the application, somehow send it to another user and the other user would have to paste it.
Additionally those tokens cannot be reused, so this procedure would have to be repeated every time peers want to establish a connection.
So while theoretically possible webrtc is not distributed in practical terms.
There is some noise about specifying support for incoming connections and reusable peer contacts, but the progress on that is unclear.

Multipeer Connectivity - programmatically disconnect a peer

I'm converting an application over from GameKit to Multipeer Connectivity and can't seem to find a method that would allow the browser device to disconnect another peer from the session . With GKSession, we could disconnect a single peer from the session using disconnectPeerFromAllPeers:, but I can't find anything like that in MPC. Of course, MPC does have the disconnect: method, but that takes the local peer out of the session..not what I want.
The closest I've found is:cancelConnectPeer: but that seems more focused on canceling a connecting attempt...not post connection.
Anyone know how to do this of if it is even possible with MPC?
A peer can leave a session by calling [MCSession disconnect].
If you want the browser to disconnect another peer, you could make the browser send a message to that peer, and make the peer disconnect from the session upon receiving that message.
I am working on MPC too, but find annoying by API too. Therefore I move the logics, such as disconnecting a specific peer, up to app logic level, from physical connection level. E.g. Session/connection is always on, and just do soft-disconnection by not sending any message to specific peer.
Bluetooth does not perform stably as we all experienced in GKSession. With MPC, we most time used Wifi, therefore connection stability and cost does not matter so much.

WCF client with changing IP addresses and interfaces during connection

Imagine situation (this is real situation):
There is a WCF client application on laptop.
Laptop is connected by WiFi to internet.
User is doing some stuff (request reply operations) on his laptop at work connected to WCF service.
Then user's laptop is sleep-down and user go home. At home user wake-up his laptop, connect HSPDA/3G modem (different interface & ip) and want to continue on work in client appliaction. Note that application hasn't been closed.
User (client application) should be authenticated and if it is possible, communication should be encrypted.
What are the best practices?
Create new proxy for each operation? This should be very slow when initializing net.tcp connection with authentication.
Is solution basicHttp connection (+HTTPS) with InstanceContextMode.PerCall? Note that speed and higher payload is problem.
Or the best solution is something like "wrapper(Func<>)", which contains while loop until operation is successfully finished (on fail, new connection is created and function is called again).
Thanks you for suggestions
I've always kept the connection open for as long as the unit of work is necessary. Basically, the connection is only open and available while the application is performing some processing (and those processes require a WCF connection). It may be more overhead to keep reconnecting (and depending on connection speed it may add latency) but it's also more secure when it comes to having a connection to work with (least probability of failure) and I'm generally saving those resources for other purposes.
However, this all depends on what the application does; If the client is dumb and the service is doing all the work it may make sense to keep the connection as every function executes a method on the service. Though with that comes some failure checking and re-establishing should the connection be unexpectedly severed.
Also, netTcp is going to be a lot faster than wsHttp. And I personally haven't see a lot of latency on establishing a netTcp connection (though I don't know what kind of authentication you're doing [mine has generally implemented windows authentication])

wcf and duplex communication

I have a lot of client programs and one service.
This Client programs communicate with the server with http channel with WCF.
The clients have dynamic IP.
They are online 24h/day.
I need the following:
The server should notify all the clients in 3 min interval. If the client is new (started in the moment), is should notify it immediately.
But because the clients have dynamic IP and they are working 24h/day and sometimes the connection is unstable, is it good idea to use wcf duplex?
What happens when the connection goes down? Will it automatically recover?
Is is good idea to use remote MSMQ for this type of notification ?
WCF duplex is very resource hungry and per rule of thumb you should not use more than 10. There is a lot of overhead involved with duplex channels. Also there is not auto-recover.
If you know the interval of 3 minutes and you want the client to get information when it starts why not let the client poll the information from the server?
When the connection goes down the callback will throw an exception and the channel will close.
I am not sure MSMQ will work for you unless each client will create an MSMQ queue for you and you push messages to each one of them. Again with an unreliable connection it will not help. I don't think you can "push" the data if you loose the connection to a client, client goes off-line or changes an IP without notifying your system.