How does Obi app estimates bolt taxi prices - api

From the official documentation of bolt taxi app, they have listed there is no private or public Api. How does Obi taxi app shows the estimate of bolt?

They most likely reverse engineered the API used by the app.


Whatsapp Cloud API

Can Whatsapp Cloud API be used for business as a reseller?
like what is the difference between the new Whatsapp Cloud API and the API we get from Resellers?
Also, is there an API to automate the signup process?
Those Resellers you mention are often Business Solution Providers (BSPs), or BSP partners.
So that implies, in order to be WhatsApp Cloud API reseller, you will need to be either a BSP or BSP partner.
The Cloud API architecture significantly simplifies the BSP’s operational and infrastructure requirements to integrate with WhatsApp Business Platform.
See "What is the architecture of the Cloud API?", in Cloud API FAQs
As a BSP or its partner, a reselling program is available to you both for On-premises/Managed WhatsApp Business API and Cloud API. However, you need to take into account Cloud API is relatively new and all BSPs are currently adapting/expanding their current solutions to new service offered by Meta.
In other words, Cloud API is not yet available everywhere and current services offered by BSPs are more versatile and feature rich than Cloud API until this will eventually change.
The largest WhatsApp BSP is 360dialog, offering WhatsApp Business API integration Platform as a Service, and on-premises plans.
Since you asked about differences between Cloud API and BSPs, let me give a short comparison between Cloud API and 360dialog key differences, as an example:
Meta Cloud API
Message Throughput (Per Second)
Flexible scalability setups for small to large businesses. Send up to 70 text messages per second for single-connect. Send up to 250 text messages per second for multi-connect.
Up to 80 messages per second of combined sending and receiving (inclusive of text and media messages). In the event of high system loads, a business may experience reduced message throughput. Starting in July 2022, support up to 250 messages per second of combined sending and receiving (inclusive of text and media messages), by request
SLA - Uptime
Standard and Premium support with different SLAs: >99%, >98%
Goals of 99.9% at GraphAPI.
SLA - Disaster Recovery
Average response time of 4h. Escalation Path to Meta team after 360dialog investigation.
Full comparison table of differences between On-premises and Cloud API solutions.
360dialog Pricing
So, as you might've noticed, with BSP will work more closely with you as a solution provider and will offer you more flexibility depending on the business scale.
WhatsApp Business API requires some developer effort, but there are also different WhatsApp API based solutions that make this whole process a lot easier.
One of them is WhatsApp Business Team Inbox & WhatsApp Integration API which will help you to integrate with WhatsApp much faster. Plus, it will enable access to non-technical people in your team/company, too!
I am a co-founder and CTO so I am open to answer any questions if you want to know more about our solution. Here is also a link to the docs if you're interested in learning more by yourself.
Further reading:
An easy guide about WhatsApp Business API by
Cloud API FAQs - offered by Meta directly
On-premises WhatsApp Business API FAQs - hosted by BSPs and resellers
now there are two types of Whatsapp Business API. The ones from the diferent Busniness Solution Providers (BSP) and the one from Meta (Whatsapp CloudAPI).
I think that untill now, each BSP has develped it´s own APIS starting off the one provided by Meta. So each BSP offeres his own APIs (endpoints, libraries..).
Meta has now published the API offered to the BSP and now every business has direct access to it. No more BSP are needed, unless you want and easy to use solution.
The main difference I see between BSP and Meta API is that BSP are easier to use. MetaAPI is a huge complex system.
Now you don't need to look at BSP, all you can do is set up, create a business account and developer effort to make things work according to your business desire, and create message templates.
please have a below link for further eloboration.

NEST thermostat hot water status and control missing from API

I would like to control Nest thermostat (3rd gen with heatlink) domestic hot water, however the API doesn't seem to be exposing neither it's controls nor it's status ( As there's clearly at least an internal API for that, which the thermostat itself is using: would it be possible to expose the same controls/stat for external use?
home assistant integration
triggering a 'boost' with a push button
Update 2022-11-07:
There's a homeassistant integration called 'badnest', which is using an unofficial local API. I've noticed, that on that API for hot water readings and controls are exposed and as such made a contribution to the integration so that it would also be exposed in HA:
This Google help page suggests that the Nest Thermostat is using OpenTherm commands to control the water boiler. If so, then your water boiler must have an OpenTherm interface. You could use some other hardware to interface with your water boiler, for example this DIY OpenTherm gateway, which will allow you to control the boiler programmatically with OpenTherm commands. This would allow home assistant integration, or a DIY push-button for boost.
This is one of the worst aspects of Best, being able to bost hot water is essential, since it is in the app when is it not available though API. I realise this is probably because having separate water tanks that are controlled independently is not as common in the states and Nest us very USA centric, but the feature is key in the app.
Yes the Nest thermostats use an internal API to control domestic hot water. This API could be used to expose the same controls and stats for external use. However, I think you would need to use a third-party service to expose the controls/stats for external use.

What is the best POS service that also offers REST APIs

I am in a search for open source POSes, I would love if I get such service for free or atleast a trial, The main goal is to have such POS that can provide an API too against it services or something of sort where we can build our own REST services to automate the task and all that.
Stripe is the most popular Point of Sale API. it has legendary documentation and has SDKs for javascript (ES6), Ruby, Python, PHP, Java, Node, Go, and .Net. Stripe has no monthly fees, however they do take a 1.4% + 20p for European cards, and 2.9% + 20 for all non-European cards if your account is registered in the UK.
Failing that Square's payment API is also incredibly popular.It uses a similar pricing model to Stripe

National Public Transportation APIs

I've recently found myself in need of a national level public transportation API that provides public transportation routing data in a way similar to Google's transit routing service. Unfortunately, google has locked down all of their public transportation information and refuses to make it available through any of their APIs. Is there some other service that provides this kind of information or am I just a madman in pursuit of some crazy pipe dream?
(I've looked into OpenTripPlanner, but it looks like it would require enterprise level resources to deploy that with every publicly available GTFS (google transit feed specification) in the United States.)
It's surely not free, but you can try Jeppeson's service:

Xbox and ps3 API

I have been asked to create a site on which users can invite each other to play a game on a specific gaming console (X-Box or PS3 for example). If the players do meet online and play, the site needs to monitor which of them won - then distribute prize money to the winner.
Can anyone point me toward a reference for monitoring the gaming results through some kind of API on these various platforms?
I can't speak for PSN or the PlayStation 3 (although I assume it works very similarly), but for the Xbox 360 and Xbox LIVE:
There is no single API that will enable you to access wins/losses for every multiplayer title - each title would need its own individual API.
Very few developers provide public APIs for their games with statistics for wins/losses.
Microsoft does provide registered developers (and some community members) with access to some Xbox LIVE APIs (which provide achievement, game, and profile related data).
So, what you want to build is not possible using APIs unless:
You are only tracking stats for one specfic game which does have a public (or otherwise accessible to you) API; OR
You are a registered developer and have access to some NDA APIs which provide the information you seek (for example, leaderboard information for XBLA titles, achievement/trophy data, etc.).
You may need to find some other method for verifying the winner.