How to prevent vkAcquireWinrtDisplayNV to make process unkillable? - vulkan

I was following the nvprosamples creating the direct display to prevent the OS to affect the usage of it as described in this nvidia sample:
[ddisplay sample][1] [1]:
This was approx one year ago, using Vulkan 1.1, everything was working fine.
After upgrade to 1.3 creation of the swapchain was not possible as it seemed that display was not made available for vulkan api anymore, _device->createSwapchainKHRUnique resulting to eErrorInitializationFailed.
This init error was possible to fix by adding the vkAcquireWinrtDisplayNV call which seems that in new version is somehow making the display available for swapchain (surface), same stuff was added to the new version of the nvidia sample.
The problem is that it seems that after the application finishes the monitor is still hanging in some vacuum, invisible for the OS anymore, the process of the application becomes hanging in the taskmanager, without posibility to kill it anyhow (niether admin forced task kill will work as it will state that no instance of the process is running). Even the computer is not possible to be restarted (as the restart screen hangs indefinitely). The Nvidia's sample is causing the same behaviour as mine app.
Is there any way to return the display back to the OS when application ends withou powering off and on the workstation?
I tried to use vkReleaseDisplayEXT on destruction, but without any success (it is also not used anywhere in the sample code if I am not blind).


Workaround to seeing data factory v2 debug runs

I realise normally a debug run is not visible in the data factory v2 UI after closing the browser window, however unfortunately I needed to restart my machine unexpectedly and it's a long running pipeline.
I thought maybe the runs might be available via powershell, but I haven't had any luck.
The pipeline is likely still running.
We do have external logging, however ideally I'd like to see how long each activity is taking as I'm load testing.
And more importantly I do not want to do another run until I'm sure it's finished.... notably I'll run it from a trigger next time (just in case!).
It looks like a sandbox id is used which is stored in the browser local storage and there appears to be undocumented API endpoints for gathering info using the sandbox id. But there doesn't appear to be a way of getting old sandbox id's so I'm probably out of luck.
There is a button for view all debug runs.
Taken from Microsoft documentation:
To view a historical view of debug runs or see a list of all active debug runs, you can go into the Monitor experience.

Is it possible to accurately log what applications the user has launched through the linux kernel?

My goal is to write to a file (that the user whenever the user launches an application, such as FireFox) and timestamp the event.
The tricky part is having to do this from the kernel (or a module loaded onto the kernel).
From the research I've done so far (sources listed below), the execve system call seemed the most viable. As it had the filename of the process it was handling which seemed like gold at the time, but I quickly learned that it wasn't as useful as I thought since this system call isn't limited to user-related operations.
So then I thought of using ps -ef as it listed all the current running processes and I would just have to filter through which ones were applications opened by the user.
But the issue with that method is that I would have to poll every X seconds so, it has the potential to miss something if the user launched and closed an application within the time that I didn't call ps -ef.
I've also realized that writing to a file would be a challenge as well, since you don't have access to the standard library from the kernel. So my guess for that would be making use of proc somehow to allow the user to actually access the information that I'm trying to log.
Basically I'm running out of leads and I'd greatly appreciate it if anyone could point me in the right direction.
Sources: (not very recent)
First, writing to a file or reading a real file from the kernel is a bad idea which is not used in the kernel. There is of course VFS files, like /sys/fs or /proc, but this is a special case and this is allowed.
See this article in Linux Journal,
"Driving Me Nuts - Things You Never Should Do in the Kernel" by Greg Kroach-Hrtman
Every new process that is created in Linux, adds an entry under /proc,
as /proc/pidNum, where pidNum is the Process ID of the new process.
You can find out the name of the new application which was invoked simply by
cat /proc/pidNum/cmdline.
So for example, if your crond daemon has pid 1336, then
$cat /proc/1336/cmdline
will give
And there are ways to monitor adding entries to a folder in Linux.

inittab respawn of Node.js too fast

So I am trying to keep my Node server on a embedded computer running when it is out in the field. This lead me to leveraging inittab's respawn action. Here is the file I added to inittab:
node:5:respawn:node /path/to/node/files &
I know for a fact that when I startup this node application from command line, it does not get to the bottom of the main body and console.log "done" until a good 2-3 seconds after I issue the command.
So I feel like in that 2-3 second window the OS just keeps firing off respawns of the node app. I see in the error logs too in fact that the kernel ends up killing off a bunch of node processes because its running out of memory and stuff... plus I do get the 'node' process respawning too fast will suspend for 5 minutes message too.
I tried wrapping this in a script, dint work. I know I can use crontab but thats every minute... am I doing something wrong? or should I have a different approach all together?
Any and all advice is welcome!
Surely too late for you, but in case someone else finds such a problem: try removing the & from the command invocation.
What happens is that when the command goes to the background (thanks to the &), the parent (init) sees that it exited, and respawns it. Result: a storm of new instantations of your command.
Worse, you mention embedded, so I guess you are using busybox, whose init won't rate-limit the respawning - as would other implementations. So the respawning will only end when the system is out of memory.
inittab is overkill for this. I found out what I need is a process monitor. I found one that is lightweight and effective; it has some good reports of working great out in the field.
Using this would entail configuring this daemon to start and monitor your Node.js application for you.
That is a solution that works from the OS side.
Another way to do it is as follows. So if you are trying to keep Node.js running like I was, there are several modules written meant to keep other Node.js apps running. To mention a couple there are forever and respawn. I chose to use respawn.
This method entails starting one app written in Node.js that uses the respawn module to start and monitor the actual Node.js app you were interested in keeping running anyway.
Of course the downside of this is that if the Node.js engine (V8) goes down altogether then both your monitoring and monitored process will go down with it :-(. But its better than nothing!
PCD would be the ideal option. It would go down probably only if the OS goes down, and if the OS goes down then hope fully one has a watchdog in place to reboot the device/hardware.

Getting Notified when a process (daemons & applications included) are created in MAC

I am trying to detect / get notified whenever a new process is created in MAC. The easiest way is to poll all the processes and see if a new process has been launched but that is too time consuming and i wanted to know if i could somehow get some notification whenever a new process is launched using "forked" and "execve". Here is what i have already found :
On how a new process is launched in MAC :
OS X is a variety of Unix. New processes are created with the fork() system call. This creates an almost identical copy of the process that makes the call (the difference is that fork returns 0 in the child and the pid of the child in the parent). It's then normal to use one of the exec() syscalls in the child to transform the child into a process running a different executable.
How is new application launched on Mac?
On getting the list of all processes through polling
I have also gone through kAuth kext thing, but it seems beyond my level unless i have some example code for made simple so that i can understand on how to generate the kext and use it in a sample app.
NSWorkspace has a notifier but that is only true for applications and not for all processes.
Any tutorial/ sample code with some basic understanding on how to go about this problem, will be greatly appreciated.

VB.NET application randomly spawns another instance of itself during use

I have a Windows forms application which I have a bit of a sporadic issue with. The application would randomly start/spawn another instance of itself without any warning or reason. I only have one use of Process.Start in the whole application (15 forms/files and about 5000 lines of code) and that calls a net use command to map a network drive.
I've not been able to reproduce this in my testing and therefore I made the project a Windows Assembly Framework single instance application (pros/cons of this I know). This has obviously stopped any other instances of the application from running, but now at random intervals their program will minimise and snap to another application they have running. I don't know for certain whether this is related but they certainly sound a bit close for comfort!
Any ideas/pointers/thoughts appreciated.
This could happen if the application, at some point, calls Application.Restart.